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Guest Jayandbobrule13

View askew movies

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Guest Jayandbobrule13

has anyone seen any view askew movies besides clerks, mallrats, amy, dogma, and JSBSB? are they any good? what are they?

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I haven't seen any of them, but these are some of the movies Va made:


Drawing Flies

A Better Place


Big Helium Dog


He's also working on two new movies called Jersey Girl and Fletch Won.  There's also a short movie called The Flying Car on the VA website which is really good.

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Guest Karnage

And there is Roadside Attractions with Kevin Smith which aired on Jay Leno twice so far.

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Guest jimmy no nose

The Flying Car was also a Tonight Show thing.  The non-Smith View Askew movies aren't too good.  They're worth a watch though.

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Guest WarMachine

I thought Tail Lights Fade was also a VA movie? I don't remember where I read it, but I remember the writer of the article saying that View Askew had something to do with the aforementioned movie. Probably was a simple mistake by the writer, or hazy thoughts on my part.


I don't remember who was in it. But basically it's a road trip movie, where this girls' brother is a drug dealer, in jail; and has to move some 'merchaindaise' before the guys partner and/or the cops get to it. Basically she, a friend, and their boyfriends head to Canada on a road trip in an attempt to get to the merchaindaise before anyone else, but all parties launch their own plans and it all turns into a giant mess.


I remember it as going *something* like this, even if some details are fucked up. It was a decent movie, for the bits and pieces I saw of it. If you're interested, search on the net for more details. I also imagine that it wouldn't cost much.

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