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Hogan/Piper, HBK/Shamrock, Rebellion 01

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WWF @ Boston, MA - Boston Garden - November 3, 1984

WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan defeated Roddy Piper via disqualification


WWF @ East Rutherford, NJ - Meadowlands - November 3, 1985

Steve Lombardi fought Jose Luis Rivera to a draw

Pedro Morales defeated Tiger Chung Lee

Lanny Poffo defeated Terry Gibbs

King Tonga defeated Rene Goulet

Adrian Adonis defeated WWF IC Champion Tito Santana by a count-out

WWF Tag Team Champions Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine defeated Mike Rotondo & Dan Spivey

Jesse Ventura fought Uncle Elmer to a double disqualification


WWF @ Long Island, NY - Nassau Coliseum - November 3, 1986

WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan defeated Paul Orndorff via count-out


WWF @ Erie, PA - November 3, 1989

Ron Garvin fought Greg Valentine to a draw

Earthquake defeated Mark Young

Rick Martel defeated Brutus Beefcake

Hillbilly Jim defeated the Brooklyn Brawler

Hercules defeated Bad News Brown via disqualification

Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty defeated the Fabulous Rougeau Brothers

WWF IC Champion the Ultimate Warrior defeated Andre the Giant


WWF @ Peoria, IL - November 3, 1989

Al Perez defeated Barry Horowitz

Sam Houston defeated Tom Stone

Randy Savage defeated Jim Duggan

The Honkytonk Man defeated the Red Rooster

Dusty Rhodes defeated the Big Bossman

WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition defeated Arn Anderson & Haku (sub. for Tully Blanchard)


WWF @ San Diego, CA - November 3, 1990 (matinee)


WWF @ Anaheim, CA - November 3, 1990


WWF @ Austin, TX - November 3, 1990


WWF @ Augusta, GA - Augusta-Richmond County Civic Center - November 3, 1990

Ron Garvin pinned Buddy Rose

Saba Simba pinned Paul Diamond with a Samoan drop

Earthquake pinned Tugboat

WWF Tag Team Champions Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty defeated Paul Roma & Hercules via disqualification when Hercules hit Marty Jannetty with his steel chain

Pez Whatley defeated the Genius

Tito Santana pinned the Black Demon with the flying forearm

Dusty & Dustin Rhodes defeated Ted Dibiase & Virgil when Dustin pinned Virgil with a bulldog


WWF @ Moline, IL - November 3, 1991

WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan defeated Ric Flair via count-out


WWF @ Champaign, IL - November 3, 1991

WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan defeated Ric Flair via count-out after ramming Flair’s head into the ring post


WWF @ Anderson, SC - November 3, 1992


WWF @ Kaloomps, British Columbia - November 3, 1994


WWF @ Cincinnati, OH - November 3, 1995

Avatar defeated the Brooklyn Brawler

Bob Holly defeated Bob Backlund

Ahmed Johnson defeated Rad Radford

Savio Vega defeated Jean Pierre Laffiette

Isaac Yankem DDS defeated Bam Bam Bigelow

WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Kama & Psycho Sid

WWF World Champion Diesel, Bret Hart, & Shawn Michaels defeated Yokozuna, Davey Boy Smith, & King Mabel


WWF @ Worcester, MA - November 3, 1996

The Sultan defeated Bob Holly

Justin Bradshaw pinned Aldo Montoya

Billy Gunn pinned Bart Gunn

Psycho Sid pinned Vader in a stretcher match

WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith defeated Henry & Phinneas Godwinn

Marc Mero defeated WWF IC Champion Hunter Hearst Helmsley via disqualification

WWF World Champion Shawn Michaels & the Undertaker defeated Goldust & Mankind in a steel cage match


WWF @ Hershey, PA - Hersheypark Arena - November 3, 1997

Salvatore Sincere pinned Brakkus with his feet on the ropes

Flash Funk pinned Tiger Ali Singh (w/ Tiger Jeet Singh) by reversing a Northern Lights suplex into a German suplex; after the match, Funk was double teamed

Taka Michinoku & Soctt Taylor defeated Pantera & an unknown when Taka pinned the unknown with the Michinoku Driver

Mankind defeated the Sultan via submission with the Mandible Claw

The Road Dogg & Henry Godwinn (w/ Billy Gunn & Phinneas Godwinn) defeated Bradshaw & Headbanger Thrasher (w/ Barry Windham & Headbanger Mosh) after Road Dogg hit Thrasher with the time keeper’s bell

Raw is War:

WWF Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Quarter Finals: Aguila pined Super Loco at 5:15 with a spinning legdrop off the top

Ahmed Johnson fought an unknown to a no contest when Kane attacked Ahmed before the opponent could come to the ring and hit two tombstones before Mankind came out for the save

Marc Mero (w/ Sable) pinned Savio Vega with the TKO after a low blow at 2:37

Vader defeated Davey Boy Smith in a dog collar match at 3:40, despite interference from Jim Neidhart, Doug Furnas, and Phil LaFon; after the bout, a fan from the crowd made the save for Vader (Steve Blackman)

Billy Gunn & the Road Dogg defeated Jose Estrada & Jesus Castillo at 5:20

Ken Shamrock defeated WWF European Champion Shawn Michaels (w/ Chyna, Rick Rude, & Triple H) via disqualification at 5:55 when Rude hit Shamrock with his metal briefcase as Michaels was trapped in the ankle lock

Dark Match after the show: Steve Austin, the Undertaker, & WWF Tag Team Champions the Legion of Doom defeated Farooq, the Rock, D-Lo Brown, & Kama when Austin pinned Farooq with the Stunner


WWF @ Dallas, TX - Reunion Arena - November 3, 1998

Zane Morris defeated the Mercenary

Skull & 8-Ball (w/ Paul Elloring) fought Farooq & Bradshaw to a double count-out

Shotgun Saturday Night – 11/8/98:

The Godfather defeated Marc Mero via disqualification; Shane McMahon was the referee for the match

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Christian (w/ Gangrel & Edge) defeated Taka Michinoku

Bob Holly & Scorpio defeated Too Much

WWF European Champion X-Pac fought Steven Regal to a no contest when the champion was attacked by the Undertaker before the match began; after the match, the New Age Outlaws came out to help their DX teammate

WWF Tag Team Champions the Road Dogg & Billy Gunn defeated Matt & Jeff Hardy; after the match, Vince McMahon came out and ordered that the champions would face both the Headbangers and Mark Henry & D-Lo Brown at the Survivor Series

Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) fought Droz (w/ Road Warrior Animal) to a no contest when Road Warrior Hawk interfered; after the match, Hawk sustained the Doomsday Device; Owen Hart did commentary for the match

Raw is War - 11/9/98:

X-Pac fought the Undertaker to a no contest when Kane interfered; during the melee, Kane attempted to shoot a fireball into the Undertaker’s face but X-Pac sustained the blow instead

Val Venis defeated Steve Blackman via disqualification when Terri Runnels, who had been sent backstage by Val, returned ringside and his Val in the groin; moments later, Blackman was attacked by Jeff Jarrett and the Blue Blazer

Headbanger Mosh defeated the Road Dogg and D-Lo Brown; after the match, Billy Gunn cleared the ring; Shane McMahon was the referee for the match

Goldust defeated Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) via disqualification when Jarrett hit his opponent with a guitar after Goldust kissed Debra on the ring apron, moments after Terri Runnels came ringside to distract Goldust

Steven Regal pinned Golga (w/ the Oddities) with a DDT; during the match, Regal unmasked Golga (the match was not televised due to the unmasking)

WWF Hardcore Champion Mankind pinned WWF IC Champion Ken Shamrock by pinning him on the rampway; during the match, Vince McMahon, the Big Bossman, Gerald Brisco, and Pat Patterson interfered on behalf of Mankind; only the hardcore title was on the line; this was the 1st defense of the hardcore championship

Kane defeated Edge (w/ Gangrel & Christian) via disqualification when Gangrel and Christian interfered; after the match, Kane hit a chokeslam on all three, poured gasoline on them, and attempted to use a blowtorch until officials intervened

The Rock pinned Mark Henry (w/ D-Lo Brown) with the People’s Elbow, despite interference from D-Lo and the Big Bossman; after the match, the Rock fought off McMahon’s Stooges before bringing Vince himself, who watched the match from ringside, into the ring and hit the Rock Bottom and People’s Elbow; Shane McMahon was the referee for the match; due to prematch stipulations, the Rock regained his spot in the Survivor Series world title tournament


WWF @ Lowell, MA - November 3, 2001

Spike Dudley pinned Steven Richards with the Dudley Dogg

Ivory pinned Jackie with a roll up and fast count as Jackie was arguing with the referee

Shawn Stasiak & Rico Constantino defeated Ron Waterman & Randy Orton when Stasiak scored the pin with a roll up

Albert pinned Mike Awesome with the Baldo Bomb

WWF Tag Team Champions Booker T & Test defeated the Undertaker & Kane in a steel cage match when Shawn Stasiak interfered and helped Booker escape over the top; after the match, Stasiak sustained a double chokeslam from the challengers

Perry Saturn pinned Raven with a roll up; during the match, Jackie became the special referee after knocking the Alliance referee out of the ring

Brock Lesnar pinned Tommy Dreamer with a powerslam

Eddie Guerrero pinned Sho Funaki with a roll up

Billy Kidman pinned Crash Holly with a modified neckbreaker

WWF Hardcore Champion Rob Van Dam pinned Tazz with the five star frog splash


Rebellion ’01 - Manchester, England - November 3, 2001

Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo defeated Lance Storm & Justin Credible when Palumbo pinned Credible with the Jungle Kick

Televised bouts:

WWF IC Champion Edge defeated WWF European Champion Christian in a steel cage match by escaping over the top after tying the challenger's feet up in the cage bars and ring ropes; only the IC title was on the line

Scotty 2 Hotty pinned the Hurricane with the Worm

The Big Show pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the chokeslam

The Dudley Boyz defeated the Acolytes and Matt & Jeff Hardy in an elimination match; Matt pinned Farooq with the Twist of Fate; Matt was pinned with the 3D after Jeff missed the Swanton

William Regal defeated Tajiri via submission with the Regal Stretch after Tajiri missed a moonsault press

WCW World Champion Chris Jericho pinned Kurt Angle by reversing the Olympic Slam into a roll up; after the match, Angle hit two Olympic Slams on the champion

Lita & Torrie Wilson defeated Molly Holly & Stacy Keibler when Lita pinned Molly with the Twist of Fate; Trish Stratus was the guest referee for the match

WWF World Champion Steve Austin pinned the Rock with the Stunner after Kurt Angle interfered and hit the challenger with the title belt; after the match, Chris Jericho made the save


WWE (Raw) @ Moncton, New Brunswick - November 3, 2002

Rosey & Jamal defeated Tommy Dreamer & Johnny Stamboli when Stamboli was pinned following the Samoan Drop

Batista pinned Justin Credible with the sit-down powerbomb

Goldust pinned Christopher Nowinski with the Curtain Call

William Regal & Lance Storm defeated Spike Dudley & the Hurricane following the superkick from Storm

Kane pinned Test with the tombstone

D-Lo Brown pinned Raven with the Sky High

WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus & Jackie defeated Victoria & Molly Holly after Trish hit the bulldog

Rob Van Dam pinned Rico in a martial arts challenge with the five star frog splash

WWE Raw Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Christian defeated Bubba Ray Dudley & Jeff Hardy in a Moncton Streetfight after Jericho hit the Lionsault on Hardy


WWE (Smackdown!) @ Bethlehem, PA - November 3, 2002

Rikishi pinned Albert with the superkick in a Kiss My Ass match

Doug Basham & Bull Buchanon defeated Sean O'Haire & Shelton Benjamin when Benjamin was pinned

Nathan Jones pinned Val Venis with a full nelson slam

Billy Kidman & Torrie Wilson defeated John Cena & Dawn Marie when Kidman pinned Cena with the Shooting Star Press

WWE Smackdown! World Champion Brock Lesnar pinned the Big Show by avoiding the chokeslam and using an inside cradle

D-Von Dudley & Ron Simmons defeated Chuck Palumbo & Sho Funaki when D-Von pinned Funaki with the reverse DDT

WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Knoble defeated Tajiri and Crash Holly in an elimination match; Knoble pinned Crash with the Tiger Bomb; Knoble pinned Tajiri with an inside cradle and using the tights for leverage

WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champion Chris Benoit defeated Matt Hardy via submission with the Crippler Crossface after avoiding the Twist of Fate

Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Eddie & Chavo Guerrero Jr. when Mysterio pinned Chavo with the West Coast Pop

Edited by cawthon777

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Guest Boo_Bradley

Mankind defeated the Sultan via submission with the Mandible Claw



If this was the match shown on Shotgun, then it featured the annoncers trying to figure out how MK was going to put a manible Claw on kane, since he had a mask over his mouth, and here MK faced the Sultan...with a mask over his mouth.... MK simply pulled the mask up, showing a means that he could slow down the monster....

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It was probably the same. I read a report of the taping just earlier today and the finish had to be reshot ... so they brought both men back out after the Sultan claimed to have said Mankind couldn't put the move on him again "in a thousand years" (Fink said this, not the Sultan).

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