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Boy this was a fun week at work.

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Well this was a fun week at work. Alittle info I'm a file clerk for J&J/BMAR on Ft. Campbell. I've been working there about two weeks. A month or so before I was doing a mail run and scanning info but, I got real sick so they had to fill it up while I was gone.


But, anyways I'm the only file clerk in that building and I'm the only one that has to make sure that the files are in order and I have to pull the files for everyone and then put them back up when they're done. Not hardwork but, it's somewhat tiring but, I like were I work. But, it takes forever to find one blasted file.


Well the trouble starts Wednesday when my boss at that building starts talking to me about how I'm leaving the files and everything all messy in the big filing room. Now here's thing before I got there they had a bunch of volunteers and didn't shit 'cept mess things up. Files are in places they shouldn't and they've stuffed the drawers to were it's hard to get files in and out. When I'm filing I see files out of place and try to put them back in as much as I can unless I have a bunch of stuff to pull in a hurry.


Well she starts talking and I try to explain to her why that is but, she said to just let her talk for now. Now the way she explains it she makes it seem like I'm lazy and not doing my job and leaving the drawers all filled with files on purpose. I'm try to explain to her that with all the other stuff I'm doing that it's the last thing on my list and that I can't do that by myself. And that I don't mean to. Well she wants a one sided conversation and I try to let her have it but, just the way she says it makes have to say my side.


Well then she gets all pissed and mad at me and yells at me saying that I'm trying to disrescept and whatnot which is what I'm NOT trying to do. And says that we should talk to our superior. Ok, then our superior talks to us and try to understand what is going on. So, it's agreed that my boss will have someone explain the filing (And the guy that did explain did a way better job then she did.) and then our superior comes to me later and tells me not to worry about it and that everything is going to be ok. Ok, fine with me.


So, the rest of the week goes fine and what have you. Then today the Project Manager calls me into the office and starts off yy saying that my work has been sub-standard when i try to say something he gets attitude with me saying that this is a one side conversation not like it was with Debra my boss. He says my work has been substandard and that Debra says I'm been doing an awful job of filing (don't know how that is everyone else likes my work and tells me I do a good job.) and I ask how he says I misfile them when I try to get a better understanding he gives me more attitude and tells me he's not done.


He says I'll be moved down to scanner again, which I didn't minded cause I liked the guy that I'd worked for, but, I just want to tell my side of the story and understand how I'm doing a bad job so I can correct it. But, everytime I try to talk he gives me an attitude and acts like I'm being disrespectful and I try to be very nice and respectful and I try to tell him that and he says it's not about being nice and respectful. Then I decide that I should just quit cause I was going nowhere but, then he asks me if I really want to do it and I say no but, I'm just trying to understand and there is really no need for him to talk to me like that.


Then he says and I qoute "I'm the Project Manager I can talk to you anyway I want." I'm like what the fuck?? And then later on when he says he didn't mean to talk to me like he has that's just the way he is. Whatever.


Then for one last time I try to tell he try is no need to talk to me like that he gets pissed slams his hands on the desk and says that I'm done here and to get out. And just put my hands up in defeat and just walk out and drive away.


So, what do you think? Was I wrong? Was he wrong? Or should I tired to have done things different.

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