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Guest razazteca

Hulkamania will it ever die?

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Guest razazteca

Just watched the confrontation between the H boys on Excess.  When Hogan said "Hulkamania rises to the top" I began to think oh no not this again.  So my question is how many times and how many people were invoved in this neverending storyline?  The only people that I can remember who was successful at effectivly killing Hulkamaina was Vince Russo in WCW and Vince McMahan in WWF when he made Hogan into a B-movie star.


I remember Kevin Sullivan trying and failing to stop Hulkamaina in the early mid 90s with cage matches and the Bash at the Beach & Bay Watch episode with Vader doing evil acts on humanity.  Other than that and the never ending feud with Roddy Piper Hulkamaina has run wild brotha.


So now Hunter Hearst Helmsly will try to stop Hollywood Hulk Hogan from rising to the top again.  But how can this happen with both guys being baby faces?  What evil act will HHH do to become a heel......everybody wants the H in Triple H to stand for Heel.  I would like to see Triple H to attack a Hogan fan in full Hulkamaina gear then take him to the ring ripped the Yellow & Red off of the fan and use the Pedigree on the fan.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

As far as I'm concerned Hulkamania died at Survivor Series 1991.

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I was pretty locked into the concept of Triple H turning heel at Backlash because there is just no way for him to remain a face when fighting Hogan. Then it struck me. They can always make it a triple threat match and throw the Undertaker in there. This way, Triple H can pin the Undertaker to retain his title and Hogan can lose without jobbing. Bothe wrestlers save face (literally and proverbially), Triple H remains the champion, and the WWF still has a big match tucked away for later use.


I would rather see Triple H turn heel and waste Hogan, but I doubt that will happen.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



I figure that Hogan will stay face until his pops fade...then they'll turn him again.


I doubt HHH has the power to hold down Hogan.


notice I said "doubt"

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Hulkamania died a long time ago (probaly when Kahran said, i'mto lazy to remember). Nostaligia though is alive and well but it should where off after a pppv or two hopefully before hogan gets the belt.

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Guest goodhelmet

"I would like to see Triple H to attack a Hogan fan in full Hulkamaina gear then take him to the ring ripped the Yellow & Red off of the fan and use the Pedigree on the fan."


the way Rock ha been acting lately, I wouldn't be surprised if hr came running out in yellow tights and a "I'm a Hulkamaniac" T-shirt.

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Guest razazteca

a title match between Hogan vs Triple H vs Undertaker will probably happen but it should not be a regular 3 guys in the ring match because it would end up being a 15 minute rest hold match.  I think a Triangle match would be a better choice with somebody having to tag out.


yup the Undertaker killed Hulkamania in 1991 but it was re-incarnated on Tuesday in Texas.

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Guest Just call me Dan

That was hilarious cobain and goodhelmet.

I could definetly see The Rock doing just that.

The most probable thing that will happen is Hogan getting his job back ( Yes, even though Rock went down clean Raw b4 WM X8)


Getting the Rock to come out in Hulkamania gear with the name

Hulky Maivia

Then HHH uses his power to mkae The Rock his bitch by squashing him and playing on his wekaness to draw out hogan ( IE  Totally Buff kikcing the crap out of Buddy Lee Parker, making him look like a defenseless valet in order to get at Goldberg)

Hogan comes to rescue Hulky and He and HHH are the only match on any wrestling show for the next 5 years.

Funny how I used to defend HHH, but it's getting blatantly obvious that he is a political jackass.

As for the actual question, it doesnt really matter what the fans think, Hogan will be shoved down our throats until his contract expires or until as Nash says " us smart marks drive a stake through his heart"

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"Funny how I used to defend HHH, but it's getting blatantly obvious that he is a political jackass."


Not sure how it is obvious. I still have not seen one piece of evidence yet.



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Guest nWoScorpion

UT/Hogan/HHH would ber the worst main event in years.


Question 1: who would job?!


Question 2: Who will be the most sefish that they get the the win?


Question 3: How many restholds are gonna occur sionce niether of them can carry matches anymore.


Im hoping its a 1 on 1 so its less painless.


<---wants hogan to win.

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Guest Just call me Dan

LoganHex, youre right, that may have been a lot more of an opinionated statement than a fact.

I am just really mad that Jericho has almost no potential to break through now.  He is on the Smackdown brand where the insanely stacked roster of people like Hogan, and Rock can hurt his chances, and the fact that Kurt Angle, who is in the basic same place as him on the card is in the same fed pisses me off.

I just really don't think he deserved to knock off Jericho right after being out 8 months and not even looking so great in the ring.  

For a while, you had Vince, Steph and HHH in ALL the main event pictures!  The owner, his daughter, and the rusty and in a transitional face run boyfriend get all the storylines!

Now Jericho basically got no where, no one will remember in 10 years that he was 1st to be undisputed champ because HHH got the new shiny belt. Why?

HHH just isn't my favorite person right now because of the waste of talent going on.

I'm actually very optimistic though.  I am enjoying the split so far.

Also, I apologise to you or anyone else who really likes HHH or is sick of all this bashing of him because I am also sick of it and bringing him up was dumb.


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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Excuse my ignorance, but what happened at Surivor Series '91?

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Guest goodhelmet

The Undertaker pinned Hulk Hogan and it was declared the death of hulkamania.

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I imagine that Hulkamania will live on as long as there are people who used to be Hulkamaniacs in audiences around the country. Which means until most marks circa 1983 quit watching wrestling or shuffle loose this mortal coil, Hulk will be getting face pops. I doubt HHH will be able to change that. However, if their two egos clash horribly and Vince has to make a choice between the two, I'd think he'd choose HHH. Of course, the operative words are "I'd think."

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Guest razazteca
Question 1: who would job?!

Hogan is on PPV jobbing tour


Question 2: Who will be the most sefish that they get the the win

UnderTaker its his yard or Vince as ref will screw someone


Question 3: How many restholds are gonna occur since neither of them can carry matches anymore

Bear Hug, Sleeper, Abdomible Stretch, Triple Headlock of Doom, Arm Bar, Hammer Lock

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Guest goodhelmet

"Bear Hug, Sleeper, Abdomible Stretch, Triple Headlock of Doom, Arm Bar, Hammer Lock"


Well, HHH is versatile. He could use he standing sleeper or the on-the-mat-sleeper which he used to get a fall over Rock in their ironMan match

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Guest Shaved Bear
The only people that I can remember who was successful at effectivly killing Hulkamaina was Vince Russo in WCW and Vince McMahan in WWF when he made Hogan into a B-movie star.

you calling 3 ninjas high noon at mega mountain a b-movie?

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Guest razazteca
you calling 3 ninjas high noon at mega mountain a b-movie

I'm sorry was that a direct to video release?


Sleeper Counter #1 the Jaw Breaker

Sleeper Counter #2 run to the ropes

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Guest RicFlairGlory
The only people that I can remember who was successful at effectivly killing Hulkamaina was Vince Russo in WCW and Vince McMahan in WWF when he made Hogan into a B-movie star.

you calling 3 ninjas high noon at mega mountain a b-movie?

Mr. Nanny glory...

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So Hogan has a big ego, even though he jobbed to Rock at Mania, and Austin, who refused to job to Hall at Mania, doesn't?

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Triple H probably asked if he could work with Hogan so he can steal some of Hogan's heat. He's been known to do that in the past.

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Guest caboose

HHH can't hold back Hulkamania,

That Red & Yellow ooze can pass through all barriers and substances even the Bullet-Proof Glass Ceiling.

Watcha Gonna Do Brutha when Hulk Hogan wins the title at WM19 and the WWF is out of business, Whatcha Gonna Do?

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Guest muswp1

As far as I'm concerned, the sooner Hogan and his buddies are squashed and buried, the better.  I absolutely hate Hogan and his antics.  If Duggan, Beefcake, and pals show up on my TV ever again, I will never involve myself in anything wrestling again.  My prediction is that Hgoan will be back to black and white by KOTR 02.

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Guest cabbageboy

I don't know how UT destroyed Hulkamania at Series 91.  I mean, the dude got a very tainted win by tombstoning Hogan on a chair after Flair interfered.  If anyone killed Hulkamania big time I'd say it was Yokozuna.  There was soooo much wrong with the WWF in 1993 or so.  I mean, you have Hogan squashed by a 500 lb. fat Samoan, then you push Luger as the New Hogan but don't give him the title.  And how did Yoko finally lose?  Was it by the American hero saving the day and slamming the fat fuck and destroying him for good?  No.  Bret Hart (with a bad leg) beat him after Yoko fell on his ass attempting the banzai drop.  That my friends is why WM X is not remotely the best PPV ever.


Bret is one of my favorites ever too, but the way he won against Yoko was just lame.


My friend Ian made a great comment on a potential HHH/Hogan match.  He said "I never ever want to see Hogan vs. HHH.  Hogan vs. Rock?  Yes, because Rock will job.  Hogan and HHH would never job to each other and therefore the match would either have a DQ finish or never end."


I think Hogan should win the title again and then have Austin flip his lid and revert back to 1997 Stone Cold form and kill him.

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Guest TripleHsmark

And you thought the political games between Gore and Bush were confusing and interesting.


It is now, really, TIME TO PLAY THE GAME.


Hogan = Mick Foley part 2.  His job: Gain fan support, get everyone behind him, job to Hunter to (re)establish him as the top heel in the game.




Hunter = Vader circa 1994/95.  His job:  Look dominant, give fans a serious reason to think the Hulk can be beat.  Rally the crowd behind hulkster, and then do the job.




The aformentioned Triple Threat





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Guest Dace59

About Hulkamania... and I qoute:

DIE FUCKER DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest nWoScorpion

If Hogan would retire son (please no heat) I think he should have a small run for a final world title reign, like a month (PPV-PPV).

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Guest razazteca

well it looks like the WWF is stuck in the Triangle of Doom = the revolving Hogan gimmick this month its Red & Yellow last month it was Black & White next month it will be Red& Black in 2 months it will be Platinum BLING BLING.

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