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Guest RickyChosyu

Please help...

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Guest RickyChosyu

I recently got a Junior comp with no match dates on anything, and I was wondering if someone could help me out with these:


1.  Tiger Mask vs Dynamite Kid - This one ends when Billington kepts catapulted into the crowd off a blind charge by Sayama, but is clipped to Kid's hand being raised in victory (an explanation of this finish would be nice, too).


2.  Kuniaki Kobayshi vs. Pegasus Kid - Ends with a Benoit diving Head-BUTT, but not much else stands out.


3.  Hiro Hase vs Owen Hart - Hase goes over with a Northern Lights Suplex.


4.  Jushin Liger vs. El Samurai - Pretty sure this is the famous BOTSJ Finals from '92. Poor Samurai gets his mask torn off and his ass royally kicked in this one.


5.  Chris Benoit vs Shinjiro Otani - Very slow match with lots of matwork, ending in a swank second-rope Tombstone by Benoit.


6.  Santo/Octagon vs Love Machine/Eddie Guerrero - No need for a date on this one.


7.  Black Tiger vs Dean Malenko - Heavilly clipped to Malenko getting the submision via Cloverleaf. Sorry, they barely left any of this on there.


8.  Chris Benoit vs El Samurai - JOP the last five minutes until they go to a broadway finish.


9.  Great Sasuke vs Ultimo Dragon - From WAR, and I don't think it's for the J*Crown. Ultimo looks very Hayabusa-ish in his purple garb, complete with Sash and and hair-exposing mask....weird.


10.  Shinjiro Otani vs Great Sasuke - From M-Pro. Sasuke goes over with a Thunder Fire Powerbomb.


11.  Lightning Kid vs Negro Casas - Clipped heavilly to Waltman hitting a Northern Lights Suplex for the win.


12.  Jushin Liger vs Kanemoto - Liger spends the entire match avoiding or kicking out of Koji's moonsault variations until hitting his own Corkscrew Moonsault off the top for the win.


13.  Chris Jericho vs Ultimo Dragon - No need for date.


14.  Rey Misterio Jr.. vs Psicosis - This one is from AAA and is 2/3 falls. I only remember the last caida where Rey wins with a funky submision move. Looked to be a wierd variation on the Octagon Special, but I'm not sure.

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Guest Jubuki

Liger/Kanemoto is 1/4/96.  Liger/Samurai is 4/30/92. Benoit/Ohtani sounds like the BoSJ finals, some time in July '95.  TM vs. DK is 8/5/82...or 8/30/82, I forget which.  Rey/Psic is probably 9/22/95, maybe not.  If Sasuke sells his head very emphatically in the Ultimo Dragon match, then it is for the J*Crown and it's 10/11/96.  With all the clipping, it sounds like you got screwed getting this comp.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Yeah, tell me about it. They didn't even leave on the finish to Eddy/Barr Vs. Santo/Octagon on there, which is just unforgiveable. Good thing I've seen that one before, or I would have been really annoyed.


Anyway, thanks a bunch for the help, though, I appreciate it.

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