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Guest fairtoflair7

Wwf superstars review 92 part 3

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Guest fairtoflair7

- Once again, I’m back with the 3rd episode of WWF Superstars from 2/92.It has been a long time since I did my last reviews so I will just remind that I do the review by a +/- system. For any feedback, wants or concerns just e-mail me at [email protected].


- The last time I did a review, we were right up to the SNME w/ Hogan/Sid vs. Taker/Flair and on the next Superstars they said they will have the results


- Opening Montage for WWF Superstars


- We come this week from the Amarillo Civic Center in Amarillo, Texas. The week before they said the Nasty Boys, Shawn Michaels and Rowdy Roddy Piper will be here so lets see if they live up to that.


- Hosts Perfect and Vince like always. Vince then recalls how Sid was jealous when Hogan was named the # 1 contender at WM8. Vince talks about the comments Sid said but then Perfect defends Sid saying that he did apologize for the comments but V says that Sid should apologize for his actions during the Hogan/Sid vs. Taker/Flair match


- We then join, in progress, the match with Vince and Bobby Heenen, one of the greatest announcers of all time, at commentary. We join the match. Hogan and Flair are in the ring and Hogan is crawling for a tag. Sid looks and holds the tag rope without extending his arm. Hogan is about 3 feet away. Meanwhile Flair tags in Taker while Heenen exclaims how Sid never put out his hand and there is dissension between Hogan and Sid. Taker drags Hulk back to their corner. Sid mocks Hulk by putting his hand to his ear and doing the famous Hogan pose. While this is going on, Taker is choking the life out of The Hulkster. Flair double teams him too. Tag to Flair. Hogan is in the other corner and Heenen calls him a dummy to not go to the corner and make a left. Flair in with some WHOOOO, chops but Hogan shrugs them off. Flair’s punches have no effect. It looks like Hulk is hulking up and Sid is shocked. Taker in to double team in the corner and he nails Hulk w/ a headbutt. Both Flair and Taker back Hogan to the corner but Hulk comes off with a double clothesline. Hogan is now crawling to make a tag. Sid is deciding if he should come in or not. I just don’t understand why Hogan won’t stand up. He keeps putting his hand out while Heenen is mocking Hogan saying “Help me. Help me, Help me”. Right when Sid is about to tag in, he moves his hands away and decides to leave. The crowd is giving Sid a lot of heat while both Hogan and the recently operated on  Brutus Beefcake who is with Hogan, are in shock. Heenen says Sid has had enough of both of them. Beefcake then pulls Sid around and asks him what he is doing. Sid just shrugs him off. Vince claims if he hit Beefcake his face could have been shattered once again. Meanwhile, Undertaker and Flair work on Hogan in the corner. We then cut away from the match and back to Perfect and Vince. 2:40 (+4) Good stuff with seeing part of the match, Good angle, no boring parts + Bobby too


Heenen’s line of the episode (we won’t see him again unless he is in an interview):

Vince: (after Sid almost hit Beefcake)”Oh, Wait a minute!!!!!, Don’t hit him!!....Please”

  Bobby: “This will be like a hockey game. Their will be face off.....If he touches Beefcake. I guarantee it” (laugh)


- Back to V & P who proceed to show us what Hulk and Brutus say after the match. This is after the match on SNME with Mean Gene giving the interview. Hogan says Sid proved 2 things. He is a liar and knows nothing about friendship. O Yea, Hogan knows tons about friendship.  Hogan says when he tried to reach for the tag, he just saw the “stone cold” eyes just like the cold blood of Sid. He says that Sid turned his back on him and all the Hulkamaniac’s. He could have been destroyed if it wasn’t for Brutus Beefcake. Footage shown of Brutus coming in while Hogan is getting double-teamed. Brutus then hits Flair but too no effect and both enemies turn their attention toward Brutus. He rolls away while Hogan hulks up once again and delivers 2 clotheslines, one to Flair and one very sloppy one to Taker. Brutus then says the absurdity of the episode by claiming that he knew he was going to be OK once Hogan was with him. Great, now we found the cure for all diseases worldwide. Put Hogan in the room with them. Hogan states that even when there were steel bolts in Brutus’s head, he saw Brutus’s and his heart beating as 1. Hogan hopes Sid is watching when he strips Flair of his title at WM.  He then dedicates the title match at WM to the Barber. (Even) Pretty fucked up interview with Beefcake touches his face and staring like an idiot.


- V and P then recap what happened and V claims that Sid is jealous of Hulk. You just don’t walk out on your partner like that. Perfect is laughing to himself. We then see an interview the next day where Sid is on the BarberShop, the stupid remake of the Brother Love Show/ Piper’s Pit. Brutus, the host as always, is giving the interview. Sid is getting tons of heat. The Barber recaps the prior events of the Royal Rumble. Footage is shown of the famous event and we are down to Sid, Hogan and Flair. Hogan chucks Flair over the top rope onto the apron. Hogan is trying to kick flair off the apron on to the floor while Sid is just standing there, watching. Brutus says right there, Sid takes advantage of Hogan, and he throws him over the top rope. What the Fuck is he talking about!!!! The Royal Rumble is every man for himself. There are no friendships involved. You can take advantage of anyone at any time. Hogan was stupid to ignore Sid’s presence in ring. If he got rid of Flair, what did he expect Sid to do???? Walk out of the ring and let the ass Hogan win for the 3rd straight year???? I don’t think so. Anyway, we then see the interview in which was on the my 1st review of the Superstars where they announced Hogan would be the opponent for Flair at WM. Shown next, is the interview which was on the 2nd episode of the Superstars which I reviewed. Sid “apologizes” to Hogan and say they can work together and be friends. Brutus then asks Sid why he wasn’t there for Hulk Hogan? Sid tells Brutus to Shut up. He says he doesn’t care about Beefcake or Hogan or any of Hogan’s friends. He then laughs, like a maniac, to himself. Justice then says he is going to rearrange the Barber’s face. Justice then takes a chair and destroys the barber shop window for the 2nd time in history, Rockers incident the 1st. Brutus is on the floor begging for mercy while Sid is screaming to the fans about his dislike for Hogan. While Sid knocks other stuff in the shop down, Brutus manages to escape. Sid then goes on to destroy the Shop. Funny stuff when Sid hits some of the hair crap on the wall and goes on to Sid’s face. He turns around w/ while stuff on his face. Not too slick when you are giving a huge heel interview to get over. Sid then talks into the camera, looking like a fool, saying that Hogan is a coward. We see Leslie’s famous clippers are lying on the floor. (+2) More good stuff with the destroying of the terrible BarberShop. I don’t think there was another BarberShop after this. Sid also got really over with the fans as a heel even with white powder on his face.


- Back to V and P again. Vince says that president Jack Tunney was now forced to take matters into his own hands.


- Update: We are with Mean Gene and he says President Jack Tunney has made a statement basically saying that at WM there will be 2 main events thus changing the whole card around. Now the title match will be #1 contender Macho Man Randy Savage vs. WWF champion Ric Flair. The other main event match will be Sid Justice vs. Hulk Hogan. Mean Gene says that there is much speculation going around saying that Tunney will name a special guest referee for the main event. Guess that never did happen. (+2) Nothing really except that this changed the whole card at WM around and made it much better so it is significant and it gets positive points.


Opening Match (Finally)-British Bulldog vs. Omar Atlas: V is now hyping the 2 main events at WM. Perfect wants to know what happened here. They knew Flair can beat Hogan and he knows Ric can beat Savage but he just wants to know what happened. V claims Perfect is upset. Anyway, this is post Tag team era for DBS. V then says we will hear from all the participants who are in WM so far. Lock up to start and Atlas controls w/ a headlock. DBS whips him to the ropes and Omar runs into DBS &  falls on his ass. V & P really don’t take any interest in the match. The same goes for me. Omar runs to the ropes but he runs into an arm drag by the bulldog., followed by another. V claims P is not happy that Savage is the contender now. DBS then works on the arm and rams his knee into it. Omar knees the bulldog in the gut and takes control with a front facelock. That is not a good move to put on DBS. Davey then ends up just chucking him off onto the mat. But once again Atlas cuts back with a blow to the midsection. In the corner now, Atlas kicks and punches DBS. He Irish whips him but it gets reversed and Atlas is the recipient of a huge clothesline in the corner. DBS then pick up the jobber over his shoulder and hits his running powerslam for 3. 1:38 (Even) Short but nothing too bad even though Atlas got more offense then DBS. Why that is? I don’t know


- Vince shrills tickets for WM8 in the Hoosier Dome. We then see moments such as Liberaci dancing w/ the Rockettes at WM 1, Robin Leach holding the title at WM 4, Alex Trebeck announcing at WM 7, and the Bob Ueker interview w/ Andre at WM 3. Vince claims Ueker will be in the front row. Guess that didn’t happen. (-1) Nothing Special and I have seen these moments many, many times


-Nasty Boyz vs. Kris Germany and Larry Williams: V talks about how Marla Maples got “nasticized” by the Nasties at WM 7. Oooh, wonder what happened there and is “nasticized” even a word. When P says that these 2 guys are nasty, he thinks P is referring to the jobbers. Idiot. They once again talk about the Wm match w/ Hogan and Sid. Williams and Sags start off and Sags controls quickly with a mid section blow and upper cut. Whip to the ropes is reversed by Williams but he puts his head down and gets paid with an elbow. Knobbs in and he drops some elbows on the jobber. He then proceeds to ram William’s face into the mat numerous times. Tag to Sags and he kicks Williams in the midsection but it looked like he got him a little bit lower by mistake. He then puts the jobbers arm though his legs and slam him down to the mat. Gets 2 but then picks him up. Pit stop and then tag to Knobbs. For some reason Knobbs throws Williams into his corner and Germany comes in but gets clobbered with some rights right away. He throws the jobber into a Saggs boot and Saggs in again and this time, he hits a back suplex. Another tag and Knobbs. Sags whips Germany into the corner and he gives momentum to Knobbs and he splashes him in the corner. Knobbs then powerslams Germany and hits the elbow off the top for 3. 2:53  (-1) would have been lower but there was actually SOME wrestling moves in this match. Still nasty and still bad.


-Mooney is in the event center. He hypes an upcoming house show in San Diego. Nasties/ Mountie vs. Hart/LOD, Hogan/Piper vs. Piper/Flair. This can’t be a bad card b/c the main event has to be good.

- Flair/ Taker give their comments on the match. Flair says they all have issues and Taker gives his usual wordy speech about the destruction of Hulkamania. He calls Piper “a lonely Scotsman”.

- Hogan/Piper give their comments. Hogan says he can’t stand the rule of  “everything is subject to change”.  He says 1 thing that will never change is when Roddy Piper makes his mind up, it also stays the same. Ugh Ok. Piper then goes on a tirade about throwing out rules and how they both have been superpowers for years. Well I guess this is true since WCW has them in their main event when both were way past there prime. (Even) Average interviews


-Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Todd Overbow: Well this can’t be that bad b/c Piper is always entertaining. He is the newly crowned IC champion and he looks mighty happy. V & P  talk about WM and how Piper and Hart will do battle. Perfect says Piper belongs in a straitjacket. Lockup and Piper drags the jobber down to the mat. Overbow get to the ropes. We see comments by the Hitman. He wants his belt back and will do anything to do it. Piper armlocks but the jobber reverses it. They go to the ropes again and breaks but Overbow then makes the stupid mistake of sucker punching Hot Rod. I thinking an A.J. Petruzzi beating is in the making. Piper is pissed & he pushes the ref out of the way and starts beating the shit out of Overbow with many rights and lefts. He slaps the jobber numerous times. He then locks on the sleeper and gets the submission 1:28 (+1) Not as good as what Piper has done earlier in his career but this wasn’t bad for what this show has given out so far. It does seem like every Roddy squash is like this.


-Back to Mooney again and he says at the show at the Anaheim Convention Center, Macho Man and 17 others will be in a battle royal.

- We hear from some of the participants in this battle royal and one will be the Texas Tornado. He says this is the most dangerous match and that all the combatants are in the best shape of their life. He says whoever gets in his way like Skinner or Jake Roberts will be thrown over the rope and he will be victorious.  

- Next is none other then Bret the Hitman Hart. What he likes about the battle royal is that you don’t always have a chance to get even with everyone but now you can. Every man is for himself and there are no friends.  If anyone gets in his way such as DBS, LOD, Warlord, Mountie, Nasty Boyz, they will be thrown out and he will be # 1.

- Now we go to the definite winner in Virgil. He remembers times when he was young and he would fight for breakfast or go to the store or come home from school. He says all these were battle royals. He has experience and he is going to win. It look like he has no idea what he is saying.

(-1) Hitman couldn’t save this segment b/c both of the other interviews were pathetic.


-Vince shrills Suburban Commando. HA, that got 4 stars


Shawn Michaels vs. Rudy Gonzales: Shawn doesn’t come out to his “Sexy boy” music but this weird classical tune. He is with Sherri though. P says we will hear from Flair after this match. P says Shawn is as close to Perfect as him, so he can’t blame Sherri for liking Shawn. We then he a close up of her tits while Shawn puts his earrings on her dress. Sherri doesn’t look that bad. Michaels hammers Rudy with some rights in he corner then comes off the ropes with a flying knee with sends the jobber to the floor. Shawn then comes of the apron with a flying clothesline! P & V are impressed. P says you don’t see this kind of talent every day.  Shawn just poses in the ring. We then see the box in the corner with Shawn and Sherri. Vince claims this is earlier but Sherri is wearing a different dress. Shawn says he is “going against the grain”. Whatever...Shawn brings the jobber back in and hits a nice backbreaker. Sherri keeps saying “Yes, Come on Yes” like she is getting fucked and Shawn says” You like that honey”.. Sweet chin music followed by the back suplex gets 3 for Michaels.1:41(+3) Good stuff for a squash


WM 8 report: Mean Gene tells us about all the matches. He talks about the main event Savage vs. Flair

- P and Flair say that Tunney has made decisions that don’t sit well w/ both of them. Flair claims Tunney tried to destroy his credibility but Flair is the one with the title. Flair says how Savage was WWF champion and that he is an accomplished wrestle but Flair states that he knows something that Savage doesn’t know.

- We the go to Savage who thinks he has the best chance to beat Flair. If he doesn’t know something that Flair does know, he wants Flair to say it. He thinks Flair is scared of him b/c he will beat him for the title. He says Flair has no guts.

Gene doesn’t buy that Flair has something on the Macho Man. He talks about the other main event:Sid vs. Hogan

- Sid gets a crappy interview about how he is going to destroy Hulkamania and the Barber at WM.

- Hogan talks about how Tunney keeps changing his mind about what to do. He says him and the Hulkamaniacs know Sid like a book. He says he will get the title back but right now he is focusing on Sid. Weird Interview

Gene hypes tickets for WM (+1) Even with the shitty interviews by Hogan and Sid, here is where the Elizabeth angle with Flair started so this makes the segment get positives


-Rick Martel vs. ? Daniels: V says he thinks Savage is going to beat Flair and he asks about the information he and Flair know. P says that he is using the info b/c he thinks it will effect Savage’s wrestling abilities. V doesn’t buy this at all. That is all he will say about that for now. Martel and the jobber lock up. Martel reverses into a hammerlock and then he snap mares the jobber into a chinlock. The jobber then reverses into a hammerlock and Rick is pissed. The Model grabs the leg but Daniels kicks him to the ropes and Martel cartwheels out of the way. He is very impressed with himself.  They lock up again and Martel gains a wristlock the jobber reverses but Martel throws him into the buckle. Martel misses a running elbow and Daniels armdrags the Model and applies the greatest move of all time, the armbar. The jobber works on the arm with some punches. P and V pay no attention and talk about Beefcake and Sid. Next week , V says we will see the full match between Savage and Roberts from SNME and we will see the footage from after the match, which the viewers did not see. P thinks something fishy is going on. Model whips Daniels and monkey flips over him. He tries to arm drag Daniels but he can’t so he just throws Daniels by his hair to the mat. Daniels fights back with some rights but Model works on the back with some hard jabs and just overpowers the jobber. Rick then hits a nice back breaker. He then applies the Boston Crab for the submission. 2:08(+3) Another good squash with some nice sequences. The jobber got some moves in and Martel looked very crisp in the ring.


Back to Mooney. He talks about the event at the Anaheim Convention Center. He says the model will be in the Battle Royal.

- We hear from the Mountie regarding the Battle Royal. Jimmy Hart knows the Mountie will be the winner. He says “bodies will be flying from San Diego to Los Angles”. Right. He talks about how the Hitman is complaining how he was sick when he lost the title to him. Well, he want s to know what kind of disease Hitman will come up with this time.

- Jake Roberts then says that the Nasty Boys, LOD, Savage, Repo Man, Bulldog, Tornado all are the fools who will be in the 18 man Battle Royal. He says he is not a fool b/c he knows what is going on. He says the royal is the most insane thing in the WWF. He really doesn’t care about anyone except Savage. He just wants him.

Mooney then goes through all the participants, They are Chris Walker (This guy got really pushed but he sucked though)  IRS, Nasties, Tornado, Bulldog, Repo, Virgil, Mountie, Skinner, LOD, Warlord, Hitman, Model, Savage, and Roberts. Mooney claims these 18 men will fight but I only see 17 and I didn’t miss 1. Guess the WWF can’t count. ( Even) Good Roberts interview, Decent Mountie interview but the WWF can’t count


Vince hypes Next week’s Superstars with the SNME match in its entirety between Savage/Roberts. We will also see what we did not see when Jake tried to ambush Savage after the match. All of that and more next week


Final Analysis: This show overall was a impressive +13. I may have overrated some of the stuff but you have to remember that this is graded on an easier caliber then a PPV, SNME, etc. The main positives were the angle developments for WM 8 w/ the some SNME match being shown and the Shawn Michaels/Piper squashes. The usual bad was the Nasties and some terrible interviews. Next week’s show should be good with the whole Savage/Roberts match being shown. I will be back with the next episode soon. Once again feedback is appreciated here or at [email protected]. Thanks for reading.

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