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Epic games

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Post what you think are epic games, and please explain why in 300 words or less.


Grandia - It's the first game to comes to mind when I have nothing better to do and think of epic games. So it started off as some silly adventure, and turned into saving the world. But this game didn't need to be about saving the world to be epic. The evil empire wasn't really necessary, either. The vastness of the world...that huge wall, all the various tribes, and the fact that the "civilized human" part of the world was only two cities made this seems like a...historic game? People didn't have contact with each other outside their own area for the most part, there was a nice feeling of discovery, at least for Justin. It needs a direct sequel to see how the world has evolved since then.


Arc the Lad 2 - Including the first game with this makes it better, especially since they were supposed to be one game anyway. At times it seemed like this game would never end, a new continent would always pop up somewhere. I do think there was one town too many, but besides that, the longevity only made the game better. The party is seperate most of the time, too. It's always nice to see how the two sides meet, and finally join forces. If Arc 4 was longer, and not so freakin easy, it could have been the same way.


Dragon Warrior 7 - People complain about this series, but those Japanese weirdos can back me up here. I haven't seen a single job system in a game that wasn't good, DW7 included, of course. But the jobs aren't what made this epic. Visiting every conceivable spot on the map, and seeing how they evolve through the past and present, and the fact that the game is so long makes it unforgettable. It's too bad the music was in that low quality MIDI or whatever and not orchestrated like it is on the album, otherwise more people would know how good Koichi Suigiyama can be.


Lunar SSSC - I cannot think of anything negative to say about this one. The sequel couldn't cut it, but that doesn't make the original any worse. The songs and characters really helped make the game great. The entire atmosphere is absolutely perfect. Running all around the world with everybody...it's too bad Eternal Blue fell short of recapturing the magic that made this one special. Working Designs still did a great job with the packaging, of course. Lucia's pendant rules.


Skies of Arcadia - This is very similar to Grandia. So maybe all the cities were stereotypical..there's the iceworld, the desert, the evil empire, the primitive jungle, the hi tech place, and Asialand. The feeling is still there. The army always found a way to follow you, even to places that were "unreachable," just like in Grandia, but the rest of the world itself was so unique and original it makes up for it. The music is awesome, too.


Xenogears - Actually one of the first RPGs I played, and it completely and utterly engulffed me. Every second of it I loved, (especially the sewers and the finger snapping music) even if I didn't really get it the first time through. It has the best soundtrack-game combination ever. I would have liked disk 2 to be more elaborate, if it was this probably would have been over 100 hours without any sidequests. But still, Xenogears rocks. I just hope there won't be any more games like Xenosaga, which wasn't awful, but still dissapointing, tarnishing the good name.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Crono Trigger: I mean how cool was it when one of the main villians decides to join up with you. And seeing something you do in the past affect all the future timelines.

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Guest Memphis

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty


Total and complete bliss to play. Who HASN'T had the fantasy where they're a secret agent on a potentially world-altering mission? For the two of you out there that hasn't played the game, I can assure you that you will need to at least find a written documentation of the previous game, Metal Gear Solid, to truly understand all the happenings in MGS2.


None the less, the finest game I've ever played.



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Guest Breetai

Deus Ex. Beautifully scripted storylines that took account of your past actions PERFECTLY.


Long as fuck too.

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Hmm....I might be the only one to think this but.....


Legend of Legaia: It was the second RPG I ever played after FF7. And let me say...it engrossed me and had me coming back for more. I played the game 3 times as a matter of fact. Something about the ancient non-technological world engulfed me. I have Legaia 2 but haven't gotten a chance to play it yet.


Oh and......


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: I haven't even finished it yet but I am so into it. And I really feel the story. I mean what's more epic than Star Wars?

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Guest Memphis
Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


I, like Scott Keith, do not need to explain myself!

Despite it's unoriginality compared to its' predecessor, I took more of a liking towards Madora's Mask.


That giant fucking moon was BAD-ASS.



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Guest Sakura



It starts off as just a cliche run of the mill rebels vs. corporation storyline. When Cloud, Barret and Tifa storm the Shinra building it feels like the end of the game. Then you find yourself outside Midgar and have the entire world to travel. What starts as something so simple turns into a world wide hunt for a man that eventually leads leads to countless memorable action scenes, space travel, the death of a loved one, and the secrets of the afterlife and then a final battle with the world at stake. In the ending when Red gets up and growls and the logo comes up in front of the ruins of Midgar I feel like I've been through so much.


The game's story and presentation pulls me in every time. Even though I've beaten it more times than I can count and have seen everything there is to see multiple times I STILL get emersed in it's world and story. I am playing it again now and it still gets me excited and into the action.

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Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


I, like Scott Keith, do not need to explain myself!

Definitely Ocarina of Time. Even though I like Link to the Past more, Ocarina's graphics and gameplay were amazing. I liked Majora's Mask alot, too, but constantly going back in time and losing all my money/items (yes, I'm aware you could put money in the bank) got aggrevating at times. The final boss battle was too easy, if you had the Fierce Diety's mask, that is.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

I prefer Majora's Mask to OoT because of its darker music and environment, great story (IMO anyway), challenging gameplay and the fact that Ganon and Zelda aren't in the game. Never been more thrilled to stab the shit out of a skullkid =P

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Guest Memphis



VERY under-rated and deserves much more credit than it gets. The game's story, gameplay and sheer depth is fantastic. Not to mention the combination of 2D & 3D worlds to keep things interesting, along with a HOST of bad-ass weaponry at your disposal (if you're in on the cash trick).


Twenty bucks goes to the next person to post here who's actually played it, and finished it.



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I'm in complete agreement with Sakura about FF7.


For me it was Shining Force 1 and 2.. they were pretty simplistic true, but it was the first RPG I saw where you could customize your own party and have to think tactically...


I want Valkyrie Profile so bad, it hurts...

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Phantasy Star 4. I know it has already been said but it deserves alot more props than I'm hearing.

No shit. Phantasy Star 4 was an EPIC before EPICS!


Disagree? Well Phantasy Star 4 came out before FF6 OR 7.




<----- Forever a fan of the departed Phantasy Star Series.

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