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Steve J. Rogers

The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

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I also hate how her story was never finished. Whatever happened to finding out who she really is? Is her true self "girl who sits on Buffy's couch, has break up sex and gets stabbed by Bringers"?

I am starting to think you didn't watch too hard.


Remeber the WHOLE speech with Andrew right before they had the wheel chair fight in the hospital? That was it. That was the peak of her character. That speech gave definition to her entire character. That speech is what makes her death understandable and acceptable as her end. I know you didn't like it, but she came to the point where that is how Anya wanted to die.

My favorite thing about Anya's death is that Andrew lies to Xander about how it happened.


After all the times they told him to stop telling stories...he finally figured out how to tell one in good nature.

I thought he finally told the truth- she did go out saving his life, by holding off most of the bringers and Ubervamps.

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Also, someone had to die because it was unrealistic for the Scoobies to go into battle and not loose anybody. The reason they didn't kill Faith was because at the time, there was still a chance to do a Faith spin-off. Wood was kept alive to partner with Faith, I believe. None of the core gang could die, as it would negate the ending somewhat (Buffy finally finding happiness), although the end of Angel knid of makes you wonder why Giles or Xander couldn't die.


And I wish to amend my earlier statement- Anyanka is now worse than Marney.

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Guest Brian

I'm surprised they didn't kill of Wood. Faith was still seeking redemption, and a spin-off was a strong option.


It was an apocalypse Anyanka.

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Wow, how thoughtful. A traumatizing pic. :( That image haunts me all the time.



Joss mentions in the shooting script that Andrew is lying. On the plus side he does put over Anya in the notes.



The group has survived apocalypses before. Besides, they already had people die. Spike died! The no selling of Spike's death is probably worse than Anya, bias aside. One of the big things about season 7 was that nobody believed in him except Buffy. In the end he saves the day and there's zero pay off. Nobody seems to care except Buffy. Giles and Xander were proven wrong, 10 times over...and not a word is said.



Even if someone "had" to die they could have at least paid it off. Joss specifically wrote it so that she would die without a proper send off.

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Wow, how thoughtful. A traumatizing pic. :( That image haunts me all the time.



Joss mentions in the shooting script that Andrew is lying. On the plus side he does put over Anya in the notes.

Sorry, but you not getting over her death is just plain scary.

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What can I say? I'm really into the show and the characters.


To be positive for a second, I'm happy she and Xander sort of got back together before she died. It would suck if they never got a chance to make up. Theirs is the best ship ever! I wish they had been married so much.

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Guest Brian

I agree about the Spike pay-off, but what could Xander and Giles have realistically done? They tried to have him killed. They never really trusted him. Anything they would have said really wouldn't have come off sincere.


Wesley had nothing to really live for, as he said before. They couldn't have pulled off someone in the core dying like that.

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Giles could at least have been like "so I was wrong about him..." or whatever. Something. Anything. Just at least seem to notice.



No one in the core group had to die like Wes. There is no reason a major character HAS to die. There is no reason for such a toll for a battle. The fight scene would have been just as dramatic and the end would have the same meaning with or without her death. Besides the big sacrifice in the end, nobody randomly dies in the Gift and it's effective. Nobody is randomly cut down in Graduation Day part 2 and it's effective. It was just pointless.


I can't help but think it has to do with Emma speaking out and not being happy.

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Guest Brian

There's no big fight scenes with Glory other than what Willow does. It's basically Buffy doing the fighting. When everyone takes their share of the fighting, especially against something so strong, there's going to be a toll. No other apocalypse compares.

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In those other battles they all took on vamps and minions. Anya and Andrew were taking on Bringers and like 2 ubies. It's not like they were fighting the whole army or Caleb or something. It's very comparable.


You seriously think having a toll in the battle against ubies and Bringers was worth killing off a major character like that? Imagine if it was your favorite getting killed to try and get Bringers over as a threat.



And again, it's not just the dying. If she had died and they had a payoff I'd be sad, but wouldn't be this upset. The bitterness is because she dies for the "toll" and in the end her friends don't even seem to care at all.



It's like Joss didn't think she was that important.

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In the grand scheme of things, she wasn't that important.


It is called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and not "Anya the Vengeance Demon", afterall.

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Yes she is! She is important to me, she is important to Xander, and is important to the others.


She was their friend and a lover to one. How could they be so uncaring? It makes them look like such assholes.




Yes, the show is about Buffy. And one of her best friends just died and she doesn't seem to even notice. What a bitch.

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When was Anya EVER a friend of Buffy's? Xander loved her, and honestly, that was the only reason any of the others put up with her. You were just talking about "Selfless" earlier, you know, when Buffy tried to KILL her?


So, outside of Xander--who had his moment to deal with her death, brief as it was--no one was going to be overly affected by her death. She didn't matter to any of the other characters, truthfully.


That's just the way it was.

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You're kidding right?


Yes, that applies to season 4 and early season 5. By the end of season 5 and all of season 6 she was CLEARLY friends with Willow and Buffy.


At the wedding they were her bridesmaids. When Xander left her they felt bad for HER, commenting on how they were angry at Xander for doing that to her. When she left SD they said they were worried and hugged her when she came back.


Buffy didn't WANT to kill her, she HAD to. Buffy said herself she was upset. Willow was visably shaken by it and refused to go with Buffy. Anya is refered to as "one of Buffy's best friends" in selfless. Also in the following ep Buffy saves her from a demon and invites her to her house, saying she doesn't want her friends in danger. She is Buffy's friend in Buffy's own words.



Saying they shouldn't care is just ridiculous.

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Yeah, Larry. Poor Larry.


They're like SIT deaths though. Cannon fodder, as Anya said.

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Yeah, okay, you're right in that they were kind of friends. I wouldn't go so far as to agree with being one of Buffy's best friends, even if it was said on the show. But anyway...


I just thought of something.


The Scoobies didn't know Anya was dead. Not outside of Andrew and Xander.


It was kind of hectic there, getting back to the bus and all. Maybe Xander just didn't want to bring it up just yet? Let them have their moment, with the Hellmouth and Sunnydale destroyed. Then, afterwards they got their grieving on.

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Think about it. Who else does Buffy know? She spends all her time with Xander, Willow, Anya, Tara, Dawn, Giles and other scoobs.


Speaking of the bridesmaids, I love the scenes where Willow and Tara are helping An get dressed. The way they laugh at Anya's bizarre ideas for the vows is so sweet.




How could they not notice she wasn't on the bus? Xander does without talking to Andrew, so I would think everyone else would too.



I mean, god, look at this...



(paces behind them) Yes, because the mall was actually in Sunnydale, so there's no hope of going there tomorrow.



We destroyed the mall? I fought on the wrong side.



All those shops gone. The Gap, Starbucks, Toys "R" Us. Who will remember all those landmarks unless we tell the world about them?



Just awful. Not even funny.

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I think it's perfectly logical for them to realize she's not there on the bus. Most of the SiTs were being attended to, Wood was driving with a wound, Dawn was busy checking for Buffy, who was running across building tops to make it, Andrew was in his own world wondering why he survived.


So, considering the situation, with all the people getting in the bus and having to haul ass to get out of there, it's perfeclty reasonable for them to not notice if she's there or not.


But Xander knowing she wasn't there was his thing. He's the one that loved her. She was basically his priority, if that makes sense. Everyone else had their own individual worries there.


Anya just wasn't on everyone's mind at that given moment. Is that wrong? I loved Anya, but she wasn't the center of the universe, so not everyone was going to be thinking about where she was.


Yeah, maybe the whole "mall-talk" was just Joss trying to be a little too cute with things, but you said it yourself, he was going to kill someone--that being Anya--and pretty much not even deal with the death.


But, I dunno, whatever. I have no problems with Anya being sliced in half.


But you seriously need to chill about it. It is just a show no matter how much you loved it and how much you cared for the characters. Because, no matter what, at the end of the hour(or 42 minutes if you're watching on DVD) it's over. You go on with your life.


Xander was my favorite character, and I was perfectly fine with how Anya's death was dealt with by him. "Mall-talk" notwithstanding, but I'd rather he made a crack about all the stores being gone than him walking up to the rest of the group and going, "Oh, hey, sorry to disrupt the happy, but Anya's dead. Yeah, sliced in half, saving Andrew's sorry ass. Cry with me?"

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I could understand not noticing on the bus, as it was like chaos, but someone should have noticed something when they were walking around at the end.



I don't just move on when the hour is over. I think about it all the time, and always care about the characters. Buffy's a big part of my life. Seeing a character I really care about getting cut in half is just horrible. Maybe you think I'm into it too much, but whatever, that's just how I feel.



Xander is my other favorite and his fate is dreadful too. He loses an eye and his soul mate. It's just terrible. I am convinced they had it out for Anya/Xander fans or something. What's scary is that Nick has said the original plan was that Xander would die and return as a monster. I can't even imagine how I would feel if that had happened. It makes losing an eye seem like a good thing.



I like the scene with Andrew when he gets off the bus.

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I enjoy Anyankas passion for this show and never-ending unhappiness with the treatment of her favourite character. She is our Anyasault.


Really, the most fitting death for Anya would have been being killed by a giant Bunny. That dastardly First and it's bunny-minions.


All those shops gone. The Gap, Starbucks, Toys "R" Us. Who will remember all those landmarks unless we tell the world about them?


C'mon, that's funny. Inappropriate at the time, but funny.

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I always figured that they made there way to a medical center, got taken care of, than held a memorial service for everybody they lost. But that happened after the show ended, so we never saw it.

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Anyasault. Wow, she should really change her name to that. Gotta love Mole's sig too.


The thing with death in the Buffyverse is that it is never permanent. Anya could have been brought back pretty easily, just like Buffy or Darla or any of the other dead characters.

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Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but this is the Angel thread isnt it?


Listen I agree with hating that characters died in both shows, but that's the nature of them, fighting evil has consequences. If all in the buffy-angel land was real, most of us would be dead in a second, I mean one slayer (ok 2 when faith, then all the sits but you get my point) to defend everyone in the country?


That just reminded me, what the hell happened to the rest of the country (and cali) in the buffyverse. who fights evil in the midwest, the east coast, etc. funny how the slayer only saved a small town outside la . Then again maybe I am thinking too much.


I understand why we get so upset at our favs dying in a series finale. Because had they lived, then we could make up in our minds what happens next. and yea when is death ever final (well except for poor Tara)


and one more thing wtf ever happened to OZ? I know he got mad when he found out willow moved on but come on, he was a major character for the better part of 2 seasons, couldn't he have at least been there at the end, and maybe even showed up on angel (outside of the season 1 ep where he did make a cameo) I guess Seth was busy or something.






I would do a quote here, but I can't think of a good one, guys help me out here

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