Guest ToddRoyal Report post Posted September 13, 2003 Congrats to Aecas for beating my ass. I knew my match wasn't very good, so my only hope was everyone else no-showing. You definitely proved I've got a lot of work to do to be anything above a midcarder. Anyway, here's my match. It was my first match with more than 2 people involved so I know the pacing and everything is screwy (especially near the end) and the Morrison segments are a bit weak. Any other feedback would be hugely helpful. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A shot of the outside of Madison Square Garden welcomes us back from that damn 10-10-987 commercial with John Stamos, and back to WRESTLING~! A large neon sign on the marquee reads “SJL CRIMSON TONITE!”, and a myriad of signs inside the arena show support for their favorite stars. As the camera pans past “I’ll show Maddix MY Landon Strip!”, “Jay Morrison bought my other sign” and “Spike for Poet Laureate”, the New York City fans leap to their feet, cheering and clapping. The camera swoops down to the announce position, where our trinity of commentary wonderment await. Judge: Welcome back to New York City! Welcome back to the most famous arena in the world, MSG! Welcome back to CRIMSON! Ejiro: Uh, I think I should leave. Annie: Why? Ejiro: I’m allergic to MSG, I can’t eat at ANY of those fast-food Chinese places… Judge:… Annie: The crowd here in Manhattan are absolutely jacked! They’ve already seen Brian Bowers and Daemon collide and an amazing Television Title match between Landon Maddix and Dominic Korgath! Judge: And still to come, Spike Jenkins makes his first ever title defense when he puts the SJL belt up against English Dragon. Spike’s worked long and hard for that belt, but the European Champ is hungry! Ejiro: But RIGHT NOW, its time for a huge Four Corners match! Its Brian Kingsmen! Its Jay Morrison! Its Todd Royal! And some other guy too!!! In the ring, Funyon stands with a microphone in his hands. As the classic microphone lowers from the rafters, the MSG crowd hurries to find their seats. Funyon: The following contest is a FOUR CORNERS ELIMINATION Match!… Dropkick Murphy’s “The Gauntlet” bursts over the PA system, and is soon joined by a chorus of boos from the crowd. The curtain parts, and Brian Kingsmen steps into arena. Wearing a Sacramento Kings jersey and blue jeans, Kingsmen flips off most of the crowd as he rolls into the ring, basking in the NYC jeers. Funyon: Announcing first…weighing in at 180 pounds…this is BRIAN KINGSMEN!!! Annie: The crowd really doesn’t seem to like Brain Kingsmen do they? Ejiro: Huh? No! They’re New Yorkers, they’re just booing the Dropkick Murphys song on principle. They LOVE Kingsmen! Judge: Kingsmen’s the relative rookie in this match, going against 3 more seasoned guys, but he’s been on quite a roll since his debut and a victory over competitors of this caliber could shoot him to the top! Suddenly, the lights in the arena black out. The crowd buzzes and hops to their feet, anticipating the return of one of their favorites. A soft white spotlight falls from the sky, however, illuminating the entrance and turning the crowd to a loud chorus of boos. A Heavenly chorus kicks in, but soon gives way to Motley Crue’s “Livewire” and Megan Skye steps through the curtain, her hair pulled back in a ponytail and “Todd’s Gift to Men” scrawled across her chest. The boos grow even louder as Todd Royal struts through the curtain, a bandage across his forehead and “TODD BLESS NEW YORK” stamped on his vest. Royal slides into the ring, staring hard at Kingsmen as Funyon continues his intros. Funyon: Accompanied to the ring by Megan Skye…from San Diego, California….weighing in at 220 pounds…this is TODD ROYAL!!! Ejiro: Praise Todd! Royal is in the house!! Annie: And more important than that, Megan is here too! She looks HOT with a ponytail! Judge: Royal’s sporting a bandage though, courtesy of a spike job from Chris Trepanier on Wrath, you gotta figure an injury like that will be a target for the other 3 competitors in this one, Todd would be wise to cover it up and get on the attack early. The boos die down as the music cuts off, but the silence is short lived as “We Took Pelham” kicks in across the PA. As a trumpet roars through the arena, the crowd is once again on its feet and booing. As an arc of fireworks encloses the short entrance way, Jay Morrison steps slowly into the arena, his golden robe glistening under the sparks and his face turned up in a grin. As he steps towards the ring, the grin sours into a scowl, and as he implores the referee to open the ropes he flips his hair towards the crowd and waves his opponents away, drawing a cascade of boos. Funyon: From London England…weighing in at 239 pounds…he is the best wrestler money can buy…JAY MORRISON!!! Ejiro: Fresh off a victory over Dominic Korgath for a European title shot, its your future boss and mine, Jay Morrison! Annie: Morrison definitely has the momentum on his side coming into this match, he‘s a VERY cocky man and that could cost him. Ejiro: And if there’s one thing Annie hates, it’s a cocky guy… Judge: Morrison indeed has the momentum but he’s facing some stiff competition including Todd Royal, a man who has already defeated him once. Jay has a lot to prove here! With that, the lights in the garden blink out again. A huge pop erupts in the arena as a funeral bell clangs. An image shrouded in darkness appears on the Smarktron and a booming voice reverberates from the rafters. “ARE YOU SCARED?” “HE’S HERE….” The crowd in the garden erupts as a burst of light flashes through the arena, followed immediately by red warning lights and a fog of smoke. As Dark Funeral’s “Dead Skin” blares over the speakers the flashing lights catch a shadowed figure in the entrance way. The figure turns around, revealing Aecas, a demonic grin plastered across his face. The fans explode in cheers as Aeces enters the ring, thrusting his scythe in the air and sending his opponents running. Funyon: And their opponent…from Shrewsbury, England…weighing in at 315 pounds…ladies and gentlemen…”THE BLACK ANGEL”….AECAS!!! Annie: Aecas is back and the fans here in NYC LOVE IT!! Ejiro: He may not make it out of New York alive though, he’s got Brian Kingsmen, Todd Royal AND Jay Morrison to deal with!!! Judge: The Black Angel is thrown right back into the mix with three of the toughest men in the game, and a win here could cement his position at the top of the card! Referee Sexton Hardcastle enters the ring, removing the scythe from the hands of Aecas and calling Kingsmen, Royal and Morrison back into the ring. After going over the rules of the match, Hardcastle checks each man for objects, gives a quick warning to Megan at ringside and calls for the bell to get us underway. *DING* *DING* *DING* Kingsmen and Morrison step out of the ring and to the apron, leaving Todd Royal and Aecas between the ropes to begin the match. Aecas leans in for a lockup, but Royal looks at him skeptically, calling for a test of strength instead. Aecas obliges, but Todd immediately swings down, grabbing the his opponent in a waistlock and paint brushing the back of his head with a series of slaps. The fans boo as Royal breaks the hold, calling for his towel to wipe the hair grease off his hands. As Todd turns back into the ring, Aecas leaps at him bringing him to the mat with an arm drag and immediately yanking him to his feet with a hammerlock. Royal struggles with the hold, reaching around his back and over his head before spinning out and turning the move into a hammerlock of his own. As Todd celebrates his successful counter, Brain Kingsmen leans over the ropes and slaps him on the back, tagging himself into the match. Royal breaks the hold and stares in disbelief at Kingsmen as Brian enters the ring with a smile. Annie: Already a little tension brewing between Todd Royal and Brain Kingsmen. There’s are a lot of volatile personalities in this match and they’re bound to explode sooner or later. Aecas again offers a lockup, but Kingsmen rolls under the outstretched arms of his opponent, coming up on the other side of the ring in celebration, drawing the ire of the fans. Kingsmen smiles as he turns back to the ring, but Aecas charges in, clothes lining him to the mat and dropping down into a front chancery. Kingsmen climbs to his feet, waving his arm towards the ropes for a tag, but Royal simply spits on his hand, causing Kingsmen to recoil and Aecas to hit a big vertical suplex on Brian. Kingsmen bounces hard off the mat, and Aecas stays right on top of him, hip tossing him back down and nailing him with a stiff knee to the back of the head. Kingsmen falls backwards to the mat clutching his head, as Aecas calmly reaches over and tags in Jay Morrison. The crowd boos Aecas’ departure from the match, but Morrison goes to work immediately, dropping a knee across the face of Kingsmen and grinding the joint across the bridge of his nose and drawing agonizing screams from the youngster. As the crowd jeers him, Morrison simply takes a bow. Ejiro: See, Jay Morrison is eager to get in there and fight! Kingsmen and Royal had a fight over who would get in there a few minutes ago…but Aecas? He voluntarily took himself out. He rightfully fears these men. Annie: I don’t think Aecas fears ANYONE, I think he’s using sound strategy. If you can get 2 out of the 3 guys to eliminate themselves, then you’ll be fresher for the end of the match. Judge: But seriously, where’s the fun in THAT?!? Jay lifts Kingsmen off the mat and Irish whips him towards the ropes. Kingsmen reverses momentum, however, sending Morrison to the ropes and meeting him on the rebound with a big dropkick. Morrison crashes to the mat, and Kingsmen immediately covers, cockily trying to get a quick pin. ONE!… . . . . . . . KICKOUT!! Morrison quickly kips up, shoving Kingsmen off and hitting the ropes. As Jay bounces off the cables, though, Kingsmen ducks and hits a backdrop, sending him crashing to the mat again. Brian immediately follows up with a neck vice, but Todd Royal suddenly reaches in, slapping Kingsmen on the back and tagging himself in. Kingsmen glares at Royal as he exit’s the ring, but Todd goes right to work on Jay Morrison, hitting a stiff kick to the face of the seated Morrison before dropping a leg and hooking in a head scissors. Judge: Turnabout is fair play, and a blind tag from Royal leaves Brian Kingsmen on the outside looking in. Kingsmen does NOT look happy about it, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see some stiff shots once those two men get in the ring together. Morrison struggles to escape the hold, turning Todd onto his back and shifting Royal’s body in front of him. Todd torques in the hold, but Jay pulls himself to his feet, placing Royal’s shoulders on the mat and countering the leverage of the hold. As Aecas and Kingmsen impatiently pound their turnbuckles, Morrison attempts to escape the hold by shoving Todd forward. Royal counters however, spinning his hips and taking Morrison over with a modified rana, holding the head scissors as they spin down. As the men hit the mat again, Morrison continues to roll, ending in a sitting position with Todd’s shoulders planted firmly on the mat. Royal attempts to escape, but Jay hooks his legs, and Hardcastle drops down to cover. ONE!… . . . . . . . TW… . . . . KICKOUT! Todd releases his legs from around Jay’s head, surging forward to break the count, and rolling over Morrison. With Morrison’s shoulders on the mat, Hardcastle spins around, making the count on the other man. ONE!… . . . . . . TW… . . . KICKOUT! Just before the two count, Morrison reaches forward, paint brushing the back of Todd’s head with a slap and flipping him out of the cover. As Royal hits the mat, Jay hooks his arms again, this time cradling his leg as well. Sexton once again slides into position, slapping the mat as the fans count along. ONE!… . . . . . . . TWO!… . . . . . . KICKOUT! Unable to roll out of the pinning predicament, Todd reels back and boots his opponent in the face, breaking the hold and count as well. As Hardcastle wearily signals for another 2 count, both men roll to their feet, staring each other down as the crowd applauds. The polite appreciation quickly turns to disgust as Todd reaches over, slapping Morrison and tagging out to Aecas before Jay can retaliate. Annie: Great sequence by Morrison and Royal, proving they’re on even ground early on in this match. Its going to take a big move for one of these four men to win this one! Ejiro: And Royal proving that he is indeed Jay Morrison’s Todd and Savior, showing him who’s boss! Judge: Bah! Morrison could by 50 Megan Skyes if he felt it to. Todd Royal is a poor man’s Jay Morrison. EVERY one is a poor man’s Jay Morrison. Annie: Wait, they SELL Megan Skyes?!? The crowd erupts as Aecas re-enters the match, immediately nailing a still stunned Jay Morrison with a massive clothesline. On the apron, Royal points at Jay and then at Kingsmen, daring Brian to “top that”. A house of fire, Aecas sends Morrison flying into the corner, catching him on the rebound with a huge spine buster. As Jay bounces off the canvas he desperately looks to make a tag to Kingsmen or Royal, both of whom suddenly look more interested in the Smarktron or their shoelaces. Rejected, Morrison slowly turns back into the center of the ring. Aecas, grinning sadistically, boots him in the gut and hooks his arms, driving Jay headfirst into the mat with a double arm DDT. Still holding Morrison by one arm, Aecas rolls over, locking a Fujwara Armbar in and wrenching the arm back. Jay screams in pain and desperately reaches for a tag, but Kingsmen drops off the apron to do some stretches, and Royal takes time to towel off his neck. Jay tries to escape by sheer strength instead, but Aecas pounds him into the mat with a series of boots to the face. Annie: Yeah, Royal and Kingsmen look REALLY eager to get in there now that Aecas is in control. Ejiro: I don’t see what you’re referring to. Kingsmen is SO eager to get in to the ring that he’s simply doing stretches to prepare for the ACTION~! Aecas releases the hold, spinning Morrison to his feet and sending him to the ropes. A weakened Jay hits the cables and rebounds, falling victim to a huge back body drop by Aecas. As the fans erupt, Aecas boots Morrison in the head, raising his face to the rafters and letting out a roar. “AECAS!” “AECAS!” “AECAS!” With Aecas distracted, Kingsmen leans over the ropes, clapping him on the shoulder and tagging himself in. The crowd erupts in boos as a shocked Aecas spins around and Kingsmen steps through the ropes with a grin on his face, shooing Aecas out of the ring and dropping a knee to the face of Morrison. Jay rolls onto his stomach and inches towards the ropes, trying to escape the ring, but Kingsmen pulls him back to the ring. Sitting on Morrison’s shoulders, Kingsmen pulls his opponent into an armbar and leans back, wrenching the already injured arm of Morrison out of its socket. Ejiro: SEE! Kingsmen wants to be in there! He’s a competitor and he NEVER backs down from a challenge! Annie: Yeah, I see he’s REAL excited to get in there with a man who has been beaten into the mat for the past 5 minutes. Breaking the hold, Kingsmen grabs Morrison by the hair and drags him into the corner. Pointing at Royal, Brian declares “THIS is how its done!” before lifting Jay up into a spine buster, jackknifing over for a cover. ONE!… . . . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . . KICKOUT! Kingsmen looks shocked at the kick out and pulls Morrison to his feet. Brian kicks his opponent hard in the gut, doubling him over and leaping into a sunset flip. Hardcastle slides to the mat for the count, but Morrison summons his strength and leans forward, pinning Kingsmen’s shoulders to the mat. ONE!… . . . . . . . . . . . TW… . . . . KICKOUT! Kingsmen recovers from the shock of having his hold reversed and rolls forward, reversing the hold and driving Morrison shoulder first into the mat again. Hardcastle sighs, sliding across the mat and repositioning himself, hitting the canvas again. ONE!… . . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . KICKOUT!!! Judge: Morrison refuses to go down! He’s been on the wrong end of several near falls and he has yet to go down. Annie: Jay’s definitely wearing down however, he barely escaped that last hold and he’s hanging on by a thread… As Morrison pushes Kingsmen off of him, Brian scrapes his boot across his face, drawing a huge round of boos from the New York crowd. “KINGSMEN SUCKS!” “KINGSMEN SUCKS!” “KINGSMEN SUCKS!” Kingsmen just smirks at the crowd, getting in Royal’s face and pointing down at Morrison before taking a bow. Royal scowls, reaching over the ropes to slap Kingsmen across the face. Hardcastle signals that a tag has been made, and both men stare at him quizzically before Brian unleashes a slap across Todd’s face. Hardcastle backs off as Todd slugs Kingsmen and Brian fires back by spitting in his face. Royal lunges into the ring and the two men begin to trade punches. Judge: And here we go! It’s been building all match long between Todd Royal and Brian Kingsmen and the powder keg just exploded! Annie: These two have been trying to one-up each other all match long and they’ve finally come to blows. That’s what happens when you throw two arrogant pricks in the ring together! Ejiro: Not that Annie would know ANYTHING about pricks… Sexton Hardcastle tries to escort Todd out of the ring, but Royal lunges forward with a clothesline on Kingsmen. Kingsmen pops immediately back up, however, nailing Todd with a heel kick and driving him back into the corner. The referee eventually backs off as Royal and Kingsmen begin trading blows against the turnbuckles. Behind them, Morrison gets to his feet and begins to head for the brawl, but Todd steps forward with a super kick, missing a ducking Kingsmen and clocking Jay upside the head. As Morrison collapses to the mat again, Kingsmen springs to his feet, catching Todd as he plants his foot again and firing him halfway across the ring with a German Suplex. Kingsmen immediately leaps on him, pummeling him with forearm shots as the restless crowd begs for the fourth man to join the fray. “AECAS!” “AECAS!” “AECAS!” On the apron, Aecas grins a devilish grin and heads to the top rope. A flabbergasted Hardcastle begs him to get down, but the Black Angel simply leaps over him, flying across the ring and raining down on Kingsmen with a flying headbutt as the crowd explodes. Ejiro: It’s BREAKIN LOSE in the Garden! Judge: Sexton Hardcastle has lost ALL control over this match and all four men are in the ring now! Aecas rolls to his feet, bringing Kingsmen up to his feet with him. As the crowd cheers him on, Aecas hooks his head under his opponent’s arm, grabbing the waist and shooting backwards, planting Kingsmen with a Northern Light’s Suplex. Conforming to the spontaneity of the match, Hardcastle ignores the legal men and simply drops to make the count, much to the fans delight. ONE!… . . . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . . . TH… . . . NO!!! Right before the three count, Todd Royal lunges forward, shoving Aecas out of the bridge. The crow begins to boo loudly as the count is broken and the momentum carries Todd and Aecas tumbling out of the ring. Annie: Why in the world would Todd Royal break up that pinfall? This is an elimination match! If Aecas eliminates Kingsmen that would be one less guy for Royal to deal with! Ejiro: Yeah, but Todd wants to be the one to pin Brian Kingsmen. Kingsmen’s disrespected Royal all match long, and now he’ll fear the wrath of Todd! As Aecas and Royal brawl on the floor, the two legal men remain in the ring. Kingsmen gets to his feet and immediately heads for the ropes, screaming at Royal about something or another. The fans boo and he takes time to flip them off, but as he turns around, a recovered Jay Morrison boots him hard in the gut. Hooking the leg, Morrison raises his opponent in the air, spinning him around and driving him violently into the mat with the Phoenix Thunder Driver, shaking the ring! ONE!… . . . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . . . . THR… . . . . . . THREE!!! Judge: He pinned him! Morrison has eliminated Brian Kingsmen!! Annie: Jay Morrison became the tackling dummy for the beginning of this match, but Kingsmen was too distracted by trying to prove that he was a better man than Royal and he fell victim to the Phoenix Thunder Driver!! Ejiro: I knew it! I TOLD you Jay Morrison would win! Judge: I though you picked Royal? Ejiro: You must of misheard me. That Morrison’s a nice guy! Did I ever tell you he bought me lunch once? I’m now the proud owner of a McDonalds in Des Moines! Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen…Brian Kingsmen…has…been…ELIMINATED!!! The crowd erupts at that announcement, but Jay Morrison spends no time celebrating, instead grabbing the top rope and spring boarding up, nailing Aecas and Royal at ringside with a huge plancha.As all three men brawl at ringside, Hardcastle and Kingsmen argue over the elimination in the middle of the ring. Kingsmen reluctantly gives up his argument, heading to the outside and taking out his frustrations by tackling and pounding on Todd Royal. As Kingsmen rains blows on the bandaged forehead of Royal, Jay Morrison slides Aecas back under the ropes and into the ring. Morrison climbs to the apron, slingshotting himself into the ring and dropping a knee across the face of the Black Angel. With momentum on his side for the first time in the match, Jay sends Aecas crashing into the corner, following up with a pair of stiff chops before running back and charging in with a turnbuckle smash. Aecas flops to the mat, and Morrison scrambles over to make the cover. ONE!… . . . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . KICKOUT!!! Annie: Aecas is a little fresh for Morrison to try and eliminate him. Granted he’s been on the receiving end of a couple big moves by Morrison, but no way you’re going to eliminate Aecas that easy! Judge: But Morrison’s on a roll. He got Kingsmen out of there, and with Royal sidetracked on the outside he saw an opening to get Aecas out of the way as well. Jay Morrison is a VERY smart wrestler. Outside the ring, Ced Ordonez and Anthony Michael Hall have hit the ringside area to pull Brian Kingsmen off of Todd Royal. Kingsmen shoves the officials off, however, and continues to lay the boots to the head of Todd. As the refs call for even more backup, Megan Skye climbs to the top of the ring steps, shouting for Kingsmen to back off. Brian flips her off, and Megan scowls, leaping from the steps and planting Kingsmen with the Skye-Lyte Tornado DDT. The crowd pops to its feet in shock as the refs take the opportunity to drag Kingsmen to the back. “HOLY SHIT!” “HOLY SHIT!” “HOLY SHIT! Back in the ring, Morrison lifts Aecas to his feet and grabs a waist lock, floating behind the popular wrestler and chicken winging both arms. Jay tries to muscle his opponent up and into a tiger suplex, but Aecas blocks, hooking Jay’s thigh with his leg. Aecas spins out of the hold, grabbing the worked-over arm of Morrison and spinning his opponent into a hammerlock. Morrison fights to get out of the hold, but all of his escape attempts are blocked. Grabbing Aecas by the head with his free hand, Jay leaps into the air to attempt a flying mare. Aecas blocks, charging forward and planting Morrison on the top turnbuckle, breaking the hold and climbing the buckles after him. The crowd gets to their feet as Aecas stands on the top rope, running his thumb across his neck and draping his opponents arm over his neck. Pulling back for a Back Suplex, Aecas’ grin turns to shock as Morrison shifts his weight and crashes to the mat atop him. Hardcastle hits the canvas as the crowd deflates. ONE!… . . . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . . . THR… . . . . KICKOUT! Annie: A CLOSE two count for Jay Morrison there, he came within inches of pinning Aecas! Judge: Jay’s on fire right now and one more big move could put Aecas away for good! Shocked at getting only 2, and fatigued from the punishment he’s taken, Morrison pulls himself to his feet. Jay runs his own thumb across his neck, spitting on the chest of Aecas and jerking his opponent to his feet. Morrison hooks the arm, looking for the Sideliner, but Aecas ducks the cross face and spins the hold into a hammerlock. Jay escapes the hold this time, reversing into a hammerlock of his own before floating forward into a headlock. Aecas tries to shove Morrison off of him, but Jay clamps down on the hold. Summoning his strength, Aecas hooks his opponents leg and lurches back, flipping Jay over his head. Morrison lands on his feet however, and charges at Aecas with a lariat. The Black Angel ducks, running the opposite ropes for momentum, and both men collide in the middle of the ring, decapitating each other with Yakuza kicks. Both men collapse to the mat in pain as referee Hardcastle begins the count. ONE!…TWO!…THREE!… Ejiro: Morrison and Aecas are out COLD. If neither man gets up, Royal will win by default!! Annie: Jay Morrison and Aecas want this victory too much to let that happen. I have to believe that they’ll summon all the strength they have to get to their feet and win the match. Judge: They’ve taken so much out of each other in the last few minutes, though. If one of them can roll over for a cover it might be the end. FOUR!…FIVE!…SIX!… “AECAS!” “AECAS!” “AECAS!” SIX!…SEVEN!…EIGHT!… Annie: The crowd urging Aecas to get up, but I these men have taken each other to the edge. Judge: They may have taken each other OVER the edge! IF either of these men can make it to their feet, they’ll be seeing stars for a while to come. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Todd Royal comes flying into the picture. Launching off the top rope with a Shooting Star Press, Todd crashes to the mat on top of Morrison, rattling Aecas and breaking the count of the referee. As the fans stand in the Garden all three men struggle to make it off the mat. Ejiro: TODD COMPLEX!! Royal’s not out of this yet! Aecas is the first to make it to his feet, and seeing the carnage around him, heads to the top rope. With the Angel perched to fly, Royal lunges at the ropes, shaking the cables and dropping Aecas crotch first on the turnbuckle. Todd climbs up after his opponent, but Aecas nails him with an uppercut, doubling him over on the ropes. Aecas yells out at the crowd, grabbing Royal by the waist and hurtling him at the mat with a huge power bomb. The crowd erupts as Aecas gets to a standing position, leaping from the turnbuckle and crashing down on Morrison with a swanton bomb. ONE!… . . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . . . THR… . . . . . . Eeeeee… . . . . THREE!!! Annie: When Darkness Falls! Aecas FINALLY puts away Jay Morrison! Judge: We’re down to TWO! Its just Royal and Aecas!! Ejiro: One step closer to a victory for Todd! Annie: I dunno about that, Royal doesn’t look so hot right now! Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen…Jay Morrison…has…been…ELIMINATED!! The crowd applauds Aecas’ pinfall, but Aecas wastes no time in pulling himself off Morrison and lunging across the ring, falling on top of Todd and going for an immediate victory. ONE!… . . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . . . THR… . . . . . Eeeee….. . . . . KICKOUT!! “OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The crowd, thinking the match was over, dejectedly fall back into their seats as a weary but lucid Royal lifts his shoulder from the mat. Aecas looks pleadingly at the referee, but not getting the desired response, struggles to lift Todd to his feet. A weak boot to the gut sends Royal doubling over, and Aecas hooks the arms, wincing as he lifts Todd to his shoulders. Aecas starts to spin around, but Todd slides out the back, landing on all fours on the mat. Aecas stumbles forward, stunned, but twirls back around, straight into a stiff super kick from Royal. As the crowd grimaces and lets out a collective groan, Todd spins to the mat, falling sprawled across his opponent’s chest. ONE!… . . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . . . THR… . . . . . . Eeeee…. . . . . KICKOUT!! Ejiro: Royal Wins! Royal Wins! ROYAL WINS! Judge: NO!! Aecas Kicks out!! Annie: Oh my god! Aecas pulled that out of nowhere! He’s down and dazed, but he’s not done yet!! The crowd erupts at the kickout, stomping their feet against the garden floor, begging Aecas to make it back to his feet. It’s Royal instead, who gets to his feet, running the ropes and leaping across the ring with a diving elbow drop. As the body of Aecas convulses from impact, Todd spins around to his legs. Wiping his forehead of sweat, Royal brings up the left leg of Aecas, spinning it around and bracing it for the Wrath of Todd. As Royal hooks his left foot over the right leg, Aecas summons his strength and reaches up, cradling Todd and spinning him to the mat as the crowd erupts and counts along. ONE!… . . . . . . . TWO!… . . . . . THR… . . . . . . Eeeee…. . . . . . THRE…..KICKOUT!!! “BULLSHIT!” “BULLSHIT!” “BULLSHIT!” Annie: Kickout! He Kicked Out!!! Ejiro: Todd Almighty, he kicked OUT! Judge: Neither of these men will submit to the other!! Something HAS to give! As Royal desperately yanks his shoulder from the mat, Aecas breaks the cradle and both men collapse on the canvas. The Black Angel uses the ropes to crawl to his feet, grabbing Todd by the tights and forcing him to a standing position as well. With the crowd buzzing, Aecas plants his head under the legs of his opponent, standing up into an Electric Chair position. The crowd erupts in cheers as their hero grabs his opponents arms and looks out at the crowd. In that split second the cheers turn to boos as Megan Skye leaps onto the apron, shoving Todd from behind and sending both men rolling to the bat in a victory roll. As the men jockey for the cover on the mat, Hardcastle slaps the canvas again. ONE!… . . . . . . TWO!!… . . . . . . THR… . . . . Eeee…. . . . . . THREE!! *DING* *DING* *DING* Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen…Aecas…has…been…ELIMINATED!!…The Winner of this match…as the result of a pinfall…TODD ROYAL!!! The crowd deflates as “Livewire” blasts over the PA again and Megan runs into the ring, grinning wildly as she towels Todd off. As Aecas slides wearily from the ring, Hardcastle raises Royal’s hand in victory. Ejiro: TODD BLESS US ALL! Royal Wins!! Judge: What a finish! What a match! Annie: Aecas had the match won! He had Todd set up for the Assault Driver but Megan cost him the match!!! For someone so hot, she sure is a bitch! Ejiro: All that matters is Todd wins! Bow down before the presence of greatness! Annie: I bow before NO ONE. Judge: That’s not what Ejiro’s mom says… And with THAT, we fade to commercial… Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest damnimstupid Report post Posted September 13, 2003 Another loss, another request for help too. -------------------- As we come back from commercials, the millions of television sets at home are given an outside view of the New York City skyline, which is boasting with skyscrapers whose lights illuminate the night sky. The feed fades into a view of the most famous arena in the world! Madison Square Garden!! Tonight the Garden's lights are crimson, which is rightly so since it plays host to SJL Crimson tonight! "(Judge) Welcome back to SJL Crimson as we are just moments away from the Four Corners match between Aecas, Brian Kingsmen, Todd Royal, and Jay Morrison!" "(Ejiro) We all know Morrison is going to fight for the Euro title on Metal, so he should walk away with the win here. If he doesn't, then that says something." "(Annie) What does it say?" "(Ejiro) It says someone else is more deserving than he is." "(Annie) I sincerely doubt that." "(Ejiro) Yeah, I've come to expect that from a lesbian." "(Judge) Well I'm being told that the entrances are coming up so let's head straight to Funyon!" The camera switches gears and pans out to deliver a view of the entire ring with Funyon and referee Eddy Long inside. Funyon brings the mic up to his lips and begins to announce the match, like only he can: "(Funyon) The following contest is the FOUR CORNERS MATCHUP!! The rules are as follows. There may be only two competitors in the ring at a time. Two wrestlers will be outside on the apron and can tag in as they please. This is an eliminations type match, so the last man standing will be declared the winner!!!" Like a blast from the past, "The Gauntlet" booms out of the PA system, and the fans rise up in unison, booing without mercy. "Well I just got back from a break in the fight I was weighing in heavy but still feeling alright all I hear in the distance mines and shells here comes the sirens wailing another attack to be repelled!" At this moment, Brian Kingsmen emerges from the back. He sports his usual attire, except this time, there's a mic in his hand. He hops out so everyone in the Garden can see, and performs a gesture, spinning like a ballerina before ending up in a pose where he flashes both middle fingers out. The fans respond heavily against it and Funyon sighs before continuing his duty. "(Funyon) Introducing fi-" Brian brings his mic up to his lips and interrupts Funyon- "(Brian) That's okay Funyon, I'll take it from here. From parts unknown, because let's face it, New York city people don't know jack shit about geography anyways...." "(Ejiro) So true.." The fans snarl, and swears can be heard echoing across the arena. Brian smiles at the mere noise of it and continues on while heading towards the ring. "(Brian) From parts unknown, he weighs in at a perfect 180 pounds, he's currently single, can be considered feared by many, and he's just so damn handsome, as I'm sure every girl here agrees." Brian slides in the ring while being paraded with boos and laughs from the female fans in attendance. "(Brian) He's here for the sole purpose of entertaining dumbasses such as the people of New York... Brian Ki- no wait.... KING Brian!!!!! Whoooooo!!! BOOYAH!!!!" Brian begins to flex his medium built muscles, showing off every part of his body as his music slowly begins to fade. "(Judge) Brian Kingsmen with that.... very unique, to say the least, introduction of himself." "(Annie) Unique. That guy's ego is bigger than my love for women. And that's huge!" On cue, the lights in the garden black out. It's not a electric problem, no, it merely paves the way for the blinding missile projectile to shoot down from the rafters. The missile explodes on contact with the ramp, signaling the beginning of "Livewire". Todd Royal and Megan Skye emerges from the back, and the two walk down the ramp together, getting in a very negative reaction, although not as negative as Brian's. "(Brian) And one of my bone headed opponents, being accompannied by the lovely Megan Skye that I would like to take out to dinner sometime, he weighs in at... wait that's not right...." Brian checks Funyon's cards again to make sure of something. "(Brian) No way is he 220 pounds, he's got too much body fat. Todd Royale, ladies and gentlemen!! The long lost twin of the gay guy from 'Will and Grace'!!" The fans share a laugh at this one, and Todd is immediately pulsated by the insults. He slides in the ring and makes a lunge towards Brian, but the referee steps in between the two and restrains Todd. "(Brian) Easy Todd, you don't want to waste your energy, now do you?" Todd points at Brian and begins to warn him, but Brian shrugs it off as the next wrestler's entrance begins to play. The bass beats of "We Took Pelham" begins to grow louder as a blue strobe light flickers around the entrance way. Jay Morrison walks out in a gold robe and looks to the sky while flicking back his hair. "(Brian) From England, baby!! It's Jay Morrison!! He weighs in at 239 pounds and he loves to wear bathrobes around town! Please ladies and gentlemen, give him a round of applause as to drown out his bad entrance music!!!" Jay Morrison, like Todd Royale, is instantaneously pissed off. Jay begins to shout out insults, but Brian retorts with clever remarks of his own. The fans enjoy the hatred between the heels, and it makes the next man's entrance bitter sweet. The arena goes dark with a graveyard bell ringing in the background while the Smarkstron displays a figure shrouded in darkness. Light begins to highlight the figure, as a deep voice echoes across the arena: "Are you scared?" ..... "He's here....." "Dead Skin Mask" blasts through the speakers as the Smarkstron goes on to display the word AECAS with blood dripping on top of each letter. Smoke boils up from the entrance way as Aecas emerges from behind. He has a staff in his right hand as he walks down the ramp. "(Brian) From England as well, he's 7 feet tall, he's crazy, he's psychotic, he's holding a walking stick because his feet's gotten too small for his unusually large body..... I'm talking about Aecas man!!!" The crowds roar in approval as Funyon finally snatches the mic away from Brian Kingsmen. All three men in the ring stand near an empty corner as Aecas slides into the ring, dropping his cane outside the ring. He stands upright, towering over every other man inside the ring as the fans of New York City begin to chant his name... "Aecas! Aecas! Aecas!!" The Black Angel looks towards Todd's corner, instantly striking fear into him and his valet. He moves towards the center of the ring as the referee tries to gain order, and does. "(Judge) Well after the unique introductions from... King Brian.... all four competitors are in the ring. Who do you think will win, Ejiro?" "(Ejiro) Anyone but that oversized freak." "(Annie) Aecas will dominate, obviously. It's up to the other 3 to see who will be able to be smart enough to avoid being in the ring with Aecas." Aecas motions Todd to get out of the ring, and the smaller sized wrestler has no choice but to obey. He stays out on the apron as Jay Morrison and Brian Kingsmen begins to decide who will be the unlucky one. The two start arguing until finally Brian decides to be first. Jay Morrison breathes a sigh of relief as he heads out, but as soon as he turns, Brian Kingsmen grabs Jay Morrison by the shoulders and throws him down to the center of the ring before rushing out to the apron!! The referee sees it and quickly calls for the bell!! ***Ding ding ding!!!*** "(Judge) And look at Brian! He volunteered but instead tricked Jay Morrison and sent him to face Aecas first!!" "(Ejiro) Jay is not happy." "(Annie) Would you be happy if you had to face that thing?" "(Ejiro) No I wouldn't." Jay Morrison angrily pops up to his feet and begins shouting at Brian, who stands comfortably next to his corner. He tries to shout out words of encouragement, but they all go unnoticed. Jay tries to tag Brian in, but Brian drops from the apron and backs away from the ring as far as possible, igniting another wave of boos! Jay starts yelling, not even noticing that Aecas is closing in until it's too late. Aecas spins Jay around and delivers a bone crushing hard right that staggers Jay into the corner!! The Black Angel moves in, delivering another hard right, a third, a fourth, and a fifth right hand before grabbing hold of Jay's wrist and hurling him to the opposite corner, hard. Jay staggers forward, arching his back in pain as Aecas moves in to deliver a hard clothesline that floors Morrison instantaneously!! "(Judge) Whoa that was like an oak tree hitting you!! Aecas with that fierce clothesline!!" "(Annie) And Jay doesn't even know what hit him!" "(Ejiro) Kinda hard to believe since Aecas is so god damn big." Morrison pops right back up, only to get floored by another clothesline. Aecas continues his assault, bringing Jay back up and decking him with a hard right hand. The Black Angel backs Morrison down with a combination of hooks and jabs, pummeling him into the corner. Aecas dazes Jay with a jab, and then proceeds to lower his shoulder before thrusting it into Morrison's midsection. Aecas continues the assault, thrusting his wide shoulders into Jay's stomach again and again, knowing perfectly well that nobody in the league can withstand his strength. Aecas grabs Morrison by the arm before taking one step and planting Morrison into the canvas with a standing arm drag. The impact pops Morrison up into sitting position, and Jay's hands find themselves tending to his back. He knows he's got to do something and as Aecas brings Jay back up, Jay fights back, shooting rights and lefts into Aeca's midsection. The punches don't even seem to hurt Aecas the slightest bit, who takes a deep breath before shoving Jay five feet into the turnbuckle!! The crowds erupt in cheers as Aecas moves in, but soon Jay Morrison slides out of the turnbuckle and races to the nearest wrestler on the apron: Brian Kingsmen. Aecas tries to chase Jay down, but Jay makes a dive towards Brian.... only to fall flat on his face as Brian wisely drops down from the apron and backs away from the ring!! "(Annie) Brian Kingsmen is the biggest chicken I have ever seen." "(Ejiro) He's not chicken. He's smart! He's not going to go in to fight that mammoth." "(Judge) I agree with Ejiro. Perhaps this is some sort of strategy Brian is putting into play. If so, we'll see how this plays out. For now, Aecas is taking Jay Morrison apart." Aecas grabs Jay by the hair and drags the fellow englishman back up. He spins Morrison around and attempts a clothesline, but Morrison ducks under and quickly jumps up on to Aeca's back, snapping on the sleeper hold in an attempt to bring the mammoth of a man down. Aecas walks around, trying to grab a hold of Jay, finally doing so a couple seconds later. He bends down and with the help of gravity, Aecas pulls Morrison over and plants him on to the canvas. Aecas goes down for the cover..... ONE!!! TW- and Jay Morrison kicks out. Aecas doesn't argue, instead bringing Jay back up to his feet. He grabs Jay by the wrist before whipping him to the ropes. Jay rebounds, and ducks an incoming clothesline. The momentum carries him to the opposite set of ropes and he rebounds a second time and tries to capitalize, only to run right into a boot to the face!! Aecas goes for the cover.... ONE!!! TW- but Aecas purposely pulls Morrison back up. Aecas looks towards Brian Kingsmen. He brings Morrison up and tosses the 200 pounder into Brian Kingsmen's corner. Aecas motions towards Brian, giving out a gesture as if to say "Bring it". "(Judge) And Aecas breaks up his own pin. He's calling Brian Kingsmen out!!" "(Annie) Now we'll see what he's made of." Brian looks around for options, but the crowds are already against him, repeating the phrase "Chicken Shit! Chicken Shit!" again and again, hoping to see Brian get into the ring. Their wish comes true as Brian tags himself in and stands inside, eyes locked with the Black Angel. With nothing left to do, Brian races forward, screaming at the top of his lungs as Aecas looks to counter with a clothesline, only to find Brian duck under and race towards the opposite corner to tag a unknowing Todd Royale in!!! Brian rolls out of the ring immediately and backs away. Todd is obviously confused, looking around to see what has happened. When he sees Aecas heading towards him, the truth is obvious and instead of fleeing, he enters the ring and meets the giant face to face, delivering a batch of right hands to the mammoth. Todd backs Aecas down only a few inches before Aecas catches Todd's right hand in the air and counters with a hard right hand of his own! The punch staggers Todd back, and Aecas moves forward, grabbing Todd by the wrist before hurling him to the ropes, just as Jay Morrison rolls out of the ring to recooperate. Todd rebounds, and Aecas uses Todd's speed to his advantage, picking Todd up by the side as he comes racing by before planting him into the canvas with a sidewalk slam! "(Judge) Hard sidewalk slam by Aecas as Brian gets up on the apron and Morrison is pulling himself back up." Aecas goes for the pin but Todd kicks out at two. The Black Angel brings Royale back up on his feet. He grabs him by the wrist before whipping him to the ropes. Todd rebounds and walks right into a chokehold by the giant. He fights out of it, using his free legs to kick Aecas at any body part. He kicks until the hold is loosened, enabling him to free himself. Todd quickly jumps on top of Aecas and locks in the sleeper, and Aecas quickly finds himself trying to grab a hold of Todd Royale. But before he can, Jay Morrison enters the ring and races forward, delivering a forearm to the legs of the Black Angel, a hit hard enough to bring him down. The referee quickly orders Jay out, and while distracted, Brian hops into the ring and races forward, delivering a falling dropkick to Aecas' body, putting in a hit before rolling out to the apron, just as the referee's attention is back in the right place. Todd holds on to the sleeper hold, his face reddening fast as he increases pressure. Aecas gasps for air, holding his right fist in the air to show that he won't submit. He desperately tries to bring his leg under him, and as soon as he does, Todd wisely lets go of the hold and delivers a forearm to the giant. Todd brings Aecas back to upright position before slashing across, delivering a backhand across the chest of the Black Angel. "(Crowds) WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Todd delivers another hard chop before grabbing hold of Aecas' wrist and hurling him to the ropes. Aecas rebounds, and Todd quickly jumps on and applies the sleeper hold again. "(Judge) Todd Royale using the sleeper hold. As we all know, Aecas is strong, but he will tap out like a baby." "(Ejiro) Good strategy by Todd, as all we've seen from Brian is running away, and all we've seen from Jay is getting beat down." "(Annie) Three against one seems hardly fair." "(Ejiro) It's fair. The guy's 7 feet tall." Todd continues to apply the sleeper, applying his strategy to take out Aecas by cutting out his air intake. But he misunderestimates Aecas' speed, getting carried across the ring on Aecas' back before the giant spins around and backs up into the corner! Todd's arms still are hooked around the mammoth's neck, and he gets carried for another ride and again gets backed up into the turnbuckle, hard. Aecas frees himself and walks towards the center of the ring, catching his breath as Todd collapses behind him. Todd slowly struggles to his feet, and once up, stumbles around before finally maintaining his balance. He sees Aecas turn around, and without even thinking, races forward, only to get thrown into the air from a body press!! Todd flies up at least 5 feet above Aecas before falling on his face, the ring shaking underneath his aching body. The Garden stands in awe as Aecas pushes Todd's shoulders down and goes for the pin- ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- and Todd kicks out. Megan Skye continues to cheer on her man from ringside as Todd desperately tries to get someone else in to get a piece of the action. Todd starts crawling towards Jay Morrison, who stands casually while watching Aecas chase down Royale to drop an elbow on his back! Aecas drags Todd up to his feet, measures him up before swinging and connecting with a hard right. He moves in, delivering another hard right hand before Todd finally ducks under the third and starts to battle back. He lashes out with a hard chop, and the crowds respond with the usual "Whoo!". Todd lashes out again, delivering another hard chop before grabbing hold of Aecas' wrist and hurling the giant to the ropes. But Aecas counters, spinning around and attempting to send Todd their instead, only to have Todd hold on to his arm and twists it before pulling him into a forearm. Aecas tries to shake off the slight nuisance, but before he can, Todd already pounces on the mammoth, raining down fierce rights and lefts to inflict further damage on the mammoth of a man. "(Judge) Todd Royale staging a retaliation attempt at the giant Aecas, but I doubt that will work! Even if he manages to pull off a stunning upset, he'll still have to go through Jay Morrison and of course, the cheating Brian Kingsmen!" Todd lifts Aecas arms over his head, and with his right hand pulling on the mammoth's waistline, he tries to lift him up for the suplex, to no avail. The giant is just too heavy. Todd tries again, but the suplex doesn't work, and Aecas takes advantage by lifting Todd straight up into the air!! He holds him there for a couple of seconds, demonstrating the power that he has before dropping down and planting Todd into the canvas with a falling suplex! Aecas goes for the pin- ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- and a kickout. The mammoth brings Todd Royal up and immediately, Brian Kingsmen reaches forward and tags himself in. The referee sees it and orders Aecas out as Brian jumps on to the top rope before falling in with a leg drop on top of Todd Royal! Brian goes for the pin- ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- and Todd still manages to kick out!! Brian brings Todd up in a hurry and quickly decks him with a hard right before grabbing hold of Todd's waistline and planting him into the canvas with a snap suplex. Brian never lets go, dragging Todd back up before delivering another snap suplex. He pushes Todd's shoulders down for the pin- ONE!!! TWO- and Todd still manages to kick out! "(Annie) Brian Kingsmen trying to steal the pin but Todd Royal is too resilient!" Brian grabs Todd by the wrist and hurls him to the ropes. Counter, and Brian is sent hurling there instead. He rebounds off the ropes, and as he does, Jay Morrison makes himself welcome, slapping Brian on the back to tag himself in. Brian rebounds and races forward, immediately getting planted with a picture-perfect hurricaranna! Todd hooks Brian's leg and goes for the cover, but the referee doesn't count! Todd never saw the tag and he pays for it as Jay Morrison comes racing in to deliver a bulldog just as Todd was rising up!! Jay Morrison is capitalizing, bringing Todd up in a hurry and delivering hard right after hard right, backing Royale into the corner before grabbing hold of his wrist and sending him racing to the opposite turnbuckles, hard. Todd staggers forward, arching his back in pain as Morrison races in and delivers a nasty superkick! Morrison goes for the pin, but Brian Kingsmen pulls him off!!! The two pop up and quickly engage in a confrontation, arguing while Aecas is standing in the corner and Todd Royale is slowly struggling to his feet. "(Annie) What is Brian doing? This is an elimination match!" "(Ejiro) I think he just wants the credit." Brian and Jay continue to argue until Todd stands totally upright. The referee tries to get Brian out of the ring, but before he can, both competitors spot Todd standing, and they both shoot a leg towards him and nails him with a double superkick!! Brian tries to go down for the pin but Jay grabs him by the hair and quickly throws him out of the ring before heading back and hooking the leg of Todd Royale! ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! *Ding* "(Judge) And Todd Royale is eliminated after the double superkick." Todd Royale rolls out of the ring and along with Megan Skye, walks up the ramp while the action continues in the ring. Aecas re-enters the ring to many cheers from the New Yorkers as he quickly engages into an attack with Jay Morrison. Jay attacks first, puncing hard with a right hook. He continues the assault, only to find that his punches have little to no effect and Aecas bursts forward, shoving Jay hard to the floor!! The Black Angel moves in to find much resistance as Jay starts flaring out punches without guidance into the mammoth's midsection. It dazes Aecas just enough for Jay to rise up and grab him by the wrist. Jay whips him to the ropes and Aecas rebounds, who immediately goes on the offensive, looking for a clothesline. Jay ducks under and the momentum sends Aecas off the second set of ropes. Rebound and Jay delivers a dropkick to the knee of the giant, bringing him down at last!! Brian Kingsmen slowly recovers outside, getting up just in time to see the action. He waits and watches as Jay brings Aecas back up and hurls him to the ropes. Seeing this, Brian quickly reacts, hopping on to the apron and pulling the top rope down just enough, causing Aecas to fall over, crashing to the mat below!! The fans boo as Brian starts unleashing a fury of right hands before grabbing hold of Aecas' head and throwing him into the wall barricade. Brian throws Aecas into the barricade again as inside the ring, Jay Morrison rebounds off the ropes and runs towards the two at top speed. He jumps on to the top rope before slingshotting himself outside, and falls down, crashing into both Brian Kingsmen and Aecas with a body splash!! All three men go down and Jay Morrison is treated with cheers of respect! "(Ejiro) Finally, some high flying action!!" "(Judge) Jay Morrison with that high flying attack that is so uncharateristic of him!!" "(Annie) The opportunity called for it." Jay Morrison pops up to his feet first and he rolls Aecas back into the ring before crawling in himself. He crawls over the huge chest of Aecas and goes for the cover- ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- and Aecas, using his mighty strength, pushes Jay Morrison into the air, breaking out of the cover with authority! He gets into sitting position, but before he can rise up, Morrison scrambles forward and quickly locks in the sleeper hold. The strategy that Todd Royale used is being put into play again by Jay Morrison, taking it to the big man with a technical attack and now a strength attack. He continues to apply the sleeper, and Aecas is now weakening, not being able to fight back after most of his energy has been taken away. He tries to fight back, but all his elbows hit nothing but air. "(Judge) As we saw Todd do earlier, Jay Morrison is now using a sleeper hold to take down the giant. Will it work? I don't know." "(Ejiro) We've seen things like this time and time again. To take down the big man, you got to take out his foundation." "(Annie) I agree, surprisingly." Aecas reaches up and luckily grabs a handful of hair. Holding on to Jay Morrison, he slowly rises up, picking Jay up with him. But being so experienced in technical manuevers, Jay quickly releases the sleeper and locks in the Full Nelson, making sure that Aecas can't touch him or anything else. The counter seems to work, as Aecas goes down and Jay's arms continue to apply pressure. He wraps his legs around Aecas and the referee quickly goes down to ask for submission, but Aecas simply refuses. He grimaces, clenching his fist while slowly trying to crawl to the ropes. "(Annie) That's Aecas carrying 230 pounds using only his legs, trying to make it to the ropes because that Full Nelson has got to hurt." "(Judge) And now Brian Kingsmen has gotten back up to the apron and watching the action inside the ring." Aecas continues to crawl using his legs while Jay continues to hold on. The pain becomes almost unbearable, but somehow, someway, Aecas manages to get one of his legs on the bottom rope! The referee sees it and quickly breaks up the hold. Jay brings Aecas back up in a hurry and delivers a hard chop across his chest- "(Crowds) WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" -before grabbing hold of Aecas' wrist and whipping him to the ropes. Aecas rebounds and immediately goes for the clothesline, only to watch helplessly as Jay grabs hold of the arm and places both his hands through the giant's armpits to lock in the Full Nelson again!! Aecas tries to drag Jay to the ropes, but before he can, Morrison kicks the Black Angel's legs down, and the mammoth goes down!! Jay applies the hold again and the referee goes right back to work, crouching down and asking if Aecas wants to submit, but he defiantly refuses. "(Judge) Jay Morrison going for the technical manuevers again. It's a good move, but will it be enough?" "(Annie) And Aecas is moving to the ropes again. He has to get some offense in." "(Ejiro) Yeah, but he wasted that in the early goings of this match." Aecas crawls, focusing on using his legs to get to the ropes. He turns an entire 180 degrees so he's facing the inside of the ring while trying to stretch his leg out to touch the ropes. The referee goes to ask for submission again, not seeing that Aecas extends his right leg out and places it on top of the bottom rope. Noticing that simple fact, Brian Kingsmen drops down from the apron and moves over, swatting the leg off before the referee can notice it!! The fans erupt in boos as Brian tries to play innocent while heading back to the corner. Aecas tries to extend the leg again, but Jay Morrison pushes him further into the ring, away from the safety of the ropes. With nothing but searing pain in his veins, Aecas nods his head rapidly, and the referee calls for the bell! *Ding!* "(Judge) Aecas taps out!! Jay Morrison with a series of submission manuevers until finally he gets the giant to tap out! Jay Morrison has eliminated everyone but Brian Kingsmen, who hasn't even been involved, running away at every opportunity!" "(Ejiro) I have to admit, Jay Morrison is a great technical fighter, but he's tired while Brian Kingsmen is fresh." Brian jumps into the ring before Aecas can even move out, and capitalizes on the rising Jay Morrison with a diving bulldog! Brian is pumped up, pushing Jay back up and decking him with a overhand punch. He moves in, delivering another right hand, a third, a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth before grabbing hold of Jay's wrist and hurling him into the corner. Brian races in and quickly tries to get some offense in, but Jay reads the attack and pops his elbow out, sending Brian back the other way with his hands holding his mouth. Jay races in, and like he did to Aecas, applies the Full Nelson!! The fans can't help but to cheer for the lesser of two evils. Jay tries to get Brian down, but he's too fresh and just like that, Brian thrusts his head back, colliding it into Jay's forehead with a headbutt! Jay loosens the hold and Brian breaks free, then turning around to floor Jay Morrison with a standing clothesline. Brian drops down for the pin- ONE!!! TWO!!! THRE- and Jay Morrison still shows some life left in him, kicking out before the final count. "(Judge) We all know Brian is an egomaniac and he's a cheater. Let's see what kind of tricks he has up his sleeve tonight." "(Ejiro) If he's the kind of guy I think he is, then he should have all kinds of tricks in his sleeve." "(Annie) Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" "(Judge) Depends on where you look at it." Both remaining competitors rise to their feets and Brian quickly gets out the first punch, connecting and backing Jay to the ropes. He moves in and grabs Jay by the wrist and whips him to the ropes. Jay rebounds and instinctively tries for a clothesline, but Brian drops down and trips him down with a scissor sweep. Before your eyes can blink, Brian quickly jumps on Jay's back, pulling his right leg back the other way and locking in the single crab!!! The pain is obvious with Jay screaming in pain and his hands trying to reach for the ropes. "(Judge) And now Jay Morrison is tasting his own medicine, having a submission move put on him instead of the other way around!" "(Ejiro) It's a good pace of change." Brian continues the hold, as Jay slowly crawls towards the ropes, pulling Brian along with him. His hand is within a foot of the bottom rope.... six inches.... three.... two.... on- and Brian pulls him further out. But Jay refuses to give up, crawling there once again faster this time. He gets within an inch and before Brian can pull him out, he dives forward and grabs the bottom rope with his right hand! The referee breaks up the single crab leghold. Brian goes right back to work, dragging Jay back up and sends him to the ropes with an irish whip. Jay rebounds, and Brian delivers another scissor sweep. He tries to go for the single crab again, but Jay fights out of it, using his free leg to kick Brian at any place possible. Brian gets knocked back, but the ropes send him forward again, only to have him walk into a monkey toss!! The crowds let out a small cheer as Jay staggers to his feet, limping noticeably as he closes in on Brian. Jay mounts himself on Brian's chest and lets the guy have it, delivering point blank punches. ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN! The referee breaks up the mounted punching and Jay goes for the cover- ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- and Brian kicks out. Brian is dizzy, struggling to find his center of balance as Jay drags him back up. Jay signals for the end and quickly puts Brian's right arm over his head. He grabs hold of Brian's leg and goes for the fisherman's suplex... but Brian uses his left leg to block the attempt. Jay tries again, and again it is blocked. He punches Brian in the gut, loosening him up and finally lifts Brian high above his head, only to have Brian kick out with both legs to roll down Jay's back and pull him down for a schoolboy pin!! ONE!!! TWO!!! THRE- and Jay kicks out! Morrison is angry at himself, popping back up and flooring Brian with a clothesline. He tries to attempt the Phoenix Thunder Driver again, dragging Brian back up and lifting him high above his head- and again Brian counters the move, rolling down Jay's back to pull him over for the schoolboy!!! This time Brian doesn't take any chances, with the referee looking the other way to count, he places both his legs on top of the second rope!!! The fans boo extremely loud and Jay tries desperately to kick out but he's pushed down inevitably!! ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! ***Ding ding ding!!!*** "The Gauntlet" kicks up over the PA system as Brian Kingsmen quickly rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp, getting away from Jay Morrison before he can attempt at some payback! "(Judge) Brian Kingsmen pulls away with the win, using the ropes for leverage and it worked!! Both times Jay tried for his finisher but Brian countered!!! And Jay is definetly pissed." Jay sits in the ring in anger, and he rolls out, racing up the ramp, obviously looking for revenge as the camera fades to black. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ToddRoyal Report post Posted September 13, 2003 Not a comment on the match, as I don't feel like I am in a position to do that, but you spelt my name wrong. Several times actually. Just pointing that out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest damnimstupid Report post Posted September 14, 2003 My bad Todd, I guess when I read your stats and I read Megan's, I kinda sorta had it in my head that your last name ended with an "e". Like Megan Skye. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted September 15, 2003 On Todd's match- I'm no good at doing detailed analysis, but I would say you just need a little more detail in your move description. You have lines like "Aecas hits a vertical suplex" which could be extended to a whole paragraph, eg: "Aecas grabs for Kingsmen and pulls him around, hooking on a front face lock. The Black Angel hoists his opponent high into the air, letting him hang downwards for a moment, the blood rushing to Kingsmen's head. Aecas completes the move by dropping backwards, crushing Kingsmen's back into the canvas with spine shaking impact" Just my method though, don't wanna sound like I know it all! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites