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Guest Kevin Sullivan Booked My Divorce

4/2/02's new release stuff

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Guest Kevin Sullivan Booked My Divorce

What I saw:


*Bandits:  A fun movie, if nothing else.  Better than I thought it would be.  B-


*Thirteen Ghosts:  Wow, this movie sucked.  It showed promise at times, but then let me down.  Not to mention all the stuff they stole from other movies.  Plus, if your lead actor is the guy who played Antonio in "Wings," you know something is wrong.  C-


Everything else:


*The Frightening

*Off Season

*She Creature

*Tupac Shakur:  Thug Angel

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Guest TUS_02

Tony Shalhoub (sp?) is actually a very good actor and kicked ass in The Man Who Wasn't There.

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Guest J*ingus

And F. Murray Abraham is actually a very good actor and kicked ass in Amadeus, but that still didn't keep him or Shalhoub from sucking in this godawful piece of crap.  C- is too generous.  


Anybody heard anything about the other releases?

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Guest TUS_02
And F. Murray Abraham is actually a very good actor and kicked ass in Amadeus, but that still didn't keep him or Shalhoub from sucking in this godawful piece of crap.  C- is too generous.  


Anybody heard anything about the other releases?

I thought the two of them did a good job with what they had to work with.  What killed the movie for me was that they tried to make this movie more of a mind-fuck type movie (Like Donnie Darko) rather then a straight-up horror... WHICH FAILED.  


Also... according to amazon.com... The Usual Suspects (HEY!  That would make a great posting name!  :)  ) Special Edition came out today.  loaded with Featurettes (And I think there was commentary on the original DVD, which is also in this SE) As well as some other old school movies like Bull Durrham and Ruthless People.


I think one of the National Lampoon Vacations comes out on DVD next week!!!!

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Guest Daredevil21

Well according to Amazon.com, Dick Tracy was released on DVD today, but after making the trip to Best Buy and Media Play, all I had gotten was a bunch of dumbass employees who are unsure about a lot of things. They said they think the release date got pushed back, but Amazon still advertises it for being on sale. Anyone know the deal?


I think one of the National Lampoon Vacations comes out on DVD next week!!!!


Which one? Aren't all four of them already out on DVD. Or do you mean one of the National Lampoon movies and not one of the Vacation titles?

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Guest Mr.Perfect

*Bandits:  It's good until they meet the female, put me to sleep D+

*Thirteen Ghosts:not worth speaking about  D


*The Frightening

*Off Season


*She Creature:  Take a mermaid out of water and she turns into a monster. C

*Tupac Shakur:  Thug Angel -Its more about his early childhood and early rapping-Interesting note:2pac was never arrest until he became a rapper at the age of 19.  This video really shows how Pac changed, and grew into his idea of thug life. B

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Guest Flyboy

Thirteen Ghosts sucked... a lot.  I mean.. it was just bad.


I saw it in the theathre, but I was too busy getting head from my ex (she wasn't that at the time), but I still saw that it sucked.

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