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Guest JMTapes

Wcw women's cruiserweight title

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Guest JMTapes

What was the friggin' point of this? I know it was mainly defended in Japan where Women's wrestling is big, but if that was the case, why even bother calling it a WCW title? -Jim

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Guest dreamer420

I've never heard of this belt.  How long did WCW recognize it as one of it's titles?

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Guest RetroRob215

They held a tournament for the new title.  I forget who won, but basically it was Madusa and 7 joshi wrestlers.  I think the reason it wasn't just the WCW Womens Title was because Hokuto won that title and left the company.  Anyway, the Women's Crusierweight Title left the States and was a defended in GAEA.  Then it disappeared just like the old Women's Title.  Here is the lineage from Hisa's Dojo:


World Championship Wrestling

Women's World Cruiserweight Title


Toshie Uematsu 97/04/07 Huntsville, AL

Defeats Malia Hosaka in tournament final.


Yoshiko Tamura 97/07/19 Yokohama, JAPAN


Sugar Sato 97/09/20 Kawasaki, JAPAN

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Guest JHawk

I actually have the final on tape, as it aired on WCW Main Event a few weeks later.  Yes, there's footage of it.  They also used this belt to get a cheap pop on the hotline, as Mean Gene claimed a new WCW champion was crowned in Japan, and a lot of marks thought Hogan had jobbed the big belt.

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