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Guest cynicalprofit

Hogan vs steamboat

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Guest cynicalprofit

Well does anyone know if it did? I never remember hearing about it.

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Guest RetroRob215

Probably not.  The WWF almost never had Face vs. Face in the 80's.  It also didn't happen in WCW because Steamboat was injured shortly after Hogan came in and do you seriously Hogan would've lowered himself to work with a mid-carder?

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Guest MDH257

Hogan had Steamboat buried after Wrestlemania 3. Since Steamboat helped steal he show from him, Hogan had to make sure Steamboat didn't threaten his spot.

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Did Hogan really do that to Steamboat?  I heard that following WM3 he asked for some time off to spend with his wife & baby, and Vince got so mad by the request that he gave him a looong holiday without any pay as punishment.  He was told to drop his new I-C title to Butch Reed, and when Reed no-showed, Honky Tonk Man subbed and took the belt from Steamboat.  Was it Hogan who orchestrated suspending Steamboat just because he worked a better match than him on a big show?  What an asshole!

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Guest Mark4steamboat

Savage and Steamboat had planned their match for months before the big event. They knew it was going to steal the show so the kept quiet about it. Right after their match at WM3, Vince was upset about the possibility of that match overshadowing the main event. A few months later, steamboat asked for time off to spend time with his family and McMahon, who was still angry about his match,forced him to drop the title. Shortly thereafter, steamboat jumped to the NWA  and had 3 of the greatest matches of all time with Flair.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

If they fought it was in the early 80s when Hogan was still a heel, and the WWF still worked some joint shows with the NWA.  I don't remember it ever happening.

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Guest muzanisa
Did Hogan really do that to Steamboat?



Yes, yes he did.

It's in the Buzz on pro wrestling by Scott Keith.

Still what does he know?

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Guest Denny Burkholder

I've never heard of a Hogan-Steamboat match. It certainly didn't happen in the WWF, and it never happened in WCW in the 90s (Hogan came in and went right after Flair, and Steamboat was working a U.S. Title program with Steve Austin at the time, got injured, and retired shortly thereafter).


It *could* have happened when Hogan was with the AWA and Steamboat the NWA (Mid-Atlantic, Georgia, etcetera), but I don't think it did. Unless it was a house show or something that wasn't a big deal... but then, the AWA/NWA crossovers usually got SOME kind of fanfare, however minimal. So, smart money says Hogan successfully avoided a match with Rick Steamboat his entire career.



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Check out the WM4 thread in the fantasy booking dept. for the only Hogan/Steamboat encounter ever. A major disappointment for most I'd reckon :D


In an interview that was posted on WrestleLine.com (R.I.P.) Steamboat said that he never faced Hogan in the ring. He also said that he felt Hogan worked very hard to keep Steamboat down after WM3. I don't doubt that but I don't think anyone should have an issue with Vince's taking the IC title off him when he asked for time off. The IC title meant a lot more back then and what's the point of having a champion that doesn't appear on the house shows (which was a big part of WWFs income back then)? I certainly would have loved to see Steamboat with the belt for much longer time I think that he contributed in part to the switch by deciding to take time off.


Savage upstaged Hogan at WM3 too and look what he got. If Vince was upset with them putting on an awesome match on the biggest show ever (at that time) he's a fool because he knew they would. Savage/Steamboat went on at midcard with weak matches put in there before the main event to give fans time to recoup before Hogan/Andre. Without a doubt WWF knew that the IC match was gonna be a show stealer, and they made sure to protect Hogan/Andre by placing the IC match early on the card instead of telling Savage/Steamboat to go at half speed.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Im not sure, but right after WM3 BOTH savage & steamboat were punishedi believe, not just The dragon. And on top of it, he asked for 3-4 weeks off while he was Intercontinental champion, which did not go to well with Vince. I dont know how any of this refelcts off Hogan, but Steamboat really wasnt around alot since the title match vs. HTM. He lef,t, came back around Survivor Seriers, and left right after Wrestlemania IV

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Guest dreamer420

I noticed the WWF built up Steamboat before his tourney match at WM4 only to job him to Valentine.  He was in a video package with his wife and child and talked about how 1988 was going to be the year of the dragon.  He even carried the kid to ringside with him.  The footage of Steamboat before his match is actually removed from the non coliseum video copies.

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Guest alfdogg

Definitely didn't happen that I remember.  If it had, you can bet that Hogan would have made Steamboat basically be his bitch from bell to bell.  How DARE you get over on your talent!

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Guest RickyB

Hogan never held Steamboat down, i'm sick of these stupid conspiricies.  Steamboat wanted Time off and Vince didn't want him taking a holiday when he was IC Champion.  Hogan had nothing to do with it.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Ricky Steamboat (keyword coming up) FELT Hogan was trying to hol,d him down. Riiiiiiight. thats why he wont the IC title.

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Guest Some Guy

I think Steamboat said on WOL that he never did wrestle Hogan.  And Hogan was probably pissed at Macho and Steamboat for having the best match on the card and showing him up.  Bopth Savage and Steamboat were de-pushed after Mania 3.  Steamboat had to job to HTM of all people.

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Guest RickyB
Steamboat had to job to HTM of all people.

Yep, and Steamboat also wanted a long holiday while he was IC Champion.  Vince wanted Steamboat to drop the Title before he went - not Hogan.  Hogan pointed out HTM because he thought he could draw.  HTM's reign as IC Champion was one of the best that I remember, if your in this forum i'll guess that you seen his run as Champion.  His run was probably one of the most entertaining runs that anyone has had as IC Champion.

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Guest nWoScorpion

For someone who was depushed, savage had a hell of a time as WWF champion.

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Guest JHawk
And Hogan was probably pissed at Macho and Steamboat for having the best match on the card and showing him up.  


Um...then shouldn't everybody except Little Beaver have been depushed then?

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Guest alfdogg
For someone who was depushed, savage had a hell of a time as WWF champion.

And guess who hogged his spotlight during that reign...

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Guest alfdogg

With Hogan/Andre being the focal point.  Then at Survivor Series, the focus was on Hogan-BossMan and to a lesser extent DiBiase/Hercules, and Savage had no one to feud with at the time.  The upcoming Savage-BNB issue seemed pretty hot until it was cut of in favor of :gasp!: Hogan.

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Guest nWoScorpion

I really dont remember anything extent between the powers/brown except some remarks about liz. As for SSeries 88, did you forget Dibiase/Savage wa s a mafor feud at the time, and hercules had just started a feud with Dibias,e so it wasnt major by this time.

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Guest Drury37

Hogan might have hogged the spotlight but from March 1988- April 1989 Randy Savage was the champion not Hogan and Hogan was doing that horrible no holds barred thing,so he didn't hog the spotlight all the time.


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Guest alfdogg
As for SSeries 88, did you forget Dibiase/Savage wa s a mafor feud at the time, and hercules had just started a feud with Dibias,e so it wasnt major by this time.

I didn't say it was major, but THEY WERE STILL FEUDING, and those two feuds were the only ones in the match.  BNB had made mention to going after Savage earlier in the night.  But that's not the point.  Hogan/Boss Man was still the main focus of the match.  Savage had no feud.  Savage-DiBiase was done, and Ted was on to Hercules.

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Guest alfdogg
Hogan was doing that horrible no holds barred thing,so he didn't hog the spotlight all the time.


Hogan had already won the title when they started doing NHB, and the tag feud was an issue where Savage was playing Jericho to Zeus' Stephanie.


You're welcome.

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Guest alfdogg

I should actually say Kevin Sullivan to Zeus' Giant.  That's more accurate.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Eh, cant argue those remarks. Icant think of anything left in Hogans defense.

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Guest Drury37

Yeah,see I am a big fan oh Randy Savage's work so I like him and I(and so has a lot of people but they won't admit)were a Hogan mark at one time and somewhat still am,so I like both of these guys,but Hogan did steal the spotlight when Randy Savage was WWF Champion.


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Guest alfdogg
I(and so has a lot of people but they won't admit)were a Hogan mark at one time and somewhat still am

Same here.


You're welcome.

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Guest Drury37

See so not everyone thinks Hulk Hogan is worst thing ever.I mean think about it where would of the bussiness been if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan.Here's a debate for ya did Hulk Hogan make more money Vince McMahon or did Vince McMahon make more money Hulk Hogan?


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