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Guest nWoScorpion

Raw is war:

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Guest nWoScorpion

-I havnt seen this tape since maybe January 2000, so almost  (ALMOST) everything i forgot.


-10 Bell toll for Owen as the whole roster (minus Kane, UT & Austin cause it would REALLY damage their character) are on the ramp.


-Special Video Package of Owen narrated by Vinnie Mac.


-Stephanie Claps like a seal, sorry. I notice that Mark Henry is the most upset by just his face.


-Mankind Comments:"Owen was my son Dewey's favorite wrestler. My son for the first few years of his life he had very long hair because my wife liked it that way. One day I was on the road and I called home and he was all excited, and he said, 'Guess what, dad? I look like Owen Hart now.' Owen had just, gotten a crewcut, and my son was so proud to look like Owen Hart. And he and my daughter Noelle would break into little chants of nugget, nugget just, for no reason in the car, because in their little minds they didn't know that that was a negative chant to Owen. They thought they were honoring Owen. And, uh, I was proud that my son wanted to look like Owen and...if he could grow up to be a man like Owen Hart I would be even prouder. Owen was the nicest, funniest person that I think that I've ever met, and he loved his family, and I think that they should know that he talked about them warmly and with love and affection. And, I think that there's probably a special place in Heaven for Owen Hart. And, I, like all the other guys, will miss him. And we loved him."


<commercial break>


-Bradshaws comments:

"He wanted to retire early and spend time with his family and his kids. And, I hate that his kids don't get to grow up with such a great father that he was. I hope they realize that nothing can replace the loss of a daddy. Especially one as good as Owen, and I hope they realize as they get older what a great father they had. He was a tremendous guy. I in no way pretend to miss him like his family does, but I'm gonna miss him a lot. God bless him."


-Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) vs. Test

Big Pop for "Owen never was a nugget!" said by jarrett. Test is heatless and part of the failed union. Jarrett jumps him with some punches and slams his face to the mat. Test gets choked in the ropes and boot to the face. He retaliates with his own boot and a modified samoan drop. Sidewalk slam gets a 2 count. Owen chant breaks out. Test eats a boot, kneelift and a singlearm DDT. Test fights back with a clothesline and gutwrench powerbomb for 2. Debra climbs on the apron and exposes hr bra. she slaps Test and jarrett nails a Front face Russian leg sweep. Sharpshooter gets popped as Test taps like a 3 year old at 2:41. No rating.


-Mark Henry Poem:

I refuse to try copying it cause it is too emotional to go through several times.


<commerical break>


-Droz Comments:

"I feel for his family and his wife, and I hope they can just look back and remember what a great person he was." My tape gets allfuzzy and i dont hear the rest.


-WWF-Tag Team Championship Match:

Kane & X-Pac © Vs. The Brood:

2 of my favorite ring entrances right here. Its "before they had mic skills" w/ Edge & Christian. Edge and Xpac start. Headlock to an armbar reversed by Edge. Shoulderblock and spinning heel kick follows. Kane in and so is Gangrel. Boot and thrust by Kane. Kane no sells a E&G double DDT. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Edge, Bac drop to Gangrel. T-O-W Backbreaker to Christian. Kane thrusts to Edge. Xpac with his signature spinning kick to the face. C&G attack Pac. Edge eats buckle and a enziguri for a big pop. Kane with a top rope clothesline to Gangrel. Xpac bronco buster to Edge as Kane finishes Gangrel with a chokeslam at 4:01. fun match.


-Chyna Tells a looooooong story about how funny Owen is.

HHH is more reasonably listenable. It takes him about a minute to calm down before he starts.

"In a business where, uh...you often see the worst of everything. You see the worst of everybody's personalities. We're like a family. We're around everybody at their best, we're around each other at their worst. Owen was always one that was at his best. He was always up. Never a piece of trash. Owen was always there for everybody. Make you laugh, make you mad. He'd...rib you in the ring and...make you so mad you wanted to choke him. He's the only guy who had the balls enough ever to...on a live-pay-per-view at the...Royal Rumble to schoolboy me and backslide me and not let me out. Laugh...make me laugh more than anybody in the ring ever. He loved his family. Talked about them all the time. He's one of the guys that you really felt was true about that. Lived for his kids and his wife. Owen...you'll always...have a place here for me...with me...you'll always be my friend. I love you. And I'll never forget you."


<Commercial Break>


-Dave Hebner comments:

"I've seen Owen go in his bag and take pictures out and go back outside and autograph them for the kids. He was a great family man, loved his two kids to death, his wife. He's just...one of the best. Used to referee...had fun with him. He'd tie my shoes together when I went down for the count. He just loved to play and carry on and just...just a great guy. I'll tell you what, we've lost...really lost a great person. A great person. Owen, you'll always be in my heart, man."


-Hardy Boyz (w/ Michael Hayes) Vs. Kai en Tai

Pre-anything interesting about the Hardy Boyz era. Matt starts off with a suplex on sho after a 4 man brawl starts. Funkai fights back with an elbow. Taka in with a spinebuster and dropkick to the face. Matt blocks a tornado DDT and tags Jeff. Modified baseball slie to taka followed by a somersualt plancha over the top rope. Poetry in Motion before anyone cared! This is gettin old. Taka with a top rope cross body on both hardys on the arena floor. Finish is Matt Hardy getting the Twist of Fate on Funaki for 3 at 3:20.


-Bruce Prichard comments:

"I'll always remember Owen Hart for being a great friend, and a wonderful, uh...father and husband to his wife and kids. And I'll miss you very much, Owen."


<commercial break>


-Dustin Runnels talks about how anytime they were in someplace in Missouri, Harley Race would invite the guys over for a BBQ. Owen one day dumped a whole bottle of hot sauce in it pissing of Race who proceded to chase him with a stun gun.


-Ken shamrock Vs. Hardcore Holly:

Ken with a armbar into a go behind takeover and Northern Lights Suplex for 2. Holly armbar and headlock. Spinning elbow and heel kick by Shamrock. Hurricanrana and Anklelock finishes this dog at 1:48.


-Ron Simmons comments:

"When I leave my family at home, this is my family away from my family. We all love each other, and we loved Owen very much, and he knew it. And, and it hurts a lot. It really does. And we're gonna miss him a lot. And that's all I can say, it's hard to put into words. We're gonna miss him."


<commercial break>


-Test Comments:

Too silly to try and write so ill have to pass on 1 of these.


-Mankind Vs. Billy Gunn:

"If you aint down with owen hart, I got to words for ya!" JR talks about how Owen one time hid his hat for 3 straight brodcasts. Nothing match. Mankind wins with the mandiuble claw on Gunn on the apron, causing him to be counted out at 2:54. Extremely painful to watch that. "Owen Hart, this oones for you, WHOOOOOOO!" says mankind to a huge pop.


-Jeff Jarrett comments:

He obviously is choked up for the better part of this. "I guess in this business, you got a lot of acquaintances, but very few friends. And Owen...he was one of those friends. ... Now that he's not here, you look at it almost selfishly. I don't have my buddy and my friend with me anymore. ... When you really think about Owen's life, I think about integrity. Because in this business, it's cold, it's callous, it's selfish, it's self-serving, it's unrealistic, it's a fantasy world. But Owen was real. He was a man's man. ... And integrity in this business is few andfar between."


<commercial break>


-Edge comments:

Well, im tired of trying track what the say. Owen was a type of guro to him. I almost forgot he fought Owen in his last match (including Christian & JArret)


-Dlo Brown & Mark Henry Vs. Acolytes:

Painful to watch. Botched finish as Dlo rolls up Bradshaw for a fishy 3 at a looooooooong 4:00. The talent is getting so loooow.


-Pat Patterson comments:

"Owen, in my estimation, was one of the best performers in the business. And Owen was not only good in the ring, but outside the ring he was a marvelous person, he was a great person. ... Owen, I wanna thank you for being the person that you really were. I'll miss you."


<commercia break>


-Hardcore holly comments:

"He was a big ribber. He pulled harmless ribs, and he'd even rib himself to get a good laugh out of everybody. ... The one thing that really sticks out in my mind that he did for me, was about...three years ago, we had a show in Mobile. Of course, Mobile is my hometown. But he volunteered to put me over, right in the middle of the ring. That's what I'll remember about him. Owen never had any enemies. ... He may be gone, but he's not forgotten at all. And, uh...he'll always be remembered."


-Godfather Vs. Road Dogg:

Never happens, they go to the locker room to tell some Owen stories.


-Paul Bearer comments with lines froma poem that again isw touching like Mark Henrys.


-Xpac comments in a daze:

"In the ring, just...one of the best ever. One of my favorite guys to work with. Uh...you know, we walked in here today. And, uh...man, everybody's crying. Walked in here, and the tears just started rolling. It's like a frickin' nightmare, you know, I just can't believe he's gone. Man, we're gonna miss him. I know I'm gonna miss him. Just wanna...say a prayer for uh...his wife and his family. His two children. And...just wanna say Owen Hart's one of the best guys I ever met in my entire life. Gonna miss you, Owen."



-Triple H Vs. Al Snow:

No lyrics yet for HHH's theme. HHH with a headlock and shouldertackle. snow fights back with a spinning heel kick and baseball slide. Irish whip reversed with a running knee.  Al eats buckle and gets stomped on. More mediocre offense until HHH gets the pedigree for the win at 3:42.


-Road Dogg comments:

Also is very emotional. Its too hard to translate, but ill edit this until i can.


<commercial break>


-Gerald brisco comments:

"Owen Hart never cut anything short, he gave his effort every night for everybody. ... That's how I'll always remember Owen, as somebody that never cut corners."


-Big Show vs. goldust:

Bam Chokeslam to him and Blue Meanie for the pinfall in 1:01. God that was easy to type.


-Debra Comments:

also emoitionally. "The world's definitely lost a really great person. ... You tend to take people for granted because you're always with them. ... This morning I looked at my sheet and we had all these autograph things to do together this week. You know, life is very, very precious, and you should not take people for granted."


<commercial break>


-Shane Mcmahon comments:

He tells a story on how one day they played a little trick (they him and bret) during hid bluer blazer days. The next day, Brets boots were missing and shanes clothes ended up in the shower.


-The rock Vs. Val Venis.

Bam rock Bottom. Put some stink on it. Add a peoples elbow for 3 at 0:54.


-Stone cold comes out and hits the corners. He opens to beers, toasting Owens pic with one, and leaving the other in the ring as the show goes off the air.


Pretty sentimental show to get through, but it was very nicely done.

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Guest dreamer420

That is my all time favorite raw.  the emotion on that show was like no other and it was a really touching tribute to owen.  you could tell guys like mark henry, hhh, jarrett, road dogg, and paul bearer were really upset by his death and that raw showed what a great man owen hart was.


rip owen

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Guest Jobber of the Week

This episode was okay for what it was. Better than the September 11th SmackDown, but that show didn't have the media scrutiny on the WWF that this one did. While the tributes were powerful (although one or two deliveries [no names will be given] seemed a little forced) the actual brass tacks of it all was a show that, like always, you would have to be a regularly wrestling fan to fully enjoy.


I snerked when I read a Time (I think that was the magazine) writer mocking the ending talking about "how Stone Cold Steve Austin movingly smashed beer cans together for the late wrestler and proceeded to flip off the crowd."


A well-meaning show that satisfied mark to smart, but appearantly came off somewhat tacky to John Q Public. I'm just ashamed they kept the PPV going, complete with the man's fresh bloodstains on the canvas.

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Guest Frankie Williams
A well-meaning show that satisfied mark to smart, but appearantly came off somewhat tacky to John Q Public. I'm just ashamed they kept the PPV going, complete with the man's fresh bloodstains on the canvas.

Those bloodstains were actually Nicole Bass'. She was busted open after a guitar shot from Jeff Jarrett.

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Wow, that was powerful. I remember watching it and getting taery, now i read it and - same effect. Thanks for bringing back such a powerful memory.


Bret & Owen 4 EVER!

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Guest Mark4steamboat

Man that was hard to read without getting teary eyed all over again. But what if he hadnt died? Would he still be in the wwf? i seriously think that when his contract ran out, he was out of the business. he always wanted to stay at home with his children and his wife.

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Guest nWoScorpion

He was gonna retire by the end of teh year, no matter how much money Vince woulda given him.

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

First of all, Scorpion, I don't wanna sound like an ass (though I'll probably do) but if you're gonna recap a show then get the entire comments, or go searching for that old Wrestleline review and don't bother.


Now, what can I say about that show that hasn't been said before?


Sure, I watch it on a somewhat monthly basis just becuse I love to get emotional here and there. the Raw Is Owen was a great, great piece of P.R. for a company in need of a good ending after the turmoil. I suggest you read the piece Bruce Mitchell wrote on this topic on the Torch website, it's really a good read.


Of course, the Raw Is Owen episode give consistence to th theory I support these days about old fans end new fans and perception and reality.


The show was aimed to the "give me tears, glory, a fallen hero and tributes" fanbase but, once again, not to the fans that KNOW.


- Owen wanted to quit the biz in the first place. He seemed disenchanted with it and righfully so. His last years in the WWF he had to somewhat *pay* for his brother's sins.


- Owen was slated to portray the Blue Blazer gimmick not because that was hot but, simply, because he allegedly refused to go over the original plan of him getting in bed with Debra, resulting in a program with Jeff Jarrett. Owen being a family man didn't think it was a good choice and BUM, here comes back the Blue Blazer.


- Owen didn't feel secure up in the ceilings, as reported by people who saw him before his ultimate fall to death.


Now, the program served its purpose. It got the WWF over as a *face* and all was good. The truth is that it was one more proof the wrestling biz is in need of a union.  Day in day out, wrestlers are somewhat *forced* to do stunts they don't really want to. Be that an Owen-like stunt or a simple swnton from a ladder. Why? well, because you don't wanna refuse and risk getting fired without benefits, that's simple.


Renegade killed himself since his career was almost dead.


Pillman was back at work after having that car accident. McMahon had made an investment on him and didn't want to lose his money so Pillman chose between a return and a pill overdose. He lost.


Until the day the industry will get legit then I think shows like the on for Owen are just good PR pieces.

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

You don't know Wrestleline? Oh well...


Wrestleline was at one time the major site on the 'net. It had Kith, Scaia madden CRZ, Shannon, Apter and the rest. It died last year after failing with its new writrs who, in my opinion, didn't contribute much to the product.


they had a special section for Owen with rants and a raw recap.

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Guest goodhelmet

I know it's been beaten into the ground but the Stone Cold ending was the absolutely worst way the show could have ended.It was forced, contrived and after Owen broke Steve's neck, I don't think Austin gave a rats ass about Owen.

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

Uh? what's wrong with the end? no words, no memories, just a guy offering a beer to the fallen Owen. it was emotional, especially the part where the camera zooms on Austin while he's saying something.


wasn't that on the lines of "you won't cripple no one anymore, you dead ass!"

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Guest nWoScorpion

Also they were low on time which is why Rock/Venis was under a mniute. they showed the ebnding copyright during venis' entrance so i knew they had to work fast.

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Bob Barron, this isn't the first tape rant NWOScorpion wrote on his own. He's written a lot on his own.

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Guest Jericholic82

I don't think that Steve hated Owen because of the injury. It was just a mistake after all.  If you read Foleys book, you'll see how austin got a kick out of owens shennanigans and probably was very close with him (not many could hate owen considering all the fond memories the wrestlers shared on this show)

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