Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 7, 2002 -Already a tape schill. This time its Battle of the Superstars. -Sean mooney is playing with WWF action figures so we cut to.... -WWF Action figures with Jesse The Body! Jake Roberts! Ted Dibiase! Hulk HogaN~ Randy Savage! Andre The Giant, Ultimate Warrior! Brutus Beefcake! Akeem! Bossman! Smash! Ax! Rick Rude! -SUPERTAPE Vol. II with Sean Mooney. Whenever he says supertape, a god like voice echos it. We run down whats up on this tape. Most (1/2 atleast) of the matches are form an MSG show. the box shows alot of not the same action from this tape, but the same matches. How? Cause the paticipants wear different ring atire. -King of the WWF return Match: "Macho King" Randy Savage Vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan: Great, Lord Al on the commentary with Mooney. Non-MSG match. Savage takes his sweet time to take off all the extra body suit he is wearing. Thank god i only have 1 duggan match to sit through. Duggan throws savage off his thrown. Savage eats buckle. Duggan misses a charge and gets kicked in the face and clotheslined. This is from Saturday Night;s Main event (Says the banner). Choke on the rope. Hard clothesline by hacksaw and he just punches him a bit. Sherri is wearing a very small skirt, which i dread a this point. Atomic Drop by Duggan. Duggan trys going after sherri but Savage knees him to the florr and a double Axhandle from the top rope. High Knee on duggan sends him to the post. Kick to the head of Duggan. Sloppy double axhandle gets 2. Slingshot on the top rope gets another 2. Duggan avoids somethin in the ropes but misses an elbow. Roundhouse by Duggan and he backdrops Savage to the floor. Clothesline on Savage. Slam on the inside and some kinda splash. Sherri distracts the ref and Savage kicks out after 2. Roundhouse gets another 2. Running clothesline and 2 more by Duggan and a hard right sends him to the floor. Duggan pulls on Sherris skirt and reviels her underwear <vomits>. High knee sends Duggan into the buckle. Axhandle connects but Duggan lands a right to the midsection. Savage clobbers duggan with the loaded purse gets only 2. small Package by Duggan gets 2. Savage eats buckle and atomic drop followed by a clothesline by Duggan. and another. a third. 3 point stance clothesline sends Savage to the floor. Suplex reversed and Savage gets the pin (with Sherris help) at 9:11. Dull match kinda. *1/2. Dugan, the sportsmanship-mantarion he is, attacks Savage with his 2x4. -Rockers promo in front of a screen with WWF everywhere. -The Rockers (Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty) Vs. Powers of Pain (Barbarian & Warlord (w/ Mr. Fuji) This is #1 on the MSG matches. Sometime between Decemebr 1989 And March 1990 since Andre & Haku are tag champs. Marty starts with Barbarian. Hard shove by Barb. Monsoon & hillbilly Jim on PBP. side headlock by shawn. Shoulderblock by Barbarian. Ill just name this sequence move that annoys me 1. Cross body by shawn caught by Marty with his own body pres on him gets 2. Armbar series. shawn with an axhandle tag to Marty. Double armbar reversed, clothesline misses and double cresent kick to both men and double clotheslines clean house. This was before the move could knock anyone out. Warlord in with shawn. Boot to the midsection and a stiff roundhouse right tothe back. Axhandle follows. Dropkick/Hurricanrana combo by the rockers and marty in. Warlord fights him off. Shawn dropkick on Warlord as he trips over Marty. Hard Slam by Warlord to MJ. Couldnt we get rogeaus or Brain Busters or Hart Foundation vs. the rockers. HIGH Backdrop by Warlord gets 2.Warlord looks like a goof. HUGE overhead body press gets 2. Barbarian chokes him in the ropes behind the referees back. Headbutt tothe back by Barbie. Stiff corner irish whip and boot to the face sends him to the floor. Fuji lays a little smackdown on him with his cane. Barbarin follows by ramming Martys bak into the post. 360 clothesline by the barbarian gets 2. Martys ribs i just noticed are taped (was he hurt im thinking.) Marty trys brawling back but Warlord whoops his ass. He climbs on his shoulders and unloads but gets nailed to the floor. Barbie bearhug. Axhandle by Marty and a crossbody is blocked with a Powerslam. 2nd rope elbow OF Course mises. Shawn hot tag and he unloads on Barbarian. Punch to warlord and sunset flip/clothesline combo gets 2. Crossbody/dropkick combo on Warlord gets 2. Duo 10 punches of doom. Barbie crashes with Marty. Fuji trips up shawn and Babarian pins him at 9:58 for a cheap win. They broke up in a week and couldnt job? sheesh. ** for the Rockers working their ass off trying to make this one good. POP & Fuji beat the snot out of Jannetty after the match. -More of The Rockers promo from before. -The Rockers Vs. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine & Dino Bravo (w/ Jimmy Hart): Appears to be from Superstars of Wrestling (seyz the banner). mooney and Hayes on PBP. Marty starts with Dino. Bravo controls the lockup and poses(kinda). Move that annoys me most #1. More posing. Marty with a slam after shawn dropkick and another to Bravo and Shawn slams Hammer. Everything on the box is completely different. (of the VHS) Armbar by Bravo on Shawn and he tags Greg. Chop and axhandles to Shawns shoulder and back. Irish Whips shawns shulder into the buckle several times. Valentine gets posted and his shoulder gets rammed into the buckle several times. Armbar takeover and tag to Marty with a knee drop to the arm. Armbar of his own to a hammerlock. Snapmare, shawn with a knee drop off the second rope. Another armbar sequence. Double armbar and chop sequence gets 2. Bravo in and buckles marty. headbutts to the shoulder. Monkey Flip by Marty, 2 second is reversed with an inverte atomic drop and tag to Hammer. Abdominal Stretch follows and tag to Dino. Double elbow smash gets 2. Suplex by dino gets 2. Chop by Hammer. Headbutt to the lower midsction. Figure four reversed but marty runs into a shoulderblock and elbow connects by Greg. Dino with a kick to te head and a front headlock. Tag....ISNT ALLOWED. And Greg with a axhandle to Martys ribs gets 2. Who made this match go sooooo loooooong? Marty trys fighting back on both of em but that goes south. Dino Slam, elbow misses. Hot tag to Shawn and he unloads on Bravo. BackDrop and crossbody gets 2. Snap Suplex and a dropkick to Hammer, and another to Jimmy Hart. Double dropkick to Bravo. double Top rope fist Drop gets 2. Double head collision ofshawn and Bravo puts both down. Dino covers him for 2. MArty in. victory roll reversed by Bravo with a handful of tights gets 3 at 11:34. But WAIT! Mr. Impartial Ronnie Garvin forces Hebner to reverse the decision so th Rockers are winners via Disqualification. Shitty. rockers job even on their feature matches. * barely. wouilda been higher but the decision thing lowerd it 1/2*. -Hercules Promo. -Fan Favorite Match: Hercules Vs. Akeem (w/ Slick): UUUUUUUUGH! Fucking Hawaiian bitch. This is from wrestling Challenge i believe. Hayes & Schavonie on the mic. N/m Superstars it is. Stall. lockup. akeem eyerake and some punches. Hercules clothesline and 10 punches of doom. Schavonie sounds the same as 1999-2000. Akeem falls into the ropes and to the floor. Hercules nails Slick. Slick teases going into the ring but Akeem holds him back. Easter egg man i tohught ruled but he sucks in 1 on 1 matches. boxing crap and Hercules wins it. Stiff rights to the face of akeem. Slam blocked. Akeem with more punches and a sitting choke in the 2nd rope. Slick with a piece of rope chokes Hercules. Charge misses. More Hercules punches. akeem gets buckled 10 times and 5 more on his own and does a funky dance in a daze. Running Knee knocks him down. And a clothesline. A seocnd. slick pulls him over the ropes for the DQ at 4:59. DUD. Hercules avoids a splash and slams him afterwards. -Call of the Action. Orient Express Vs. Jim Powers & Jobber. Hayes goes over the following moves. Forearm!! Reverse Whip!! Leap Frog!! Back Drop!! Knuckle Blow!! (aka Punch) Knife Edge!! Cresent Kick!! Jump Karate kick!! Reverse Cresent Kick!! Power Bomb!! This was so boring. The jobber sucks at selling. Couldnt Powers job? Like he even had anything going in WWF. -Demolition & Mr. fuji/Orient Express(!) promos. -Demolition Vs. Orient Express (w/ Mr. fuji) 2 weeks before Wrestlemania VI this show is identified from. Obviously, you ralize its MSG match now. This is the bad combo of the OE. shove to the corner by Smash on Tanaka. Shoulderblock. Tanaka eats buckle and gets in a 360ish clothesline. Double clothesline to Tan. Smash places him on the top rope and the demos demolish him. Ax in. Snapmare and facelock. Sato in. HAHA. Sato & Kato. Get it? Side hadlock takeover by Ax and a hiptoss. Sato ears an elbow and takes awalk on the outside. Fuj' the stooge chants. Tanaka knees Ax and Sato stomps on him. Tanaka eats Smashes boot and he gets a backbreaker fo 2. Armbar by Smash. Ax axhandle to Kanakas arm and works in the armbar. Double teaming and a double back drop. Eyerake by Tanaka and both japs work over Smash.Sato with some choice chops. More chops to the head. smash fights back and gets in a hiptoss and axhandles. Crossbody is cut off on camera by Tanaka to Smash. Fuji canes Smash as usual. Double kicks in the corner to Smahs and some knife edges. Tanaka takes down Smash but Ax stomps on him. More double teaming on Smash. Lets fast forward to the hot tag. smash with a running clothesline and Ax in. He pounds Tanaka. Back body drop. He eats buckle 10 times. Powerslam by Ax gets 2. pier-six. Demo Decapitator stoped by Fuji as he hits ax with the cane. Ax takes it, and Sato tosses salt in his eyes. Same thing from WM6, except its MArty Jannetty. Orient Express win via count-out at 10:57. *1/2. Fun match, but nothing really good. -Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. rick "The Model" Martel: Also from MSG show. Bret gives his glases to a mario brothers fan. Martel knee ad sends bret to the buckle. Series of rights by the model. Clothesline by Bret and fisty to the midsrcton followed by a small package for 3. Armbars reversed several times vy both men. Hammerlock by Bret. Martel scresm too muxh. Leap Frog, backslide by Bret for 2. Arm drag into an armbar by Hitman. Rick sends Bret to the floor. He rams Brets back into the ring. Axhandle off the apron and rams Bret into the ring again. Suplex gets 2. Corner Irish Whip stifly sold by Bret. Stomps to the back. Abdominal Stretch. More boots to the back. Inverted Atomic Drop by Bret Hart. Snap Suplex and elbow gets 2. Scoop Slam and 2nd rope elbow gets another 2. Russian Leg Sweep gets 2. MArtel to the floor and back in. Backbreaker by Bret for 2. Bret keeps tossing him back in the ring. Standing Dropkick and sharpshootert teased. Stomp to the midsection for 2. Bret in control means fast pace. MArtel eye rake. He gets his head slammed into the apron. Bret unloas on him and atomic drop has the bell sounds at 11:46. Time Limt Draw?!!? What the fuck?!! Just for that, only **. Ugly fat chick dressed like Bret. Bret back drops him and clothesline to the floor ends the match. -Manager sProfile: Slick YES! JIVE SOUL BRO IS PLAYED! ITS AALLLLLLLLL GOOD! Shitty Slick promo. Video of him and Akeem dancing and action of his guys wrestling to the music. -Steel Cage Match: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper Vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude: Also from MSG. Sheesh. Rick rude is the better and orginal player. Unlike Val Venis, he has heat. Or should I say had? I hate ranting Cage Matches. Piper blocks being caged . Rude with some punches. Rude gets sent into the cage wall and whipped like a dog with Pipers belt. Piper now punching him with it wrapped around his fist and bites him. Rude blades already. Piper tugs his tights and bites his bum. rude gets sent to the cage again. Rude stops Piper leaving by dropping him in the top rope. Piper sells like Hogan. Heenan trys to pull Rude through the door as Piper trys pulling him in. He pulls a great deal of his trunks down and thats it for me. Rude NEVER picks em back up. I fast forward to the end then. 1 notible thing before the end, they both hit the floor at the same time so they have to go back in. He takes a pai of bras nuckles from him, knocks Rude out, and walks out the door at a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong 12:54. NR. Too much ass for me to sit through. they play Rudes theme. LOL. Now its Pipers. -Bloopers Segment: -Hayes doing soemthin with his mouth, Monsooon hits Heenan wit his mic. Mooney knocks on the camera. Monsoon/Heenan at bush Gardens. Heenans afraid of a Giraffe and wants to shoot em. Then he calls a Hippo a Rhino. Its frothing! Hayes mouth thing. Genius' wig comes off ina match vs. Brutus. Brutus clips the wig. mooney falls in his chair. Hayes mouth thing. Heean brives his way on a ship. He gets seaskick and vomits. Monsoon falls out of his chair. 2 fine ladies get in Heenans face. Hayes mouth thing. Monsoon as Brother Love. Love is in a room with "heenan". Heenan looks alot different. Wait.........its Piper!!! Love disses him w/o knwoing hes their. Heenan wants to be a star of a western movie and gets blown with dynamite, and whooped in a bar fight including geting knockd out a window. A guy hits mooney in the head. -Supertape (echos) II Main Event: Hulk Hogan & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake Vs. Mr. Perfect & The Genius: Brutus has on a Hulk rules shirt, to kiss ass even more. Mega Manaics clean house. Brutus is wearing yellow here too. <smooching noise> Perfect starts with Hogan. Lockup. Perfect over sells a shove. Perfect witha flurry of shots and irish whip to the buckle. Hogan gets sent to the floor. Big Boot by Hogans ends Perfct 360ing over the top rope. Brutus double nogin knocker to them both and slams their ehads to the ring apron. Brutus works over Genius. Genius runs into a Hogan boot. Perfect is planted by Hogan and Beefer with a sort of neck ringer. Oversold roundhouse by Beefcake for 2. Hogan eye rake and punches followed by a back rake. Double elbow to Perfect. Beefcake in. Throat thrusts. High knee gets 2. hogan in. Axhandle off the 2nd rope. Series of elbows and he clobbers Genius. Series of Punches by hogan to Perfect. Nose rake with his foot. Corner irish whip/elbow combo and Perfect goes sailing over the top rope. He takes the scroll and whacks hogan with it. Genius runs like a gay-man. Perfect sends Hogan to the rail. Boot to the eyes and Genius in. He unloads and dances gaylike and rakes the eyrs. Perfect uses the tag rope to choke him. What happend to them things? Genius acts more gay. Clotheslineby Poifect. Chop puts hogan down. Genius moonsault, hogn with the knees up and both men tag out. Beefcake unloads on Perfect and Genius. Knee Lift to Perfect over sold. Sleeper sign. He locksthe sleeper hold! Hogan sends Genius to the floor. Genius back up and hits beefer with the scroll. He dances gay as hogan chases him. Perfect gets a 2 count. Hillbilly Jim is dumb. heenan jokes about why Hillbilly only has 1 horseshoe. Perfect clotheslines beefcake down. Genius in and punches away and rakes the eyes for 2. Perfect in. Perfect chops Hogan casuing a double team on Brutus. Choke with the tag rope by Genius. Knee Lift by Perfect. Chop-city by Perfect. Neck ringer by the perfect one. Kick by Beefer over sold by Perfect.Arena is mad dark after the first 10 rows. Hogan in. Wait, Referee didnt see. Nut cruncher by Perfect. Genius chokes away. Mounted Eye rake and stomps in the corner. Elbow by Beefer, Perfect eye rake. Clothesline by Perfect and the Perfect Plex. hogan breaks it at 2. Genius in, and so is hogan finally! He unloads on both men. slam to genius. Double nogginknocker. Roundhouse rights. Boot to Genius. Leg Drop! Its over at 15:27. Nothing great, but watchable minus a few slow parts. *1/2. Brutus Sleeper Hold and Genius gets a SLITE trim afterwards as Hogan &beefcake posedown to Real American. -Sean Mooney closes the show and finds out who is doing the Supertape echoing. Wizard of Oz mimicking. Decent Tape, nothing to go all out for, but 60% of it is watchable. Only thing bad is Akeem/Hercules and rockers/Hammer&Bravo (sorry, but them 2 guys suck). Mild Recoomendation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 This goes out to everybody. If it's a tape review, it's belongs in the Smarks Krew folder. Moved to Smarks Krew folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 7, 2002 I post em here cause whenever i say anything on Smark Krew someone named the real hollywood or somethin has to start shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Rules are rules. Tape reviews belong in the Smarks Krew folder. For whoever is starting anything. No flaming! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted June 5, 2002 bumpidy, bump bump Share this post Link to post Share on other sites