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Guest RollingSambos

Rob Conway trying to be Rock 98

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Guest RollingSambos

Everything he did tonight - from the tights to the mannerisms to the moveset to the punches and kicks - screamed Rock circa 1998.

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Guest RollingSambos

I have to give him credit, he is a damn good Rock imposter. He must have been studying a lot of tape because he has the selling style, the punches and stomps, and everything else down-pat. He also has an uncanny physical resemblance. I felt like I was watching Rocky in his Nation days.

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Guest RollingSambos

I hope this doesn't mean that Rock agreed to put him over down the road or something.

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Knowing WWE they'll run a storyline where Conway is dropped on his head and really thinks he is The Rock and he tries to lead Teddy Long and Co. as the new nation, but they keep telling him he's white.

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Guest RollingSambos

Knowing WWE, they think that the fans won't consciously notice that he is ripping off The Rock, but subliminally they will pick up on the familiar look and mannerisms and that will get him over.

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Guest RollingSambos

Hey, this guy's not getting over, we'll just have him do everything like The Rock.


That's 2003 WWE logic.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Too bad Rob Conway sucks and doesn't have any potential like Rock did.


Also he looks stupid. He won't last.

And whats your basis on this? Everything Conway has done has been rather inoffensive.

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Considering the Rock went on to win 7 WWE titles and then become a multi-million dollar movie star, I'd say Conway could do worse as far as guys to pattern a style after.


Same reason I can't fault HHH for trying to emulate Ric Flair.


... and for the record, Marvin, I do a DAMN FINE People's Eyebrow, thank you very much.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Knowing WWE they'll run a storyline where Conway is dropped on his head and really thinks he is The Rock and he tries to lead Teddy Long and Co. as the new nation, but they keep telling him he's white.

Then he'll team with Mike Rotundo for awhile

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Same reason I can't fault HHH for trying to emulate Ric Flair.

What is so funny about this is the fact that Triple-Groin has 1/4 of the talent that Flair has NOW, let along back in the day.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I like Conway. He's green, sure, but he's got room for growth. Just sucks he's got no one decent to work with. Let him be Rock. I'd love it if the guy blatantly trying to be Rock got over when the guy they want as the next Rock (Orton) can't draw flies.

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Same reason I can't fault HHH for trying to emulate Ric Flair.

What is so funny about this is the fact that Triple-Groin has 1/4 of the talent that Flair has NOW, let along back in the day.

I wouldn't go THAT far in comparing the two, but yeah, to some degree I agree with you. My point is that to try to be successful, HHH has tried to become Ric Flair. How good he is at doing that is up to your best judgment, but I can't fault the guy for his taste in role models.

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Guest Choken One

why hasn't someone tried to imitate Hogan's career then?

Does no one want to make money and change the face of the industry anymore or are they all consent with being Test's Identical twin?

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Knowing WWE they'll run a storyline where Conway is dropped on his head and really thinks he is The Rock and he tries to lead Teddy Long and Co. as the new nation, but they keep telling him he's white.

and just think, it would STILL be better than things they have done recently.

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