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Steve J. Rogers

The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

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Been watching my season 2 DVDs of Angel, I have such a crush on Darla, so cute yet so evil :wub: between her and Lilah I never knew evil could look so good :D


Was nice seeing Cordy/Wes/Gunn really band together during Angel's little crusade...


I'm up to Dead End now so will be coming to Pylea shortly....



oh and I really wanna strangle Cordy for cutting her hair so damn short, heh...thank god Charisma has let it grow again.

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Oh I know the greatness of season 3...I haven't missed an episode since the show started and have watched my DVD sets several time already...man I can't wait till season 4 comes out :D

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Ohh, I thought you just started watching the series recently but I am thinking of Brian, I belive.


So I was thinking today, about how I would rank the Buffy/Angel seasons together. Even though we have 3 left for season 5 of Angel, I'm still going to rank them right now. And if this season owns anymore, I'll re-do it again.


1. Buffy 5

2. Angel 4

3. Buffy 3

4. Angel 5

5. Angel 3

6. Buffy 6

7. Buffy 2

8. Buffy 7

9. Angel 2

10. Buffy 4

11. Buffy 1

12. Angel 1

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Buffy.nu has the season 7 outtakes up now from the season 7 DVD's (they're out in the UK now), but when I downloaded it, all I got was audio (no video). Maybe one of you will have better luck.

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Buffy season 3

Buffy season 4

Angel season 2

Buffy season 5

Buffy season 2

Angel season 3

Angel season 1

Buffy season 7

Buffy season 6

Angel season 4

Buffy season 1

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Buffy.nu has the season 7 outtakes up now from the season 7 DVD's (they're out in the UK now), but when I downloaded it, all I got was audio (no video). Maybe one of you will have better luck.

I think you need a Divx Codec or just the player.



Buffy season 3

Buffy season 4

Angel season 2

Buffy season 5

Buffy season 2

Angel season 3

Angel season 1

Buffy season 7

Buffy season 6

Angel season 4

Buffy season 1


Woah Youth, no love for Angel season 4?

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Buffy.nu has the season 7 outtakes up now from the season 7 DVD's (they're out in the UK now), but when I downloaded it, all I got was audio (no video). Maybe one of you will have better luck.

I think you need a Divx Codec or just the player.


Where would I find that?

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From best to worst....


Buffy 4

Buffy 6

Buffy 5

Buffy 2

Buffy 3

Buffy 1

Angel 1

Angel 2

Angel 3

Buffy 7



I can't rate Angel 4 and 5 yet, but I'm sure they're no where near the top.

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Buffy 5

Buffy 3

Angel 3

Buffy 2

Buffy 6

Angel 2

Buffy 4

Buffy 7

Angel 4

Angel 1

Buffy 1


I'm sure Angel 5 will fit in nicely into third place. Angel 4, though, after having rewatched a lot of it on TNT just is too much and much of it not that good. And I absolutely hated Cordelia since season 3 of Angel(although it didn't deter from the overall awesomeness of it, plus she had that few episode absence which was just wonderful), and evil Cordy was just much, much, much more annoying. I mean, the Beast, Angelus, Faith, evil Cordy, and Jasmine... just too much. I don't know if that's the same reasons Youth disliked it, but those are mine.


All that said, any Buffy and Angel season is better than most shows on television.

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Buffy 5

Angel 4


Buffy 7



Angel 3

Buffy 6

Angel 2

Buffy 4

Buffy 1

Angel 1



As a rule, I tend to dislike earlier seasons of shows, because characters or events that happen latter on haven't happened yet, or production values aren't as high as they would be.

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I'm sure Angel 5 will fit in nicely into third place. Angel 4, though, after having rewatched a lot of it on TNT just is too much and much of it not that good. And I absolutely hated Cordelia since season 3 of Angel(although it didn't deter from the overall awesomeness of it, plus she had that few episode absence which was just wonderful), and evil Cordy was just much, much, much more annoying. I mean, the Beast, Angelus, Faith, evil Cordy, and Jasmine... just too much. I don't know if that's the same reasons Youth disliked it, but those are mine.


All that said, any Buffy and Angel season is better than most shows on television.

I agree. I didn't like Angel Season 4 as much as others did. I liked the Beast, but the season as a whole jumped around too much. They tried to do too much in one season and it just leaves you drained. Plus Cordelia became really annoying and I didn't care much for the whole Jasmine thing.


I liked Angel Season 3 better and possibly this season better too.

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Angel season 4 fell straight into the crapper when The Beast died. I loved the idea of Conner as a baby, but once he grew up he just became Dawnnoying.

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Yeah but Connor could KICK SOME FUCKIN ASS.


From Buffy.nu, this is what Joss had planned for the Angel season 6. A little bit of a spoiler bout the finale.


Jeff Bell told already, that Joss planned to bring Seth back in season 6, for the role of Oz. It makes sense, because due to the fact that there is this werewolf girl Nina, Oz would be perfect to be her helper, because he knows how to handle his little secret. Nina, for herself, seems to be alone, after this season..anywhere on a beach vacation with her sister.


But hey, this is not everything, that was coming up about Season 6. There were rumors about Willow, returning to Angel, and ’whooosch’...Jeff also told, that she was planned.


I’m quite sure, Willow was planned, for Illyria, cause in another interview Amy said, it was planned to split Illyria and Fred, so Amy was going to play a double role on Angel...very interesting thing.


At least, they even planned to play in another dimension, for the first episodes, after or during the fight against the dragon of the lawyer firm Wolfram & Hart.

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Guest EC!

Buffy 3

Angel 4

Angel 3

Buffy 4

Buffy 2

Angel 2

Angel 1

Buffy 1

Buffy 5

Buffy 6

Buffy 7


Here's another season question, I was thinking how compared to Buffy, each Angel season can (for the most part) be split into different arcs, often an Angel season tells 3 different stories while Buffy would concentrate on one. So my question is, which Angel season had the best start, the best middle and the best end?


Note that some of these arcs overlap but I've tried my best to segregate the seasons.


Season One: Doyle / The Return of Wesley (Parting Gifts to Sanctuary) / Introducing Gunn

Season Two: The Return of Darla / Angel turns (Reunion to Dead End) / Pylea

Season Three: Darla returns with Baby / Baby Connor and Musing Wes (Dad to Sleep Tight) / Annoying Connor and Badass Wes

Season Four: The Return of Cordy / The Beast vs Angelus vs Faith (Apocalypse, Nowish to Orpheus) / Jasmine

Season Five: Spike the Friendly Ghost / The Return of Cordy, Lindsey and Andrew (Destiny to Smile Time) / Illyria and THE Apocalypse


Personally I'd go with...


Doyle > Darla returns with Baby > The Return of Darla > The Return of Cordy > Spike the Friendly Ghost

The Beast vs Angelus vs Faith > The Return of Wesley > The Return of Cordy, Lindsey and Andrew > Baby Connor and Musing Wes > Angel turns

Illyria and THE Apocalypse > Annoying Connor and Badass Wes > Jasmine > Pylea > Introducing Gunn


Kinda jumped the gun with the last one but it's already surpassed late season three for me.

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Hmm, I've never thought about that before. You got some of the overlapping stories wrong.


Season FourThe Return of Cordy/The Beast & Angelus & Evil Cordy/Jasmine.


Season FiveGhost Spike/Lindsay/Illyria and The Apocalypse.


The return of Cordy and Andrew were only one shot episodes, so they have nothing to do with the overall story. The three big stories of season 5 are what I wrote above, well the way I look at it.

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Guest stardust

Did anyone else think that was an awesome episode? Angel and Spike both trying to save Buffy from The Immortal, Illyria morphing into Fred, Andrew turning into a pimp all of a sudden. I loved it.

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Goddamn I love that show.


Drew Goddard & Steven S. DeKnight > all


The change of scenery, the Angel/Spike relationship, Andrew, seeing Fred again...oh, I love all of it.

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Eh, this episode disapointed me big time. It was funny and everything, but it didn't advance the story that much. This whole Apacolypse thing that Lindsay was talking about, WHERE THE FUCK IS IT??? So they are going to tell the Apacolypse story in just two episodes? Nope, that is stupid.


RRR this season is NO where near as good as season 5 of Buffy. By this time during season 5 of Buffy, Glory nabbed Dawn and Buffy goes into a coma. What do we get with this episode? Angel and Spike chase Buffy down.


Since I am so disapointed to where this season is going, I am not even going to give my thoughts on the episodes with the lists. They had SO MUCH going ever since "You're Welcome" and they just went downhill.

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Man, fuck Buffy. Angel is 10x the show Buffy is or ever was. The comedy is funnier, the action is better, the storylines are darker, deeper, AND better. Buffy's a good show, but I'd take half of the episodes of Angel over a Buffy episode with very few exceptions.

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This show was ok, but not great. And it should have happened earlier in the season, not when they are building up to THE Apocalypse, like Mole said.


That being said, the Spike and Angel stuff was just ok. The stuff with Wes, Fred/Ilyra and her parents, and Andrew, of all the people, were great. Especially Andrew, I am shcoked to say. They showed hpw his character grew from the last time he appeared, and it was a wonderfull transformation. Kudos to the writers.

This episode would have been much better if they had been able to get SMG, or even Michelle (which was the original plan, untill scheduling conflicts arose). And they shouldn't have focused an episode around Buffy if hey couldn't get the actress. Which I found somewhat amazing, as Joss has shown an ability to get any past actor to appear on any episode, even for a few moments (See the First's dialoge to Spike in 'Lessons'"


Oh well, two to go (no pun intended). The last two eps should blow us away.

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