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Guest Nater

Jericho and hhh flip-flop

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Guest Nater

While Jericho is doing Okay as a heel, I still think he was better as a goodguy. Maybe with more time (how much already taken?) he can move up with heelishness.. but old Jericho is still a favorite to me, more of an underdog .. which he will always be apparently.


HHH.. beating a dead horse on this one?

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I think Jericho's mic work has been much worse since turning heel. Although I guess he hasn't had much chance since Steph "saved the feud" for him.

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Guest goodhelmet

"While Jericho is doing Okay as a heel, I still think he was better as a goodguy."


maybe in the WWF. But in WCW, Jericho was gold as a heel. People absolutely hated the guy. He really hasn't been able to let loose and be as effective as we know he can be.

Even as a face he had an edge. The man has abslutely no cred and the stale interview segment style of the WWF is not doing the guy any favors. Keep Jericho heel but let the man be the Ayatollah of RockAND Rolla, not this 'living legend'crap.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Yeah, the living legend stuff is so unimaginative. You'd think he could have come up with better, really.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think Jericho is just playing the wrong kind of heel.  What is his gimmick right now?


HHH needs to turn.  Nuff said.

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Guest goodhelmet

"I think Jericho is just playing the wrong kind of heel.  What is his gimmick right now?"


The Living Legend who gets no respect. Unfortunately, the WWF has not let him lash out and be cocky, smartass rock-rock-til-you-drop Jericho. We all know Jericho can be an asshole and even somewhat sadistic (smashing Chyna's fingers) so let the man loose.


As for HHH, anytime the Rock and HHH are on the same side of the heel-face lines it just seems wrong. If they turn Trips then Rock has to stay a face. I personally think the Rock needs a turn more than Trips.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Maybe...but with Rock liable to vanish for filming anytime, I think turning HHH is more important for the WWF as a whole.

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Guest goodhelmet

I can agree with that assessment Eskimo but was Trips really that effective as a heel? Looking back, his three greatest feuds were with Rock, Foley and Austin. All three could make any feud entertaining. All three were so loved that their opponents were hated. All three have the mic skills to get themselves, their opponent and the feud over. Look at the best feud last year, Jericho-Rock. Both were so effective in their roles that the feud was the most intriguing thing about the WWF. Without a super uber-face opponent or someone who is excellent on the mic, I think Trips would fall flat on his face as a heel.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
Looking back, his three greatest feuds were with Rock, Foley and Austin. All three could make any feud entertaining. All three were so loved that their opponents were hated.

That's a good point. I just wonder who is over enough as a heel to produce similarly entertaining feuds - Angle, obviously...Jericho *should* be if used properly.

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I think I might disagree with the fact that HHH's three greatest feuds were with those guys, I think HHH could get over with anyone else as a heel, but honestly who else is there that he could feud with without being shunted down to the midcard.


And you forgot the greatest feud that never was, the HHH-Angle (and Steph) feud. I'd call that pretty decent personally. HHH-Undertaker was also pretty good last year (I loved that Smackdown where HHH came out on the rampway to Taker's music and his bike, to get off his bike and throw it off the top of the ramp, and do that retarded chest pounding thing that Taker did).


So in my opinion, HHH is a MUCH better heel, I was even lamenting about it before he came back how much he would suck as a face. As for Jericho, well...


The character they stuck him with in the WWF gets over much MUCH better as a face. Note that being a cocky arrogant asshole that speaks in third person all the time will have the fans groveling at your feet (just look at Hogan, and the very person Y2J feuded with Rock!). If they let Jericho loose in the WWF as a heel, he would be absolutely killer, but that's not going to happen because the WWF is just not taking chances anymore with feuds and angles, I don't know if I'm the only person who notices that. Notice before we would have surprise comebacks, now people get announced when their comeback is to pop the ratings..So now no longer can "anything happen in the WWF", it just seems more like "you saw it last week, it'll most likely happen again this week. But hey, here's a McMahon or Flair!" But I digress. Unless Jericho gets a chance and a REAL push as a heel (not this schmucky run-in crap and losing every match except for 2 big ones), I'd say turn him back face. We all saw that one RAW where he "won" the world title from HHH, only to have it reversed later. That would have been great had it not been reversed, because people were actually buying into Chris Jericho as a world champion at the time, especially when he came out with the WWF Title around his waist... And that speaks volumes about how valuable he was as a face. There was also another RAW where Rock couldn't show up, and Austin and Undertaker were still out, so guess who was the top face against Hunter's DX? You got it...Chris Jericho, wrestling 3 matches. Then there's the absolutely HILARIOUS Chris Benoit and Kane promos (Oops, I did it AKANE! or "Chris Benoit on a boat! Or Chris Benoit as a blushing bride!"). I mean the guy's a freakin star, he's a gold mine face or heel and it pisses me off to see him get fucked up in so many opportunities. *sigh*...

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Guest thebear

If they plan on going with Trips for a while with the title... Hopefully, they could run fueds with Hogan, Taker, Angle right through the summer, then by summerslam, hopefully a rejuvenated heel jericho can make a run by HIMSELF to be the true "Cocky, Cowardly Heel" we all know and love

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Guest bcu1979
I think Jericho's mic work has been much worse since turning heel. Although I guess he hasn't had much chance since Steph "saved the feud" for him.

I disagree. I think Jericho's bitter, intense promos as champion (including the one on Smackdown) run circles around his cliched, catchphrase heavy promos as a face. Jericho and Angle are the only main event heels that I find entertaining characters.


The problem is not Jericho's character. He's still playing the same underdog he did as a face, only now he's made it to the top and is hellbent on getting the respect he feels he deserves and rubbing it in the faces of everyone who said he was not good enough. Jericho's heel turn is one of the few in recent years that actually made sense in the storyline and stayed true to the character.


The problem is that the WWF refuses to get fully behind Jericho's character. They'll have him stand toe-to-toe with Rock on this week's Smackdown, but next week he'll probably be running scared from Rikishi. During his whole title reign the announcers kept screaming about how all his victories were flukes. Now, Cole is talking about what a great champion Jericho was. Jericho's created a very compelling character, but everytime he starts building momentum they made him start crying when confronted by Austin or make him Stephanie's errand boy. It made NO sense that Jericho's egotistical character would be Stephanie's lotion boy. It was just done to make Stephanie look good and kill all of Jericho's credibility and heat.


Jerry Lawler said it best in several interviews when he was out of the WWF last year. People would ask him about Triple H being the best heel in the WWF. He would argue that other guys were much better heels but they would never get a chance because Triple H (and the McMahons) would not allow it. Jericho (and Angle too for that matter) will always be kept on a short leash as long as the power structure remains the same in the WWF. Jericho and Angle both have more charisma in their pinky fingers than Triple H has in his entire body. They both can get great heel heat without being shoved down everyone's throat, something Triple H has never been able to do.


But I agree that eventually Triple H and Jericho will flip roles once again. Triple H should be part of NWO in the near future. And since Jericho "just doesn't have it," I'm sure he'll be forced back into a babyface role as Rock or Austin's occasional tag team partner who can never win the big match. But Jericho should still get lots of mic time - even if 80% of it revolves around making fun of Stephanie and getting over her character.

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Guest humongous2002

HGH has to turn heel as soon as possible because he sucks as a babyface and he knows it too. As much as I can't stand Hulk Hogan he is the #1 babyface right now and booking him in a match with HGH will be a great opportunity for him to turn heel by beating the Oldster. Then make Trips the leader of the NWO (at least by HGH joining the NWO will make that group of has-beens and wannabe main eventers some prestige).

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Guest Shawn

Jericho as a face was always more entertaining. I liked him when he was on the top of the midcard though, not the main event. He just doesn't seem to fit for me. The best thing they should do is get Shane Douglas in and have them feud as I said on the Shane Douglas topic.


Hell, I'd even settle for more Y2J/RVD if they did it right...

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