Guest Report post Posted April 4, 2002 I posted this on another board and got mixed reactions . . . Match 1 Dean Malenko v Gedo Gedo charges, misses a lariat, and is hit with a couple of dropkicks. Malenko escapes a wristlock with some flipping and takes Gedo to the mat. They do some nice reversals, with Malenko going after the arm. Gedo puts on a wristlock, but Dean cleverly takes him down with a headscissors takeover. They struggle on the mat, both going for cross armbreakers. Malenko whips out a Jackhammer for 2. Both go down after shoulderblocking each other. Malenko tries a tombstone, but Gedo uses power to reverse that and hits his own. He goes up and misses a diving headbutt. Malenko lands a big lariat for 2 3/4 and then a crossbody for another near fall. Malenko charges off the ropes, but Gedo catches him with a sudden powerslam for the win. Winner : Gedo Match Rating : ***1/2 Cool match. Match 2 Shinjiro Otani v Super Delphin Otani goes straight for Delfin's left knee, dropkicking it. He uses excellent varied offense to assault it, forcing Delfin to struggle out of an achilles tendon hold early on. Delfin also manages to escape out of a single-leg crab hold. He comes back with a high dropkick and then a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He tries another, but Otani strikes with a jumping savate kick and then a spinning heel kick that sends Delfin out. Otani readies himself for a plancha, but Delfin takes a walk. Otani goes straight back to the leg when Delfin makes his way back in, trying to force a tap out. Delfin's comeback begins with a backdrop suplex that gets 2. He follows that with a delayed vertical drop brainbuster for 2 1/2. THAT is a brainbuster ! Otani escapes another and dropkick's Delfin out. He follows with a springboard plancha! He throws Delfin back in and follows with a springboard dropkick for 2. He dropkick's the knee and applies a cross knee scissors hold. Otani charges Delfin in the corner, but is slapped. Delfin hits a tornado DDT and then clamps on the Delfin clutch for the win. Winner : Super Delphin Match Rating : **** Good match for such a short time. Match 3 TAKA Michinoku v Black Tiger Tiger takes it upon himself to beat some discipline into the kid and starts with a spinning boot scrape to the eyes. Next up is a typically beautiful slingshot sommersault senton and then a disgustingly stiff powerbomb for 2. HA ! He assaults TAKA some more with hard lariats and other stuff. TAKA goes for a quebrada press, Tiger ducks and then leapfrog's, but is caught with a tilt-a-whirl flying headscissors takeover by TAKA. TAKA catches Tiger with an overhead belly to belly and then his spaceman springboard plancha! WOW! Back in, TAKA gets consecutive 2 counts with a German suplex hold and hurricanrana. He goes for a second 'rana, but is drilled down with another brutal powerbomb. Tiger goes up and lands the frog splash for 2. TAKA comes back with his own powerbomb and then a moonsault press for 2. He misses a second moonsault press, splashing the lifted knees of Black Tiger. Tiger drops him with a spike brainbuster for 2 1/2 and then decides to finish him. He waves the fingers and hits a tornado DDT for the win. Winner : Black Tiger Match Rating : ***3/4 Too short but a good spotfest. Match 4 El Samurai v Masayogi Motegi Motegi attacks with a dropkick and sends Samurai out. He follows with a nice tope suicida but reverses the good impression by going up top for a plancha and slipping back down! Dumbass. After some matwork, Samurai takes control, getting several 2 counts. He hits a jumping tombstone for 2. Samurai ducks a lariat and (after a slow setup) hits a reverse suplex for 2. Motegi puts the brakes on a dropkick, hits his own, but is then backdropped out of the ring. Samurai connects with his own tope suicida and then suplexes Motegi back in. Samurai connects with a missile dropkick for 2, but then has a Frankensteiner countered with a powerbomb. Motegi does a really cool spot where he puts Samurai in a surfboard hold and rolls him around the ring without releasing it. Motegi badly botches an attempted flying headscissors takeover, but covers for 2 1/2 anyway. I think he should have done a move. Rolling German suplexes follow, but Samurai turns the third into a cradle for 2! After another near fall, he quickly drops Motegi with a stiff Samurai bomb for the win. Winner : El Samurai Match Rating : *** Motegi was on drugs or something. He was BAD! Match 5 Negro Casas v Ricky Fuji Casas shows off some flashy matwork, with Fuji along for the ride. Casas drops a senton bomb for 2 and then sends Fuji out with a dropkick. He goes out with a sloppy plancha to Fuji. Back in, Fuji manages to blow a backbreaker and double ax handle from the top, consecutively. Casas cradle's him with a la magistral for 2. He goes to the second buckle and drops a senton for another 2. A second one misses and Fuji hits a lariat. Ricky then lands his Tiger Driver for the win. Winner : Ricky Fuji Match Rating : **1/2 WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ! RAW IS WAR Match 6 Jushin Liger v Hayabusa Hayabusa makes an immediate impression, sending Liger out and hitting a VOLUPTUOUS tope con hilo with his jacket still on! He returns to the ring with a missile dropkick to Liger's neck and then a legdrop for 2. Liger dropkick's a knee and locks on a figure-four. Liger shows his dominance by slapping Hayabusa to the mat, then powerbombing him for 2. Liger sends Hayabusa into la-la land with a rolling koppou kick in the corner. He sits Hayabusa up top and brings him down with a suplex for 2 1/2. Hayabusa comes back with a nice spinning heel kick, then a standing sommersault senton for 2. He goes up and hits another spinning heel kick from there. A moonsault press gets 2. With Liger's back to him, Hayabusa goes up again, jumps off the top and does a 180 turn before sloppily hitting Liger with a hurricanrana or something for 2. He badly overshoots a Shooting Star Press, so much so that Liger is first up. He drops Hayabusa with a Liger bomb for 2 3/4! A moment later, he finishes off Hayabusa with a fisherman buster. Winner : Jushin Liger Match Rating : **** Longest match so far. Solid untill the blown spots. It's the second round ! Match 7 Gedo v Super Delphin Delfin hits an enzuigiri early on, before they go into a chopfest, Gedo winning. Delfin hits Gedo low, getting a mass of heel heat for that. Delfin hits a tilt-a-whirl flying headscissors, but Gedo quickly fires back with a dropkick. Delfin slides under Gedo and hits his own, then strikes a goofy pose. Delfin drops Gedo with a hangman's neckbreaker for 1 1/2, before another chopfest ensues. Gedo runs right into a perfect Delfin dropkick and goes out. Delfin lands a nice plancha to the outside. Back in, Gedo controls, getting 2 1/2 from a powerslam. He slightly overshoots a second rope moonsault press, but gets 2 1/2 again. Delfin comes back with a crucifix cradle for 2 1/2 and then a backdrop suplex hold for another near fall. He drops a big elbow from the top for 2 1/2. He then drills Gedo down with a tornado DDT and signals for the clutch. He locks on the Delfin clutch, but Gedo surprises him with an inside cradle for the win. Winner : Gedo Match Rating : ***1/2 Bad finish to a well constructed match. Match 8 Wild Pegasus v Black Tiger They shuffle around the mat to start, looking for control. Tiger boot scrape's Pegasus, hits the slingshot sommersault senton and then a double footstomp. A big backdrop suplex gets 2. Pegasus gets out of a suplex and hits his own reverse suplex! A tilt-a-whirl initially is inconclusive, but a second later, Pegasus hits one of his high impact lariats. Pegasus drops Tiger on the ropes and then lands a German suplex hold for 2. A stiff suplex gets another 2 count. Pegasus tries to throw Tiger up in the air, but Tiger brings him down with a Frankensteiner. Tiger hits his own German suplex hold for 2. He slows it down with a camel clutch, Pegasus' muffled screams very convincing. Tiger clutches Pegasus' wrist and does his springboard hurricanrana (almost slipping) for 2. He sits Pegasus up and drops him with an awesome Frankensteiner for 2 1/2! He hits a brainbuster and then signals for the finish. Pegasus pushes out of the tornado DDT attempt and puts Tiger up top. Tiger pushes him down, but is caught with a powerslam coming off, Pegasus getting the win. Winner : Wild Pegasus Match Rating : **** Too short. GIVE THEM MORE TOME ! Match 9 The Great Sasuke v El Samurai They start with matwork, having several inconclusive stand-offs. Samurai takes Sasuke down with a side Russian legsweep, instantly into the cool Octagon Special (basically a grounded version of the Octopus hold). Sasuke comes back with a cartwheel (WHAT HEIGHT!) back elbow that sends Samurai out. Sasuke charges... SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP! DIE FOR US SASUKE! Samurai hops out of a suplex attempt into the ring, but runs straight into a spinning heel kick for 2. Samurai catches him with a crunching lariat and then dropkick's him out. Tope con hilo by Samurai! Back in, Samurai hits a big German suplex hold for a near fall. A diving headbutt also nearly puts Sasuke away. Samurai goes for the Samurai bomb, but Sasuke counters the attempt with a hurricarana for 2 1/2! Sasuke goes up, but is caught. However, he sunset flip powerbomb's Samurai down for 2 1/2! Samurai ducks a spinning heel kick and quickly hits the Samurai bomb for 2 3/4! He follows with a 'rana, but Sasuke rolls through for the win. Winner : Great Sasuke Match Rating : ****1/2 THAT WAS AWESOME! Match 10 Jushin Liger v Ricky Fuji Liger ends a sequence of arm holds with a monkey flip. Fuji hits a dropkick that sends Liger out and follows with a nice pescado. He lifts Liger and powerbomb's him on the floor! After some more vanilla Fuji offense, Liger comes back with a face crusher. In the spot of the match, he slams Fuji outside the ring and then comes off the top with a double footstomp! Liger hits the rolling koppou kick, but Fuji halts the cover with a foot on the rope. Liger hits Fuji with a release German suplex for 2. He dropkick's Fuji in the corner and then suplexes him from up high, but Fuji lands on top for 2. Fuji sits Liger on the top and dropkick's him to the outside. He follows with a baseball slide dropkick, but no follow up. Fuji sites Liger up againp, but is punched down. Liger leaps off the top and hits a spinning hurricanrana to Fuji for the win. Winner : Jushin Liger Match Rating : *** Not bad. THE SEMI FINALS ! Semi Final One Wild Pegasus v Gedo Pegasus loses his temper early on and slaps Gedo right in the kisser. Gedo makes the mistake of doing likewise and is promptly eradicated with a loud and stiff lariat. Pegasus actually uses a guillotine legdrop, getting a 2 1/2 count. As per tradition, the fans get behind the underdog (Gedo). Pegasus throws some brutal chops, but misses a dropkick. Gedo locks on the WAR Special, which gets a good reaction. A big piledriver gets 2. Gedo gets a bit of revenge from the lariat earlier, with a stiff kick to the back. They exchange chops again. Pegasus' once more are brutal. Gedo sends Pegasus out with a dropkick and follows with a MOONSAULT PRESS TO THE OUTSIDE! Hey, now we know who Super Boy is! Back in, he hits Pegasus with a powerslam and then a northern lights suplex hold for 2 1/2. He decks Pegasus with a lariat, but falls short with a diving headbutt. They do some reversals, before Pegasus hits a couple of big powerbombs. He goes up and drops the diving headbutt for the win. Winner : Wild Pegasus Match Rating : **** WOW! Action all the way. Semi Final Two Jushin Liger v The Great Sasuke They have a chain wrestling sequence to start, ending with the regular stand off and an intense staredown. Liger uses some lucha-esque submission holds early on, which are really cool, but almost impossible to describe. He puts on a painful bow and arrow hold with a chinlock! Liger hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. He stays on the back/neck area with a camel clutch, frequently pulling back to make it look really hurtful. A rolling koppou kick by Liger absolutely KO's Sasuke, who just doesn't move or respond. He finally does, but Liger shotei's him back down. Sasuke is still for a while again. Liger scoops him up and drops him with a jumping tombstone. He locks on a crossface chickenwing hold with bodyscissors. Sasuke manages to escape, but is still half out of it. Liger maliciously works over the left arm, putting on a nasty hammerlock and repeatedly pulling the arm! He locks on a cross armbreaker, but breaks soon enough. Liger goes for a missile dropkick, but Sasuke counters with his own dropkick, sending Liger out. Sasuke goes out with an INCREDIBLE quebrada to Liger! Liger tries to get back in, but Sasuke smashes his head against the top turnbuckle, sending him out. INSAAAAAAAAAAAAANE SOMMERSAULT PLANCHA to the outside by Sasuke, smacking the back of his skull on the cold hard concrete! Sasuke loves the thought of suicide. Both are very slow back in. Sasuke hits a spinning heel kick to Liger. A Thunder Fire Powerbomb gets 2 7/8! He pulls Liger up and drops him with a tombstone. Sasuke goes up top and misses the senton atomico. He lands well enough to spring up, but is caught with a running shotei for 2 1/2. A big Liger bomb gets an incredibly dramatic 2 7/8 (or whatever) count! Liger sits him up top and Frankensteiner's him down. He makes the mistake of sitting on Sasuke for the cover, which allows Sasuke to roll through for another too-close-to-count near fall! Liger ANNIHILATES Sasuke with an All Japan-esque, neck-snapping release German suplex, for 2 1/2! A fisherman buster scores yet another near fall! Liger suplexes Sasuke out of the ring and follows with a perfect plancha. Sasuke hops on the apron, but Liger koppou kick's him straight back out! Liger turns his back and Sasuke is on the apron. And... NO! Sasuke botches the springboard hurricanrana! Liger covers up the mistake as well as humanly possible by mockingly clapping, not taking the "inferior" underdog seriously. Sasuke springs up and hits a hurricanrana, cradling both legs for the win. Winner : Great Sasuke Match Rating : *****+ WOW ! WHAT A MATCH ! This tape just got three times better. Super J Cup Final 1994 The Great Sasuke v Wild Pegasus Pegasus tries a snapmere, but Sasuke lands on his feet. Pegasus catches a foot but Sasuke backflip's to escape. Pegasus throws some lethal chops. Sasuke uses the Tiger Mask patented backflip kick in the corner. They do some reversals that have the fans ooh'ing and ahh'ing. Pegasus rolls out and runs sideways as Sasuke threatens to dive out on to him. Sasuke avoids a monkey flip by doing his jumping forward roll, but runs straight into a big Pegasus lariat. Pegasus lands a high-angle German suplex hold for 2. Sasuke catches him with a spinning heel kick, then drops the leg for 2. Sasuke superbly counters a powerbomb attempt with an armdrag takedown. He leapfrog's over Pegasus, but again is caught by a lariat. Pegasus front suplexes Sasuke on the ropes and then hits a springboard elbow smash! Pegasus locks on a full nelson, causing Sasuke to instinctly fight for his life. The effort is futile as Pegasus drops him with with a Dragon suplex hold for 2 1/2! He goes up and hits the diving headbutt for a similar result. Pegasus locks on a Scorpion Deathlock, but breaks when Sasuke shows no signs of tapping. He hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a near fall. They do some ducking and dodging, before Sasuke throws a lariat of his own. He misses another and is caught in yet another German suplex hold for 2 1/2! Pegasus locks on the full nelson again, but Sasuke drops down and tries a cradle. Pegasus turns that cradle into his own pinning hold for 2. Pegasus whip's Sasuke into the corner, but Sasuke springboard's off the second buckle with a crossbody. He sends Pegasus out with a jumping back kick and prepares to do... something. SASUKE SPECIAL #2! HE. IS. INSANE. Back in, Sasuke hits a fisherman suplex for 2. He misses a missile dropkick and rolls out to recover. Pegasus tries to suplex him back in, but it goes the other way, with both guys taking a nasty spill to the floor. Sasuke goes up top and hits a Rider kick (basically a missile side kick to the outside)! He looks to have injured a leg, but valiantly struggles back into the ring. Sasuke hits a slightly twisting moonsault press for 2 1/2! He goes up again and they struggle. Sasuke motions to the crowd, but Liger tells him to turn around! Pegasus is up there with him! SUPER GUTWRENCH SUPLEX FROM THE TOP! Wild Pegasus becomes the first ever J Cup winner. Winner : Wild Pegasus Match Rating : ***** What a final. This was a great tape but the last two matches made it a LOT better. Great show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted April 5, 2002 You know that pretty much well EVERYONE in this folder has seen this show right? We know what happens, we dont want or care for a review of the show. What do YOU Think about it? What effect did it have on you? What are YOUR thoughts on it? What can you OFFER to this show that NO ONE ELSE can? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Stuart Report post Posted April 5, 2002 You know that pretty much well EVERYONE in this folder has seen this show right? We know what happens, we dont want or care for a review of the show. What do YOU Think about it? What effect did it have on you? What are YOUR thoughts on it? What can you OFFER to this show that NO ONE ELSE can? Plus he's ripping the PBP for his reviews from someone's site (see first URL in signature) without giving any credit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jubuki Report post Posted April 5, 2002 Hahahahah! I'm glad I haven't become that 'famous' yet...ha...some people... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites