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Guest razazteca

Hulkamania will it ever die?

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What if Hogan turned heel and won the strap, justifying why Vince gave him the match in the first place?

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Guest caboose

The worst thing is that in about two months when Hogan's pops barely register, they'll turn him back to nWo by attacking Rocky.

Then in the interview Hogan will claim that it was his plan all along for Hogan to gain Rocky's trust and then beat him down.

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Guest razazteca
The worst thing is that in about two months when Hogan's pops barely register, they'll turn him back to nWo by attacking Rocky. Then in the interview Hogan will claim that it was his plan all along for Hogan to gain Rocky's trust and then beat him down.

If that happens then WWF nWo storyline of being poison would make sense.  Then there would be nWo Red & Black on Smackdown causing more trouble and WTF moments.  Just wait I bet Hogan, Triple H, Rock will be the Smackdown nWo a week after Backlash.

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Guest caboose

it would make no sense for rocky and triple h to be on the same side. that would be against the 'triple h-rocky' space-time continuum(sp?), it's already in a delicate situation, if you had them both heel in the nWo, volcano's would erupt, the ice caps would melt, the seas would rise, the ground would shake, aliens would invade and pity us for messing with the natural balance of nature.


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I'm not involved in this thread at all, but I have to say Blingin' Hogan just might be the greatest idea of all time.

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oh no. Hulkamania escaped from the old folks home.


okay. not funny.


fuck hulkamania, it serves no purpose but to deteriorate a dry product further. The WWF should of course have tried to produce a new main event threat from there own ranks which they havnt done since Angle and dont seem able to do. ever. maybe Lesnar. fuck it.

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Guest razazteca
The WWF should of course have tried to produce a new main event threat from there own ranks which they havnt done since Angle and dont seem able to do. ever. maybe Lesnar


I feel your pain Brotha but WWF tried to advance and promote their midcard ranks with the WCW brand name but it fail do to WWF writers mind block.  The addition of the ECW forming the Alliance was another attempt to add life into the Main Event but it failed again for several reasons, conspiracys, politics blah blah blah.


So what did the WWF do instead of looking for new talent they bring in the Vince McMahon has been gimmicks of Golddust, Mr. Perfect, Boss Man and the nWo.  Thus poisoning the WWF with heatless promos and matches of Metal caliber.


When the WWF had the indy tryouts they found out that the majority of the indy scene is wrestlers whose weight is under 250lbs and work the highflying/highspot style which Vince and JR hate plus many of them seem to be "Vanilla".  So this leaves OVA and HWA whose talent are the larger than life bodybuilder muscle roided looking 300 pounders...ie Brock Lesner & Mark Henry aka olympic fatman failure.


I believe the new talent wont be develop until the rating get so bad that they are forced to develop new talent over night Rock or Angle style.

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Guest mastermind

Actually I agree Hulkamania died at Survivor Series '91. Even the wwf mags admitted it back in the "new generation" era. The reason being was Hogan's workrate in the match. It was VERY SLOW AND PLODDING. When Yoko beat him he was already in the twilight zone. I also agree about Yoko/Bret. Horrible way to topple the man who sent Hulkamania packing at the event of the immortals. Bret should have won straight up in the sharpshooter and been built as the new champion for the ages. Oh, hindsight.


As for now Hulkamania is just going through a live replay in the arenas. Kurt Angle/Hulk Hogan SummerSlam! I still say if he stays past SummerSlam the wwf is BEGGING for headaches and backlash.

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Guest Judas14

Question 1: who would job?!


UT. HHH will probably call in the job UT owes him if the main event becomes a Triple Threat match in order to a. keep the political peace between him and Hogan and b. to hold off the inevitable Hogan/HHH feud for the summer so that when it becomes apparrent that the fans have gotten tired of Hogan that HHH can squash Hogan politically and have the honor of running Hogan out of the WWF for good...


Question 2: Who will be the most sefish that they get the the win?


HHH, because he has the most to lose if UT or Hogan wins...


Question 3: How many restholds are gonna occur sionce niether of them can carry matches anymore.


A lot.....

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Guest mastermind

I really don't see Hogan signing on to be jobbed out in every match. AINT HAPPENIN! Hogan is going to go out winning unless he pisses off Vince like he did in 1993. Not to say he will go out with the belt, but I don't see Hogan jobbing like Steve Lombardi(old school babeee).

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Guest caboose

vince isn't the stupid(somethimes i think he is though).

vince is gonna get as many big money matches out of Hogan as possible before he retires.

Hogan will job in every match unless it's necessary for him to win.

Vince won't put his current talent at risk from being buried by Hogan.

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Guest mastermind

Caboose this isn't about Vince being stupid or not. This is about Bollea SIGNING a wwf contract to come back as a jobber version of Hulkamania or Hollywood Hogan. I don't see him signing back on knowing that is the plan. NO WAY! Vince tells people the basic outline of their roles when they sign on. Do you really see Mr. Bollea signing on to lose all his matches? I mean the man isn't exactly begging for money here.

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Guest razazteca

I like to see Hogan lose a couple more matches then get the BIG win Barry Hortiwetz style.


The big win would be over Austin at Survivor Series.

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Guest mastermind

Actually, when someone posted sportsguy's column and he wrote that the wwf should have a storyline where Hogan always comes up short by losing through his own aging defieciency or outside force was a good idea. It leading to Hogan finally winning just before he finally doubts himself and retires or something. The fans would eat it up.

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