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Guest Goodear

RAW Review Feedbag

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Guest Goodear

Hey folks,


I wrote a RAW review to fill in the gaps while Dames looks for a permament replacement. So feedback the puppy. I think it does a nice job of not being exactly like other reviews but you tell me.




And here comes Steve Austin to say … well nothing. I only guess that mind you since he hasn’t said much of anything in months and months of twenty-minute promos that have gone no where. Of course I am also sure that he’ll find plenty of time to bury somebody tonight. Well… at least it is Test who is followed by Stacey. The really funny thing here is that Test is the bad guy for not treating Stacey well, but Austin is the good guy for treating her worse. Did I say funny? I meant incredibly pathetic. Of course, Austin then manages to make everyone in the ring with him look worse than they did coming in which is simply amazing since we’re dealing with Test. So with that mission accomplished, Eric Bischoff then shows up to make a Survivor Series match up… hey is this promo ACTUALLY going somewhere? Of course, the likelyhood of Coach, JR, and The King being in that match is also very likely but why bitch before bad stuff happens? It’s not like you have to wait long in this company. But to get your hopes up, Chris Jericho and Scott Steiner start it off with the Bischoff team. Of course, Jericho brings out the sanctimonious son of a bitch line that he’s run into the ground lately before they fade out. The segment ends as Stacey chugs beer with Austin because she has learned that she has no free will and exists only to serve men that physically abuse her. But not Test.


Check the site for the rest of the review.



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