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Guest tpww7

Trivia thread

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Guest tpww7

Hey guys, if anyone thinks they know the answer reply.


This is a pretty tough one. Before becoming the pink and black attack, The Hart Foundation wore black and blue tights. What was the first time that the Harts switched from black and blue and wore the pink and black that they are most known for?

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Guest Drury37

I think it was against the British Bulldogs,I know Bret mentioned it on a shoot interview.


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Guest tpww7

Not Bulldogs, I'm only sure of this because I have it on tape and the commentators mention it.

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Guest tpww7

Yep, it was the November 1986 SNME. Jesse and Vince had a conversation about it throughout the match.


Next question....


What was Big Josh known as when he first debut the gimmick in WCW in 1991?

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Guest Drury37

That guy who wore the Braves hat?Do you know who I mean, maybe that was Trucker Norm.I don't know who he was, was he that Olympic guy,oh what's his name.


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Guest tpww7
It wasn't just as Matt Bourne was it?


Nope, he was known as something for a week or two before being called just "Big Josh"

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Guest razazteca

was he that fat guy that was a retard and always carried a teddy bear?

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Guest Drury37

No the guy with the teddy later became Bastion Booger,so I don't think it was him.


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Trucker Norm was a gimmick Norman the Lunatic did briefly towards the end of his WCW run.  He brought a teddy bear with him to the ring as I recall.  Still no clue about Big Josh.  I remember him feuding with The Desperados, but don't remember a gimmick before that.  Damn, that bugs me.  I was huge into WCW around that time.

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Sorry, late on the reply there.  Trukcer Norm/Norman The Lunatic was the same person as Bastion Booger.  Mike Shaw I think.

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