LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 PYRO!!! The fans of Intense Zone are on their feet as the camera pans around the crowd. We are greeted by the familiar voice coming from the announcer's table. JR Hello everyone and welcome to Intense Zone!!!! I'm Good Ol' JR and what a night of action we have for you!! We have the Intense 5 final, Dream Machines vs. TNT in a non title match, and Shadow vs. K-Ness!! I'm sure there will be more added as we go along tonight. Right now I'm getting word that we're starting off with our GM Dan Black!! Dan Black is sitting behind the desk of his by now familiar office. He looks angry, and impatient. Dan flicks his intercom switch: BLACk Jennifer- is he here yet? JENNIFER No, Mr. Black, not in the thirty seconds since you last asked. BLACK Watch your mouth, missy! I can soon send you back to whatever trailer park you came from. JENNIFER Actually, I live- BLACK I don't care! Just tell me when he gets here! JENNIFER He's just arrived, Sir. BLACK Send him in. The door opens, revealing Y2JAILBAIT! BLACK About time too...sit down. JAILBAIT I'd rather stand, ok esse? BLACK Whatever you like...what's important is what happened last week- we lost the tag title match...and I got pinned...thanks to your incompitence! JAILBAIT Well, you know man, I'm sorry 'bout that, but the powder was your idea y'know, and I just think- BLACK What? Speak English, you runt! Now look, I'm going to forgive you just this once. Just do better next time. Now, did you do what I asked? JAILBAIT What did you ask? BLACK The memo, I sent you a memo! JAILBAIT Oh, that...I didn't think that was right, man. I'm sorry, I just couldn't be doing it. BLACK It was a simple task- track Stephen Joseph. Take a gang of your street buddies with you. Beat the crap out of him. What's not right about that? JAILBAIT A sneak attack? I've had enough of those, you know, I really want- BLACK The hell? What's happened to you? JAILBAIT Well, in jail I had a lot of time to think, and- BLACK Oh my God, don't give me a sob story, Jackie! Look, do you want to stay working here, on my team? JAILBAIT Of course, boss, its just- BLACK It's SIMPLE, Jailbait. Do what I tell you. Now tonight I want you- Dan's door bursts open and NAZ MISTRY bounces in! NAZ Dan! I want a match tonight! I didn't make it into the Intense 5 match, and I need to get back on track! Ok? How about K-Ness? Hell, I'll even wrassle with old Ventura for you, hows that? BLACK Oh, for the love of...right. You two, both of you, go get your gear on. NAZ A tag match? Great! How bout for the tag titles? BLACK No. A match AGAINST each other. I'm sick of the pair of you. Now bugger off. JAILBAIT Don't you think we should stick together as a team, Dan? BLACK It's SIR to you, scum! And in case you hadn't noticed, what I say goes around here! Now, get ready, and then speak to the ring crew, they'll set up the match. Jailbait and Naz look at each other uneasily. BLACK What are you waiting for? Go! Naz and Jailbait slowly walk out. Dan swears under his breath and begins to look through a stack of papers on his desk. JR Naz vs Jailbait here tonight! Dan Black has no conscience at all- he's pitting two men who are supposed to be allies against each other! When we come back we'll have The Shadow vs. K-Ness so don't go away!! (Commercials) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 "Trans Magic" plays and the lights go out. K-Ness walks slowly to the ring, with a blue light following him all the way. Ring Announcer: Introducing first from Samar, Philippines, weighing 221 pounds...K-NNNNNEEEEESSSSSSSSS! JR: "K-Ness in the ring, as he demanded this match here tonight...he wasn't too happy about Shadow costing him his match against G-Money last week, and he's here tonight to do something about that!" K-Ness warms himself up as the lights go out once again. "Tubular Bells" hits and a giant "?" flashes around the crowd. Suddenly, the entryway lights up, and The Shadow makes his way out, adorned in a black cloak and followed by a multicolor light. Ring Announcer: His opponent...Parts Unknown...Weight Unknown...The SHAAAADOOOWWW! JR: "And there is The Shadow, this is his debut matchup here in the OAOAST. And this is a helluva debut for him, I'll tell ya that." Shadow gets in the ring slowly, then quickly removes his cloak and attacks K-Ness from behind! The bell sounds and the lights quickly come back on, as Shadow sends K-Ness into the ropes and catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex, followed by a superkick which sends Ness straight over the top rope! JR: "And very impressive thus far is the ShadooOOH MY GAWD~! What a move that was by the Shadow! He calls that the Mysticality, known as the Space Flying Tiger Drop to all of us "cretins", as he likes to call us." Shadow continues the assault outside the ring, picking up Ness and slamming his back into the ringpost. He then throws Ness back into the ring. Irish whip, and a SPINEBUSTER~! by Shadow! Shadow then plays to the crowd, who doesn't take too kindly to the attitude of Shadow. A "Shadow sucks" chant can be heard starting to form. JR: "No offense as of yet for K-Ness, he needs to do something here to get his second wind, but Shadow is relentless!" Shadow hooks K-Ness in the SUPLEX INTO OBSCURITY~! but is only able to get a two count. Shadow quickly follows with a T-bone suplex, then scales the top rope and hits a missile dropkick, and Ness quickly rolls to the floor. JR: "Very smart move there by Ness, as he attempts to catch his wind." Shadow follows and sets Ness up against the post. CRYPTIC KICK~!....NO~!!! Ness moves, and Shadow kicks the post! JR: "Man, this could be the break that Ness needs here to get this match to swing in his favor!" Back in the ring, Ness is on the offensive, scoring with a Dragon Screw legwhip, followed by a WESTERN LARIAT~! JR: "BAH GAWD, HE NEARLY TOOK SHADOW'S HEAD OFF~!" Ness scales the ropes...TOP ROPE KNEDROP! 1.... 2!!!!! NO~!!! Shadow is able to kick out! Ness gets a dropkick, then tries another kick, but Shadow catches the foot...ENZIGURI~! Shadow slowly gets to his feet... JR: "K-Ness measuring here..." DRAGON SLEEPER~! But Shadow is able to kick off the corner and flip over! CRYPTIC KICK...Ness ducks, and sets up the TIGER SUPLEX '85~! But Shadow BACKFLIPS out of it!!! He pushes Ness into the corner, and finally hits the CRYPTIC KICK~!!! JR: "Third time's the charm on the Cryptic Kick for Shadow, and he's settin' him up now..." Shadow gets a snap suplex, then goes to the top...and hits the SHADOW SPLASH~!!! JR: "Shadow with his version of the Five-Star Frog Splash..." 1.... 2..... 3~!!!!!! JR: "...and this one's over! VERY impressive debut on the part of Shadow!" Ring Announcer: Here is your winner...The SHADOW! Shadow grabs the SHADOW STICK~! JR: "Oh, wait just a damn minute won the match, now get the hell out of the ring! What the hell more do you want from the guy?" Shadow beats K-Ness senseless with the stick, then goes under the apron, and comes out with a table! He sets the table up, then picks up Ness...ENIGMA THROUGH THE TABLE~!!!!! JR: "OH MAH GAWD~! SHADOW WITH THE ENIGMA, RIGHT THROUGH THAT TABLE! K-NESS COULD BE BROKEN BAH GAWD IN HALF!!!" "Tubular Bells" hits and Shadow leaves the ring to tremendous heel heat. (Commercials) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 (edited) (The scene opens in a large field. Blurricane is shown pacing back and forth in front of a group of men calmly lined up. He is wearing a camouflage outfit while still wearing his mask. Blurricane stops in front of them and begins to speak.) BLURRICANE Men you have been brought here today to begin a journey! You may think you are just a group of clones, but soon you will be more than that! You will be heroes!! You will be warriors!! Over the next couple of months I will train you to become part of an elite group. Four of you will join me in the OAOAST as part of the Blurri-Rangers!! The training will be hard and only the best will be chosen. Do you understand!? ALL THE CLONES Yes sir!!! BLURRICANE Good! Now let’s begin! I want all of you to first go on a 2 Mile Run…no stopping and no walking. I will meet you at the end of your run for your next task. Now go!! (The clones take off running in a group. In the background we can see Judas mowing the lawn and looking on as if he wished he could be a part of the group. Blurricane gets on his motorcycle to ride to where they are running, but he stops and looks up.) BLURRICANE Judas!!! Come here!! (Judas stops mowing and comes over.) BLURRICANE Come with me I need your help with something. JUDAS Yes sir. (Judas gets in the side car and the two of them ride off as we fade out.) JR Blurricane seems to be running a boot camp of some sort for the clones! And what are the Blurri-Rangers?? (We cut to the locker room, to find "Shooter" Jay Darring sitting in the corner on his cell phone.) JAY: How's your Mom doing...good, I'm really happy to hear that...yeah, the contract looks good, heck, it's a better deal than mine!...Nah, it's okay, family comes first...tell Jill I said hi...ok, I lo- (A hand flies into the frame and snatches the phone from Jay, and FLINGS it into the wall, shattering it!) JAY: You didn't have to do that. ("The Professional" Mike Darring smirks, ignoring Jay's words.) MIKE: "Family comes first" huh? If you really believed that, you would have left with me last week. So, the little tramp deserted you- I hope that's even more proof that nobody gives two shits about you in this hellhole. JAY: She cares Michael, more than you ever did. MIKE: What's sad is that you really believe that, don't you. Here's "Harsh Reality" Jay- she'll go to HeldDown, and fine another piece of meat to exploit, someone bigger and better, a real winner, someone with long term potential, you know, maybe like the champ, somebody you couldn't beat last month. JAY (visibly shaking): Thanks to you. MIKE (waves it off): No matter, you wouldn't have won anyway, you're a loser, and you've been one all your adult life. Tonight, I'm going to that ring to lay down an open challenge to one of your "buddies," and I'm going to prove my superiority. JAY: And how the hell are you going to do that? You're not even a wrestler. MIKE: Don't kid youself brother, anyone can do this bullshit, and you'd be surprised what you can accomplish when you actually have money. I've been planning this for months- I received martial arts training for the very best- Tito Ortiz, Mark Kerr, and wrestling training from the best- Chris Benoit and Low Ki. In six months, I've accomplished what took you three years, and tonight in that ring, I'm going to prove that I'm better than you in every way. Deal with that "harsh reality," brother. (Mike walks off, as Jay sits frozen in his seat, eyes completely blank.) JR The tension is building between these two brothers. But next up we have a non title tag match. After last week’s heinous attack by this new tag team TNT the Dream Machines are facing that team in a non title match tonight! This really isn’t a smart move for the Dream Machines because they’ve never seen these guys wrestle before!! CUE: TNT by AC/DC RING ANNOUNCER Coming to the ring…at a total combined weight of 388 pounds…TJ Burns and Tyler Bridges…the team of…TNT!!!! (Both men walk with a purpose as they enter the ring and are met with boos from the crowd. Burns leans against the ropes while smiling cockily as Bridges warms up in the corner.) CUE: California Love RING ANNOUNCER Coming to the ring…accompanied by Eddy Kalm…at a total combined weight of 465 pounds…the Tag Team Champions…THE DREAM MACHINES!!!! (The El Camino pulls out and bounces as the Machines hold their titles out the windows for the fans to see. All three men pile out and slap hands with the fans on the way to the ring. Inside the ring TNT look ready as Eddy takes his place at ringside and the Dream Machines hand their titles to the ref.) JR TNT is a young, hungry team that wants title gold as quick as possible. They took the short cut though and that could make enemies in the back. Parka and PK discuss strategy in their corner as TNT discusses strategy in theirs. PK and Burns exit to the outside as Parka and Bridges start off. *DING DING DING* Both men circle around the ring before locking up. Bridges shoves Parka back into a corner and instead of making a clean break he hauls off and chops Parka hard to the chest. Parka cringes in pain as Bridges whips him to the opposite corner, but Parka reverses and sends Bridges to the corner. Bridges comes bouncing out and Parka kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. A quick cover only gets 2. Parka tags out to PK who comes in and catches a standing Bridges with a big Clothesline. PK waits for him to stand again and comes in for a Big Boot, but Bridges ducks away and tags in Burns. Burns hits the ropes and goes for a Spinning Wheel Kick, but PK catches him and hits a Backbreaker. PK makes the cover and only gets 2. JR So far so good for the Dream Machines. They are the more experienced of the two teams and that’s the difference maker. PK tags Parka back in and Parka goes for the Slingshot Senton Splash, but Burns slides to the outside at the last second. Parka rolls through the move and comes back up. Upon seeing Burns on the outside Parka goes for a Baseball slide, but Burns side steps it and slides back into the ring while Parka lands hard on the outside. Burns celebrates in the ring, but he turns right into a punch from PK that sends him down. Bridges comes in to argue with the ref about PK while Burns slides out and whips Parka into the steel steps. Parka hits the steps with his knees and goes flying head over heels to the mat on the other side. Eddy comes over to check on him, but Burns chases him off before picking Parka back up and sliding him into the ring. Cover. One…Two…No!!! Burns quickly tags out to Bridges who comes in and begins stomping on Parka. Bridges then hits three rapid Elbow Drops to the back of Parka’s head and then goes for a Crippler Crossface, but Parka fights for the ropes and makes it. Bridges gets up and stomps on Parka some more before tagging back out to Burns. Burns makes his way to the top rope and waits for Parka to stand. Burns then hits a Missile Dropkick that takes Parka off his feet. Cover. One…Two…No!!! As Parka begins to sit up Burns bounces off the ropes and hits a Low Dropkick to his face. He then quickly gets up, hits the ropes, and drops a Legdrop! JR This guy is quicker than a hiccup!! Cover. One…Two…No!! Parka kicks out! Burns waits in the corner for Parka to stand and comes running in for a Hurricanrana, but Parka counters with a Powerbomb. Both men are laid out on the mat, but Parka starts to move and crawls for his corner. Parka slowly makes his way closer and closer, but right as he’s about to tag PK, Bridges comes running over and knocks PK from the apron. Bridges then drags Parka to his corner and returns to the apron. Burns pulls himself up and sits Parka in the corner where Bridges holds Parka in place while Burns stomps a mudhole in him. Burns then takes off across the ring and runs back for a Knee Strike to Parka’s head. He then pulls Parka to the middle of the ring and makes a cover. One…Two…Three..No!!! Burns quickly gets up and hits a Moonsault Pin. One…Two…Three..No!!! Burns stands and climbs to the top rope where he steadies himself and goes for the 450 Leaf Clover, but Parka gets his knees up and Burns bounces off before crumpling to the mat in pain. Parka begins to crawl to his corner again, but Bridges comes running over to knock PK down. However, PK sees him coming and nails him with a punch that sends him reeling back and Parka makes the tag!! JR Finally PK is back into the match!!! PK grabs Bridges and tosses him over the top rope and then picks Burns up for the Knightmare, but Burns rakes PK’s eyes and drops from his shoulders. Burns grabs PK and whips him to the ropes, but PK reverses it. As Burns bounces back PK hits a Big Boot that sends him down to the mat hard. PK waits for Burns to stand again and takes him back down with a hard Clothesline. Cover. One…Two…Three..No!!! Burns slowly stands and PK grabs him and begins the Knight Roll. PK hits both Vertical Suplexes and then hits the Falcon Arrow. Cover. One…Two…Three…No!!! Bridges broke up the count! PK begins to yell at Bridges on the outside and Burns quickly rolls him up while he’s distracted! One…Two…Three…No!!! Burns pulls PK up and sets him up for the St. Patrick’s Day Massacre, but PK manages to break free before he can turn him over. PK then boots him to the gut and places him on his shoulders for the Knightmare! Bridges reaches under the bottom rope and pulls PK’s leg so that he falls over and Burns falls on top of him. Bridges holds PK’s legs down and ducks out of sight as Burns makes the cover. One…Two…Three!!! JR What the hell??? Bridges was holding his feet!!! TNT just stole a win from the Dream Machines in a non title match!!! *DING DING DING* The fans boo as Parka and Eddy run over to where Bridges is, but Bridges pulls Burns out of the ring and the two of them retreat down the aisle. RING ANNOUNCER Here are your winners of this non title match…TNT!!!! JR Bah gawd this isn’t over with TNT!!! TNT stole that win!!! Don’t go away we’ve still got more to come!! (Commercials) Edited October 15, 2003 by LaParkaYourCar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 (We come back to see Blurricane and Judas arriving at the spot. They get off the motorcycle and Judas goes to sit down at a park bench.) BLURRICANE Don’t sit. I have a job for you to do. JUDAS What is the job? BLURRICANE Set up the equipment for the next event. You’ll find the stuff in that shed over there. Here’s the key. (Judas takes the key and goes to the shed. He starts pulling out hurdles and other equipment for testing jumping ability. We cut to later where the clones finally make it to the spot and are out of breath.) BLURRICANE Rest for a second and then come over here. Next we have a test of your jumping ability. Judas has set up some hurdles and boxes for you to jump over and on. I am going to test you all in your abilities over these next few months because I need the best of you. (Blurricane turns to Judas.) Judas hand out some Gatorade. (We see the clones start their exercises as Judas comes back and sits down.) BLURRICANE You’d like to be out there with them wouldn’t you? JUDAS Yes sir. BLURRICANE You’re not ready. Someday you will be, but before that you must prove yourself to be trustworthy. Your quest for redemption, if you want it, starts now. (We pan back to show the clones exercising as we fade out.) JR It looks like Blurricane has found a use for all those clones! Someday soon we’ll actually see a group of them here in the OAOAST!! This could be quite... The arena lights shut off, plunging the building into darkness, until a single green strobe light illuminates the entranceway, and the haunting lyrics of "Lies" by Evanescence begin to play. You will never be strong enough You will never be good enough You were never conceived in love You will not rise above "The Professional" Mike Darring strides out, surprisingly dressed in his "street clothes," a monogrammed golf shirt and khaki pants. The only difference is, instead of his wingtips, he has sneakers on. Rest in me and I'll comfort you I have lived and I died for you Abide in me and I vow to you I will never forsake you. In businesslike manner, Mike ignores the crowd and casually walks into the ring, taking the microphone away from the ring announcer. MIKE: In order to further prove to my dipshit brother that he is wasting his life in this godforsaken "profession," I'm going to destroy any OAOAST competitor stupid enough to get in the ring with me. JR: What ego this guy has! He's never wrestled before in his life, he's not even dressed to wrestle, and he thinks he can beat an OAOAST superstar? He's in for a rude awakening! MIKE: So come on, who's ready to defend the honor of the most hated "sport" in the country? I'm a busy man, don't keep me waiting! [Cue: "Live for the Moment" by Darwin's Waiting Room] SHOCKER dashes out from the locker room and hits the ring! Before Mike can react, Shocker unleashes with hard punches to the head on "The Professional!" *DING DING DING* JR: OH HELL YEAH! You wanted it, you got it! A former World Tag Team Champion, Jay's partner in Featured Attraction, and the first man to beat the "genetically perfect" Bizarro Blurricane! Mike is stunned from the punches, Shocker grabs an arm and irish whips Mike into the ropes. Mike bounces off, Shocker winds up- DISCUS CLOTHESLINE CONNECTS on Darring! Darring bails to the outside, his back turned to the ring as he frantically checks his face for bumps and bruises. JR: Uh oh, big mistake Mikey, get ready to be welcomes to the OAOAST! Shocker is measuring the distracted Mike Darring back in the ring, he grabs the ropes and VAULTS OVER WITH A SOMERSAULT TOPE! JR: Mike Darring just realized that his brother has more friends here than he thought! Kick his ass Shocker! Shocker throws the elder Darring into the ring, tearing off his expensive shirt and stomping away on his fallen opponents. He picks Darring up by the head, he grabs the arm for another irish whip- NO, MIKE REVERSES! He hangs on to Shocker arms, AND HITS A STIFF MAFIA KICK TO THE FACE! Shocker is stunned for that hard shot, he's staggering around, and he turns into a back body drop... NO, MIKE HOLDS ONTO HIS LEGS! Shocker is upside down behind Mike, and HE GETS SPIKED STRAIGHT ON HIS HEAD! JR: MY GAWD, Mike Darring wasn't lying when he said he was lethal! It might be over right here! According to my notes, Mike calls that move "The Bad Investment." Mike simply drapes his arm over Shocker, and counts along with the referee! 1! 2! SHOULDER UP! JR: What an arrogant cover by Mike Darring, you can't do that to an athlete the caliber of Shocker! Mike presses his advantage, bounces off the ropes and connects with a kneedrop on Shocker- cover again! 1... 2... Quick kickout by Shocker. Mike picks up Shocker's head, bringing his opponent to his knees- HARD slap to the face by Mike Darring, JR: What disrespect by the Professional. followed up by a STIFF AS HELL ROUNDHOUSE KICK TO THE HEAD! JR: DID YOU HEAR THAT SHOT? DID YOU HEAR THAT SHOT! THE PEOPLE IN THE NOSEBLEED SEATS HEARD THAT CRACK! Shocker is out, Darring covers with one finger! 1! 2! SHOULDER UP! JR: I don't believe this Mike Darring, he has no respect for anybody in the locker room, no respect for this business, I guarantee you fans, his brother Jay WILL teach him some respect! Mike Darring hits the ropes again, lightning quick legdrop connects on Shocker, he gets up and hits the ropes again, a second one hits, Darring gets up and bounces off one more time, and finishes off the lightning legdrop trifecta! JR: Another cover by the Professional! 1! 2! Shocker kicks out again! JR: Shocker showing a lot of resiliency here, but can he come back against after such a devastating onslaught? Mike Darring gets up, gives the thumbs down, "NOW IT'S OVER! Darring heads to the top rope... JR: It's been overhead in the back that Mike Darring is very proud of his flying elbowdrop- "better than that Macho Hulk guy" he said- make me sick. Mike is perched on the top turnbuckle, he flips the bird to the crowd... JR: He's taking too much time here! WAIT A SECOND, SHOCKER KIPS UP, RUNS TO THE ROPES LIKE A CAT, AND HITS A SUPER FRANKENSTEINER ON DARRING! SHOCKER COLLAPSES! JR: OUT OF NOWHERE, OUT OF NOWHERE, A BURST OF ADRENALINE BY SHOCKER! BUT HE CAN'T CAPITALIZE! The referee makes the count.... 1 2 3 Neither man moving 4 5 6 Mike Darring is slowly getting to his feet, Shocker is stirring... 7 8 Darring is on his feet, he goes to pick up Shocker, who's on his knees- SHOCKER GETS A DOUBLE LEG TAKEDOWN, AND FLOATS OVER TO A DEEP COVER! 1! 2! KICKOUT! Both men back to their feet, Darring tries a clothesline, ducked by Shocker, Shocker responds with a HARD chop, and another, and another! He whips Darring in, spinkick by Shocker connects, dropping his opponent. Shocker bounces off the ropes with a STANDING SHOOTING STAR PRESS! JR: It could be over here! 1! 2! Kickout by Darring! Shocker picks Mike Darring up, scoop and a slam, Shocker makes the spin motion with his hands and heads to the top rope! JR: Shocker maybe looking for that diving headbutt, that's how he won the tag team titles! Shocker is on the top ropes, Darring is on his knees, clutching the referee trying to get to his feet,- and he shoves the ref into the ropes! Shocker gets crotched on the top! JR: What a cheap move by Mike Darring! The man is scum, that's all I can say, scum. Mike gets up, runs over to the stuck Shocker, and grabs him by the head. Mike pulls his head to the center of the ring, Shockers legs still dangling over the ropes- AND SPIKES HIM WITH A DDT! JR: OH MY GAWD, THE TOTAL DISAPPOINTMENT, HE MIGHT HAVE BROKEN HIS NECK! Shocker isn't moving, but Mike isn't done- he picks Shocker up, wraps his arm around his neck, and grabs Shocker in a reverse fireman's carry- THE CUTTHROAT SUPLEX HITS! JR: CUTTHROAT SUPLEX, CUTTHROAT SUPLEX, RIGHT ON HIS HEAD! There's a cover... 1. 2. 3. JR: And this one EMPHATICALLY is over. RING ANNOUNCER Your winner of the match, "The Professional" MIKE DARRING! JR: Mike Darring has just decimated a former World Tag Team Champion. I'm in shock. The referee raises a smirking Darring's hand, and he heads to the outside, grabbing a microphone...and a chair. MIKE: Jay, you're about to pay the price for not listening to me. This is on your head! Shocker is still not moving in the ring, Mike holds the chair high, and BASHES IT OVER HIS HEAD! AGAIN! AND AGAIN! AND AGAIN! AND AGAIN! A SIXTH CHAIRSHOT! A SEVENTH! JR: SOMEBODY STOP HIM! WHERE'S SECURITY DAMMIT!? The back of Shocker's head is bleeding, and he's definitely unconscious. Darring, laughing, stops his assault and simply leaves. He briefly glances at the medics running past to attend to Shocker, then turns to the camera and says, "This is on your head Jay. See the light, or there will be more." JR: Beneath that refined exterior, Mike Darring is a sick, sadistic, violent human being. And where was Jay to save his partner?!- Hang on, I'm getting word our backstage cameras have found Jay in the back. [Cut to locker room] "Shooter" Jay Darring is unconcsious, unmoving, and bleeding profusely from the forehead. JR: Oh my lord...who did that? (Commercials) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 (A faint musical intro can be heard mixed with a quiet whisper. The music gets louder and the voice can be heard saying the words…”No Chance”) CUE: No Chance in Hell JR Oh great. Now what?? (Puerto Rican Lightning, Mr. Boricua, Lindsay Gonzalez, Vitamin X, and the two mystery men that helped PRL all come out onto the stage as a “PR Sucks” chant rings out. PRL walks to the ring with everyone following behind and he steps into the ring with a mic in hand.) JR Bah gawd the Lightning Crew’s numbers just keep growing!! (The music stops as PRL stands in the middle of the ring with a smile on his face and the PR and NA titles draped over his shoulders. The crowd continues to chant “PR Sucks” as he lifts the mic to his mouth.) PRL Right about now you all are probably wondering who these men are. So if you’d shut up for a second I’ll tell you. (The crowd chants louder) PRL This man right here punked out Shooter Jay last week and helped keep the NA Title where it belongs!! This man is my best friend and from now on he’s the second in command of the Lightning Crew!! You will simply refer to him as…Columbian Heat!!!! JR Columbian Heat?? What the hell is going on here?? COLUMBIAN HEAT I won’t let you down boss. What ever you say…goes!! PRL Of course it does!! Over here we have the greatest referee to ever put on the stripes!! This man is part of the Lightning Crew now and he’s my own personal Ref!! His name is Thomas Rodregueiz!! JR I knew there was something wrong with that Ref!!! He’s a dirty son of a bitch!! THOMAS As you can tell I have no problem selling my soul to Puerto Rican Lightning!! This man is the backbone of this company!! (The fans are on their feet booing all the members of the Lightning Crew and chanting “PR Sucks”) PRL Do you people hate me!? (FANS: “YES!!!”) PRL Well you know what?? I hate every last one of you too!!! (The fans boo louder) PRL Last week I beat the best that IZ has to offer in Shooter Jay. I’ve beaten K-Ness, Mad Cappa, and Blurricane!! I am the savior of IZ!!! I am your god!!! I am your hero!!! No wait…I am your Super Hero!!!! CUE: Rock You Like a Hurricane JR Bah gawd it’s Blurricane!!! (PRL whips around to face the entrance as Blurricane flies out of the stage. The fans erupt with a “Blurricane” chant as he swooshes to the ring and slides in with a mic in hand.) BLURRICANE I hear you out here saying you’re a Super Hero!? Whazzamaddawityou??? (The fans pop) Would a Super Hero need a drug lord and a dirty ref to do his work for him??? As a defender of truth, justice, and the American way I am here to put an end to your dastardly deeds!!! Tonight I want a shot at that North American Title!!! PRL You crazy ass bitch!!! What have you done to deserve a shot at my NA Title??? You’ve spent the last few months mopping floors and fighting a damn clone!!! BLURRICANE Maybe you have amnesia or something but let me remind you that I beat you at School’s Out in the middle of the ring to become number one contender for the NA Title!! PRL Two weeks later I won that contendership or have you forgotten that?? BLURRICANE And like always you cheated then too! You always have to hide behind a bimbo, a goon, and a bunch of other two bit henchmen!! I don’t need to cheat because I got Blurri-powers Beeeotch!! PRL (Looking very pissed) You idiot!! You can never beat me for this title!!! You want a shot??? You got it!!! JR I can’t believe it!!! PRL vs. Blurricane tonight!!! BLURRICANE So tonight I take your North American title away because it belongs to a real hero!!! PRL Whoa!!! Maybe you need to look a little closer at which title I was pointing to. I never said you got a NA Title shot…you have a shot at the prestigious Puerto Rican Title!!! JR Aw son of a bitch!!! BLURRICANE Fine…I’ll take that offer and once I beat you for the “prestigious” (makes the quote motion with his hands) Puerto Rican Title, I will come back and win the North American Title as well!!! (Blurricane exits the ring as PRL looks pissed and holds his PR Title in the air for all to see.) JR PRL has given Blurricane a shot at the PR Title tonight!! Don’t go away we have more to come!! (Commercials) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 Announcer: The following contest is set for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit...introducing first... "Chop suey" plays, as Naz runs down to the ring. Annoucer: From Mexico City, weighing 210 pounds...NAZ MISTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY! JR Naz has been on a losing streak since his debut on IntenseZone- can he turn it around here? The music abruptly changes to "How I Could Just Kill A Man", as the fans give a mixed response to the arrival of Naz's opponent. Announcer: From Brooklyn, New York, at 225 pounds...WHY...TOOOOOO.....JAAAAAAAILBAAAAAAAAAIT! Y2J walks confidently down to the ring, nodding at a group of fans who are applauding him, and slides into the ring. Our referee checks both men over, and signals for us to start. DING DING DING Jailbait reaches out a hand for a shake to start! Naz looks a little doubtful, but Jailbait nods his head and extends his hand again! Naz shrugs, takes the hand...and then pulls Jailbait into a short arm clothesline! JR Naz with the cheap shot! That's the kind of behaviour we've come to expect from Jailbait- just what IS happening to him? Naz brings Y2J off the mat and attempts to whip him to the ropes, but Jailbait reverses and send Naz flying. As Naz rebounds off the cables, Jailbait hooks his arm under Mistry's and flings him over with an arm drag take over. Jailbait holds on and locks on an arm bar with Naz on his side on the mat. Naz starts to try and swivel to get up, and Jailbait allows him, still with the arm bar in place. Jailbait twists around on the arm again, bending it without mercy. Naz rolls forward to attempt a break, but Jailbait rolls with him, and both men come up in the same position! Mistry shakes his head as the referee checks on him...and then executes a standing backwards somersault that breaks the arm bar! The crowd applauds the athleticism of Naz, and Jailbait is surprised enough for Naz to catch him with a dropkick! JR What an escape from Naz! He hasn't been picking up wins but there's no denying his natural talent. Naz drives a couple of forearm shots into Jailbait's jaw and whips him into the corner. Mistry charges in, but is met by a boot to the face as Jailbait uses the ropes to lift his legs into the air. Jailbait hops onto the second rope, and as Naz turns jumps at him, wrapping his legs around Naz's head and flipping him over with a headscissors takeover! Naz is spun around, but gets to his feet near the ropes. Jailbait charges at him, and slams him with a clothesline that propels Naz back over and out of the ring! Naz tumbles to the floor, but quickly gets back up, attempting to shake his head clear. Jailbait grabs the top rope with both hands, and uses it to spring himself out of the ring, flying down onto Naz with a crossbody that knocks Naz flat onto his back! Jailbait picks himself up and grins, nodding in approval to himself. Y2J picks Naz up, grabs his arm and just FLINGS him into the ringsteps! Naz crashes into the steel head first, and looks out cold on the floor! JR BAH GAWD! Jailbait is still a merciless competitor, no matter what's going on outside the ring! With our referee counting both men out, Jailbait drags Naz up and throws him into the ring. Y2J follows, and makes a cover: ONE! TWO! THREEEE-KICKOUT! Jailbait gets right back on the attack, bringing Naz up and snaking both arms around his body. Y2J lifts up with a gutwrench, into a backbreaker, Mistry's back being driven hard into the knee of Y2J! Jailbait keeps a hold of Mistry and stands up, flips Naz over, and drops again, this time crushing Naz's stomach into his knee! Jailbait at last pushes Naz off and covers: ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! With Naz not sure whether to clutch his back or gut, Jailbait brings him up once more. Jailbait brings him up, applies a frontface lock, and hits a quick snap suplex. Jailbait keeps the hold in on the mat, and swivels his hips, bringing Naz and himself to their feet. Y2J executes another snap suplex, and again swivels his hips, getting back! Jailbait is about to go for a third suplex, when Naz desperately shoves his foot forward behind Jailbait's, blocking him. Jailbait tries again, but finding himself still blocked releases the facelock and stings Naz with a CHOP to the pectorals! Another CHOP, and Jailbait whips Naz to the ropes. Jailbait jumps up for a dropkick, but Naz holds onto the top rope to stop himself, and Jailbait crashes to the mat, flat on his back! Naz runs forward, jumping and forward rolling on to the body of Jailbait and hooking up the legs as he goes: JR Victory roll from Naz! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! JR It was worth an attempt, as that fall must have driven all the air out of Jailbait, but he wasn't ready to be pinned. Naz grabs a handful of hair to bring Jailbait up, and sends him back over with a snap mare. Jailbait is left sitting on the mat, and Naz rocks back before delivering a STIFF kick to the back of Jailbait's head. Another hard kick that draws "OOOO!"s from the crowd. Naz steps back again, but this time runs forward, jumping over Jailbait's shoulder and grabbing his head as he goes, so that Jailbait's skull is stung forwards and back rapidly. Mistry makes the cover: ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Naz moves away from Jailbait and heads up top, waiting for Jailbait to get up. Y2J obliges, standing and shakily turning to Naz's corner. Mistry leaps off, straight at Y2J with a missile dropkick but Jailbait jumps too, connecting with his own dropkick to the stomach of Naz! Mistry hits the mat hard and holds his midsection, badly winded. Jailbait crawls over and makes the cover: ONE! TWO! THRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE-KICKOUT! JR That was a close! Great counter from Jailbait, and he needs to follow up on it. Y2J, more mobile now, picks Naz up and grabs him by the head, going for his Jailbreak (Twist of Fate), but Naz pushes him off before he can hit it. Mistry charges in with a superkick, but Jailbait ducks it, grabs Naz from behind and locks in a full nelson! Naz struggles for a moment, but Jailbait pulls back and SNAPS Naz's head and neck into the mat with a Dragon Suplex! The referee gets down to count, but Jailbait releases the bridge and rolls through, bringing Naz up and locking his arms behind him- Tiger Suplex! JR Jailbait busting out all his technical expertise! Naz is in total disarray! Jailbait keeps the bridge this time! ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! NO! KICKOUT! Naz's kick flips him onto his front, and Jailbait pounces, locking on his STF....reaching forward and adding a Dragon Sleeper! Naz's leg and back are bent in ways never intended! JR We saw Jailbait use this move on JINGUS at Dirty Deeds, and although Y2J lost that match, it made the Devilman tap out at one point! And indeed, despite a moment's desperate stuggle... Naz TAPS OUT! DING DING DING Announcer: The winner of the match by submission.....Y2JAAAAAAAAILBAAAAAAAAAAAAIT! Jailbait releases the hold and steps up to the second rope, raising a hand in victory and actually getting a POP for his victory! JR An impressive display from Jailbait- perhaps this will persuade Dan Black to treat him a little better! No sooner has JR spoken the name of the IZ boss, then his face appears on the AngleTron. BLACK Good match, good, I know your favourite baseball bat is under the ring, Jailbait....use it to beat a little sense into that snivelling Naz Mistry! Jailbait looks down at Naz, holding his various injuries, and shakes his head slowly, getting more applause! BLACK You refuse? Fine. I can't make you obey me. The AngleTron snaps off. JR Well, its unusual for Dan to back away from an arguement like that! Jailbait shrugs, and leaves the ring, walking up the ramp. He turns and raises his arms, smiling at the first favourable crowd reaction he has ever gotten in the OAOAST- but is suddenly SLAMMED down onto his face by Dan Black from behind! Black picks Jailbait up, kicks him in the gut and gives him THE BLACK OUT! Dan kicks at the lifeless body of Jailbait and grins. A mic appears in his hand. BLACK It was about time I stopped talking and started acting. This is what happens if you disobey me, if you cross me- hell, if I just feel like it! So- "Why don't you just shut the hell up, punk?" Black turns around to see JESSE VENTURA under the AngleTron, holding a mic! JR BAH GAWD! IT'S JESSE! I miss him... BLACK Oh, hello Grandad. What can I do for you? Need someone to find your false teeth for you? JESSE You and I have a little unfinished business to attend to, boy! In case you forgot, you fired me from the announce job I love! BLACK And its the best thing I ever did! Now get off my show! JESSE Oh, I would...but remember, Stephen Joseph gave me a little thing called a competitors contract, and that means I want a MATCH with YOU, Dan Black! Anytime, anywhere! BLACK'd be murder! Think of your family! Your friends, you don't want to leave them, do you? JESSE Oh, scared? I thought as much! You'll take on Jim Ross in a match, but not "The Body"? BLACK I'm not scared of a thing in this world, Ventura, especially a has-been like you! You got your match, buddy! Black turns, SPITS on the body of Jailbait, and walks up the ramp. He and Jesse go eyeball to eyeball, before Dan vanishes backstage. Jesse walks down, and helps Jailbait up to a huge cheer! JR BAHHHHHHHHHH GAWD! Jesse gets a match against Dan Black! We'll have to wait to see when that will take place, but I can promise you, Jesse will give him HELL! We'll be back, right after these messages! 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LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 "Don't Stay" by Linkin Park blares from the speakers throughout the arena. JR: I don't know who's entrance music this is. Could we have a new player on IZ? From the entranceway, Dangerous A emerges. Raucous boos eminate from the arena as highlights of DA stiffing people glow from the Angletron. JR: Well, in a way it is a new player. New entrance music for a new man. Dangerous A, the Scourge of the Orient came back to IZ last week and completely decimated Mad Cappa. It was revealed that DA was acting on orders from Dan Black. DA has a lot of explaining to do in my opinion. He was one of the few standup guys here in the OAOAST. He stood up for his family against that bastard, Banky. DA has a mike and I for one am intrigued to hear this. DA rudely motions for a microphone from the announcer. DA: If you people can keep your voices down for a few minutes, I do have something to say. (Boos grow louder) DA: At first, I wasn't going to come out here at all. I figure I don't owe any of you people an explanation for what I did. However, at the request of my family, I decided to come out here to talk. Let me first address Mad Cappa. Bro, I don't know you. I have seen tape of you in the ring. Mr Black has briefed me on what you are all about. I really don't care. See, this isn't personal, Cappa. You were my first target package that was assigned to me by Mr Black. He told me that you were to be taken out of the show. I did that to my fullest capabilities. You didn't return to the show. It wasn't personal. This was all business. That and a little pleasure. Pleasure in dishing out pain and doing the one thing that I was born to do. Hurt people. Me doing what I did was all business. If it were personal, you would no longer have a career. Why don't you ask Banky what happens when DA takes something personal? "Aww Naww" blares from the speakers, interupting DA JR: Business is about to pick up. OAOAST Corporate rep Stephen Joseph is in the house. He's got Jingus with him as well. This should be very interesting given that Stephen Joseph helped bail DA out of the legal trouble brought on by the Banky situation. SJ: Dangerous A. Jingus told me last week about what you did. It disappointed me greatly to hear that. It disappoints me to hear that a guy I helped out financially not only turn his back on me, but join up with none other than Dan Black. DA: Somehow I knew you'd show your face, Joseph,whichwas one of my intents. See, I've been watching OAOAST long before I debuted. I knew all it would take is for me to come out here and show myself so my intended target would show his face. SJ: Target? DA: Did I stutter? You heard right. You see, yeah you helped me out with the Banky situation. Only in America would a person sue another for physical damage and wages lost, even though it happened in the confines of a wrestling ring. (crowd boos at the thought of the lawsuit, as well as DA's anti-America statement) Yeah, you helped pay for my lawyers. And those lawyers were finally able to sift through Banky's bullshit lawsuit. But in the meantime, where was the rest of my income? The money you gave me was good enough to cover the lawyers and that was it. I lost my home. I almost lost my family because I couldn't provide for them. I have left message after message with you about coming back to wrestle so I could put food on the table. So my son and wife could have the finer things in life. Instead, you were shut me out. Instead of this being the land of oppurtunity, I ended up being what this show's competition is, held down. SJ: Is this what this is all about? Look, I am sorry if I didn't get back to you in a timely manner, but the world doesn't revolve around you. I have my own problems to deal with. I have been very busy as of late since joining Corporate. DA: You can give all the excuses you want, but the fact of the matter is you didn't call me back to work. You took away the one thing that keeps my family and life in check. You took away wrestling. Jingus: He didn't take away any of that, DA. You need to open your eyes. Look, we can go to the back and talk about this... DA: Was I talking to you, bitch? (Jingus drops his mic and looks to charge the ring, but Stephen Joseph restrains him) DA: What you want a piece of me, Jingy? Come on then. There ain't nothing except space and oppurtunity between us. Don't worry, since you are apart of SJ's little crew, you can look forward to seeing me in the ring down the line. See, Mr Black has a primary target package for me and guess what. It's you Stephen Joseph. You and your pissant little crew. So you'd better watch your back. Jingus, I'm set. I'm ready for you. Crowd is getting all jacked up DA: You hear that? Why don't you let him go SJ? Shit, why don't you come in here, SJ? Get a piece of DA while I'm still here in your face. What's wrong SJ, you afraid? You afraid of what I did to you when we met in the ring 3 months ago on IZ? Crowd is on their feet with anticipation. DA: You remember that match right. I remember getting counted out. You brought what you had to the table and it wasn't good enough. I was still standing. And that was the last anyone heard from me. That's how I know you didn't want me back. Well, Dan Black wanted me back. And he offered me a lot of money to come and take out what almost ruined my family. You. But since you can no longer compete, I'll have to take out all your friends. When you are the only one left standing, then I will exact my revenge on you. Crowd is in an uproar. SJ: DA, I have a little advice for you. DA: What's that? Mad Cappa, who has made his way to the ring through the audience while DA was talking, springboards to the top rope and missle dropkick's DA in the back of the head!! JR: Cappa! Cappa! Oh my! Mad Cappa made his way through this crowd while DA was spitting out that hot air towards SJ and Jingus! DA groggily starts to get to his feet. Cappa stands behind DA wiggling his fingers in anticipation as the crowd is in an uproar. DA turns around and Cappa nails him with a Stunner! JR: BUST A CAP! BUST A CAP! Mad Cappa just busted a cap on DA's ass!! Cappa joins up with Jingus and Stephen Joseph at the entrance way. SJ: My advice to you, Dangerous A, would be to make sure you clean your plate before you move on to the next meal, eh. Cappa, Jingus, and Stephen Joseph all high five as they head to the back. Dangerous A clears the fog and stares at the 3 men walking away. A look that could kill flashes through his eyes as we fade out. (Commercials) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 JR Next up we have the PR Title match between Blurricane and PRL that was set up earlier tonight. Blurricane should be getting a NA Title match, but PRL weaseled his way out of it!!! CUE: Rock You Like a Hurricane RING ANNOUNCER Introducing first…from Parts Unknown…weighing in at 190 pounds…THE BLURRICANE!!!! (Blurricane flies out of a special side stage amidst a blast of pyro and swooshes to the ring. He tosses his cape to the ring attendant and awaits his opponent as the fans chant, “Blurricane.”) JR Blurricane needs to watch himself with the Lightning Crew around!! CUE: No Chance in Hell RING ANNOUNCER Coming to the ring…accompanied by the Lightning Crew…from San Juan, Puerto Rico…weighing in at 223 pounds…PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!!! (PRL comes out with Mr. Boricua, Lindsay Gonzalez, Vitamin X, Columbian Heat, and Thomas Rodregueiz. The reach ringside and begin surrounding the ring. PRL holds up the NA Title for Blurricane to see and then hands it to Lindsay, but while PRL is distracted Blurricane launches over the top rope with a Slingshot Plancha that takes PRL out!) JR Good gawd!! Blurricane is wasting no time in taking out PRL!! These two men have to compete in the Intense 5 match still tonight and both don’t want to be worn out!! The rest of the Lightning Crew back off as PRL and Blurricane exchange punches on the outside. PRL plants a knee in Blurricane’s gut that stops the onslaught. PRL then grabs him and tosses him into the ring. *DING DING DING* PRL goes for a quick cover and only gets a 1 count. He then pulls Blurricane to his feet, whips him to the ropes and goes for a Spinning Heel Kick, but Blurricane ducks it and hits the ropes. As Blurricane comes bouncing back he grabs PRL’s head and hits a Facebuster! A cover only gets 2. JR These two are going right at it!! Remember there are no disqualifications in a table match….what the hell did I just say?? Blurricane stands and waits for PRL to begin getting up. Blurricane comes running in for a Shining Black, but PRL sees it coming and bails to the outside. The fans boo him for bailing, but he just flips them off. As PRL is walking around ringside something catches his eye and he goes over to the time keeper’s table. PRL tosses the time keeper aside and grabs Blurricane’s cape and puts it on!!! The fans boo loudly and chant “PR Sucks” as PRL swooshes around the ring to mock Blurricane. Blurricane slides to the outside and begins to chase PRL around the ring, but as Blurricane rounds the corner he is hit by a Clothesline from Columbian Heat while PRL distracts the ref! JR I knew this would happen!!! The ref should have banished the Lightning Crew from ringside!!! PRL comes over to where Blurricane is and starts choking him with the cape. Vitamin X distracts the ref as this is going on. The ref has finally had enough of the Lightning Crew and orders them to all go to the back! The fans cheer as the Lightning Crew argues with the ref, but the ref points to the back and they leave. PRL stops choking Blurricane and tosses him into the ring where he goes for a cover. One…Two…No!!! PRL yells at the ref about a slow count, but the ref holds up two fingers. PRL then pulls Blurricane up and goes for the Lightning Strike, but Blurricane shoves him to the ropes and ducks for a Back Body Drop. PRL sees him duck and kicks him in the head, which sends him back to a vertical base. PRL then quickly Clotheslines him back down, pulls off his elbow pad, spits on it, and then throws it down on Blurricane’s face. JR Bah gawd PRL is going for the Puerto Rico Elbow!! PRL bounces off the ropes and leaps over Blurricane before bouncing off the other side. As PRL comes back Blurricane kips up, grabs him by the neck, and hits a Chokeslam!! JR Good gawd Blurricane was playing possum!! Cover!! One…Two…Three…No!!! PRL kicked out! In doing the Chokeslam Blurricane knocked off PRL’s bandanna, which gives Blurricane an idea. Blurricane grabs the bandanna and puts it on and begins acting like PRL. Blurricane tries to act thug-like as the fans erupt with laughter. PRL pulls himself up and sees what Blurricane is doing and begins yelling at him. PRL comes running, but Blurricane side steps him and gives him a shove that sends him over the top rope. PRL grabs the top rope and skins the cat back in. While Blurricane continues his mockery of PRL he gets attacked from behind by PRL. PRL then bounces off the ropes twice and finally hits the Puerto Rico Elbow! Cover. One…Two…Three..No!!! JR I can’t believe it!! Blurricane kicked out!! PRL reaches down and grabs his bandanna back before stuffing it in Blurricane’s mouth and choking him with his hands. The ref calls for the break and PRL breaks on the 4 count. PRL then pulls Blurricane to his feet and goes for the PR Nightmare, but Blurricane shoves him to the ropes. As PRL bounces back Blurricane rolls him up. One…Two…Three!!!! *DING DING DING* JR BAH GAWD BLURRICANE WON!!!!! (The fans erupt as Blurricane holds the PR Title above his head and the ref raises his hand.) RING ANNOUNCER Here’s your winner…and new Puerto Rican Champion…THE BLURRICANE!!!! (PRL throws a fit in the ring and pushes the ref down. He starts claiming that Blurricane pulled his tights as the fans chant “Blurricane” as loud as they can.) JR What the hell is PRL going on about!?! (PRL grabs the ring announcer and the ref and starts to yell at them. Thomas Rodregueiz comes out and shows the ref and ring announcer something in a little book. After a second the ring announcer gets on the mic.) RING ANNOUNCER I have just been informed that according to the Puerto Rican Rule Book the title cannot be held by, and I quote, “Phony, wannabe, Super Heroes. Especially those who cheat.” Therefore the decision has been reversed. Your winner…and still Puerto Rican Champion…PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!!! JR What the hell is this!?!? This is bullsh*t!! PRL just screwed Blurricane out of the title!! (Blurricane goes to attack PRL, but the Lightning Crew is out and block Blurricane’s path. Blurricane looks pissed as PRL runs to the back while holding both titles above his head as we fade to a commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 (When we come back we see PRL in Dan Black’s office screaming at him with tears in his eyes.) PRL Did you see how he treated me out there!? He mocked me and he tried to cheat to win my title!!! Are you going to let this stand??? DAN BLACK What the hell do you want me to do about it?? PRL I want Blurricane at World Without End!! If he wants a NA title shot so bad I’ll give it to him because I know I can beat him. You know why I know this?? DAN BLACK No…why do you know this? PRL Because at World Without End I will prove that I am Blurricane’s Kryptonite!!! DAN BLACK Very well…you have your match! (PRL leaves with a smile on his face as we cut back to ringside.) JR It’s about time!! Blurricane will get his NA Title shot at World Without End!! PRL says he’s Blurricane’s Kryptonite, but I have a feeling he’s going down!! (We cut to Calvin Szechstein, in the offices of Dan Black as always. Calvin looks hard at Black, shaking his head before starting.) CALVIN Tsk tsk tsk, Dan. Intense Five? Automatic #1 contendership? Dan, unlike McDonalds, I'm definitely not lovin' it. DAN Calvin, you run your mouth and you pay the price. You seem to neglect just how much power I have -- and trust me, if I wanted to that belt would be off of you so fast it'd be almost scary. Calvin grins sadly. CALVIN Nothing scares me now, Dan. I'm on top of the world, and neither you, nor Stevie J, nor Tim Moysey can scare me. Dan grins smugly back at Calvin. DAN Oh, really? Because I'll give Steve-o a call right now, and we'll see how "not scared" you are. Calvin's face quickly contorts into a mask of worry. CALVIN Now now, Dan, no need to get hostile... DAN Oh, really? How about the motivational speech you gave a few nights ago? HeldDown shall crush IntenseZone? You think I appreciate that, Calvin? Calvin looks worried for a few moments... then looks down, taking a drag off of his cigarette. Without lifting his head, he speaks to Dan. CALVIN You don't see it, do you? Dan tries to speak, but Calvin holds up a hand. As Dan quiets Calvin brings the hand back down to his lips, taking another drag before looking up at Black and speaking. CALVIN Dan... I go home some nights, worn out from all the work I have... and I dream. I dream of the future of the OAOAST... I dream of IntenseZone, gone, the OAOAST, gone... I dream of heldDown, reigning supreme over the entire OAOAST, but it's not OAOAST anymore... it is just WF... Wrestling Federation. Dan smirks. DAN Is this really the type of... Calvin holds up a hand again, and again Black quiets. Calvin takes another drag, his head still down, before continuing. CALVIN Dan... the future is now. I represent the future of wrestling... and in the future, there are no roster splits... you, and me, and Puerto Rican Lightning, and Totally Endorsed, and Ragdoll... we stand united, under one banner... and we scoff at the Zack Malibus and Crystals and Jay Darrings and Dream Machines of the world, because they're in the past... the future is now, Dan, and the future is heldDown. You may not see that now, you may put up a fight, you may try to put IntenseZone on top... Calvin takes another drag of his cigarette, looking up finally at Dan Black. CALVIN ... but it's never gonna happen. Let it go, man... you come to heldDown, we'll go places... you stay here, you're gonna get your ass kicked, and then maybe, just maybe... Calvin Szechstein will pick you up off the trash heap. Dan, quiet, listens for a while longer, expecting Calvin to say more. When it becomes evident he won't, Dan clears his throat, and begins to speak himself. DAN Calvin... I love you, you're like a brother to me. Dan stands up, leaning over his desk and staring Calvin right in the face. DAN But I will be damned if I let heldDown win. Ever. Calvin turns his face to the side, taking another drag off his cigarette... and he turns back to Dan, blowing the smoke in his face. CALVIN Have it your way, Dan. There'll always be room for you on heldDown after your stupid Intense 5 fails. Calvin gets up, exiting quietly. Black sits back down, emotionally drained, as we fade to black.. (Commercials) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 JR Welcome back to IntenseZone, where this arena is buzzing in anticipation of our main event of the evening. Last week five men battled through matches to gain a place in this contest- the Intense 5 match. Each man will take a place in the first ever IntenseZone rankings, but who will be placed 1-5? We’re about to find out. For fans who missed last weeks show, let me run down the competitors in this match- - JINGUS, who beat the living hell out of Vitamin X. An OAOAST veteran, he’s never had a chance at the top of the card. This is his opportunity to break on through. -G Money, who advanced at the expense of K-Ness - with some help from the mysterious Shadow. A rich, arrogant rookie, but one who’s skills have impressed many so far. -The Shuffle, a crowd pleasin’ hip dancin’ hard fightin’ son of a gun, who reached this match with a win over Naz Mistry. He and G Money have had their problems on IntenseZone of late… -The Blurricane, everyone’s favourite superhero. A DQ win over Y2Jailbait brought him here tonight, but will he be at 100% following his earlier brawl with our final wrestler… -Puerto Rican Lightning! The North American champion, and in many people’s eyes the logical number one ranked guy on IZ. But can he confirm the hype and claim the top spot? We’re just moments from finding out. We cut from JR to a camera backstage, showing Dan Black at his desk, watching a huge monitor. Naz Mistry and Jennifer stand nearby, also watching. The camera cuts to Stephen Joseph in his limousine, a screen flickering in front of him. We cut again, to the locker room area, where a group of wrestlers not involved in the match, including Y2Jailbait, K-Ness, Dangerous A and Jay Darring survey a TV set. A final flick away, and we see OAOAST World Champion Calvin Szechstein and Totally Endorsed watching on in a private backstage suite. JR Everyone on IntenseZone is pumped for this. Let’s go over to the man I’m proud to introduce as IntenseZone’s new regular ring announcer- Gary Michael Cappeta! GMC Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the INTENSE FIVE MATCH! Crowd POPS! GMC This match features five competitors, but only two may be in the ring at any one time. The remaining three athletes have a corner, and can tag into the match at any time. Eliminations occur via pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification. The wrestler eliminated first will take the number 5 spot in the I5 rankings, the next will take number 4, and so on, until one man is left, who will be the winner of the I5 match, the No 1 ranked IZ athlete and will receive a WORLD TITLE SHOT! Gary pauses after this long explanation and draws fresh breath. GMC And now, the competitors…introducing first… “Rock you like a Hurricane” starts up, and with a BANG! of pyro, Blurricane springs out from under the stage, flying high into the air! Blurri garners the applause of the crowd as he strikes a heroic pose, before walking determinedly down to the ring. GMC From parts unknown, weighing 191lbs…………..the BLLLLLLLLURRRRRRRRICAAAAAAAANE! Blurricane slides into the ring and spins on the spot, before whipping off his black cape and throwing it out of the ring. JR An unusual but highly talented young man, Blurricane has what it takes to win this match if he can keep his game together. We’ll see what effect his altercation with PRL earlier has had. Blurricane’s music cuts out to be replaced with "For the love of money" as the arena lights fall. A green spotlight settles on the entranceway, as matching bursts of pyro erupt from the stage and G-Money appears! GMC From Salisbury, England, weighing 245lbs……..G MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Money, clad in silver tracksuit, walks down to the ring, looking with distaste at the fans, who BOO him in response! The Englishman climbs gracefully into the ring and removes his suit, before stretching out. Blurricane walks over and sticks out a hand for a shake, but G Money looks disgusted and backs away hastily. JR Snobbish, deluded, and rich. G Money is not your usual OAOAST athlete, but he’s made an impression so far, beating the former NA champ K-NESS last week. This is the biggest night in his career to date, and we’ll see what he really has in him. Money’s music cuts and is replaced by the daunting sounds of Verdi’s “Requiem” as the huge frame of JINGUS walks out to a massive POP! GMC From the depths of HELL, weighing 370lbs….the Devilman, JIIIIIIIINGUUUUUUUUUUUS! JR JINGUS has been a roll since his return, and he seems more popular than ever with the OAOAST fans. He’s easily the biggest, strongest and perhaps meanest man in this match- if anyone can eliminate him they can truly be considered the No 1 IZ athlete. JINGUS steps slowly into the ring, and nods at Blurricane. G Money looks him up and down, and perhaps wisely backs away into a corner. JINGUS waits, arms folded, for the rest of his opponents. The classical music is replaced by something a little different as The Horror by RJD2 plays. There’s a HUGE, blinding pyro blast and THE SHUFFLE! struts out! GMC From Lynwood, Washington, weighing 255lbs….the SHUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLEEEEEEEEEE! Shuffle dances down to the ring to the delight of the crowd, skipping into the squared circle and cutting some rug for a few seconds, as the other three men look on, bemused. We get our final change of music as PRL’s video rolls. The crowd starts to BOO the North American champ before he’s even appeared, but eventually "Know Your Role 2K3 (Hollywood Version)" plays out, and PRL walks to the ring, holding the NA title aloft. GMC From San Juan, Puerto Rico, weighing 223 lbs…he is the OAOAST North America Champion…..Puerto Rican LIIIIIIIIIGHTNIIIIIIIIIING! Crowd: PR SUCKS! PR SUCKS! JR PRL is rapidly becoming one of the most hated men in OAOAST history! This crowd is RABID! PRL walks to the ring, accompanied as ever by Mr. Boricua and Lindsay Gonzalez. The NA champ ducks in and ascends a turnbuckle, showing off his title belt. Our referee stands nervously in the middle of the five men, as PRL’s music cuts and we try to get things underway. JR We have to have two men only in the ring to get this going…it’s a matter of tactics in one way- is it better to be in the ring, trying to eliminate your opponents with your own skills, or to sit back on the apron, take it easy and wait your turn, when you may not be warmed up and attuned to the pace of the match? There’s a general scrum of men in the ring , as Blurricane and PRL are shouting at each other. G Money points at Shuffle and yells, as Shuffle grins back. JINGUS stands in the midst, looking calm. Our official buzzes around, asking each man if they’re in or out, and eventually G Money, JINGUS and Blurricane exit the ring, each occupying a corner. JR We’re going to start off with the Shuffle and Puerto Rican Lightning….two men who have never faced off before. DING DING DING Shuffle and PRL circle, as Mr. Boricua and Lindsay clap and encourage their boss on. The two men snap forward and lock up, struggling for the advantage. Shuffle starts to overpower PRL, who immediately breaks and steps away, pointing to his hair and complaining to the referee! JR Aw, c’mon! Shuffle never touched the hair! PRL is a joke! Shuffle turns to the ref and shrugs, at which point PRL catches him with a cheap shot to the jaw. PRL connects with another couple of blows, before switching to European uppercuts and stinging Shuffle with one, two, three punches. Shuffle is rocked back, and PRL whips him to the ropes. As Shuffle comes back, PRL stands his ground and shoulderblocks his opponent down to the mat! PRL drops down and covers: ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! PRL doesn’t hesitate to push Shuffle back down again. ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! JR PRL doesn’t expect to get a 3 count on these covers- but he can make Shuffle expend energy kicking out. Smart wrestling from the NA champ, like him or not. PRL picks Shuffle off the mat and whips him into the one empty corner. PRL turns, sprints after him, and leaps through the air, his chest SLAMMING into Shuffle’s with a running Stinger-style splash! As Shuffle flops forwards out of the corner, PRL pushes him down, grabs the legs, and rapidly applies a Sharpshooter! Shuffle grimaces in pain, but shakes his head when our referee asks if he wants to give it up. PRL cinches in the hold…but is suddenly propelled off Shuffle as Blurricane comes in and breaks up the hold! JR Now, Blurricane shouldn’t mind if PRL gets a tap out from Shuffle- its one less guy he has to worry about. Obviously their confrontation earlier has got Blurricane PISSED OFF! PRL gets to his feet and looks furiously at Blurricane, who stares back. Our official attempts to get Blurri out, but PRL advances on him…only to get cradled from behind by Shuffle! ONE! TWO! THREE! NO! KICKOUT! JR BAH GAWD! That was so close to an upset! PRL and Shuffle are both up, and PRL swings hard, angry as hell at the turn of events. Shuffle is able to duck the wild blow however, and then leaps into the air, snapping his legs forward and connecting with a dropkick to the jaw of PRL! The NA champ is left flat on his back, as Shuffle gets to his feet. Blurricane is begging for a tag in, and Shuffle looks at him as the crowd cheers for the potential tag! Shuffle, however, hasn’t seen PRL crawling over to G Money’s corner and making a tag. As Shuffle moves towards Blurricane, the Englishman leaps into the ring and nails him from behind with a shot to the back of the head. Money grabs a waist lock and swings Shuffle over with a release German suplex that BOUNCES his head off the mat hard! JR You have to keep your eyes open in this environment…a new opponent can spring in at any time, and Shuffle is paying the price here. G Money begins to stomps a mudhole in Shuffle, building up a head of steam! JR Don’t forget the problems these two young men have been having with each other, ever since they both arrived on IZ! Money picks up the stunned Shuffle and slaps on a front face lock. A grip on the tights, and GM attempts a vertical suplex, but Shuffle escapes in the air and flips out behind Money! Shuffle grabs Money as he turns and executes a belly to belly suplex to the approval of the crowd! A cover: ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Shuffle scoops Money up, and plants him down again with a body slam. The dancing star comes over to Blurricane’s corner, and tags in the hero to a pop! JR Shuffle choosing to take a breather…and this is our first look at Blurricane in this match. Blurri and Shuffle pick up the dazed G Money and whip him to the ropes. When Money is bounced back, he’s met with a double knee to the gut. Shuffle grabs Money up in the vertical suplex position, as Blurricane leaps to the top rope of the unoccupied corner. Shuffle falls back with the suplex as Blurricane leaps off, landing on Money with a crossbody in mid-air! The combination suplex-crossbody SLAMS G Money into the mat, with Blurricane, the legal man, on top for the cover! ONE! TWO! THRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR- PRL breaks it up! JR That could have been it! But PRL returned Blurricane’s favour from earlier in denying him a pin! Blurricane gets to his feet and just charges at PRL, taking him down with a SPEAR! Blurri starts to hammer hard left and rights into the face of the NA champ, as our official in vain tells Blurri that PRL isn’t legal. The man who is, G Money, slowly picks himself up, staggers over to a corner…and slaps the arm of JINGUS! JR BAH GAWD! JINGUS didn’t extend a hand for the tag, but G Money gave it to him anyway! JINGUS steps into the ring, giving Money a look that sends him out to the apron. Blurri is still pounding on PRL when he’s suddenly lifted up and away by the back of his neck, and spun around! Blurricane looks up at the shape of JINGUS and smiles, extending a hand. JINGUS takes it, and there’s a POP for the sportsmanship! PRL is allowed to get out of the ring as Blurricane circles the Devilman, looking for a way to combat the huge monster. JR Blurricane is almost 200lbs lighter than JINGUS…I have no idea how he can try to beat him, but we’re about to find out! Blurri dashes forward, straight at JINGUS, who swings hard! Blurri ducks under the arm and zips off the ropes on the other side. As he returns, he slides low, going through the legs of JINGUS as he’s turning! Blurri runs to the ropes again, and this time leap frogs over JINGUS as he turns once more! JR Blurricane seems to be attempting to disorientate JINGUS, and it looks like working! JINGUS is still in the middle of the ring, looking a little dizzy, as Blurricane runs to the ropes again! This time however, he makes the mistake of choosing PRL’s side of the ring, and the NA champ just THWACKS a forearm into his neck that stops the OAOAST hero in his tracks. JINGUS, unaware of what just happened, turns finally in the right direction and SMASHES Blurricane with a vicious lariat. PRL grins and nods as JINGUS peels Blurricane of the mat, grabs him around the midsection, and twists him into the air. With Blurri hanging down his body, JINGUS runs forward into the empty corner, slamming Blurricane back first into the turnbuckles. JINGUS steps back, leaving Blurri hanging down in the corner. The Devilman walks to the other side of the ring, and then charges forwards, throwing a shoulder at the exposed body of Blurricane…who sits up at the last possible minute! JINGUS connects with the ring post HARD with his right shoulder, and Blurricane drags himself back into the ring and upright. JR What impact on that post! Someone check its not broken in HALF, BAH GAWD! JINGUS could be hurt! The Devilman kneels on the canvas, holding the shoulder, and Blurricane, breathing heavily, suddenly spies his position! Blurri runs forward, jumping onto JINGUS leg and delivering a SHINING ENZIGUIRI! JINGUS is stunned by the stiff kick, and falls forward onto his face! Blurricane starts to crawl across the mat, but doesn’t realise where he is, and winds up in PRL’s corner! PRL grins, and as Blurricane stands wobbily, slaps him hard across the face! Our official takes this as a tag, and beckons PRL in! The NA champ looks a little doubtful, but, seeing JINGUS downed, shrugs and steps into the ring. PRL stomps on Big J, landing his boot into the cranium of the Devilman, but the monster begins to get up! JINGUS is up to one knee before PRL rakes his eyes to halt his ascent. PRL grabs the arm of JINGUS and attempts an Irish whip, but JINGUS won’t go. PRL grabs the arm again and delivers a trio of headbutts into the injured right shoulder of the Devilman! JINGUS shows the pain he’s in, and PRL is able to get the Irish whip! As J comes back, PRL kicks him in the gut and grabs his head! PRL drops back, stinging JINGUS with a DDT! The cover! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! PRL tries to bring JINGUS up, but its mostly the big man’s own effort that rights him. The NA champ grabs JINGUS by his mask and leads him into the corner of G Money, who accepts a tag, albeit a little reluctantly. Money jumps to the top rope as PRL wrings JINGUS with an armbar. Money comes off the top with a double axe handle to the exposed right shoulder of JINGUS, and then follows with his own arm bar. JINGUS tries to reverse out, but G Money holds on. JR A clear point of attack has been established on a man who often seems invulnerable…JINGUS must be wanting a tag out to preserve his shoulder from further attack. GM shakes the arm hard, snapping it stiffly. JINGUS starts to walk to the ropes, so Money puts a boot into the back of his right leg, forcing him down to a knee with the armbar still locked on. The crowd is chanting and stomping for JINGUS to escape, but G Money shakes his head and sniffs with distaste. GM snaps the arm again, and now sits over the body of JINGUS, one leg either side, as the Devilman is forced down to the mat. Our official checks on JINGUS as Money wrenches back on the arm…but JINGUS is crawling forward, forward….and makes the bottom rope with his free hand! The ref counts the break, and Money steps away reluctantly. JINGUS uses his good arm on the ropes to pull himself up, and turns in time for Money to charge straight at him! JINGUS ducks, and Money is backdropped high over the top rope to the floor, where he hits the cement HARD! JINGUS tries to rotate his right shoulder, but can’t from the pain. He looks around, and goes for a tag, but suddenly PRL is in the ring and cuts the Devilman off, running from behind and nailing J with a bulldog! The referee angrily points PRL out as G Money starts to pull himself up and slide back into the ring. JR I never expected anyone to be looking to keep JINGUS in the ring! That just shows how bad an injury this must be. PRL and G Money have formed an alliance of sorts in their attack on JINGUS- I wonder if Shuffle and Blurricane will follow suit? G Money stomps the shoulder of JINGUS again as he gets back on the attack, shaking his head to clear it from the impact of the fall. Money brings JINGUS up, and grabs him around the waist! JR BAH GAWD! Is G Money going to pick the monster up?! GM does indeed try, straining hard…and gets JINGUS up, twisted round into a tombstone like position! GM steps forward, and plants a shoulderbreaker to JINGUS’ right shoulder! JR What strength! G Money is 245lbs of power! A STUD, BAH GAWD! G Money staggers away, holding his back a little, and looks to PRL for a tag. The NA Champ, however, is down off the apron, talking to Mr. Boricua! Money turns back to JINGUS- who is crawling across the mat…and…TAG to the SHUFFLE! Shuffle leaps into the ring and smashes Money with a lariat! Money is back up, but eats a dropkick! Again Money is back up, and again Shuffle knocks him straight back down, this time with a running forearm shot! Shuffle poses and dances to cheers, but quickly turns back to Money. Shuffle pulls Money up, whips him to the ropes…gathers GM in and hits him with a standing SPINEBUSTAH! The cover! ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-KICKOUT! PRL is back on the apron, looking like nothings happened. Shuffle meanwhile brings GM up and whips him to the ropes. As Money comes back Shuffle aims with a huge KICK ASS BLASTA superkick, but GM ducks under it! PRL is suddenly climbing into the ring, diverting the referee’s attention, and as Shuffle turns G Money NAILS him with a low blow! Another low blow! The crowd is groaning in sympathy as Shuffle staggers, bent double. G Money nods in approval, spins Shuffle up and DETONATES his head into the canvas with a tombstone piledriver! The cover! ONE! TWO! THRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! JR BAH GAWD! NOT LIKE THAT! GMC The Shuffle has been eliminated by pinfall, at 8 minutes, 35 seconds! JR That’s just not right! PRL distracted the referee, allowing G Money to hit the low blows! These two seem to be in league! We cut to a backstage shot of Dan Black, watching the match and nodding approvingly. JR Yeah, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Dan Black put this together! He’s desperate not to have someone like Shuffle on top! Nevertheless, Shuffle is the number 5 ranked IZ competitor, and that’s something to be proud of! 4 men left in it now… Shuffle rolls out of the ring, clutching his groin, and starts to limp backstage, getting applause as he goes. JR Shuffle and G Money have been at each other’s throats in recent weeks, and this can only serve to add fuel to that fire! In the ring, G Money smiles slightly, before becoming all business again and wringing his wrists out. With Shuffle gone, its Blurricane who steps into the ring to continue the match. Money and Blurri circle, before GM holds up his hands for a test of strength. Blurricane, confident of his superhuman strength, interlaces his fingers with Money’s, only to get immediately over powered. G Money forces Blurricane to his knees, and then lunges forward with a leg, cracking Blurri across the head with a knee. G Money pulls Blurricane up and whips him to the ropes. As Blurri comes back G Money goes down to one knee and tries to flip his opponent up and over with a tilta-whirl, but Blurricane flips over and lands on his feet! G Money turns as Blurri runs to the ropes, and drops down. Blurricane runs over G Money’s body to the ropes, but on his return GM kicks Blurri in the ribs to stop him, and then delivers a nasty jawbreaker. With Blurri staggering, PRL tries to get into the ring once more! JR BAH GAWD! Not that again! Look out, Blurricane! As our hapless official tries to push PRL out, his eyes away from the action, G Money waits for Blurri to turn to him, winding up for a low blow! The crowds boos turns to cheers as suddenly JINGUS is in the ring behind G Money! Blurricane at last turns, and points behind GM to the Devilman! G Money shakes his head scornfully, but his face drops when JINGUS taps him on the shoulder! PRL is frantically trying to get the official to turn but our referee is still trying to get PRL out! G Money turns around… into: KICK! WHAM! DEVILBOMB! JINGUS steps out of the ring, holding his shoulder from the effort of lifting and slamming G Money! Blurricane covers G Money as the referee turns finally! ONE! TWO! PRL comes into make the save, but suddenly stops… THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! GMC G Money has been eliminated by pinfall, at 12.55! JR BAH GAWD! G Money fell victim to his and PRL’s little game, thanks to JINGUS! So, G Money is our 4th ranked athlete. That leaves just three men to fight it out for the remaining places! PRL waits for Blurricane to get up from the pin, and immediately runs at him, knocking him to the mat with a forearm shot from behind. JR PRL was about to break up the pin, but he let G Money be eliminated! He must have decided the alliance they’d formed had served its purpose. Now PRL is back in the match! G Money rolls out of the ring, shaking his head and looking confused. He turns and walks shakily up the aisle…but the Shuffle comes running back out down towards him! Shuffle ducks under G Money’s weakly thrown punch, spins around behind him, and as Money turns hits the KICK ASS BLASTA superkick! GM takes the kick full on the jaw and collapses to the floor! The crowd POPS for Shuffle as he poses over the fallen GM, before walking backstage once more. JR BAH GAWD! Shuffle just took G Money out in revenge for his elimination, and given the style of that elimination, I can’t say I blame him! Meanwhile, in the ring, PRL has Blurricane up and whips him to the ropes. Blurri ducks under PRL’s lariat however, and as he returns jumps into the air, wrapping his legs around PRL’s head and dragging him around and over with a headscissors takeover! PRL dizzily tries to get up, but Blurricane is on top of him, whipping him into a corner. Blurri runs in and jumps forward, landing with both his feet in PRL’s stomach. Blurricane grips PRL’s shoulders and falls back, monkey flipping PRL out of the corner with huge elevation! Blurri springs back to his feet, and swings himself up to the top rope! As PRL picks himself up, Blurricane jumps forwards, looking for the Blurred Reality blockbuster, but PRL sees him coming and leaps aside! Blurri slams down to the mat, and holds his back in pain. PRL catches his opponent with a kick to the head, and gathers him up. With Blurri stunned in front of him, PRL goes into a super-heroic Blurricane style pose, mocking the hero! The crowd BOOS, but PRL quickly goes from the pose to a kick to the stomach to his stunner, the Cappa Killer! Blurricane’s head bounces of PRL’ shoulder and he crumples to the mat! The cover! ONE! TWO! THRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-KICKOUT! JR That was closer than a penguin sliding down a greased pole! PRL gets to his feet, glaring at the referee, but grabs Blurricane up with him. JR Does PRL tag in JINGUS here or does he want to finish the job himself? PRL indeed looks over at the Devilman, who is watching on with interest, but doesn’t go for the tag. Instead he points at Blurricane, mouths “You’re next!” to JINGUS and starts to underhook Blurri’s arms, going for his Annexation tiger driver! JR If he hits this, it’ll be all over for Blurricane! PRL hooks one arm up, but Blurri fights back, twisting up and around, getting behind PRL with a hammerlock! The NA champ swings around, going for a lariat, but Blurri ducks. A kick to the gut of PRL, and Blurri grabs PRL’s arms, going for the Blur Effect! (vertaebreaker). Blurri gets PRL onto his back and starts to run forward to the delight of the crowd, but PRL kicks hard and flips off Blurri’s back, turning over and landing on his feet. Blurri turns and charges, as PRL runs at Blurri! Both men extend their arms and connect with clotheslines! The two men are smacked to the mat and lie prone for a few seconds, before both turning and starting to crawl towards the corner of JINGUS! JR They both want the tag to the Devilman! Whoever gets there first could keep his place in this match! JINGUS fairly extends a hand to both men, as the crowd encourages Blurri to get there first…but its PRL who’s closer, and reaches out….suddenly Blurricane, with a burst of energy, rushes past him and slaps the hand of JINGUS! The monster jumps into the ring and stomps on PRL. A scoop up and a whip to the ropes follows, and as PRL comes back JINGUS grabs him in, up and swings him over with a huge POWAHSLAM! The Devilman ignores the chance of a cover and whips PRL to the ropes again, where he hits the cables and…stops? On closer inspection, we see Mr. Boricua holding PRL’s foot from the floor, keeping him from returning to JINGUS. Big J growls in anger and charges at PRL, who manages to get into position to drop toe hold JINGUS down, where the Devilman is guillotined onto the middle rope! As JINGUS lies on the ropes, PRL sees a chance! With the fans BOOING him with all the power in their lungs, PRL runs to the ropes opposite, bouncing off and heading straight at JINGUS. PRL uses the ropes to skin the cat, swing around and crack his boots into the face of JINGUS with his 787! JINGUS is flung back and holds his face, as PRL runs along the apron and to the top rope. JINGUS starts to get to his feet, but PRL jumps off with a huge flying forearm that slams JINGUS to his back! PRL rolls up and quickly heads up top once more. JR PRL upping the tempo…but can he stay on top long enough to eliminate JINGUS? PRL stands aloft, and flips off JINGUS below him! The NA Champ flies off with a diving headbutt that connects directly with the right shoulder of the Devilman! JINGUS recoils in pain, clutching at the previously injured shoulder! The impact has shaken PRL a little too, and he sits on the canvas for a moment, clearing his head, before covering JINGUS: ONE! TWO! THREE! NO! KICKOUT! JR BAH GAWD, JINGUS is a HOSS! He has to be a world of hurt with that shoulder injury, but he won’t quit! What a STUD! I bet he played football in college! PRL grimaces in annoyance, and heads up top once more! JINGUS is still lying on the mat, and this time PRL jumps off with a flying kneedrop, that again connects with the injured shoulder! The cover! ONE! TWO! TWO AND A HALF! THRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-KICKOUT! The crowd breathes in a sigh of relief, and starts up a chant: “Let’s go JIN-GUS! Let’s go JIN-GUS!” PRL slaps the mat in frustration and yells at the fans! JINGUS is holding the shoulder and trying to get to his feet, but PRL grabs the arm, locking on a Fujiwara armbar! JINGUS is immobilised, his arm being wrenched back! JR JINGUS isn’t the kind of man to tap out…but can even he withstand the abuse his shoulder has taken! PRL uses his whole body weight to pull back on the arm, as JINGUS tries to spin around and get his feet to the ropes….the Devilman inches a little closer…closer…but PRL stands up and drags him back into the centre of the ring! On the outside, a recovered Blurricane is standing, slapping the turnbuckle, clearly behind JINGUS. The Devilman again moves slowly, crawling along, his monstrous strength dragging PRL with him…extends a leg…and just gets the ropes! Our official counts PRL off, and the NA champ releases the hold reluctantly. Big POP from the crowd for JINGUS’s escape! PRL turns, and sees Blurricane clapping JINGUS! This doesn’t seem to impress PRL, who runs forward and knocks Blurricane off the apron with a punch! Our official remonstrates with PRL, allowed Mr. Boricua to attack Blurri on the floor! Boricua picks Blurri up, grabs him in and nails a powerslam onto the hard floor! The crowd gasps at this brutality! JR BAH GAWD! Powerslam onto the floor! Blurri could have been KILLED by that move! In the ring, PRL turns away from the referee…and bumps into the chest of JINGUS, who has performed another of his miracle recoveries! KICK! WHAM! DEVILBOMB! No! JINGUS’ shoulder gives out, and PRL escapes his grasp! A pair of kicks to the gut, and PRL runs to the ropes, jumping off and connecting with a flying forearm! JINGUS doesn’t go down, but PRL is immediately running again, and hits another flying forearm! STILL, the Devilman won’t go down, and PRL runs again- a third forearm! This time JINGUS drops to one knee, and PRL sprints straight at him, jumping up and striking- SHINING WIZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD! JINGUS is knocked to his back, but PRL doesn’t cover. Instead he stands in a corner, stomping his foot, warming up the band… JR This is a set up for the PR Nightmare! JINGUS needs to recover or he’s going to be the number 3 ranked wrestler for sure! On the outside, Blurricane is sitting next to the guard rail, a glazed look in his eyes. Mr. Boricua is on the other side of the ring, wisely not drawing any attention to himself. JINGUS slowly pulls himself up, holding his shoulder, and begins to turn…..PRL runs forward for the superkick….and CONNECTS! JINGUS is knocked clean down, and PRL is after him, hooking him up for the PR Nightmare jumping DDT! PRL tries to lift the massive weight of JINGUS, but struggles! A second attempt, and he seems to be succeeding….but suddenly Blurricane is back in the ring, and grabs PRL from behind while he has the facelock on JINGUS! Blurri applies the reverse facelock, pulls PRL off JINGUS and spins around, dropping down and driving his forearm down across the throat of PRL! JR BAH GAWD! Eye of the Blurricane! Blurri makes a cover, but, perhaps still foggy from the chokeslam, forgets his isn’t legal, and our official won’t count. Blurri reluctantly gets up and makes a corner…choosing the one nearest JINGUS, who looks up and sees the smaller man there! The Devilman crawls across the mat, as PRL begins to pick himself up…the crowd is desperate for the tag and Blurricane, as JINGUS reaches forward and PRL dives…we get the tag! Blurricane is in, and knocks PRL down with a clothesline! Blurri grabs PRL up by the hair and takes a hold of his head and neck, running forwards and crushing PRL with a neckbreaker! The crowd POPS for the Blurricane as he jumps to the top rope! Suddenly however, Lindsay Gonzalez is on the ring apron, attempting to get into the ring. Our referee runs over to stop her, leaving the way clear for Mr. Boricua to step into the ring, slam Blurri with a punch to the head and reach up…. JR BAH GAWD, NO! Boricua grabs Blurri around the throat….and CHOKESLAMS his off the top rope to the canvas! The impact shakes the ring, and the referee attempts to turn, only to be distracted once more by Lindsay! PRL is on top of Blurri with the cover, as Lindsay finally stops arguing, smiles sweetly and drops off the apron. The referee turns and covers: ONE! TWO! TWO AND A HALF! THRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! GMC Blurricane has been eliminated by pinfall at 22.47! JR Oh, for the love of GAWD! Total screw job! JINGUS was too hurt to make any kind of save, and the Lightning crew combined to eliminate Blurricane! That chokeslam from the top was just BRUTAL. PRL lies on his back, one arm raised in triumph, as Blurricane is helped out of the ring by the referee. JR So, Blurricane is ranked number 3 on IntenseZone…and we’re down to our last two men. JINGUS steps slowly into the ring, holding his shoulder still. PRL gets up to his feet and eyes the monster, nodding and pointing to himself, making a “number one” gesture. We see Dan Black, looking intensely at his screen…Stephen Joseph…Calvin Szechstein…the assembled wrestler’s backstage…all watching the final fall of the match. Our referee beckons the two men to go at it, and they circle slowly. PRL suddenly shoots forward and grabs for the right arm of the Devilman, but JINGUS spins around with his left arm and hits PRL with the elbow, knocking him to the mat. The impact wasn’t great, however, and PRL is back up again. JR PRL is like a jackal going after that injured shoulder. It could be his best chance of victory- we’ve already seen that JINGUS couldn’t perform the Devilbomb because of the pain it caused… PRL feints to run forward, causing JINGUS to twist, and then actually does run forward, getting a grip on the arm and twisting on an arm bar! From there PRL goes into a hammerlock, and starts to try and force the Devilman down. JINGUS however still has one hugely strong arm, and reaches behind him, grabbing PRL around the neck! The Devilman pulls forward, dragging PRL up and over his shoulder and slamming him to the mat! JR BAH GAWD! What strength! PRL dizzily gets up and tries to punch JINGUS’s midsection, but the monster ignores the blow and whips him to the ropes. As PRL comes back, JINGUS lifts him in, up and DRIVES him to the mat with the SPINEBUSTAH FROM HELL! JINGUS holds his shoulder again, delaying the cover for a moment or two…but eventually gets over and hooks a leg: ONE! TWO! THRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE----- KICKOUT! JR PRL with the shoulder up at the very last second! JINGUS lets out a ferocious roar, and gets PRL up, signalling for the end! The Devilman grabs PRL around the waist and tenses, grimacing….but manages to pull PRL up for the DEVILBOMB! JINGUS steps forward, but PRL has something in his hand from his tights, and punches JINGUS in the head! The Devilman collapses to the mat, as PRL falls down too! The NA champ slips whatever it was back into his tights and goes for the cover! JR NO! He had some kind of foreign object! Stop this! ONE! TWO! The fans are BOOING the hell out of PRL! TWO AND A HALF! THRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! NO! KICKOUT! There’s an EXPLOSION of relief and excitement as JINGUS just throws up his good left shoulder as the officials hand is just nanometres from the mat! PRL holds his head in his hands, shaking in anger. He grabs the ref by the shirt, threatening him, but our plucky official shoves the NA champ away, threatening back with a warning of disqualification. PRL turns back to JINGUS, who lies prone on the mat, and slowly pulls him up. PRL is able to whip JINGUS to the ropes, but the Devilman holds onto the top cable and saves himself from the return. PRL charges in, but JINGUS lifts up a massive leg and PRL eats boot! JINGUS grabs PRL up, and reaches inside his tights, to a mixture of approval and disgust from the fans! JR BAH GAWD, JINGUS really will do ANYTHING to be the I5 winner! The Devilman picks out the foreign object- a pair of silver knucks- and throws them out of the ring! JINGUS picks PRL up, and goes for the Devilbomb… but PRL escapes AGAIN, flipping out in the air! A kick to the gut of JINGUS, and PRL goes to hook up the arms for the Annexation! One arm up! Two! But JINGUS drives forward, thrusting his left shoulder into PRL’s stomach! As PRL releases the arms, the Devilman stands up, snatches PRL up onto his back! Before the NA champ can escape, JINGUS twitches him into lying across one side in the reverse DVD position! A jump forward, and JINGUS drives PRL into the canvas head first! JR BAH MOTHERF*CKING GAWD! BURNING HELL HAMMER! WE HAVN’T SEEN THAT FROM JINGUS IN YEARS! The cover! ONE! TWO! TWO AND A HALF! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! DING DING DING GMC Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of the match at 31.05 and Intense 5 number one….JIIIIIIIIIIINGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS! JR MAH GAWD! JINGUS did it! He came through, and he is the IZ number one! Let’s just quickly remind you of what this means- The First Intense 5! 5. The Shuffle 4. G Money 3. The Blurricane 2. Puerto Rican Lightning 1. JINGUS! In the ring, JINGUS holds up his left arm in triumph and ROARS! The Lightning Crew are in the ring, tending to the prone PRL, and Boricua considers attacking JINGUS, but changes his mind when he sees the look on the Devilman’s face. We cut to backstage, where Dan Black sits, face ashen, glaring at his monitor. A grin is on the face of Stephen Joseph as he watches on. Calvin’s face is set, grimacing…while the wrestler’s backstage are all applauding, even those not aligned with JINGUS appreciating his monumental effort. JR We’ll just take a short break, and be back with the rest of the fall out from this match! Don’t go ANYWHERE! (Commercials) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 JR: After the break, Stephen Joseph came down the aisle and is standing with JINGUS, our Intense 5 winner, in the ring! The camera pans clockwise around JR, covering a cheering crowd until settling in on the far picture of Stephen Joseph tossing a microphone in his hands. Jingus is playing to the crowd, leading them in a "JIN-GUS~!" chant as the camera now pans in. Stephen Joseph tugs on JINGUS's arm, getting the big man to turn around. Off the mic, Stephen says "It's time to talk" JINGUS nods, and looks outward towards the camera. Stephen pulls the microphone up towards his lips, smiling as the fans break from one chant to turn into a "STE-PHEN JO-SEPH Clap Clap, Clap Clap Clap" chant. JR: Stephen's got the fan support here tonight. And what he says must be important for the big man JINGUS to yield to him. Stephen again pulls the microphone up, and he starts. STEPHEN JOSEPH It's nice to know that next week on IntenseZone, we finally get an OAOAST World Heavyweight Title match. It's even nicer to know that it goes to someone who deserves it in JINGUS. Too often this big monster has been ignored, stuck in useless gimmicks, and thrown to the side. It's proof that having a heart means something in this business, something the "blackheart" of IntenseZone doesn't have. I'm out here for two reasons tonight. One is my ongoing problem with the production crew of this show, specifically the power-abusing Dan Black. Dan, don't force me to come out against you. I still know how to wrestle, and last I checked, I beat you. ::The crowd 'ohhhhs' at Stephen's bravado:: I can and will do it again, even if you're somehow improving IntenseZone. Don't get me wrong Dan. You've done great, better than I ever did. But I'm worried about your motive. I'm worried that this whole "improvement" is really just a vehicle for you Dan. That you don't care about the other wrestlers on iZ. Bringing in Dangerous A to take out Cappa. Cappa will make you pay brotha, yes he will. You fire an announcer, you try to book the Intense 5 in your favor, you fraternize with the notorious World Champion Calvin Szechenstein, who spoke last HeldDown about destroying IntenseZone? What's your aim Dan? Remember Dan, that the OAOAST is a corporation. We're interested in long-term goals. That's why guys like Tony, Peter, and I are corporate now. That's why guys like JINGUS represent us. That's why announcers like Jesse aren't let go by us. Next Monday, on IntenseZone, JINGUS gets to teach your brotha Calvin a lesson about going against the Corporation's bottom line. I trust that you'll watch Dan, watch and understand that if you're aiming to build this show around you, the corporation will do everything it can, and I mean everything, to put you in the trash. Next Monday, Calvin doesn't stand a chance against JINGUS. Zack wouldn't face him. Cobain wouldn't wrestle him. Caboose left the building the night he was supposed to fight him. Alfdogg purposefully counted himself out. AngleSault had to be forced to face him. EVERY OAOAST Champion in our history has feared this devil of a man. Every fan has cheered for him. Have you forgotten your history with him Dan? Have you forgotten who time and time again was responsible for victory after victory for the Mystery Weirdness Connection? Have you forgotten that JINGUS was and will always be a member of the most dominant tag team champions EEEEVER? And I was a tag team champion Dan, and I'm saying that! He beat the Trinity, my Trinity. He beat the Infernales, He beat the Toy Machines, he beat the Dream Machines, he's beaten Featured Attraction. THERE is no reason why next Monday night, JINGUS won't be World Champ... And just so you HeldDOWN peeps, you producers over there, don't remember your place, the corporation will pay you a visit on Thursday to remind you of why you don't cross the boss. So don't interfere Dan. Lead your corporate lamb to the slaughter ::Stephen's microphone cuts off:: ::The crowd stirs and yells, leading for Stephen Joseph and JINGUS to turn around. It's Dan Black and Calvin Szechenstein attacking from the back! Stephen turns to be clobbered by Dan across the top rope, and both men go outside with momentum. Calvin also clotheslines JINGUS, who no-sells the lariat and stands there as Calvin gulps in a deep breath... Dan Black pulls Stephen up and goes to whip him into the steel steps, but Stephen reverses and its Dan whos back ends up hitting solid steel. He arches his back and cries in pain... JINGUS kicks Calvin in the stomach, hooking onto his waist with his massive hands and pulls him up, the adrenalin firing, thundering down with a DEVILBOMB! JINGUS holds his arm and roars in pain, but sees Stephen sliding into the ring, and puts his massive boot on Calvin's stomach. Stephen with a count... 1! 2! 3! JR: BY GAWD, JINGUS just destroyed Calvin with one move. He's more than ready for next Monday night, and BY GAWD I think we'll see a new champion. JINGUS is ready, JINGUS is here, and all hell is going to break loose next week. JINGUS vs. CALVIN, for the World Title! For the crew here of Intensezone, I'm Jim Ross. Goodnight from OAOAST Arena! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2003 CREDITS!! Producer LaParkaYourCar Writers Shooter Jay LaParkaYourCar Stephen Joseph Mystery Eskimo Dangerous A Chuck Woolery ???? ©2003 OAOAST ENTERTAINMENT All rights reserved Share this post Link to post Share on other sites