Bored 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2003 October 2, 1995 Lex Luger def. Randy Savage Eddy Guerrero def. Dean Malenko Ric Flair def. Arn Anderson September 30, 1996 The Public Enemy def. Juventud Guerrera & El Technico; Tag Title Match Alex Wright def. Dean Malenko Eddy Guerrero def. Jim Powers Hugh Morrus def. Brad Armstrong Arn Anderson def. Chris Jericho Lex Luger def. V.K. Wallstreet The Faces of Fear def. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express Chris Benoit def. Rick Steiner September 29, 1997 Diamond Dallas Page def. Buff Bagwell Rey Mysterio Jr. def. “El Caliente” (Eddy Guerrero) Bill Goldberg def. The Barbarian Disco Inferno def. Juventud Guerrera; TV Title Match Jeff Jarrett def. Steve McMichael Syxx NC Chris Jericho Lex Luger def. Wrath The Giant def. Curt Hennig by DQ; U.S. Title Match September 28, 1998 La Parka def. Super Calo The Disciple def. Sick Boy Scott Steiner def. Lenny Lane & Nick Dinsmore in a handicap match The Cat def. Psychosis Disco Inferno def. Chavo Guerrero Jr. Scott Hall def. Kidman Davey Boy Smith NC Alex Wright Kevin Nash def. Brian Adams by DQ Lex Luger & Konnan def. Hugh Morrus & Barry Darsow Bret Hart NC Hulk Hogan; U.S. Title Match; Sting took Hart’s place in the match and “won” by DQ October 4, 1999 Dean Malenko def. Rey Mysterio Jr. Disco Inferno def. Psychosis to win the Cruiserweight Title Sid Vicious def. Brian Adams Goldberg def. Jerry Flynn Curt Hennig def. Brad Armstrong Juventud Guerrera def. Kidman Bret Hart def. Chris Benoit Diamond Dallas Page def. Buff Bagwell Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair def. Sting & Lex Luger October 2, 2000 Konnan & Rey Mysterio Jr. def. Boogie Knights Sgt. A-Wall def. Reno to win the Hardcore Title; result is reversed after the match by Mike Sanders and Reno is named the champion The Franchise def. Mike Awesome Goldberg def. Meng Booker T & Jeff Jarrett def. Scott Steiner & Sting Mike Sanders & Kevin Nash def. Elix Skipper in a handicap match; Sanders pins Skipper to win the Cruiserweight Title Goldberg def. The Harris Brothers in an elimination handicap match Booker T def. Jeff Jarrett in a 49ers Match to win the WCW World Title Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2003 October 4, 1999 Dean Malenko def. Rey Mysterio Jr. Disco Inferno def. Psychosis to win the Cruiserweight Title Sid Vicious def. Brian Adams Goldberg def. Jerry Flynn Curt Hennig def. Brad Armstrong Juventud Guerrera def. Kidman Bret Hart def. Chris Benoit Diamond Dallas Page def. Buff Bagwell Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair def. Sting & Lex Luger Y'all know why that show is worth seeing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2003 October 4, 1999 Dean Malenko def. Rey Mysterio Jr. Disco Inferno def. Psychosis to win the Cruiserweight Title Sid Vicious def. Brian Adams Goldberg def. Jerry Flynn Curt Hennig def. Brad Armstrong Juventud Guerrera def. Kidman Bret Hart def. Chris Benoit Diamond Dallas Page def. Buff Bagwell Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair def. Sting & Lex Luger Y'all know why that show is worth seeing. Yes Vicious/Adams was a CLASSIC! CRZ recap...for the Hart/Benoit match of course: CHRIS BENOIT v. BRET HART in a nontitle match - Benoit, as is usually lately, comes out to the Revolution's theme, wearing a T-shirt that says "Owen Hart: Forever Young" and includes a picture and signature. Hart comes out dressed normally. All right, one more possibly offensive statement and then I'll call this straight - are they doing this for Owen...or Bret? Feeling out process to start. Here's a lockup, to a side headlock from Benoit, Hart takes his shoudlers to the mat for 1. Benoit maintaining the headlock - Hart counters with a top wristlock. There's a gobehind, holding onto the hammerlock, Bret reverses into one of his own. Benoit escapes that but Hart puts on a side headlock. Off the ropes, Hart knocks him down, up and over, leapfrog, Benoit in position for a monkey flip, Hart holds the ropes and Benoit pops up. Handshake. Test of strength coming up - the knuckle lock is on and they BUTT shoudlers. Hart pushing Benoit to the mat - but Benoit is back up. Gutshot from Benoit, crossing the arms and going behind - stepping on the back of the knee to take him down - STILL holding the knucklelock, with a knee between the shoulderblades. Hart stands up - Benoit breaks it, spins him around and works the hammerlock. Now he's got both arms back and putting his head between the shoulderblades. Hart sturggles, but turns it around, and now HE'S pulling back on both arms. Benoit to the corner - referee Mickey J. calls for the break. Benoit backflips and hits a mule kick on his way up. Gutshot, snapmare, into an armbar. Hart stands up and manages a side Russian legsweep. Forearm to the head, snapmare, into a rear chinlock. Benoit back up - elbowing out - elbow to the mush, off the ropes, but Hart drives a knee into the gut. Standing legdrop from Hart. Right hand into the gut - European uppercut from Hart, and another. Head BUTT - right hand. Kick from Benoit - and there's a knife-edge chop. Hart with a DDT. Hart on the second turnbuckle - there's the forearm. 1, 2, no. Benoit rolls to the ropes and J. tells Hart to back off. Benoit taken off the ropes - Benoit wraps himself around Hart's knee and rolls Hart through - into a Boston crab! Hart grabs the bottom rope. No, Nash and Hall aren't watching this match - good, they probably couldn't be bothered to keep from mugging if they WERE there. Hart taken into the ropes and there's a big back body drop for 1. Benoit with a backbreaker for 2. We're going to take an AD BREAK? Give ME a break. Benoit hits a right hand to take Hart outside the ring...where I bet he stays until we come back. When we come back, Benoit's coming off the ropes with an elbowdrop for 2. Again he's off the ropes, but Hart ducks the elbowdrop. Headbutt to the lower abdomen between the legs for Hart. Vertical suplex. 1, 2, no. Hart to the rear chinlock. Backbreaker for Hart. Hart stomping on him - there's a kick to the back. Stomp, kick, kick, Benoit goes outside. Hart follows, and Benoit is driven into the corner of the apron. Everybody back in. Stomping on the abdomen between the legs again. Right hand to the head. European uppercut. Off the ropes, tiltawhirl but Benoit follows through - got Bret in position for a 5.9 2.8 Tombstone piledriver! 1, 2, Hart rolls up a shoulder. J. puts on a count as both men are down - Benoit up at 6 - Northern Lights suplex gets 2. Benoit picks up Bret, right hand, headbutt, stomp, into the ropes, driving a knee in the gut and Hart flips. 1, 2, no. Benoit drives Hart's head into the top turnbuckle. Tomahawk chop, knife-edge chop, into the ropes, dropkick finds only air as Hart holds on. Elbowdrop from Hart. Elbow to the heart. Hart picking him up - there's a belly-to-back suplex for 2. Right hand from Hart, European uppercut, right, right, Benoit goes down. Hart pulls him back up - right hand, charging off the ropes, Benoit ducks and Hart hits 'em HARD - probably supposed to go outside but snapping back INside instead. Hart drags himself to the outside - but Benoit's gonna fly - TOPE SUICIDA through the ropes! Both men are out - hey, how about another ad break? WCW Mayhem ad When we come back, Hart is standing over Benoit, who is on the apron. There's a clubbing forearm across the chest. Suplexing him back in - Benoit counters and rolls up Bret for 2 - Hart rolls backward for another 2 count. Headbutt from Hart. Standing on the neck. European uppercut is caught, hooked, and there's a Benoit backslide for 2. Hart headbutting the small of the back as Benoit has trouble standing back up. Again, Hart strikes. Setting him up for a vertical suplex, but Benoit turns into an inside cradle for 2. Hart quickly back on him, focusing his attack on one body part. Here's a swinging neckbreaker, but only 2. Benoit up in the corner - hard whip into the opposite corner, atomic drop. Hart sets him up on the top turnbuckle - but Benoit hits Hart in the side of the head - and hits many headbutts to prevent Hart. Benoit positions himself on top - but Hart hits pretty high on the thigh to take him back to the turnbuckle - and here is the SUPERPLEX!! J. puts on a count - Hart stirs at 7 and Benoit's still down. Sharpshooter? No, Benoit grabs the arm and attempts to put on the Crippler crossface! Hart looks for the rope - Benoit pulls him away from the ropes. Hart reaches - and does grab the top rope. The hold is broken. Benoit with a snap suplex - holding on - there's two - a third snap suplex - and Benoit's thumb crosses his throat. Crowd is BOOING. Benoit to the top turnbuckle - swandive headbutt executed to perfection! Slow to cover - but he manages to do so - 1, 2, NO! Benoit up and Hart still not. Hairpull to bring him up - there's a belly-to-back suplex from Benoit. Benoit again gets up - lightning elbowdrop. Crowd chants "let's go Bret" and Benoit looks around to feed it. Off the ropes, Bret holds on for the reversal and hits a back elbow. Hart slowly picks up Benoit - PILEDRIVER! Hart covers Benoit - but he's too close to the ropes and the leg crosses the bottom rope. In the corner, right hand from Hart. Hard into the corner, sternum first. Trying for a backdrop, but Benoit flips up and over - knife-edge chop! Chop! Chop! Forearm to the head. Whip into the corner, Hart puts up a boot. Benoit ducks the clothesline, full nelson from Benoit - German suplex - no release - a second German suplex - going for three but Hart blocks it - elbows behind him, Benoit hits the back of Hart's head and he falls. Hart swings, Benoit ducks. Front chancery from Hart, pounding away on the back and Benoit goes down. Going for the suplex - Benoit again grabs the arm but Hart blocks the crossface attempt with a leg lace - Benoit goes to the armbar instead - Hart takes him down but Benoit won't let go of the arm. Hart has the leg - now trying for a Sharpshooter attempt - got him! Benoit won't give up - but he's got nowhere to go! Benoit gives up! (27:34) Hart gazes skyward and the commentators are uncharacteristically silent - and appropriately so - for at this moment, no words are necessary. Hart and Benoit embrace in the ring. Standing ovation from the fans as Bret gives one more high sign to the heavens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Boo_Bradley Report post Posted September 29, 2003 Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair def. Sting & Lex Luger the hell? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted September 29, 2003 Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair def. Sting & Lex Luger the hell? Recap by CRZ: THE NARCISSIST (with Liz) & (THIS IS) STING v. YOU KNOW WHO & THE MAN - As Liz and the Total Package pose in the ring, I am forced to wonder what Buff Bagwell thinks about those pull-apart pants. You know, we hardly have the TIME for four separate entrances here, but don't let's stop 'em. We turn the hour just before Flair hits the ring. I can't believe Hogan hasn't bothered to custom-up a red'n'yellow knee brace instead of that black one he's wearing. Hogan rushes the ring and a Pier Four Brawl is on - if only the camera were cathing it! Hogan and Sting pair off and Luger and Flair as well. Hogan run into the barricade - they're on their way to the commentary table - Hogan blocks and Sting hits it. Now Flair has Package outside the ring. Referee "Blind" Nick Patrick tries to get it back into the ring - Flair and Sting in - tag to Hogan. Tony shills an *exclusive* interview Mike Tenay had with Bret Hart following tonight's match to air on THUNDER! - this is like the first time they've bothered to shill for that show in .... well, a good long time. Sting finally gets the upperhand as he prevents Flair from making a top-rope manoeuvre and bealing him across the ring. Tag in to the Total Package, who is all over Flair. Off the ropes, big powerslam. Big forearm drop, again, again, again, big elbowdrop, again, Hogan in to protest, so referee "Blind" Nick Patrick gets distracted getting Hogan back to the apron while Sting and Package doubleteam on Flair. Ten Punch Count Along gets to four before Flair tries to take him out with an atomic drop - but Sting is unharmed. Clothesline. There's a whip into the corner - FLAIR FLIP! except he hits the cameraman and fails to flip. Flair chopping and Sting acting like they don't hurt. Rear chinlock from Sting and a "Hogan" chant - real or fake? - rings out through the Arena. Off the ropes, Sting ducks and hits a clothesline. Tag to the Package. Flair chops, again, and one more, but Luger goes to the eyes. Flair with a vertical suplex and both men are down. Flair wants to tag but Luger holds the ankle as Sting tags in. Gorilla press slam. Splash off the ropes finds - the knees! Hogan banging on the turnbuckle - HOT TAG! Right to Sting, right to Luger, right to Sting, right to Luger, right to Sting, right to Luger, double noggin knocker. Luger from behind with a big double sledge. Double whip, Hogan ducks, double clothesline to take both men down. MY HERO! DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE is out as Elizabeth argues with Patrick. Attempted Diamond Cutter on Flair is shrugged off. Package, blinded, has his trick knee act up and there's a big Torture Rack, but it's not on Flair, it's on Page! Meanwhile, there's a block and three big punches from Hogan on Sting - big boot - legdrop of doom - 1, 2, 3. (6:06) Cue the trash! Good night! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites