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The Smackdown Review 10/19 - 10/25

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October 21, 1999

Test def. The British Bulldog

Triple H def. Al Snow; WWF Title Match

Mankind def. The Rock by DQ

Mae Young def. The Fabulous Moolah by DQ; Women’s Title Match

The Hollys def. The Hardy Boyz; Tag Title Match

The Godfather & Mark Henry def. Viscera & Mideon

Steve Austin def. Val Venis


October 19, 2000

Los Conquistadors win a Tag Team Battle Royal

Steve Blackman def. Tazz; HC Title Match

William Regal def. Perry Saturn and Al Snow (submission) in a Triple Threat Match for the Euro Title

Road Dogg def. Raven

Chris Jericho & The Hardy Boyz NC X-Pac, Edge, & Christian

Lita def. Trish Stratus by DQ; Women’s Title Match

Kurt Angle def. The Rock, Chris Benoit, and Triple H (pinned) in a Four Corners Match


October 25, 2001

Booker T wins a Battle Royal

Trish Stratus def. Mighty Molly

Kurt Angle def. Christian; U.S. Title Match

Chris Jericho def. Booker T; WCW Title Match

Al Snow def. Tazz

The Dudley Boyz def. The Hardy Boyz to win the WCW Tag Team Titles

Rob Van Dam def. The Rock; HC Title Match


October 24, 2002

Rikishi def. Matt Hardy

Jamie Noble def. Tajiri; CW Title Match

Edge & Rey Mysterio def. Los Guerreros

Billy Kidman def. John Cena

Chris Benoit def. Kurt Angle

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Rob Van Dam def. The Rock; HC Title Match


Recap please.

CRZ recap:


WWF HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP: ROB VAN DAM v. THE ROCK - We take a good twenty or thirty seconds waiting out a "Rock E" chant before first contact. Here we go: lockup, side headlock by the Rock...chain wrestling to a hammerlock, reversal by van Dam to a side headlock of his own - Rock powers out - shoulderblock by van Dam. Off the ropes, up and over, leapfrog by the Rock (okay, we've seen this THREE times tonight), Rock with a belly-to-belly throw. van Dam goes to the corner - right by Rock, right, whip into the opposite corner, reversed, van Dam with a superfluous somersault and monkey flip out. van Dam with a leg sweep as Rock gets up - off the ropes with the Rolling Thunder senton - and gets 2. Boot to the head, stomp, forearm, into the ropes, reversed by Rock, head down, van Dam kicks. van Dam off the ropes - Rock steps aside and tosses him over the top to the outside. Rock is out after him. Cole: "The Rock is a class act - no whining, no complaining after losing the WCW title at No Mercy, giving Y2J his due..." Cole, are you NUTS? He's brought up the damn chair EVERY CHANCE HE'S HAD. He's a WHINER. WHINY ROCK WHO IS A WHINER, I should be calling him. Anyway, Rock (who is a whiner) walks van Dam over to the barricade - but it's van Dam with the body shot - right, right, Rock with a face rake - and into the barricade. van Dam crawls up the ramp - Rock decides to help him up - right is blocked, van Dam with a right - right - right they're up to the stage now - gutshot by van Dam, elbow, elbow, whip is reversed into a short clothesline by the Rock! Rock takes a trip to the other side of the stage - builds up a head of steam - and runs into a heel kick from van Dam! van Dam with a tumbling run splash on the stage - may have hurt him just as much as the Rock. van Dam manages a cover - 1, 2, no! Give it a Replay. van Dam with a kick in the back. Crowd with a "Rock E" chant. Rock with a gutshot - facefirst into the STEEL! van Dam starts rolling down the ramp - Rock catches him - got him by the hair - knee in the gut - knee - back into the barricade - they're out at ringside again - Rock finds a chair - ROCK FINDS A CHAIR?!? AFTER ALL THAT WHINING ABOUT JERICHO ROCK GOES FOR A CHAIR? Oh, but it's LEGAL in this match - so Rock's NOT a WHINY WHINER, right? van Dam runs up with a kick before Rock can swing - forearm to the face. Rock SHOT into the ringpost - Rock bounces off into the timekeeper's area, generally causing chaos. van Dam throws some more weaponry in the ring and returns to Rock - kick, kick, right. van Dam wants one more garbage can - oops, took too long. Forearm in the back by the Rock - right - rolled into the ring...Rock follows. Rock with a right. Into the corner is reversed, van Dam with a textbook dropkick to the face. van Dam grabs a chair - running start - running dropkick to the chair to the face!! 1, 2, Rock kicks out! van Dam stomps. Garbage can set up in the corner - back to Rock, gutshot, whip - reversal - reversed back to the first corner - and Rock follows up with a clothesline! Rock sees the garbage can - and pulls it out of the corner - back to van Dam - who gets the boot up. van Dam vaults to the top - no, Rock pulls him off and ONTO THE CAN! 1, 2, van Dam kicks out (oh COME ON)! Give THAT a replay. Rock is the first man up - right hand. Scoop...van Dam back to his feet - Rock catches a kick - ducks an enzuigiri - and locks in a Sharpshooter!! van Dam reaches for the ropes - but Rock pulls him back!! Crowd is loud. Well lookee here - SHANO out from the crowd, pulling referee "Blind" Earl Hebner out of the ring, clothesline to Rock's back...and DDT. Shane starts...bouncing. van Dam directed to the top - Fivestar frog splash HITS! Shane shoves Hebner back into the ring - van Dam is still recovering - FINALLY covers and hooks a leg - 1, 2, NO!! Shane comes back in to argue the count. Well, BILLIONAIRE VINCE is out - Shane leaps over the barricade and runs out - Vince follows - they're over the tech table! - and now we're looking back to the ring. van Dam has a chair - here, catch this - van Daminator DUCKED - Rock with a gutshot - and DDT on the chair! Hey Rock, you didn't like it when CHRIS JERICHO used the Stroke on a chair to YOU...whiner. Rock labours to cover van Dam and grab a leg - 1, 2, kickout. van Dam never gets pinned, folks. TEST TEST THIS IS A RUN-IN - gutshot - Meltdown - waiting for Rock to get up to throw the....no, CHRIS THURSDAY JERICHO out - bulldog on Test, and clotheslining him out! Now NAPPY T is out - Harlem sidekick *obliterates* Jericho and puts him outside. Rock is up! Right, right, right, right, right, NOW KISS THAT RIGHT and T is out of the ring - van Dam from behind with a gutshot, elbow, elbow, into the ropes, reversed, spinebuster by the Rock....oh boy....Rock positions him...elbowdrop removed - off the ropes - T HOOKS THE ANKLE! Rock gets up from the trip - T brains him with a trashcan - van Dam with an inside cradle - 1, 2, 3. (11:09) Sure, van Dam pinned Big Show and Rock this week - but it's okay, 'cause Austin pinned HIM at the pay-per-view. Pfffffff. T&T, who had been working over Jericho on the outside, bring Jericho in and divvy up against Rock and Jericho. Amazingly, NOBODY comes out to save these guys. Play Booker T's music! Here's a replay of how Rock lost. And of course, the last thing we hear...is Cole shilling a McMahon/McMahon Street Fight on Monday. THIS will bring the ratings? I don't know...maybe it would be better if they could somehow insert Austin's watch into the main event...

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Guest Boo_Bradley

The Venis Main Event push was a guilty pleasure of mine at the time, but for whatever reason Val didn't get over (Ala Bulldog in the same time period)

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Guest Frank The Tank
Kurt Angle def. The Rock, Chris Benoit, and Triple H (pinned) in a Four Corners Match

This seems like it might have rocked.

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Kurt Angle def. The Rock, Chris Benoit, and Triple H (pinned) in a Four Corners Match

This seems like it might have rocked.

Ah, but notice how times have changed...


They actually let Angle PIN HHH in that match!

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October 21, 1999

Test def. The British Bulldog

Triple H def. Al Snow; WWF Title Match

Mankind def. The Rock by DQ

Mae Young def. The Fabulous Moolah by DQ; Women’s Title Match

The Hollys def. The Hardy Boyz; Tag Title Match

The Godfather & Mark Henry def. Viscera & Mideon

Steve Austin def. Val Venis

...Mae Young and Moolah was a match on my Birthday that year.




Oh, and I like how Trips vs. Snow is so high up the card.

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Kurt Angle def. The Rock, Chris Benoit, and Triple H (pinned) in a Four Corners Match

This seems like it might have rocked.

Recap by CRZ:


KING KURT ANGLE (with Stephanie Ono and Heat ad graphic) v. CHRIS BENOIT (with Let Us Take You Back to RAW) v. THE NEW MAN (with Presto presents No Mercy - Sunday!) v. IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLL in a nontitle four corners match - In case you're interested, these four entrances and their associated advertising moments eat up JUST short of five minutes. Amazingly, referee "Blind" Earl Hebner manages to keep Benoit and Angle away from Triple H during his posing routine. I'm surprised we didn't get an ad break between entrances, there's a LOT of time left... Cole says there was a coin toss to determine first two men in the ring and it was Rock and Benoit winning. Rock blocks, right, right, right, into the ropes, reversed, forearm by Benoit. Death suplex. Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, chop, chop, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, Benoit tells Hebner he'll kick him as much as he wants. Right hand. Angle calls out for a tag - Benoit gives him a look and goes back to the kick. Kick. Into the opposite corner is reversed, gutshot and DDT by the Rock. Rock drags Benoit over to Angle and dares Angle to tag him now. Angle decides to express discretion instead. H asks for a tag - so Rock tags him instead. Right for Benoit. Right, right, head to the buckle, kick, kick, kick, kick, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, standing on the neck. Into the ropes, duck, high knee. Right, pretend I typed "right" eight more times just now. Suplex. H off the ropes with a kneedrop. Cover, leg is hooked - 2. Right hand. Benoit manages to dump H's neck on the top rope. Angle climbs onto the bottom rope, reaches WAY over, and tags Benoit in the back - clothesline for H, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Right, right, "Angle sux" chant. H reverses it in the corner, right, right, right, right, right, whip into the opposite corner is reversed, H ducks the clothesline and hits the hangman's neckbreaker. Rock asks for a return of favour, and H obliges, tagging him in. Rock on Angle - right, right, right, right, right, NOW KISS THAT RIGHT! He's in Benoit's corner but Benoit wants nothing to do with *this*. Samoan Drop - 1, 2, shoulder up. Right, right, into the ropes, Angle holds on and reverses into a belly-to-belly suplex. Angle over to slap Triple H - apparently that's a tag. H comes in, reluctantly. See, him and Rock are real good freinds now, or something. Angle with another right to the Rock - who stumbles into a Pedigree attempt - but Angle clotheslines Triple H before he can do it. Rock going for Rock Bottom! - but Angle breaks THAT up as well. Angle finally steps through the ropes and cheers on a healthy exchange between the Rock and Triple H. They look at each other - then both of them bring Angle in the hard way. It's pinball time! Right by the Rock, right by H, spit right by Rock - Benoit in, and both H and Rock throw HIM a right. And now it's spilled outside - H and Benoit and Rock with Angle. Each man takes turns putting his opponent's face into the STEEL steps - can you top this? Well, look at this. Finally, Rock puts Angle in the ring while Benoit and H stay outside. Rock Bottom on Angle! 1, 2...Triple H makes the save! Of course, Rock and H are legal, but Hebner proved Monday he couldn't be bothered to remember silly details like that. H and Benoit in the ring - Pedigree! Leg is hooked - 1, 2, *Rock* breaks it up! And now there's a staredown in the ring - looks like they WILL hook it up. Shove by Triple H - shove by Rock. H with a shove, Rock with a right, and now they're trading rights - and now it's H - and now it's Rock. Into the ropes, Rock's head down, facebuster by Triple H. Clothesline takes Rock out. Benoit with an uppernut on Triple H while his back was turned. Benoit stomping away on Triple H now. Chop, chop, chop, chop, right, right, into an Olympic Slam from Angle! Benoit throws Angle over the top rope in mid-celebration, then climbs the corner for the SWANDIVE HEADBUTT!! Slowly crawling over - 1, 2, Rock pulls Benoit outside and puts him into the ringpost! Rock inside - looks at Triple H laying in the middle of the ring - "hey, I could do a People's Elbow here" - and so he does. Leg is hooked...1, 2, *Stephanie* pulls Rock out! Rock goes out after her...and gets clocked with a blind clothesline by Benoit on the outside. Meanwhle, Angle sneaks in and hooks the leg. Stephanie on the apron...but she's not gonna save him THIS time. 1, 2, 3. (9:04) Post-match, Benoit is in to put the Crippler crossface on Triple H - H quickly taps out but, surprisingly, that doesn't help. I think Stephanie was set to ask Angle to help out her husband, but Rock is over to chase HER before she can make the request! Angle behind the Rock, spinning him around, Rock right, right, into the ring, Angle tries a kick, but Rock catches it - dragon screw legwhip into the Sharpshooter! Angle does some tapping as well. With Angle AND Triple H both tapping the mat, Stephanie comes in...but who does she save? She just shrugs instead. The REFS & OFFICIALS are out - Benoit lets go of the Crossface, then clocks Rock and puts HIM in the crossface! Stephanie checks on her husband. The refs *finally* get the hold broken. Benoit chases the refs out of the ring. Play his music! Benoit backs up the ramp, all smiles - he's the last man standing tonight. Credits are up and we're out.

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October 21, 1999

Test def. The British Bulldog

Triple H def. Al Snow; WWF Title Match

Mankind def. The Rock by DQ

Mae Young def. The Fabulous Moolah by DQ; Women’s Title Match

The Hollys def. The Hardy Boyz; Tag Title Match

The Godfather & Mark Henry def. Viscera & Mideon

Steve Austin def. Val Venis

...Mae Young and Moolah was a match on my Birthday that year.




Oh, and I like how Trips vs. Snow is so high up the card.

Matches recapped by CRZ:


TREBLE H v. AL SNOW for the WWF Championship - hmm, strange not to see Chyna with him, isn't it? Lawler says with Moolah, Chyna, and the Hollys holding belts, how weird WOULD it be if Snow took the title tonight? Snow fails to enter through the usual means, popping up from out of nowhere and getting first attack. Punches in bunches, off the ropes with a dropkick. Right, right, right, right, right, rifgh,t right, right, right, right, right, Snow's been watching the film on Triple H I see. There's a stomp - whip out of the corner is reversed, Snow slides to a stop, gets up, H ducks a clothesline and hits his reverse neckbreaker that he tries to do once a match these days. Separate shots show Austin and the Rock watching the match on monitors. Meanwhile, H has taken Snow outside the ring and had his way - pretty much. Back in the ring we go, whip into the corner - Snow ducks a clothesline and hits an enzuigiri. Both men up slowly - punches traded, more for Snow now - Helmsley laces the arms and does his headbutts - count 'em - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20!! Crowd doesn't know any numbers past ten, of course, and is very confused. H passes out. I smell the patented Sting headbutt to the crotch spot - thank you. Both men up at the same time. Snow ducks a clothesline and hits a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge (or, if you're Michael Cole, "a tremendous manoeuvre) for 2. Backslide from Snow for another 2. There's a small package - 2. Sunset flip - for 2. Snow kicks, right, off the ropes, head down so H comes back with his facebuster. H to the top rope - Snow off the ropes to crotch him. Right. Snow to the second rope - SUPERPLEX! Snow slow to cover - hooks the leg - only 2. Snow signalling for the Snowplow - H slips away, however - gutshot, Pedigree, 1, 2, 3. (4:22)



FABULOUS MOOLAH v. MAE YOUNG for the Women's Championship - this can only end in tears. The challenger enters first, anyway. Young drags Moolah into the ring to start. VERRRRY SLOWLY. There's a - well it's a left of some sort, says Cole. Extremely ugly slingshot. Young with CROTCH CHOPS! Unfortunately, that's not an offensive move - rather, it's an OFFENSIVE move, but there's no offense in it. Moolah with both boots up. Right hand. Hairpull takeover. Moolah with the choke. Lawler accuses the match of being in slow motion. Young through the ropes to the outside. The...very low...chase is on. Young on the commentary table - and pushed over! Moolah grabs her hair and pulls her back. Back in the ring we go. Young somehow gains control - it's not important how, I reckon. Young climbs the ropes - verrry slowly. One Punch Count Along. Young *inexplicably* reaches down the shirt of referee "Blind" Jimmy Korderas and gets tangled up with him. Moolah whips Young, who takes Korderas with him. Moolah with - another one, I guess. Moolah with crotch chops of her own. Finally we're rescued by IVORY who attacks Moolah (DQ 2:57) - man, that three minutes felt like fifteen. Young tries to stop Ivory, but goes down with one blow. Ivory poses with the title - now TORI is back in our lives with a spear. Here's JACQUELINE. I'm guessing that - there's LUNA. The standard complement of referees and officials break things up to a hearty chorus of boos. It all ends with Moolah posing in the ring with the title. Yeeha?

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Kurt Angle def. The Rock, Chris Benoit, and Triple H (pinned) in a Four Corners Match

This seems like it might have rocked.

Ah, but notice how times have changed...


They actually let Angle PIN HHH in that match!

Angle, like Booker T, has had several pinfall wins over HHH.


Booker's wins were usually in tag matches and Angle's wins were usually tainted, though.

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