Bored 0 Report post Posted September 7, 2003 September 13, 1993 The Quebecers def. The Steiner Brothers in a Quebec Province Rules Match to win the Tag Team Titles Mr. Perfect def. Tony DeVito Razor Ramon def. The Executioner Doink def. Rich Myers September 12, 1994 The Undertaker def. Kwang Jim Neidhart def. Tim McNeany Adam Bomb def. Dwayne Gill The Bushwhackers def. Barry Hardy & Bert Centeno September 11, 1995 Razor Ramon NC The British Bulldog The Smoking Gunns def. The Brooklyn Brawler & Rad Radford Isaac Yankem def. Scott Taylor Shawn Michaels def. Sid September 9, 1996 Faarooq Asad def. Savio Vega The Stalker def. T.L. Hopper Crush def. Freddie Joe Floyd The Undertaker def. Salvatore Sincere September 8, 1997 Bret Hart NC Vader The Godwinns def. The Headbangers Max Mini def. Piratita Morgan Owen Hart def. Goldust by DQ Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. The Patriot and Savio Vega (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match September 12, 1998 (Raw Saturday Night) Edge def. Jeff Jarrett by DQ Justin Bradshaw def. Droz Marc Mero def. Miguel Perez D.O.A. def. Kurrgan & Golga Southern Justice def. Too Much D’Lo Brown & Mark Henry def. The Headbangers by DQ D-Generation X def. Kaientai September 13, 1999 Luna def. Jeff Jarrett by DQ D-Von Dudley def. Faarooq in a Strap Match Test def. Joey Abs The Godfather def. Chaz Chris Jericho def. “Gotch Gracie” in a Steel Cage Match Five Man Free-for-All Match between The Rock, The Big Show, Mankind, The Undertaker, and Kane goes to a no contest Val Venis & D’Lo Brown def. Steve Blackman in a handicap match Triple H def. Steve Austin by DQ; WWF Title Match September 11, 2000 The Hardy Boyz def. The Dudley Boyz Lita def. Ivory; Women’s Title Match Too Cool def. Eddie Guerrero & Chyna Chris Jericho def. Triple H by DQ Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather def. The Acolytes Al Snow def. Tazz; Euro Title Match T&A def. Kurt Angle by DQ in a handicap match Steve Blackman def. X-Pac; HC Title Match Chris Benoit & Kane def. The Rock & The Undertaker September 10, 2001 Christian def. Billy Gunn The Hardy Boyz & Lita def. The Hurricane, Lance Storm, & Ivory Chris Jericho & A.P.A. def. Rhyno & The Dudley Boyz Booker T def. The Undertaker Tajiri def. Kanyon to win the WCW United States Title Hardcore Crap Segment: Rob Van Dam wins back title after losing it to Kurt Angle in a match The Rock def. Test & Stephanie McMahon in a handicap match September 9, 2002 Lance Storm & Christian def. Kane & Bradshaw; Tag Title Match Bubba Ray Dudley def. Steven Richards Trish Stratus & Terri def. Victoria & Stacy Keibler Triple H def. Spike Dudley Booker T & Goldust NC William Regal & Test Rob Van def. Big Show (1st elimination by DQ), Jeff Hardy (2nd), and Chris Jericho (final) in a Fatal Four-Way Elimination Match Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Boo_Bradley Report post Posted September 8, 2003 The Quebecers def. The Steiner Brothers in a Quebec Province Rules Match to win the Tag Team Titles Classic! Shawn Michaels def. Sid He beats the big guy with 3 kicks! Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. The Patriot and Savio Vega (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match What's Savio doing there? Chris Jericho def. “Gotch Gracie” in a Steel Cage Match gah? Triple H def. Steve Austin by DQ; WWF Title Match This may have sucked^ Chris Jericho def. Triple H by DQ Y2J beats HHH that's WACKY~~~~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted September 8, 2003 Recaps for the above matches mentioned. '93, '99, and 2000 matches are recaps by CRZ ( HBK/Sid match recapped by KJP and '97 triple threat match recapped by G.P. Ryan both on the RSPW message board. Might wanna grab something to eat...this will take a while. The Steiner Brothers v. Les Quebecois in a Quebec Province Rules, tag team title match - Rick and Jacques start. Jacques with kneelifts, Rick with powerslam. Rick clotheslines Jacques out of the ring, but luckily it isn't over the top rope. Pierre goes back in and meets with another powerslam. 2 count. Tag to Scott. Double underhook into a modified powerbomb for 2. Scott with dropkick for 2. Scott works over Pierre some more until he meets up with a boot in the corner. Pierre with clothesline (off second rope) for 2. Vince calls Pierre "the larger of the two Steiners." Pierre with another 2 after a jumping fist finds the mark. Scott reverses into a back body drop. Tag to Rick. As Rick is talked out of a piledriver attempt, we take an ad break. When we come back, Jacques has gained the upper hand on Rick. After three counters to counters, Rick once again sends Jacques through the ropes and onto the floor. Pierre and Scott are tagged in. Scott gets the advantage, but Pierre manages to reverse a hiptoss attempt into a short clothesline. Scott with a belly to belly for 2. Half crab by Scott, which Jacques comes in to break up when referee "Blind" Dave Hebner is distracted. Tag to Rick who covers for 2 and resumes the hold. Again, the ref is distracted so Jacques can break the hold. Tag to Scott, 2. Tag to Rick. Suddenly, out comes Johnny Polo in a Montreal Canadiens jersey to cheer on the Quebecers. Rick tries to go to the top rope (boy, he has trouble with these rules!), but goes to the second rope, and ends up jumping into some knees. Pierre tries to get Rick into position for a superplex, but Rick comes to and throws Pierre. Jacques comes in and quickly goes out after dropping an elbow on his partner. The Canadians huddle up with Polo on the outside, and we take another ad break. When we come back, Jacques and Scott are in; while Scott bounces off the rope, dangerously close to the Quebecers corner, Pierre nails him. The Quebecers get lots of chances to do all those neat doubleteaming moves you've seen them do in the squash matches, and for an encore goad Rick enough to keep Hebner's eyes firmly trained on him instead of the men in red. After some confusion where the wrong Quebecer attempts a pin, Scott manages a desperation DDT. Before he can tag to Rick, Pierre runs across and hits him, taking him out of the corner so he can't be tagged. Anyway, in the ensuing confusion, Scott ends up in the Quebecer finisher, which I forget how to describe. Rick comes in and cleans house before returning to his corner. Now there are three men in the ring, all out. Pierre comes to and prevents Scott from tagging. Scott manages a double clothesline and *again* all three men are out. Finally, Rick is tagged in. After the house afire bit by Rick, Scott gets Pierre into the Frankensteiner (Huh), but Jacques makes the save at 2. Polo gets up on the apron to distract somebody, and ends up on the wrong end of a Rick punch. Fortunately, he gets the opportunity to pass his hockey stick to Jacques. Unfortunately, Jacques doesn't get to use it. Instead, it is wrested away from him by Scott, who is now pissed enough to actually waffle him with it. Fortunately, Hebner chooses this moment to watch what's going on. Scott is DQ'd. Ladies and gentlemen, we have new tag team champions. Sid (w/DiBiase) vs. Shawn Soundbite Resilience Michaels Michaels retrieves his headgear without incident, then climbs into the ring in order to do some wrong-righting. McMahon compares Shawn to Evel Kneivel (lucky to be alive?) because he throws caution to the wind, not to mention most of his clothing. And with that, the much-delayed match proceeds. Lockup, and Sid quickly has Shawn in a corner. After due deliberation, Sid telegraphs his extra attack to allow Michaels a timely escape. Michaels with a few light punches before trying to cross-corner whip Sid, but Sid reverses. Michaels leaps into monkey flip position, and Sid wisely hits the deck. Unfortunately he did so a bit too loudly, tipping off the champ as to what was up, and allowing him to hold position while waiting for Sid to get back up and see where Shawn went to. Shawn ends up executing a sunset flip instead, and doesn't meet with much success in pulling Sid over, but at least Michaels has the presence of mind to get out of the way of that incoming punch. Back on his feet, Michaels staggers Sid with a dropkick, then knock him over with a flying clothesline. A few more punches and Sid decides a time out is in order. The main effect of this is to give Lawler time to note that Michaels is giving away eight inches and eighty-two pounds, but since the match took place quite a while ago I'm sure the offer has expired by now. Sid re-enters and it's lockup #2. Shawn gains a highly tentative headlock which Sid has little trouble shaking loose. On the rebound, Shawn hits a shoudlerblock, and gets that sinking feeling that comes with nothing happening as a result. Going at it from another angle, Shawn's momentum is gladly continued by Sid towards the airspace outside the ring, but Shawn, reliving the glory of the Royal Rumble, cinches on to the top rope and levers himself back inside, where Sid's back might as well have had a "Kick Me" sign on it. DiBiase is cheesed, but Sid is merely miffed. Sid, no doubt experiencing a bit of deja vu, once again re-enters for another lockup. This time it is Sid obtaining the headlock. Shawn goes for some hair without much success. Finally he decides to shake off Sid using the momentum method, which works as it always does. What you do next is as always up to you, but I'm sure Shawn could have found something better to do than leap straight into a Sid bearhug. Exhibiting model sportsmanship, Sid allows Michaels to correct his mistake by releasing the bearhug, with authority. For some reason Michaels is reluctant to get up at this point, so Sid pulls him up and props him in a corner, nailing him in the gut to make sure he stays there. A brief choke and another gut shot leaves Michaels in a rather poor mood. Sid sends Shawn across to the other corner. Shawn attempts to hit the Flair Flop, but can't even clear the ropes, so bad is his current momentum. Sid helps him onto the apron with a well aimed placekick, the better to clothesline him to the floor. Sid of course climbs out to hoist Shawn back in, and oops, dropped him headfirst into the apron. The referee immediately calls Sid back into the ring so he can be properly admonished for his carelessness. In the interim, DiBiase walks up and suggests a few new poses he and Shawn can have, most of them involving DiBiase's foot on Shawn's throat. Upon viewing the writhing body of Shawn Michaels after this, McMahon comes to the only conclusion he possibly can: the ladder match did this to him. All the same, with some timely cooperation from DiBiase, Michaels is just able to pull himself in as the referee reaches the count of nine. -- ad break -- [ As for the other main event, Hogan/Luger seems to have become a contest as to which of these muscleheads can outpose the other. Click. ] Sid has the bearhug back on (at least it's not a reverse chinlock), and with the end of the commercial, the all clear is given for Shawn to break out. A bop to the nose gets Shawn out of trouble, and a boot to the gut gets him right back in again. Sid rolls Shawn over his shoulder, only to have Michaels seriously annoy him with a head scissors. Righting himself, Sid grabs Shawn and promptly choke slams him. And now, this gloat. But it only delays the inevitable, as Sid pulls Shawn up one more time, has him assume the position, and all that is left is to execute. And thus Shawn does the back body drop. Sid is all a-smiles, saying good one Shawn, now here's one for you. Sid effort at an axehandle is delayed not once but twice by last-second gut shots from Michaels. Finally getting on his feet, Michaels is ready for two rounds of "I block your punch, you don't block mine". After a couple more blows Shawn sends Sid for a ride, but Sid insists Shawn go first. Fine, says Shawn, hitting a cross body block on the rebound. Shawn covers, but only to land a few rapid-fire shots to Sid's wearying head. Then quickly topside for a flying body press, and the first (and last) two-count of the match. Sid, deciding it would be best to just start over from the point of the commercial break, attempts to get things restarted with another boot to the gut, but on the ensuing ride, Shawn ducks a Sid clothesline and knows what he must do. The right foot shoots out -- and hits Sid square in the gut. All right, says Shawn, how about two out of three? With Sid bowed over, attempt number two has little trouble finding the head, and with the lights quickly dimming inside of Sid's cranium, Shawn has plenty of time to line up for a bullseye on superkick try number three. Cover, and it is done. Now DiBiase is truly ticked off, but there is little to do but trudge off and try again some other day. The Patriot vs. Savio Vega vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Chyna) It soon turns to Savio and Patriot working over Hunter. After a corner whip, Hunter manages to clothesline Patriot but gets elbowed down by Patriot, who is promptly leveled by Savio. Unfort, the pace is slow, at which point I note such, Michaels ambles to ringside just before a --break-- (at 2:29, lasted 3:12) Patriot DDT's Hunter, Savio breaks it up. Savio doesn't come close to hitting a piledriver. Patriot tries to cover and gets kicked in the head. Savio makes his own cover, then goes to a LAME headlock, only to get hit low. Patriot hits Savio with a back suplex, Hunter covers. When Savio tries to sunset flip Hunter from the apron, Patriot kicks HHH's hand from the top rope, then breaks up the pin. Some more break-ups, and I think I can almost hear some boos from the crowd. Patriot hits the full-nelson slam on HHH. HBK tries to speak in Spanish. Savio has a headscissors on HHH, and Patriot has one on Savio. --break-- (GOOD F'N GRIEF, THIS MATCH SUCKS!; at 9:57, lasted 2:22) The crowd obligingly "whoo's" for Savio's chops on Patriot. He corner whips Patriot and charges into a boot, Hunter makes the save. C'mon, END THIS NOW, this is really painful to watch. HHH chops at his crotch a couple of times, seemingly in response to an unintelligible chant. HHH goes for the Pedigree, Savio tries to spin kick him but HHH ducks and the ref gets clocked. Savio chucks the Patriot over the top. Savio misses a standing roundhouse kick, HHH goes for the Pedigree, Savio slingshots him into the corner, causing Patriot to crotch himself on the top. HBK distracts Savio for a moment, but he still backdrops out of the Pedigree. HHH shoves Savio into Patriot and rolls him up for the S-L-O-W 3-count. Chyna commandeers some chairs to fend off Los Boriquas and Vader. WINNER: Hunter Hearst Helmsley, at 17:03 1/2* -- 3/4* CHRIS MONDAY JERICHO v. ? in a steel cage match - "Welcome to RAW is JERICHO! And Shamrock, well, let's discuss the name Shamrock, first and foremost - SHAM, you are most definitely a fake, a sham, a liar, a scam... I mean, the World's Most Dangerous Man, give me a break. And 'rock?' You don't rock - Jericho rocks! But last week, Scamrock, I embarrassed you once again, and I destroyed your reputation in front of all your friends and family, and in front of all your so-called fans, but because I'm a heck of a nice guy, I decided to give you one more less - one more chance to realise that *I* am the World's Most Dangerous Man. You see, this is not a steel cage - no, this is a prison. THIS is a cell. THIS is the Y2Jail, and THIS is my specialty. So what I did is I scoured the world, to find the most technically proficient submission shootfighter that I could - I am gonna bring him in here, and I am gonna rip him limb from limb, and prove to you once again that I am one bad mamma jamma. So ladies and gentlemen, let me bring him out - the legendary Master of Disaster - the Sultan of shootfighting, you all know him - the legendary GOTCH GRACIE!" A guy in black, and mask, with "GOTCH" on his shirt, walks out as Jericho remind us all of Gracie's classic match against (mumbles). He found him training in a dojo in Taiwan. Jericho finally lets go of the mic. Lockup, side headlock, chain wrestling into a waistlock, to the mat, grabbing an ankle, and now Jericho with a bow and arrow - but he lets up and takes the mic. "That one could have broke his back but I decided I haven't proven enough yet - yaaaaah!" Back to the stomping. "I learned this one in the mountains of Nepal! Aahhhhh!" It's kind of a weak abdominal stretch. Jericho tells the fans that they KNOW he's the World's Most Dangerous Man. Stomping away - Vertical suplex by Jericho. "C'mon baby" for 2 but he pulls up. "I think this idiot's had enough." Off the ropes, Gracie hits a clothesline. Off the ropes, Jericho slides through, double leg takedown and into the (still-unnamed) Liontamer for the tapout. (2:40) "Gracie tapped out to Jericho! Jericho has beaten Gotch." Jericho then proves he has mastered Shamrock's move by "snapping" and putting on an anklelock. Well, KEN SHAMROCK is out and Jericho's stuck in a cage. Before he gets to him, though, Gracie pulls Shamrock down and a doubleteam is on. They try to throw him into the cage but it kinda stops with Shamrock over the top rope. Finally, Jericho takes the mask off his accomplice - and it's ... SOME BLACK GUY! No, wait! You know who that is? No way! Ross tells us that that's MR. HUGHES and damned if he wasn't RIGHT back when he said I wouldn't recognise him when I saw him. He's lost about sixty or seventy pounds - but you KNOW it's him 'cause he can still do that cool "upside-down smile" frown. And HERE is TRIPLE H & THAT SLUT CHYNA because I need to hear that music just one more time tonight. Chimel announces that this is a WWF title match. "Now Linda, I know that you need to take care of family business, 'cause this is personal, but right now, you and I have some business to take care of - and Linda, don't bring any other innocent people into this. Don't make Chyna and I beat up Patterson and Brisco again - you come out here, you walk in the ring, you stand face to face with me - right now. Linda, get out here." LINDA McMAHON, probably showing more guts that brains, walks out to the ring. "Linda, I'm gonna be very nice about this, because deep down inside I really like you. Now what I want you to do is I want you to tell the world what happened here tonight, because what happened here is that villian Steve Austin went to jail where he belongs. And he forfeited his shot at the WWF title, so now what happens is he goes to the bottom of that long line of contenders - he starts at ground zero, working his way back up to get a shot at me, and at this. So I want you to tell the world that he blew his chance...tell 'em." "No...I won't do that--" "I am not asking you now, I am telling you. TELL - THEM - NOW." "No - NO." Triple H spins her around. "Linda, I am telling you..." - but "No Chance in Hell" fires up - and out walks - VINCENT K.?!? Vince YANKS the mic out of Helmsley's hand. "Hey listen! I gave my word I wouldn't interfere in WWF business, but this is not business - this is personal! Listen up, you son of a bitch! Who the hell do you think you are!? Yeah, you're the WWF Champion all right - maybe you need a little reminder as to who gave you that break - who gave you the opportunity, huh?" McMahon removes his coat, asks Linda to leave the ring - and throws his coat at Triple H. Well before this happens, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN hits the ring and clotheslines Helmsley. Vince and Linda take off. Quickly it goes outside, right hand from Austin, now Triple H over the commenatry table, knocking over a couple cans of Hansen's Energy Drink in the process! Back over the barricade we go - Austin choking Helmsley with a camera cable. Referee "Blind" Earl Hebner trying to get them back in the ring but failing. Triple H coming back now - Austin on the commentary table. Whip into the STEEL steps is reversed. Austin takes Triple H over the opposite barricade and back. Suplex on the floor? Yes! Triple H rolled into the ring. Right hand. Off the ropes, duck, Thesz press. Where's Chyna all this time? Elbowdrop off the ropes. Austin going outside for a chair. Whack! Hebner telling him to stop. Austin going to the legs. Hebner trying to wrest the chair from Austin - and there's a right cross for his troubles. Triple H walking up the ramp - Austin now following. Right hand. Hebner, having come to, rings the bell (DQ 3:14 - whoops) while Austin and Triple H fight on the ramp - well, mostly Austin. Meanwhile, the cage is slowly lowering. Austin choking Triple H. Now taken headfirst into the cyclone fencing. And now they're in the cage! Hebner attempting to stop this but it's not happening. H taking him off the ropes, but Austin ducks, hits the gutshot and the Stunner. Austin's music hits - and we're outta here! THE NEW MAN (by his damn self) v. ? - hey, won't be Gillberg, will it? Before the second entrance, we look backstage where Chyna reveals to Eddie Guerrero that she'll be on the cover of Playboy - and not just for an interview - somehow, Eddie's been living in a cave for the past few months and only now becomes aware of this. And for an encore....he doesn't take it too well. "Nude pictures my BUTT!" He vows to go beat up Hugh Hefner himself. "Stop the presses, baby!" Lawler promptly raises his voice five octaves and "yahoos" away. So who's the mystery opponent? The Y2J countdown greets us - it's CHRIS MONDAY JERICHO! "Welcome to RAW is JERICHO! And Triple H, I was quite surprised (RAW Credits here) when I found out I was wrestling you tonight, but...hell, you're no (TV-14-DLV) stranger to surprises, I mean it must have been a huge surprise for you when you saw Kurt Angle plant a big, juicy, wet...'friendship' kiss on your wife Stephanie! And it must have been an even bigger surprise when not only did she complain about it, but...she actually looked like she enjoyed it! But I really don't care if Stephanie enjoyes kissing Kurt Angle, or if Kurt Angle enjoys kissing Stephanie, or, hell, if Kurt Angle enjoys kissing Triple H...because as far as I'm concerned, all three of you can kiss my ass!" So that makes Triple H a...and Jericho's the....oh my, how confusing! 59.50Lockup, to the corner, tussling about, to an adjacent corner, looks like Triple H is on top of this scuffle. Referee "Blind" Tim White doing his darnedest to separate them but it ain't workin'. Jericho turns it around - STILL they clench. Finally, White puts some space between them - shove by H, Jericho shoves back. H with a right, Jericho with a right, H with a right, Jericho with a right, H with a kneelift, kneelift, kneelift. Into the ropes, Jericho ducks, and comes off with the flying jalapeno. Right, right, into the ropes, head down, kick by the Game. But he runs into a spin kick from Jericho. Jericho runs at H, who dumps him out to the floor...and follows. Double axehandle. Scoop - Jericho dropped on the barricade. Jericho shoulder-first in the post. Back in the ring we go...Jericho to the corner, springing off the top with a dropkick! Jericho outside to continue on Triple H - kick, chop, chop, head to the STEEL steps - H falls over the barricade into the crowd, scaring the HELL out of that one chick. Jericho over the barrier as well - H with a right, Jericho with a right that takes H back over to ringside. Jericho puts him in the ring and climbs to the top - super back elbow...gets 2. Jericho with a right. Kick, kick, into the opposite corner is reversed, but Jericho gets the foot up. H tries to recover...managing to put up a high knee as Jericho charges him. Leg is hooked - 1, 2, kickout. H with a right. "Y2J" chant. Into the ropes, Jericho holds on, but H hits a gutshot - Pedigree coming up...but STEPHANIE ONO is out, all smiles. Of course, H sees this and loses complete control of the match, 'cause he didn't want his wife out here. Jericho quickly pops up, double leg takedown, going for the Walls. H fights it - Jericho can't turn it. Jericho settles for a catapult into the top turnbuckle instead. There's the bulldog! But the Lionsault...MISSES as H puts up the knees. KING KURT ANGLE is out at this point - taking Stephanie by the wrist (and in her mouth an amethyst!) and demanding she come back with him. See, he's just trying to make sure Triple H's wishes are fulfilled...right? Triple H (apparently) beats the ten count, sees what's going on outside and completely ignores Jericho AGAIN. Jericho up, attacking from behind, into the ropes, head down, H with the facebuster. Now he's outside to meet his wife and Angle - pulling her away from Angle and making the Furious Point. Angle trying to make his case here but H isn't interested. Meanwhile - outside interference or ref bump? X-PAC has appeared from nowhere and he's got a spinning heel kick for Jericho. (DQ 5:09) There's the X Factor! X-Pac with the big looping punches as Jericho is announced the winner X-Pac continues dropping fists on Jericho...H is back in. "What're you doing?" A heated argument turns to shoving - they play Triple H's music as Stephanie makes a blow-up doll face. X-Pac calls him a (bleep) and walks off. Triple H back down with his wife,'s break time! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Boo_Bradley Report post Posted September 8, 2003 Hunter Hearst Helmsley, at 17:03 1/2* -- 3/4* They gave HHH vs Savio 20 minutes!!!!!!!???? WTF? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LatinoHeat Report post Posted September 9, 2003 *stupid question but.....* Was there any reason why Mr. Hughes wore sunglasses while wrestling? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted September 9, 2003 Chris Jericho def. Triple H by DQ Y2J beats HHH that's WACKY~~~~ What's even more whack is that Jericho got a pinfall victory over HHH on SD last year. It was clean. O_O Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted September 9, 2003 Chris Jericho def. Triple H by DQ Y2J beats HHH that's WACKY~~~~ What's even more whack is that Jericho got a pinfall victory over HHH on SD last year. It was clean. O_O Uhhhh not quite. I'm not gonna bother posting the entire recap since its not from this week but this is from CRZ's recap of it April 22 of last year: Well, we'll never now - H lets go, spying AWESOMETAKER up on the apron - H gives him a right, but Jericho grabs the tights and doesn't let go - 1, 2... 3!!!!!!!!! Jericho wins! Jericho wins! Jericho wins! (5:31 + 7:59) Undertaker interference and Jericho holding the tights gets the win. If it was just the tights I'd give it the benefit of the doubt because that is a normal heel tactic but the Taker distraction makes it not a clean win. Triple H got his job back at Judgment Day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites