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25 most UNDERrated games of all time

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Hell, I destroyed my cartridge after playing almost 8 hours, up to the last boss, only to have the power in the whole neighborhood go out due to some jackass sawing down a tree in their backyard :angry: .

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About NOLF:


I think it was a great game, but it was kinda like a flavour of the month type game, other than that, its not even talked about that often

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If you go to Yahoo! Groups, and join the videogamestocksgroup, you can download spreadsheets showing U.S. sales totals for games released for PlayStation, PS2, Xbox, GameCube, N64, and Dreamcast.


Oh, and today's entries:


15. Persona Series

14. Rez

13. Zork Zero

12. Valkyrie Profile

11. Clive Barker's Undying

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I really enjoyed EVO on the SNES, but most people hated it.

Yes, EVO was excellent! I hope it makes the list, that game was fantastic and innovative, and yet it was overlooked/underrated by the entire gaming population for the most part.


Star Ocean, you're the most jaded RPG gamer I have ever seen in my life. Lighten up before you get an ulcer. :lol:

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I'm also wondering if the Harvest Moon series will be included. They are a definate sleeper hit and have a cult following, but for the most part the media and the general gamer population show little interest in it and always look at you funny when you try to explain it to someone.

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so whats 20-16 then?

20. Codename: Eagle Multiplayer

19. No One Lives Forever

18. Jumping Flash! I & II

17. Suikoden II

16. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile

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I ditto Vagrant Story


That game was as atmospheric as anything...


The combat system was questionable, but it was just such a good story.

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I really enjoyed EVO on the SNES, but most people hated it.

Yes, EVO was excellent! I hope it makes the list, that game was fantastic and innovative, and yet it was overlooked/underrated by the entire gaming population for the most part.


Star Ocean, you're the most jaded RPG gamer I have ever seen in my life. Lighten up before you get an ulcer. :lol:

You don't get it...I definitely don't need lightening up, though. You haven't been around much if you think I'm that jaded...

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Is it weird that I've only played one of the games they listed, and only ever heard of three of them?


Also, Earthbound rules. I was playing it earlier today, actually. And I'd throw out votes for Dune (Genesis), Pirates! (NES), and any game on any system that ever had the name Shadowrun slapped onto it.

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And the top 5 are out!


#5: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Racoonus(MARKS THE FUCK OUT~!)

#4: Alone in the Dark

#3: System Shock

#2: Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution

#1: ICO



No way in hell are either VF4 or ICO underrated, IMO.

Edited by fazzle

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VF4:E, Ico?




Holy shit this bites ass... I mean the only game worthy of being on this listing is VP.


Everything else was medicore or like VF4:E or Ico wasn't underrated.

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VF4:E? What the hell? Did any critic *not* give the game a 90+ score? Plus it was realeased in a Greatest Hits box because the original VF4 sold over 400,000 copies stateside. Just because it doesn't outsell Tekken doesn't mean that it doesn't sell.


Sure, the original version went "Greatest Hits," but a VF game has yet to break a million in a market where a rehash like Tekken Tag Tournament sells like hotcakes.


And VF4:E *isn't* a rehash of VF4? Yeah...


Terrible pick.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

The only two I really agree with RPG wise are the Persona games and Planescape Torment.

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Can VF4:Evo really be considered underrated right now? I mean, it's only been out for two months, so there's no way of knowing exactly what the game's final sales numbers will be. Plus, it's not like Sega really tried to promote the game. I never saw any ads on TV, although it was advertised in game magazines, but the people who read those magazines probably knew about the game already. Did anyone really consider it to sell that well considering it's just an enhanced version of a game that has been out for the PS2 for over a year now?

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SC2 *is* better, because it's actually fun to play against other people. VF4:E kills SC2 in terms of everything one player and is the greatest single player fighter ever, but, as was true of VF4, it's just not fun to play against humans unless you dedicate your life to it. You've got to put in hundreds of hours to get good enough to get around low jabs and easy high/low strings, and most people, even most hardcore fighting game players, don't have that kind of time. Versus is just frustrating, because you want to do all the cool offense you spent time practicing, but it loses to low jab -> throw. Not cool.


But I'll admit, high level VF4 is awesome to watch. The videos in VF4:E are soo cool.


Anyway, being thought of as worse than SC2 is hardly grounds for being the second most underrated game of all time. SC2 is an awesome game. Underrated is people saying T4 was worse than DOA3. What a joke.

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Guest Sakura
Sure, the original version went "Greatest Hits," but a VF game has yet to break a million in a market where a rehash like Tekken Tag Tournament sells like hotcakes.



Tekken Tag Tournament is better than VF4 and SC II....

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I'm actually starting to agree with that. I would have put SC2 over TTT a year ago, but SC2 is starting to feel a little too glitchy. TTT was relatively glitch free, balanced and fun. It may very well be the best 3D fighter ever.

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Guest Sakura

It is at least on their level.


I think it's funny that if you ask the press and the vast majority of people on boards they will quickly tell you VF4 is deep and Tekken is a button masher's game. Yet they're all talk. The actual VF players, the people that really play it and not just spew buzzwords, are relatively small. The Tekken community is like easily twice as big in the US. Where are EGM and Gamespy when it's time to actually play and not just hype?

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Sure, the original version went "Greatest Hits," but a VF game has yet to break a million in a market where a rehash like Tekken Tag Tournament sells like hotcakes.



Tekken Tag Tournament is better than VF4 and SC II....

Pppfft...where the hell is my Fighting Vipers 2? Get off your lazy re-make, port-happy asses already Sega and make it!!


Fighting Vipers = very underrated.


The actual VF players, the people that really play it and not just spew buzzwords, are relatively small. The Tekken community is like easily twice as big in the US. Where are EGM and Gamespy when it's time to actually play and not just hype?


Wouldn't that make the VF games underrated?


Let's say Yuna's opinion was COMPLETELY UNBIASED and definitely correct, and TTT is better than VF4. Since Yuna doesn't believe that Tekken is overrated, something that's good enough to at least be comparable would be underrated if the actual number of players of it in the US is relatively small. Correct?


And VF 2, 3, or 4 I could see on that list. Just not Evolution since that's basically VF4.2 (with 1 thrown in as a bonus).

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