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Playmore rules! Metal Slug 3

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--Metal Slug 3. I saw in a Gamespot article about the King of Fighters bundle and Metal Slug 3 for GBA--though I wondered about the PS2 version. It's already out on PS2 in Japan. I was up at E.B. and asked if there was any word on it, and supposedly Metal Slug for PS2 is coming out on December 13th!


STILL tempted to import, but it will be a lot cheaper if I can wait...


Then again, odd that a major site hasn't reported it, so maybe it's wrong?

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It's true. SNK first mentioned it back at E3.

Whooo! How'd I miss it exactly? I saw the announcement for the GBA version but I guess that was afterwards, and it wasn't mentioned since they just assumed it was well known?


And I've gotta pick this sucker up--maybe the KoF bundle pack too.


Metal Slug, for any just skimming this thread who don't know, is like Contra, except more cartoony, with more reasonable difficulty (unlimited continues on X/2 at least--I assume with this too), and more emphasis placed on fun.

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Guest Sakura

I don't think the press has mentioned it much because SNK wasn't positive if they were going to do it for sure. At E3 they said they wanted to do Slug and KOF to PS2 but it wasn't until really recently that it was officially annouced. I think the new EGM mentions Slug 3 for PS2.


SNK also wants to port classic games to PSX and sell them for budget price.

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