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Guest Northern Lights Brainbuster

Greatest intercontinental champion tournament

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Guest Northern Lights Brainbuster

Total Votes: 30


Mr. Perfect (w/Bobby Heenan) vs Chris Jericho:


Perfect dominates the majority of the match with his ring savvy and help from the Brain. Jericho launches a comeback with forearms, chops, back elbows and a missile dropkick for a two count. Walls of Jericho attempt is countered by a couple of right hands, but Perfect walks right into a Breakdown upon getting up. Thats broken at two by Heenan, who gets lamped by Y2J. This allows Hennig to recover, gut kick Jericho and set up a Perfectplex, but Jericho counters with a vertical suplex and mockingly tries an Arrogant Pin. Perfect swats the foot from under Jericho, sending Chris onto his ass in the process. Perfect gets up and runs the ropes as Y2J is seated, but Jericho avoids the neck snap flip. With Perfect laying, Jericho attempts the Lionsault, but Perfect casually gets the knees up and lands the Perfectplex for the 1-2-3.


Winner: Mr Perfect (20 votes to 10)


Shawn Michaels vs Randy Savage:


Macho Man whoops ass in the early going, with bionic elbows, clotheslines, a bodyslam and his patented running hotshot on the top rope. Savage jaws with fans, allowing HBK to retaliate with a baseball slide, and a tope con hilo. The two have slick exchanges inside the ring, with Michaels taking the heel role. After attempting a chinlock, HBK loses grip of Savage and falls victim to a Polish Hammer style ax handle, followed by an ax handle smash off each turnbuckle! He signals for the big elbow, but is caught up top by HBK, who lands a huge superplex for 2 and a half. He warms up the band, but Savage ducks the superkick and gets a desperation small package for 2.  Climbing the turnbuckles again, another Savage ax handle attempt is met with a huge mid-air Sweet Chin Music! 1...2... Savage has his foot on the bottom rope. HBK drags him to the middle, climbs up top but misses the flying elbow, allowing Macho Man to sum up that adrenaline, climb up once more and connect with the Big Elbow to advance!


Winner: Randy Savage (18 votes to 12)


Honky Tonk Man (w/Jimmy Hart) v Razor Ramon


Razor kicks Honky's elvis presley ass for the most part, hitting his fallaway slam, several body slams and a lot of punches. Ducking the discus punch, Honky grabs a desperation sleeper, but Razor back elbows out, runs the ropes and falls into a gut kick by Honky. Shake Rattle n Roll is blocked, as Razor picks HTM up and sets him up top. Super Backdrop connects hard, but the cover is broken at two by Hart. Razor swings at Jimmy but misses, Honky gets up but Razor turns and gut kicks him. Hoist up for Razors Edge... Jimmy Hart gets in the ring and pulls Honky down! Razor is pissed (not by alcohol) and Razor's Edges Hart! This has allowed HTM to grab his precious guitar and smash it over Ramons head for the DQ. Unfortunately, Honky hasnt realised that he had no title to retain via championship advantage, and only pinfalls and submissions count, so he must fight Razor again at a later date!


No Contest (15-15 tie)


Bret Hart v Chris Benoit


This one doesnt have much overwhelming fan heat, just the occasional cheer in awe at a sequence or highspot. The fans are paying 100% attention to this complete clinic, as each man counters near everything the other has, ending when Hart avoids Air Canada, the diving headbutt, and locks in the Sharpshooter. Although Benoit reverses into his own Sharpshooter, Hart manages to catch his leg and regain control of the move for the tap at about 35:00. Both men are given a standing ovation as babyfaces.


Winner: Bret Hart (22 votes to 8)


And for whoever asked, i didnt really seed the quarter finals, i just paired up people who had never met in a mainstream match and would have an interesting encounter if it ever came to reality. Hart v Benoit was the exception, but i had to have that match happen without risking losing one of them in the QF's.

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Guest Northern Lights Brainbuster

BTW, that should have came out as 35:00 as in 35 minutes. Damn icons.

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