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Guest wayzing

SummerSlam 2002 DVD

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Guest Choken One

What's the details on the recent PPV dvds like Slam and Unforgiven do those have anything special?

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The Summerslam 2003 DVD has the Metallica "St Anger" music video. It's not an actual extra, but is instead placed at the end of the DVD program.

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Yeah, it a true shame they didn't include Vince's birthday bash on it. Despite my dislike for him, it was awesome to see happen live.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

The fact that they don't put ANY good extra's on these absolutely kills me. I mean I definately don't buy them because I always tape the PPV's, but why should ANYONE want these?

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To access this egg, highlight "Extras" and press enter. After this, highlight "Alliance Women Attack", this will play a clip of Lita being attacked, and a doctor checking her "condition", followed by a 6 woman tag match from Heat.

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