Guest Cataclysm911 Report post Posted April 5, 2002 ~bump~ I think this is a good topic, and I don't wanna see it drop off the first page. Seeing as how this is the Smarks board, I'm interested to see if anyone else chooses non established wrestlers like I did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tim Cooke Report post Posted April 5, 2002 I would pick Austin and Rock as the faces. Austin is more valuable than the WWF knows. Rock, when used right, is a huge draw and even if I think he lacks some wrestling skills, he is still very valuable at the top. As for heels, I would establish Angle and Jericho as the top heels, but doing so slowly. They need to both be rebuilt. If I were to start the promotion again, I would go with Austin v Rock as my lead feud and totally build around Angle and Jericho as being strong heels. When Benoit comes back, I would bring him back as a face as well. Those would be my five guys to build around. With them at the top and a Cruiserweight Undercard, things would at least be interesting. Tim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shawn Report post Posted April 5, 2002 Screw faces... Heels HHH - loved his heel title reign Rock - loved the corprate champion Vince - hate so say it but yeah, he's a great heel (Austin/McMahon) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 5, 2002 Faces ~ Tommy Dreamer ~ RVD Heels ~ Raven ~ Jerry "The New F'N Show" Lynn Reasons: The whole crew has great history and past. Good way too mix shiz up. The rest of my card would look like this: ME's ~ Rock (popular) ~ SCSA (same as above) ~ Benoit (greatness) ~ Jericho (need someone to wrestle w/Beoit!) ~ HHH (yes yes!) Under Card ~ Angle (good wrestler) ~ Edge (potential) ~ All of CMLL Also, Flair would be the onscreen commish. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest tazmission86 Report post Posted April 5, 2002 What happened to Austin and Angle? Good question. Angle was feuding with a former WWF Champion until recently, and now he's been in verbal feuds with Triple H (WWF Champ), Ric Flair, and The Rock, while having a feud with Edge, a respectable up-and-comer. Austin was feuding with one of the top heels until he disappeared and returned, and is now the main focus of WWF Raw. So what happened to them? Nothing. There's no way to depush Steve Austin without him throwing a fit, and Angle is one of Vince's golden boys. Neither of the two will be forgotten long. The only reason they're not on TV as much as they is because Vince wanted to get higher ratings by bringing in the nWo. Since when does Vince trying to get more money = Triple H holding down everyone and my grandpappy, too? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 5, 2002 Under Card ~ Angle (good wrestler) Damn you. Angle was feuding with a former WWF Champion until recently, and now he's been in verbal feuds with Triple H (WWF Champ), Ric Flair, and The Rock, while having a feud with Edge, a respectable up-and-comer. All main event story lines for Angle were dropped. And for what? EDGE? Austin was feuding with one of the top heels until he disappeared and returned, SCOTT HALL? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted April 5, 2002 For current stars: Babyfaces: Rob Van Dam and Chris Benoit RVD would be the showman, a la Shawn Michaels. Never afraid to put his body on the line in order to win a match either. Benoit would be the "everyman", the guy who always tries so hard yet gets shafted by forces beyond his control. I'd make him half inspirational wrestler, half badass, as the years of getting dicked around have taken a toll on him. Heels: Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero Angle is great on the mic as a heel, and the "dorkiness" factor gives him a "You didn't think I'd do this, but I can!" kind of edge when he cheats, injures someone, etc. Eddie is just naturally obnoxious, and his rudo heel gimmick would be huge. He'd be like the evil version of my RVD. Old School: Babyfaces Ricky Steamboat and Barry Windham Steamboat is the consumate babyface, enough said. He doesn't have a heel look, is a known family man, etc. Would be the perfect rep. for my fed in any media exposure. Windham would be the youngster who can take it to the mat or brawl with the best of 'em. It would take lots of cheating, sneak attacks, etc. to keep him down. Heels: Ric Flair and Bruiser Brody Flair would have the same gimmick as always, the jet setting pretty boy who loves the gold because it adds to his glory. Brody would be the unstoppable monster heel, not afraid of any man or causing chaos in order to gain a victory over his opponent. "All Time" Babyfaces: Ricky Steamboat and Shawn Michaels Same thing with Steamboat, being the "family man who can kick ass". Michaels would be the "kid living out his dream". Heels: Roddy Piper and Brian Pillman For this, it doesn't get any better than WWF '85 era Piper and Loose Cannon Pillman. Imagine the promos! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheyCallMeMark Report post Posted April 6, 2002 Faces: The Rock. Obvious. Chris Jericho. I like it when he makes fun of people. Heels: Chris Benoit. Nothing cooler than this dewd. Kurt Angle. Except Angle. HHH's Hitlist: Kurt Angle: Already beaten. Chris Jericho: Already beaten. The Rock: The Rock is beyond mortal levels of heat. Chris Benoit: Look out buddy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 6, 2002 Faces: Steve Austin Chris Benoit (Honorable Mention: The Rock, RVD) Heels: HHH Chris Jericho (Honorable Mention: Kurt Angle, Randy Savage (in his prime)) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nl5xsk1 Report post Posted April 6, 2002 Faces: Benoit (even though I don't think he has more than 3-4 good years left) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted April 6, 2002 Faces: Chris Benoit The Rock Heels: Steve Austin Kurt Angle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nl5xsk1 Report post Posted April 6, 2002 Faces: Benoit (even though I don't think he has more than 3-4 good years left) Kane (well, technically Glen Jacobs with a new gimmick ... the best big man around right now) Heels: Angle (MVP in wrestling right now, and has been for an awful long time) Lesnar (w/Raven as his manager) Face Tag Team: Hardy Boys (the girls will always pop for these two ... oh, and no more Boyz, there's no stupid 'z' allowed in my federation) Heel Tag Team Thrillseekers (reunite Jerico and Storm & feud them with the Hardys) Why I left off various people: Austin, Taker, Hogan: too old ... if I'm starting a federation, I want Main Eventers with more than a year or two left) Rock: and watch him go to Hollywood 4,5,6 months a year? HHH: I just don't think he'll stay healthy long enough ... the steroids can't be too good for you, can they? (Scotty Steiner, I'm looking at you) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 6, 2002 Faces: Rock Austin Heels: HHH Angle I based my fed almost totally on t-shirt and merchandice sales (Honorable mention to Jericho as he can rake in the cash as well) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Risk Report post Posted April 6, 2002 Screw faces... I agree with this. Faces are boring. Heels can be too. Besides, who the fuck wants to be called a babyface? If you called Austin(the character) that he would beat the hell out of you. Likewise, if you called Taker(the character) a heel, he would put a heel to your head. If you called Raven(the character) a heel, he would discuss the perceptions of "good" and "evil" for a few minutes. You can't call someone a "good guy" or a "bad guy". It's not realistic and it is kind of dumb. Why can't the fans boo or cheer whoever THEY want WITHOUT BEING INFLUENCED BY PROMOTERS IN ANY WAY. Heels and faces are too black and white for me, I like total shades of grey. GOOD AND EVIL IS ALL IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 6, 2002 You're just one ball of fed up bitter hostile energy, aint you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted April 6, 2002 Too easy... Faces: RVD, Benoit... and Hall (RAZOR, BABY!) Heels: Storm, Jericho, Angle, Rock, Rhyno I know you said two... but well.... yeah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Risk Report post Posted April 6, 2002 You're just one ball of fed up bitter hostile energy, aint you I sure am, Anglesault, I sure am... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites