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Should Kurt Angle change his music?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I guarantee you idiots above who said it only made sense that for the WWE to encourage the fans to stop with "You Suck" that the first time they try something different, the "You Suck" chants will be insanely loud, and "WHAT?" will make it's return. And it isn't because the WWE's fanbase is "hick yokels" , it's because people don't like being told what to do. They're there for entertainment, they paid for their ticket and they'll chant what they want.


Accept it, crybabies.

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Guest Korgath
It would be cool if Kurt actually welcomed the chants, but directed them at his opponents instead. Like, if he's coming out second, he'll point towards his opponent in the ring and encourage the fans to chant "You suck" at him...if that makes any sense. Eh...

He can't do that, see, because VINCE MCMAHON does it when he gets his "ASS-HOLE" chant. That would be wrong, stealing tricks from the boss.


Although I must admit Heyman's retort "Yes, I do suck, but it was your sister/mother/grandmother who taught me how" was pure brilliance.

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