Bored 0 Report post Posted September 21, 2003 September 27, 1993 Tatanka NC Rick Martel; double count out Ludvig Borga def. Phil Apollo Jimmy Snuka def. Paul Van Dale The Quebecers def. The 1-2-3 Kid & Barry Horowitz; Tag Title Match September 26, 1994 Razor Ramon def. Tatanka by count out Kwang def. Rich Myers The 1-2-3 Kid def. Kenny David Shawn Michaels & Diesel def. Bob Starr & Chris Kanyon September 25, 1995 Marty Jannetty def. Skip The Smoking Gunns def. Yokozuna & Owen Hart to win the Tag Team Titles The Undertaker def. The British Bulldog by DQ September 23, 1996 Marc Mero def. Faarooq Asad Owen Hart & The British Bulldog def. The BodyDonnas The Stalker def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley September 22, 1997 Ahmed Johnson def. Rocky Maivia The Legion of Doom def. Faarooq & Kama Mustafa by DQ Owen Hart def. Brian Pillman by DQ Cactus Jack def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a Falls Count Anywhere Match Bret Hart def. Goldust September 21, 1998 Billy Gunn def. Jeff Jarrett Jacqueline def. Sable The Undertaker & Kane def. Steve Austin & Billy Gunn Disciples of Apocalypse def. Southern Justice by DQ Al Snow def. Sgt. Slaughter in a Boot Camp Match Val Venis def. Owen Hart by DQ X-Pac def. D’Lo Brown to win the European Title The Rock, Mankind, and Ken Shamrock go to a no contest in a Triple Threat Match September 27, 1999 The Big Show def. Chris Jericho by DQ D’Lo Brown def. Steve Blackman by DQ; Euro Title Match The New Age Outlaws NC Kane & X-Pac; Tag Title Match The Fabulous Moolah & Mae Young def. Ivory in a Handicap Evening Gown Match Chyna & Debra def. Jeff Jarrett & Dr. Tom Pritchard Triple H NC The Rock; WWF Title Match September 25, 2000 Kane NC Rikishi Tazz def. Buh Buh Ray Dudley The Hardy Boyz def. Edge & Christian in a Ladder Match for the Tag Titles X-Pac def. Chris Jericho in a First Blood Match Eddie Guerrero def. Val Venis; IC Title Match The Rock def. Chris Benoit; WWF Title Match September 24, 2001 The Undertaker, Kane, & Bradshaw def. The Dudley Boyz & Test Tazz def. Tajiri Rhyno def. Jeff Hardy; U.S. Title Match The Big Show, Spike Dudley, & Molly Holly def. The Hurricane, Lance Storm, & Ivory Kurt Angle def. Booker T; WWF Title Match Chris Jericho def. Christian by DQ; IC Title Match Kanyon def. Matt Hardy William Regal def. X-Pac The Rock def. Rob Van Dam; WCW Title Match September 23, 2002 Trish Stratus def. Victoria and Molly Holly (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match for the Women’s title The Big Show def. Jeff Hardy Randy Orton def. Steven Richards Chris Jericho def. Goldust; IC Title Match Kane & The Hurricane def. Lance Storm & Christian to win the Tag Team Titles Booker T def. Rico Triple H & Ric Flair def. Rob Van Dam & Bubba Ray Dudley Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted September 21, 2003 September 22, 1997 Ahmed Johnson def. Rocky Maivia The Legion of Doom def. Faarooq & Kama Mustafa by DQ Owen Hart def. Brian Pillman by DQ Cactus Jack def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a Falls Count Anywhere Match Bret Hart def. Goldust First stunner to Vince and a great hardcore match. One of the best Raws ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted September 21, 2003 September 22, 1997 Ahmed Johnson def. Rocky Maivia The Legion of Doom def. Faarooq & Kama Mustafa by DQ Owen Hart def. Brian Pillman by DQ Cactus Jack def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a Falls Count Anywhere Match Bret Hart def. Goldust First stunner to Vince and a great hardcore match. One of the best Raws ever. Recap of the first Vince stunner and the HHH/Cactus Jack match by G.P. Ryan: Austin storms the ring, and the cops threaten him. McMahon gets in the ring, and I think we know what's coming <g>. McMahon tries to calm Austin down. After a couple of minutes of Vince going on in the realm of "the WWF cares about you, Steve", Austin says he can appreciate what the WWF is doing for him, etc., until he says he appreciates that Vince can kiss his ass, at which point Vince finally takes the Stunner. Austin is cuffed and taken to the back. Lawler says he should be fired. (FCA) Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Chyna) vs. Dude Love Chyna brings a chain, which she hands to HHH. Dude chimes in via the TitanTron. He says falls count anywhere matches aren't his "bag", but he knows somebody who knows those, at which point we see Mankind by the miracle of video editing. "They" say they know somebody who can do even worse things to HHH than MK, and Cactus Jack is BACK! HHH charges at Cactus, and gets whacked with a trash can. Brief "ECW" chant. He exposes part of the floor and hits a swinging neckbreaker on it for 2. Chyna decks Cactus, then clotheslines him over the rail. HHH takes a great bump to the floor on a corner whip. Cactus goes for the elbow to the floor and lands on the trash can. --break-- (at 4:14, lasted 3:07) HHH knees Cactus from behind on the floor, and he crashes into Chyna. I confess that I wasn't all that enthralled by the rest of the match, it was just bump...kill some time...bump. Finally, Cacuts piledrives Hunter on a table in the aisle and drapes an arm over him for the pin. Kind of disappointing overall, to tell the truth. WINNER: Cactus Jack, at 12:27 **1/4 (mostly for the return of CJ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites