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Guest AlcoHALLicForLife

An idea or two from the new guy!

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Guest AlcoHALLicForLife

While I haven't had much to say about wrestling recently, I have certainly not stopped watching it. I won't claim to have any idea how the WWE could possibly pull itself out of the creative slump it's been in lately, but something did occur to me the other night that I thought might at least help a bit.


For better or for worse, these last couple months on RAW, the title matches have been centering around the HHH/Goldberg feud. Of course, the show itself centers on the McMahon family, but I'll get to that in a moment. For now, we're discussing HHH/Goldberg.


First of all, I think we've all heard the rumors that the WWE is not exactly thrilled with the return they've gotten from their deal with Goldberg, and that their business relationship may be short-lived. Assuming that this is even close to the truth, it then becomes highly doubtful that there is any intention of ever putting the strap on Goldberg, especially if HHH has anything to say about it.


Now, with that in mind, let's have a little history lesson. Back around 1997/98, the WWF was starting to slump a bit. Steve Austin's huge popularity had sort of worn off a bit and things were starting to stagnate. There weren't many people for him to feud with, and the WWF was looking for some way to heat things up again. Then what happened? The Screwjob. Suddenly, things got interesting. Why? Because there was a big controversy. And out of that controversy, the heel TV character version of Vince McMahon was born. Say what you will about him now, but when he first emerged as Austin's main foil, he was awesome. Suddenly, the WWF got red hot again and ran for a couple more years before the momentum wore off.


So what does that have to do with today? I'm coming to that right now.


What I'm saying is...maybe it's time for another Screwjob.


Next month, HHH is supposedly taking on Goldberg in a one-on-one match for the title. It's become apparent that we've seen pretty much everything these two can do together already, except for HHH putting Goldberg over. If that's not going to happen, then why not USE that fact to make the situation interesting again? Now, they can go one of two ways. A) They can NOT tell Goldberg about the plan, and possibly even tell him he's going to win the title. If they screw him this way, it's going to be tough to make any money off him when they finally make the fans care about him. I mean, imagine what it would have been like if Bret Hart had stayed in the WWF after the Screwjob. He'd have been SUPER DUPER over. So I think the way to go is B) Let Goldberg in on it. Of course, that raises the possibility of him ruining it with his bad acting, but I think some intense training in fake outrage from...oh, say, Shawn Michaels, would get him ready for a good "worked-shoot". And I'm not talking an oh-so-obvious "uh oh here comes another screwjob" type angle, like they did with Mick Foley the following year. I mean, do it like they did it to Bret.


If they did it right(i.e. allowed wrestling dorks to book it and not comic book dorks), it would put TREMENDOUS heat on Vince and HHH, and get the fans solidly behind Goldberg, who needs something to nudge the fans totally into his corner. Fans would WANT him to win the title then. It could become an issue to build the show around, with other guys getting a rub by reacting to it one way or the other.


Of course, at its heart, this idea is nothing more than a retread of something that's already been done, in a way. But since that's all we ever seem to get anyway, at least this is a repeat of something that actually WORKED. :lol:

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Guest AlcoHALLicForLife
Screwjobs shouldn't happen often because they shouldn't be booked.

They daon't have to book it, they could just do it. That would probably be better.

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Guest Coffey

But that is bad business. Especially since this wouldn't be the first time that it happened. The reason why the Bret screwjob was so popular was because Bret was popular. It was about as legit as you can be. Hell, Bret is still bitter about it.


A screwjob is the last think that the WWE needs. Besides, who cares if it would get Goldberg over? If he loses, his career is over. Don't forget about the ignorant match stipulations.

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Guest T0rrent

I don't think a screwjob would work as it is since if Goldburg loses, he has to retire per the stipulation that HHH set. This is what I can see happening though.


Hunter will drop the belt, possibly by Orton screwing him over. Trips then takes a couple of weeks off to honeymoon with Steph, then shows up on Smackdown and starts another feud with Angle.


This is the only logical thing I can see happening. And yes, I know logic and WWE do not go together. But it's the only way I can explain why HHH went off on Angle calling him a paper champion outside to get some heat. But I know if he does lose and goes to Smackdown and continues the paper champ taunts, he will have just as much heat as when he was leading the DX/Helmsley/McMahon faction, and could possibly bring his career and matches around.

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