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Steve J. Rogers

The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

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I was browsing some old posts in this forum, and saw some "spoilers" about the end of Buffy season 6.


Tara dies but comes back as a ghost to lead Buffy on a vision quest, the The Geek Squad self-destruct as Willow is kidnapped and turned into a human magical energy battery and ends up braindead, and Dawn gets taken away by the state....


Ah, foilers. Talk about crazy.

what thread was this?

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Just browse posts in this forum "from the beginning" in "ascending order". There's actually a lot of threads on Buffy/Angel that are fun reads. This one was called "sucks for Tara/willow" or something like that. There's also a good discussion about the end of season 3 Angel.

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I just noticed another mistake while watching Showtime.


Buffy throws Andrew's Holy Water at the ubie and it is stunned and later clearly burnt. However in Empty Places when Anya talks about the info from her "demon contracts" she says holy water doesn't hurt ubies. WTF? It's like they didn't even bother to check Bring on the night and showtime when they wrote the later stuff for the ubies. It's not like they had to retcon it for storyline purposes either. In the end them being immune to holy water and being able to be staked was irrelevant. It's like WWE writing.




Tara was going to be in season 7 as FE, but Amber Benson refused. Too bad. The Cassie stuff in CWDP ended up really good anyway though.

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I would have liked to see Amber do the FE after it was found out. When it leans towards Willow and threatens her. Cassie was really effective then. It would be weird to see Tara act like that.

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I just finished watching the complete episode of "The Girl in Question" and dear LORD is that a fucking brilliant episode. I think it, and "Life of the Party" must take each other on in WHEDONDOME! TWO EPISODES ENTER! ONE EPISODE LEAVES!!!!


... Ok, I don't mean that, cause I haven't downloaded LOTP so I can't accurately compare the two and that would be unfair. However, I will look for it and when I find it, RUDODOME will be a reality.


::Edit:: And when it does become a reality, THIS will be echoing aloud.













::::Edit:::: I swear, I will get over WHEDONDOME! (TWO EPISODES ENTER! ONE EPISODE LEAVES!) or die* trying.







*get bored

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Guest Brian

I don't agree on the "A Whole in the World" as that episode you want to show to people. The actings all superb and the humors good, but I think people have to go back and see some of the Wes/Fred stuff to realize how truly heartbreaking that episode is.

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I just saw the end of season 2 again. Ok, so Cordy can't fuck a demon without passing on her visions, right? That was the whole deal with Groo. So when she nailed Connor, how come she didn't pass off her visions? The ep where Connor couldn't harm anyone in the hotel because of the demon ward seemed to imply that he was something other than human, ie demon.

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I just saw the end of season 2 again. Ok, so Cordy can't fuck a demon without passing on her visions, right? That was the whole deal with Groo. So when she nailed Connor, how come she didn't pass off her visions? The ep where Connor couldn't harm anyone in the hotel because of the demon ward seemed to imply that he was something other than human, ie demon.

I think it was just Groo because he was supposed to get them in the prophecies.

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Taking the visions is what makes Groo the Groosalug. He's a special case.




If anyone is a player in Angel season 5 it's Andrew. Even if he is barely in it, it's still Andrew. He was the MVP of Buffy season 7 and Angel season 5. He is the season savior. Harmony is horrible. She is unfunny, not interesting, irrelevent and a disgrace to the opening. Harm is the worst character to reach regular status in the history of Buffy, Angel and Firefly. I can't believe she survived. I want her staked to bad. The fact that she ended up fine and my characters are dead and maimed makes me so mad. Illyria is boring, but at least Amy Acker did a good job with the acting and she has a uncanny resemblence to Kula from King of Fighters.




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I just saw the end of season 2 again. Ok, so Cordy can't fuck a demon without passing on her visions, right? That was the whole deal with Groo. So when she nailed Connor, how come she didn't pass off her visions? The ep where Connor couldn't harm anyone in the hotel because of the demon ward seemed to imply that he was something other than human, ie demon.



Um, she was having sex back in season 1, after she got the visions. And I think it was either just Goo, or she was worried about loosing them for some reason (haven't seen it in a while, and I leant out my DVD's so I can't check.)

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It is just Groo. That's what the Groosalug does. They have kyruption or whatever and she passes the visions to him. He is a special half cow/demon thingy that gets the visions like that. It has nothing to do with others.



I just noticed Anya wears glasses in Bring on the night. What's up with that? Did her 1000 year old demony eyesight fail then get better again? It's a cute look.



Beljaxa's Eye is such a rip off of the Hamburger Wes talks to.

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Guest Brian

She may have lost the visions by then. Assuming Jasmine was already in her gathering earthly form and what-not, from "The Houser Always Wins", Jasmine was probably just planting any visions she had.

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Andrew gets points for wearing a Strong Bad shirt, but that's it. He was a player in Season 7 Buffy, though.

You can't be a player if you are only in 2 episodes.

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Fine, but there's no denying he was the savior of season 7. I'm watching Touched now and him bugging Spike is the only good thing. Well that and Xander and Anya having break up sex.

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The reason...?


And I just watched "A Hole in the World" again, and I change my vote. "World" is defiently better than "Fade," but not as good as "Nowish."


The reasons will be said tomorrow, I am toooo sleepy right now.

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That "What Angel Character Are You" thing in Naitch's sig is retarded. I do not, in anyway, support that. It is horrible and deserves to be destroyed and never spoke of again. A crime against humanity, if you ask me.

He's Connor.

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I got Fred.


You're Fred. What this says about you: You're very intelligent and optimistic, but you fear the outside world and are unsure of your place in it . People don't always get you or your kooky ways, but you don't mind. You're very sensitive and romantic, but when you're in love, you have the tendancy to let your eye wander. Take a minute to assess how you really feel about someone before breaking their heart




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If the reason isn't "because I'm high" then there's no logical reason why "Nowish" would be better than "Not Fade Away" and "A Hole In The World". :)

"Nowish" is better and you know it.

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