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Guest Tuxedo Dragon

The way the split should have happened

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Guest Tuxedo Dragon

Okay its summr 2001 wwf has just bought wcw. Fan are waiting for the ever dreamed of, the invasion angle. WCW superstars start invading raw.. Soon Linda lets shane's wcw wrestler have wcw matches on wwf tv set to comulate in a wwf versus wcw ppv called invasion. Now the stalker angle never happens. But the main problem is wcw doesn't have enough  big names. So on raw a few weeks later after lackluster matches, we see the ecw reformation with Heyman. Shane and vince make a truce and combine their forces to fight heyman. iN a five on five match at raw. IF heyman wins he gets to keep his ecw guys and perticipates in invasion But if he loses ECW is dead. ECW destorys the WWF and WCW guys. Prompting Vince and shane to extend their alliance further. The new match for invasion is the WWF/WCW alliance against ECW.


A stiplulation is added for the winner to get  wwf smackdown. If wwf/wcw won than they would just fiht over it later. IF WWF WCW won than ECW would belong to Vince and Shane. WWF and WCW guys have trouble coexisting but quickly bond towards the paypervew time. Also austin goes back to his bad ass ways.


At invasion WCW helps ECW win. It is revealed that Shane actually bought ECW and brought heyman in to make it work. He announces that ecw is now part of the new WCW and Smackdown is his.


So we have WWF raw and WCW/ECW smackdown. Two rosters of good talent. You could than bring up so me old faces to the wwf and devide up called up developmetal wrestlers among each brand.

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