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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Swf wrestler of the month nominees

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

OK, so as historian I had the idea to give out a Wrestler of the Month award for each month.  Basically, each month I'll pick out six nominees from the SWF, and six from the SJL who pulled off some particularly noteworthy accomplishments that month (such as a title win), and then I'll hold a PM vote to determine a winner.


So, below are the nominees for March.  Please choose *one* SWF pick and *one* SJL pick and send your choices to me via PM.  (Don't worry, I'll clear my inbox.)  The deadline for this is Friday, April 5th, at NOON board time.  You may add comments if you'd like; I'll select my favorites and include them when I post the winners.


So, without further adieu...



MARCH 2002



* retained ICTV title against Sacred and Thoth

* also recorded wins against Fallout, Hville Thugg, and Jay Dawg



* retained World title against Mark Stevens and Xstasy

* also recorded wins against Edwin MacPhisto and Spider Nekura



* called up to SWF

* defeated Jay Dawg to win the US title

* also recorded wins against Erek Taylor, Flunkmasta Flexxx, Lady Red, and Renegade



* defeated Mistress Sarah to win the Hardcore title

* also recorded wins against Edwin MacPhisto, Fallout, and Thoth



* defeated Boston Strangler to win the Hardcore title

* also recorded wins against Jay Dawg and Longdogger Pete



* defeated Sacred to win the US title

* also recorded wins against El Luchadore Magnifico, Fallout, Hville Thugg, and Sacred



MARCH 2002



* retained Tag/Stables title (w/Erek Taylor & Low Brass) against K-Os, Lady Red, & Shawn Brody

* also recorded wins against Flunkmasta Flexxx, Low Brass, Stryke, and Xero



* defeated K-Os to win the World title

* retained European title against Ash Ketchum

* retained Tag/Stables title (w/Ash Ketchum & Low Brass) against K-Os, Lady Red, & Shawn Brody

* also recorded wins against Flunkmasta Flexxx and Jacob Helmsley



* called up to SWF

* defeated Jay Dawg to win the SWF's US title

* also recorded wins against Erek Taylor, Flunkmasta Flexxx, Lady Red, and Renegade



* defeated Shawn Brody to win the TV title

* also recorded wins against Ced Ordonez, Cutthroat, and Dark Reaper



* retained TV title against Kojack and Mike Van Siclen



* defeated Mike Van Siclen to win the European title

* also recorded wins against Danny Williams and Z

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Guest Shawn

I'm on the list?!!??!?!


::Shawn takes a deep breath::




Now to make my picks. If only I could vote for myself so I can get atleast one...

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Guest Chaos

I'm on both lists?


Super kicky awesome...... but that means I could lose twice, as well.......


Primo idea though LDP, should provide some life on these here boards.

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Hey, good idea man! I already know who my picks are for bith the SWF and SJL. I would say who thou. But one more thing, make an abreveation for 'Wrestler of the Month' like, 'WOTM'. Okay? Okay... ;)

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Guest Suicide King

Wrestler of the month?




Do collective egos need yet more padding?  Bah.  LDP, use this time to do something constructive, like write a promo.



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Guest Insane Clown Dan

Three JL nominees have recorded wins against me (again and again), yet i'm third in JL active rankings.


From lowercard jobber to main event jobber =P

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Guest Shawn

Hey now! My ego could use some padding...


Where are my recorded wins? I guess I'll just have to live with my retains...

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Uh... those retains were your only wins this month, Shawn... sorry...


...though it should be noted that you actually retained against Mike Van Siclen twice.

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Guest Perfect_Bo



That's short for...  "WHO GIVES A FUCK?"


That's what I feel about WOTM...


B "Not giving a fuck about the wrestler of the month." O

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