Bored 0 Report post Posted October 5, 2003 October 7, 1999 Kane & X-Pac def. Viscera & Mideon Hardcore Holly def. Road Dogg The New Brood def. Edge & Christian Mankind def. The British Bulldog by DQ The Big Show def. The Big Bossman by DQ The Rock def. Val Venis in a No-DQ Match October 5, 2000 Lo Down & Jacqueline def. The Hardy Boyz & Lita Al Snow def. X-Pac; Euro Title Match Val Venis, Bull Buchanan, & The Goodfather def. Eddie Guerrero & The Acolytes The Dudley Boyz def. Tazz & Raven by DQ Kurt Angle, Edge, & Christian def. Rikishi & Too Cool Steve Blackman def. Albert; HC Title Match Chris Benoit def. Chris Jericho by DQ Kane def. The Rock by DQ; WWF Title Match October 11, 2001 The Dudley Boyz def. The Big Show & Spike Dudley; Tag Title Match Billy Kidman def. X-Pac to win the WCW Cruiserweight Title Chris Jericho def. Rob Van Dam Kane def. The Hurricane by DQ; Euro Title Match Tazz def. Maven Kurt Angle def. William Regal by DQ October 10, 2002 Eddie Guerrero def. Rikishi Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit def. Billy Kidman & John Cena Billy Gunn def. D-Von Edge & Rey Mysterio def. Brock Lesnar & Tajiri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites