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This topic has been discussed before, but I thought it was time for a refresher with a slight twist. This one is directed mostly at retirees, but active players are certainly welcome to answer too.


Who do you wish you'd had a chance to face?


(Or for active players, who haven't you faced that you'd like to?)

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And now for my answers.


I had a JL main event once with HVT, and I regret that I didn't have a lot of time to write that week and turned in a 2000 word crapfest. It's a shame because I was on a real hot streak at the time (this was during the XF9 vs. Alliance feud) and felt I actually had a chance of winning if I had some more time. I've always wanted another shot at the Thugg.


Upon similar lines, I wish I'd had a chance to make a serious effort against Tom Flesher.


As for guys I've never faced, I've never had a match with Jay Dawg, and I always thought a Dawg vs. Dogg feud would've worked well.


And finally, if the Sigil character hadn't bombed, I wanted to see a Sigil vs. Orochi feud, because Sigil was convinced that Orochi was ripping off his ideas. Well, except for the ear part.

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Guest Fire and Knives

This may surprise some of you, but I kinda wanted a match with Edwin.


I'd take a program with Tom as a substitute, though. I doubt pandas would become involved at any point, but I still think it'd be fun to pit King's golden boy against the man who's always got something to prove.



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All the guys who got bumped last summer before I left. I really wanted to face Frost and TNT in singles, and would have loved to see who'd out-showoff the other in an old-school Tom Flesher vs. old-school Edwin match.


Oh, and King in a match where we both wrote, goddammit. Least satisfying cool-on-the-surface feud ever.

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Guest Evolution

Frost - When I was Randy Turner, we were setting up a feud before I abruptly left, it'd be nice to just have a regular ol' singles match with him.


Show/Grappler - Obviously.

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Well, cheifly, I tagged with Edwin and Raynor once, immediately after I got bumped, but it would've been cool to tag with them at least once again.


For the damndest reasons I can imagine, I never faced TNT or Annie in the WF. I imagine an Annie vs 'classic' Z match would've been... amusing.


Oh, and although I faced Tom several times in the WF, I always did want a straight singles PPV match against him. There's like a 60% chance I actually would've shown!



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While I'm certainly happy with my feud with TNT, I would've loved to have feuded thoroughly with my fellow graduates at the time of my bumping; those being Frost, Z, Danny, & Ced.


And while my brief feud with Flesher was fun, we all know it was just an excuse to get the US belt off him. :P A longer feud with him would've also been nice.

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Well, you know, in a match where we didn't both end up on a bus headed to New Jersey while Chinese fingercuffed to eachother...


...What do you mean I just want the match for a free win 'cuz he'd no-show? Shut UP!

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ELM. No question. I wanted to do a whole "hero worship" angle with him, once I established my character in the WF, but then the sumbitch up and retired on me! :(

Hehehe, sorry.


I've been lucky in that I've had the chance to face some of the SWF's legends (King, Mark, Edwin, Thugg) one on one. Also, I've competed against both Comet and Stubby, but never had the chance to face either of them one on one. So, they tie for my response.

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Hmmmm.....tough one, since I've never been in the ring with any of the real legends of the past (I had one triple threat with Edwin a long time ago, and that tag match with Commish King a few months ago). I guess I'd narrow it down to a tie between three men:


1) HVT

2) Grand Slam

3) Axis


I dunno why, but I was always an Axis mark, and I would have liked to work a program with him. I fought him once, in the original IGNWF World Title Tournament, but that was no contest. Now, I might be able (MIGHT is the imperative word here) to put up a fight.

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Well, for me.


I've yet to take Flesher on in one on one, just in tag matches so far, but I'd probably die if I did. But I'd still like to find out.


Z, because of all the stuff I've heard about it, It'd have been cool to take a crack at him.


Dace vs Crow in singles has still only gone down the once, and there needs to be a hardcore match between us some time.

Never did get that big Hardcore match against Janus either.


I wanna face Aecas when he's bumped, due to friendly compertition and all.


And last and most importantly for me.


Danny Williams.

Danny's face turn and forming the Unholy Trinity just before I got bumped means this one isn't happening for a while, but I'm damn sure this one is going down before either one of us retires, just no way it' not happening.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

I would have liked a one-on-one match with Edwin. There were a few tag and handicap matches, but Wilson mostly wrote them and i was writing terribly at the time anyway. On that note, a match against Wilson would have been fun too.


Axis and Sacred i've wanted matches with since i pretty much started in the JL. I've had two with Sacred, but no-showed them both. I've also wanted a one-on-one match with Strangler since i won the European Title from him as well, we've tagged twice since them but no match.


And one more PPV match with Craven. I've lost three to him, i have to beat him on a PPV eventually. But that would require me coming back, and i very much doubt that'll happen.

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Guest Aecas

There are three people that spring to mind for me.


The first is Crow, I only ever wrestled him once, and I was forced to no show that match so I never really got the chance to fight him properly.


The second one is Dace, because he's my mate and its on general principles that we should fight one another at least once.


And last but certainly not least is my mate Janus, if this character ever returns then I know where I'm going :)

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There are three people that spring to mind for me.


The first is Crow, I only ever wrestled him once, and I was forced to no show that match so I never really got the chance to fight him properly.


The second one is Dace, because he's my mate and its on general principles that we should fight one another at least once.


And last but certainly not least is my mate Janus, if this character ever returns then I know where I'm going :)

Four Way D@mnation In A Box, boys? :P


Well, if I brought Janus back, I'd have to say Dace comes to mind first, mostly because as Dace said we still should have a big hardcore match, and it'd be fun. Aecas too, because he's my good buddy and I'd look forward to writing against him.


A rematch with Frost would be nice, since word limit disqualification sucked. ;)


Other than that, a match against any of the main-eventers, just so I die trying to beat them. Tom, TBS, etc.


Oh, and I'd like to have a match against G, just so I can job. B-)

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My short list?


One-on-one rematch with Chris Wilson, since I never did get my rematch when i dropped the World Title to him.


A one-on-one with Chris Raynor.


Triple threat match: The Fallen v. Y2Chris v. Midnight Carnival (Grand Slam & Edwin)


Newer Guys -


Tom Flesher - duh...


Danny Williams - I get the feeling that he and I could put on one hell of a match as we wrestle, if not similar, then compatible styles.


Justice & Rule v. Grand Slam & Mistress Sarah

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Everyone that I never faced...

...but if I have to narrow it down...


1) Strangler

2) Frost

3) Flesher

4) Ejiro (although we DID face when I was Deja Vu)

5) Judge

6) Comet



Da "I'm sure there's more, but it's 7:40am and I just woke up" H

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Guest Goodear

I would love to write some dueling promos between the 'pranksters' of the olden days just to see if I could hang with my own brand of idocy.


I'm also looking forward to do some verbal sparring with Thugg once I get my profile a little higher just so I can have him call me a bitch... you haven't made it in the SWF until that happens :)


In the JL, I want to face Brian Bowers (just for the promos) and English Dragon. And I always had a really sick desire to fight Thor although I realize why he changed characters.


The SWF I have never faced either Thoth or Kibagami and I think I would like to just to highlight the differences between our philosophies.

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I wanna tag one more time with either Edwin or ELM to take on Justice and Rule.


And then I want to face Chris Storm in an actual match, rather than the umpteen cowrites we've done before. :P


And then... King, Edwin, ELM, and GSMS in singles competition... and I'd also want to go up against Wild and Dangerous with heel Raynor and someone else.


EDIT: And Thugg. I only had one match against Thugg (cage match to "soften him up" for the PPV - how backwards is that? :P ), and I don't think I wrote too well on that one.


EDIT EDIT: Deja Vu too!


EDIT EDIT EDIT: I don't think I've ever faced Xstasy... well, once in a tag match, but that's about it. So add him.

Edited by chirs3

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I remember that match Chris...Stubby was all kinds of pissed off at me for making that match without talking to him about it first. That was during the Thugg/Edwin/Bo angle, wasn't it? I don't think I ever saw your match from that one...but I seem to remember like throwing you off the cage or something like that.


Da "too many drugs" H

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Guest Suicide King

Hmm... I'm gonna include people I had to no-show against. See? Even I no-showed once in awhile. Ok, fine. I no-showed a lot in my day. Happy? ;) Also, some of these people I had tag matches with but never got that singles match I wanted.


Edwin MacPhisto - As previously stated, though we had a great month long feud, we never ever actually managed to both show for the same match. ;)


Axis - A lot of people downplay Axis, but I cannot overemphasize his contributions to the fed. He's damned good too. We had a singles match once (no-contest for his storyline with Thugg) and a six pack challenge, but never an actual meeting.


Sacred - Stevens and I are both Sacred marks, and for good reason. Sacred is teh bomb.


Cyclone Comet - man oh man.... the mega face, versus the uber heel? I get wet just thinking about it. ;)


Stubby - Stubby did something no one else in the fed had done at the time. He was so annoying, so condescending that you WANTED to beat him to wipe that damned smile off his face. ;)


That was the class of yesteryear. Now on to the more recent additions... a wealth of material to work with, to be sure.


Flesher - Well, duh. The best heel since me? Of course i want to write against him.


Williams - When he started out in the JL, I really didn't like his style. Now he has really grown and developed into the most unique and characteristic style of the fed.


Justice and Rule - best tag team ever. that simple. Either man alone would be a challenge, but together? Damned near unbeatable.

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Well, I've got a few, besides just saying all the old school guys, King, Axis, Thugg, X, Mark.


When I was heel, I was so set to work with Wilson, but that kinda didn't happen because my bump class was delayed. That really sucked.


Once again as a heel, I'd have loved a match with Edwin, because I used him and CIA to mold my entire heel persona, during my JL run. And while working with Wilson I might have gotten that chance... but sadly, it wasn't to be.


As a face, there's still time to do a lot of things, like finish a feud with Flesher, have a CIA/Mak vs. Justice and Rule match, etc. But I'm happy I've gotten the chance to work with Muzz, who is somebody I always marked out for. It's a shame the tourney affected our feud the way it has. A damn shame.


The other feud I wanted to run was with Divefire, but sadly that couldn't be done at the time.


I always wonder if turning face screwed up more than just the East Coast Legacy, which could have been awesome, because I loved writing as a heel. I think I could've made the transition from cocky heel to meglomaniac (I wonder if Flesher will remember that one) given enough time with the M7. Not to be cocky, but I wonder if I could ever add a best WF heel to my JL one.

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