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Matches worse/better the second time around

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What are some puroresu and lucha matches that you have watched were better the second time you watched them?


In a related question how many matches were worse the second time?

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Guest goodhelmet

Better- Kawada vs. Misawa 1/99


Worse- can't think of any at the moment.

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Guest wolverine
Better- Kawada vs. Misawa 1/99


Saw that one again yesterday as a matter of fact.  That would be worse for me.  ***3/4 tops, as opposed to ****1/4 the first time around.

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Guest razazteca

La Parkita, Mascita Sagrada, Octogocito vs Rocky Marvin, Mascita Malena, Mini Psicosis is a match that has staying power...why else would Galavision show the match 4 times in a 2 month period?


Seriously this AAA mini match was great, just watching Mascita Sagrada hitting his highspots with speed and agility is an amazing sight.  La Parkita doing a Moonsault to the outside from the top rope was sweet.


Yeah I know I probably got the Rudos names wrong but I am too lazy to look for the tape. ;)

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Infinitley better the second time around: Kobashi vs. Kawada from 1/95. Listen, when a match goes from being serverly overrated to serverly very classic the next viewing, you know you weren't paying attention the first time.


This match is a freaking 1 hour clinic, with both guys killing each other's legs......ALOT. Kawada proves why he is one of the best wrestlers ever with his performance here. One of my favorite aspects of his selling in this match is when Kobashi goes to shoot him off the ropes, but Kawada's leg caves in and he falls flat on his face. Now THAT is how you sell. Kawada even busts out a feaking DRAGON SUPLEX for this match. Just an awesome match with awesome near falls and awesome psycology.


People are probably turned off by it because the first few or so minutes are "boring". Well, this "boringness" usually sets the stage for some awesome stuff later on. It's called build.


So if you watched match and thought BOOOORING, watch it again. It won't be. In fact, it could be in the top 10 for AJ matches in the decade.....................if it weren't for the damn finish.....but that's another topic.

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Guest Dangerous A

I upped my viewing of Kobashi vs Akiyama from 12/23/00. I read Scott Keith's review of this and watched it again. Man, I personally gave it only *** the first time, but am now going with a solid ****1/2! Quite the jump. One match that got worse on the second viewing from me was Mutoh vs Kawada from last April. Especially the bothched second Shining Wizard. Just horrible looking.

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Guest wolverine
I upped my viewing of Kobashi vs Akiyama from 12/23/00. I read Scott Keith's review of this and watched it again. Man, I personally gave it only *** the first time, but am now going with a solid ****1/2! Quite the jump.

My thoughts are totally reversed on that match.  I hadn't seen enough "great" wrestling when I saw it, so I *thought* it was great.  It's not.  I'd say ***1/2 now.

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Guest Tim Cooke

For me, the classic AJPW matches all got better the second time around...sometimes it took till the 5th or 6th viewings (such as 6/3/94).


Others include:





Almost every Toryumon is either worse the second time around or not worth watching a second time.



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Guest Singular

I thought the Steve Williams vs/ Kenta Kobashi TC match was good the first time I watched it, but every time I see it now I feel it's lacking.


A match I thought was better on a second viewing was Jushin Lyger vs. Great Sasuke from the 94 J-Cup.  I can totally get into the match every time I see it.

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Guest wolverine

"I thought the Steve Williams vs/ Kenta Kobashi TC match was good the first time I watched it, but every time I see it now I feel it's lacking."


I'm not a big fan of Steve Williams, with all of his no-selling and goofiness, and this match showcased a good deal of that.  And it was also way, way too long.  I like watching their 8/31/93 match better, but that has some of the same problems as well.

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