Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 SJL Crimson, April 6th Venue: The Continental Airlines Arena, in East Rutherford, New Jersey! NEWBIE MATCH "TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson vs. Tod deKindes -Your standard newb match. Going for glory...or the gutter? We shall see... SINGLES MATCH FOR OLD-TIMES SAKE Jack the Ripper vs. The Dark Reaper -Jack's back! Old rivals square off for the millionth time.Will Reaper's luck keep on going or will Jack come up with an unexspected win over Reaper? If T-Bone can win the TV title, who knows what could happen in this match. SINGLES MATCH Cutthroat vs. Randy Turner -Cutthroat, the kid without a single victory out side of Matthew Kivell, promised a win for Crimson here and challenged Randy Turner, the man who lost to Frost on Metal soon after. So can Cutthroat keep his word or will he fall victim to Randy's Victimizer? TV TITLE MATCH T-Bone © vs. Frost -T-Bone pulled an upset on Metal beating Kojack for the Television Title! Now he's making his first title defense, against Frost, who beat Randy Turner and Z on Metal as well. Now Frost is getting a shot at the TV title, because, well, he's cool. Get it? Cool? Oh, I slay me... HANDICAP MATCH Mike Van Siclen vs. Z & Ced Ordonez -MVS has a contract with a guarantee for a rematch for "his" European Title, but in the meantime, the Commish isn't going to let him off easy! Z & Ced will be working together on this one. Two men in the ring at a time--Z & Ced must tag in and out. Of course, with the bumbling Z in the ring, you could read this "handicap match" as going either way...heh heh. NON-TITLE GRUDGE MATCH Shawn Brody vs. "The Superior One" Tom Flesher -On Metal, greed got the best of Shawn Brody and he attacked his protege, Tom Flesher. Tom walked out of his match with Ced still the champion, but with a grudge to be settled. How will the two former friends fare in this battle? HARDCORE ELIMINATION MATCH Jacob Helmsley vs. Xero vs. Mafia -Falls count anywhere. The guy who doesn't get eliminated wins. Evil guy with pipe, crazy Xero, and evil mobmaster. Yes, hardcore's where it's at... MATCH FOR THE #1 CONTENDERSHIP TO THE JL WORLD TITLE Stryke vs. Ash Ketchum -XF9's victory on Metal gives Ash a chance to go for the contendership to his buddy Erek's belt, but he'll have to go through Stryke to get there. Stryke's been having some troubles of his own with Taylor lately...BATTLE! MAIN EVENT NON-TITLE MATCH Erek Taylor vs. Flexxx -Stryke and Ash are fighting for the #1 Contendership, but if Flexxx can beat Erek tonight, he could certainly make a case to be in on that action's gonna be good, y'all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Axis: Hello everyone we're back from a commercial break and are live tonight from the Continental Airlines Arena, in East Rutherford, New Jersey on the April 6th edition of Crimson! Sitting with me tonight are color commentators Edwin MacPhisto and the Suicide- King: Ahem. Axis: Excuse me, I almost forgot, former SWF Champion Suicide King.? King: That's better. Edwin: Anyhoo, what a card we have lined up for tonight. I have to say that I am particularly excited tonight about this first match, which pits rookies Taylor Nicholas Thompson and Tod deKindes against each other. Both men have been trying to make it into the SJL for weeks, and both had to defeat the great Mathew Kivell in order to make it here tonight. King: Everyone has beaten Kivell. Edwin: Yes, but they beat him in a more triumphant fashion. King: What the hell are you talking about?? Axis: Ahem, we go now to ring announcer Funyon. Funyon: This contest is scheduled for one fall! Disqualification and count out rules apply. Approaching the ring, the first competitor of this bout, weighing in at a lean and mean 267 pounds, hailing from Anaheim, California, TNT Taylor Nicholas Thompson!? The crowd erupts in cheers (and some boos) as AC/DC's ?TNT blares from the speakers. As the introduction of the song begins, TNT very slowly saunters down the ramp with a noticeable lack of pyro. Just as the song'?s course ends and Watch me explooooooooddddeee!!!!!? is heard by the audience, what seems like hundreds of white and silver pyro are triggered consecutively as Taylor becomes livelier and seemingly walks to the beat of the music. Taylor moves quickly as he poses on each ring post. As his entrance comes to an end, TNT paces back and forth awaiting his opponent. Axis: TNT slinks down to the ring to a classic AC/DC tune. Edwin: AC/DC sucks, now the Spice Girls, THOSE were musicians. Axis: How can you say AC/DC sucks? Edwin: Because you like them.? King: Taylor appears to be in magnificent shape tonight. You know, Taylor actually trained here in the home of Jay and Silent Bob, New Jersey. Hey Edwin, riddle me this, what other good wrestlers have trained in New Jersey? Edwin: I don't know, who? King: None!? Axis: Stop bickering you two, TNT looks pumped for his first official match in the SJL. King: Yes, that reminds me of when I was SWF cha- King is interrupted by the hard rock techno music of Fear Factor's Shock. Tod slowly walks out towards the ring just as FF's lead singer gurgles in his Rob Zombie like voice, Welcome to my world! Not looking at anyone, Tod hops to the apron and to the second turnbuckle to let out a mighty roar to the fans. He hops into the ring, removes the trench and shades and runs the ropes a little to warm up before the match. He eerily slinks toward the hulking mass that is TNT. Though he is clearly outsized Tod shows not a glint of fear or intimidation in his eyes as he stares down Taylor. Funyon (freaked out): Um, in the ring now, weighing in at 227 pounds, born in Canada and raised in Germany, Tod deKindes!? ***DING DING DING*** Tod and Taylor stare at one another, pure hatred and a hint of respect in their eyes. Axis: The two opponents apparently sizing each other up for what is sure to be a brutal matchup. King: You know, I remember when I was champion, and Edwin wasn't? Edwin: I would have been but my grandmother was sick. Axis and King stare at Edwin. Edwin: What? She was! King: Yeah, sure. Anyway, when I was champion I remember participating in a particular bloody brawl where I was slammed through nine tables, candy glass, barbed wire, and off of a fifty foot ladder and still came out with the win! Axis: Funny, I don't recall that match. When was it? King: Er... never mind when it was just pay attention to the match! Tod starts the action by quickly sprinting off of the ring ropes and into TNT with a clothesline to the chest, TNT doesn?t budge, barely falling back more than a foot. Tod attempts the same maneuver once again, with the same effect, or lack there of. He tries one more time, only to be virtually decapitated with a forearm to the head. Tod quickly recovers from the blow however, and hops to his feet, ready for more. King: Tod needs to use his speed to his advantage! Edwin: He just did, and was floored. King: Not to attack you idiot! To run!? Axis: Any normal opponent would do so, however Tod is no normal man! King: Yeah, he's a complete freak. When I was little, my mother used to warn me never to trust a man whose last name you can?t pronounce. Tod locks up with Taylor, only to be shoved into a turnbuckle. Axis: Ouch, deKindes is tossed away like a Malibu Barbie doll! Edwin: Yay! Malibu Barbie! Tod comes rearing out of the corner with a spear that knocks over TNT! Tod, taking advantage of this newly gained momentum, climbs the top rope and awaits TNT to stand up! TNT slowly gets to his feet, quite shocked by the recent turn of events. His conciseness is short lived however. Tod launches himself off of the turnbuckle and plants a dropkick into Taylor's face. He hooks the leg to go for the quick pin. Ref: One! Two!? TNT shoves deKindes into the air, sending him flying over the top rope. Tod however, hangs on to the apron and meets Taylor with a sunset flip! Ref: One! Two!? TNT again kicks out. Tod gets up and prepares for his next move, but is planted with a Shamrock belly-to-belly suplex! TNT, now with the advantage, introduces his fist to Tod?s face several times. He then lifts the German grappler off of the mat, shoves his head in between his legs, and buries his skull into the ground with a vicious spike piledriver. He starts to hook the leg, but hesitates, realizing the crushing truth that he won't put away Tod that easily. He stands, and waits for Tod to collect himself out of the coma state that he remains in. Axis: At this point it will take a miracle for Tod to regain the momentum. King: Now when you say miracle, do you mean steroids? Axis: No, I mean a miracle. Edwin: At this rate, Tod will be dead enough to replace the bearskin rug in my bathroom within a few minutes! Axis: So that's where my bearskin rug went! Tod again is lodged into the ring with a side slam. TNT smiles to the crowd with a crazed look on his face and points upward. The crowd cheers relentlessly. Taylor slowly ascends the nearest ring post with the audience heat rising with each step. When he reaches the pinnacle of the turnbuckle, he gives the audience an enthusiastic KABOOM! and flips off of the post to the reaction of a collection of oooohhs and aaaahhhs. The crowd stands simultaneously as TNT finishes the moonsault and is met with a pair of knees. Edwin: Wowza! TNT gets too cocky and whiffs what could have finished one hell of a beating! Axis: The tide will surely turn in the favor of deKindes!? Edwin: He?s really got his balls in a blender!? King: This reminds me of a matchup I had while I possessed the coveted SWF title. You see I was wrestling- Axis and Edwin: Shut up! King: Righto. Tod stands, his face now busted open. He smiles, taking notice of the shortcoming of his misfortunate opponent. Taylor rises to his feet. deKindes, finally with the momentum of the match on his side, struggles to hit a spinebuster on the already dazed TNT. He reverberates off of the ropes and meets Taylor with a swinging neck breaker. He signals to put Taylor away, and follows through with a German suplex, forming a bridge. Edwin: He's really got his balls in a blender now! King: Would you stop saying that? Ref: One! Two! Thr- Edwin: Taylor kicks out of what I thought would surely cause a pinfall. King: Well you thought wrong! Now this former SWF champion over here was sure he would kick out. I'm right your wrong! Ha ha! Edwin: You're an idiot.? King: Yeah, well, you're an idiot times two! Booya!? Tod hits a dragon suplex. The ref begins to count, only to see TNT's lifeless hand sitting directly under the ropes. Tod, enraged about this travesty, raises Taylor and drops him back down with a scoop slam, then does the same with a front suplex. He hops up onto the turnbuckle, and comes down with a Stardust press! Axis: I think that deKindes just sealed the deal with that 450 corkscrew! Edwin: Heavens to Betsy! If he can make the cover he surely has won the match! King: Meh, I could kick out of that. Tod goes for the cover. ?Ref: One! Two! Thr- Taylor lifts his arm a mere inch off of the mat. Tod kips up, both amazed and enraged of the stubbornness of his tough opponent. He repeatedly stomps on the mat, grabs the ropes shaking them repeatedly. He yells out a German curse word as he trudges around the ring, drenched in his own blood. He grabs Taylor by the hair and jerks him off of the mat, following it up with a dropkick to the outside. Tod demonically stares at his fallen adversary for a moment, then flips over the top rope landing on the unconscious TNT! The ref begins to count to ten, but stops at five, strangely forgetting what comes after, and simply starts over from one. Edwin: At any point now both of these men could be counted out! King: Yeah if the ref could count. Edwin: Hey, it's not funny to tease the numerically impaired. King: What are you a purist? Edwin: No, I have a, um, friend who has the same problem. King: This so called friend of yours is you isn't it? Edwin: Just watch the match. Tod slowly recovers from the blow both he and TNT took, both men on their feet, they brawl their way back into the ring. Both wrestlers exchange punches, with TNT gaining the noticeable upper hand. Realizing his opponent clearly has the advantage in a brawl, Tod takes him down with a drop toehold. In a quick motion, Tod hops behind TNT and puts him in a pump handle slam position. TNT, now realizing he is being set up for a finisher shoves Tod backwards and seizes the ring ropes in his sweaty hands, desperately trying to escape. Axis: deKindes goes for his finisher the Spirit Breaker but can't quite go through with it quite yet. Tod hits several dropkicks on Taylor and then goes for the Spirit Breaker once again, with minimal results. Tod, knowing he must get TNT in a near unconscious state in order to get the finisher, goes for more power moves. He jumps on Taylor, spins around, and smashes his head into the mat. King: And TNT finds himself eating mat after a tornado DDT! Tod makes the cover! Ref: One! Two! Thr- Axis: Oh but Thompson kicks out. Tod again spikes TNT's head into the mat with a jumping piledriver! TNT gradually recovers, only to be met with a DVD! Axis: Uh oh, this is bad for TNT, it looks like Tod is setting him up for a swanton bomb! King: Yeah yeah I could kick out of that no problem. Tod begins to scale the turnbuckle, and sure enough, he hits a Swanton off of it! He goes for the cover! Ref: One! Two! Rope break! Just as the referee stated, TNT's foot was on the ropes! Edwin: TNT escapes defeat by the hair on his?uh?hairs on his chinie chin chin. King: What the hell is wrong with you? This is wrestling not the Three Little Piggies! Edwin: The Three Little Piggies rule! (singing) Who's afraid of the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, the big bad wolf. Who's afraid of the- Edwin is smacked in the face by Suicide King. King: Shut up! Edwin: Fine you party pooper. Axis: Ahem. Look at deKindes now! Tod is again enraged but instead of pulling a tantrum, he opts for finishing of his opponent. He makes a cutthroat signal to the crowd, telegraphing that the match is over. He continually stomps on the match screaming "Get up!" TNT stands to his feet, slightly hunched over. Tod hurls himself behind TNT and locks him in the pump handle slam position. TNT struggles to escape but with no luck. Edwin: This is surely the end for this explosive warrior!?Axis: I think your right Edwin, it doesn't look like TNT is having any luck dodging defeat this time! Tod lifts TNT above his head preparing for a Michinoku Driver. King: Could this mean the defeat of our dynamite combatant?? Edwin: He's really got his balls in a blender! King: Shut the hell up! Tod raises his arm in the air, already celebrating what is sure to be a victory. He struggles to keep TNT in the air. Suddenly, TNT grabs Tod's head and falls behind him in an inverted DDT position. TNT drives deKindes? head into the hard ring floor. Axis: TNT reverses the move into an inverted DDT! What a move! TNT stomps away at Tod's lifeless corpse. He delivers several knees right into Tod's calf. He picks him up, and delivers a powerbomb! Again he lifts him off the mat, and destroys him with a double arm DDT! He hooks the leg. Ref: One! Two! Thr- Tod barely kicks out. Axis: Tod's heart is still in this match! His body isn't but his heart is! TNT stands Tod up only to kick his leg out from under him! Tod holds his leg in anguish. TNT grabs both of Tod's legs and puts him in the Lion Tamer! Tod screams in pain, almost in tears. The referee asks him if he quits as Tod shoots back "NEVER!" Axis: How can Tod keep going!? Edwin: Tod truly has balls of steel! Which, I might add, are in a blender. TNT keeps his bloody and helpless opponent in the hold for a full minute until he realizes that Tod will never give up. Tod is engraved into the mat with a sideslam. TNT signals for the finish to a positive reaction from the excited audience. Axis: The tension here could be cut with a knife! King: Or a chainsaw! Edwin: Or a rubber ducky! TNT climbs the turnbuckle. Axis: Oh no! Could it be? TNT smashes Tod's limp carcass with a flying elbow. Axis: TNT destroys deKindes with a flying elbow he calls Shell Shocked! Do you know what this means Edwin? Edwin: Macho Man Randy Savage is back? King: No you moron, it means he's setting him up for Dynamite! Edwin: What?s Dynamite? King: A Tiger Driver 92! Edwin: What's a Tiger Driver 92? King: A move! ?dwin: Oh, well that's good enough for me. TNT patiently awaits Tod to regain conciseness. Tod slowly awakens from an involuntary slumber. TNT shoves him head between his legs! Axis: Oh no! TNT just shoved Tod's head in between his legs! He hooks the arms. Axis: Oh no! TNT just hooked Tod's arms! He lifts him up! Axis: Oh no! TNT just lifted Tod up in a powerbomb position! And Tod reverses it into a hurricanrana! Axis: Did you see that?! King: Um, yeah, I did. Edwin: Wowza! How did Tod find the energy to reverse that?? Axis: I don't know but he needs to follow up or else his fame and glory will be short lived! Both men come to their senses around the same time. TNT launches himself off of the ropes and performs a knee lift on Tod! Tod falls to the ground but quickly gets up. TNT swings at Tod but he dodges behind him and prepares him for a Spirit Breaker. But once again, when he goes for it TNT falls behind him. Tod spins around to face Taylor only to be kicked in the stomach. TNT quickly hooks Tod's arms and lifts him up in the air. Tod attempts to force history to repeat itself and goes for a hurricanrana. TNT, however holds on to him this time and hits Dynamite! Axis: Oh my god! The match is over! The match is over! No one has ever kicked out of that move! King: Yeah, but when you think about it, the only person he?s done it one was Mathew Kivell. Edwin: The referee makes the count! Ref: One! Axis: He can't kick out! Ref: Two! Edwin: His balls are really in a blender now! King: Stop saying that! Ref: Three!!!!!! (echo) three three three three! TNT stands up with a broad smile on his face that stretches from ear to ear. He yells "KABOOM!" at the top of his lungs, obviously satisfied with his victory. AC/DC sounds on the loud speakers signifying his win. Axis: TNT has done it! He's one the match! As TNT celebrates, Tod slowly recovers, he approaches TNT, his arm out reached. Axis: I think Tod is asking for some sort of, after match handshake. King: Duh. The two shake hands enthusiastically in an ultimate metaphor for respect. Edwin: Wow, what a match! Axis: I have to agree with you Edwin. I'm looking forward to the action theses two have to bring to us in the near future. King: We are live tonight from the Continental Airlines Arena, in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Don't touch your remotes because we'll be right back on the April 6th edition of Crimson! And don't forget, tonight the SJL is being brought to you by Instant Water: Just Add Water and I Can't Believe It's not Rat Poison! Axis: We?ll be right back! 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Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 A quick shot of the back and to Stryke's locker room we go, where the room is dimly lit and only the demented face of Stryke can be seen. Poor lighting has concealed the identity of the figure that stands beside Stryke but the camera focuses in on Stryke, and Stryke only. "(Stryke) Of course, you New Jersey fans already know me. You know me from my fights, my battles, the blood I spewed, the blood I poured, the blood I spit. You know me from my losses, as well as my wins. You know me from my journey from the deepest of the swamps to get to where I am today. You know me as Stryke.... I'm not here to make fun of you people. I'm here to apologize. On Metal, I acted like a fool, a pathetic fool who had no guidance whatsoever. I insulted the city, I insulted the fans, but most importantly, I insulted myself. As most of you know, Erek Taylor and myself have not been getting along lately. Is it because of greed? Jealousy? Envy? I could care less about the kid but he's got one thing I want. It's that thing that's strapped around his waist. The ultimate prize. I begin my interview by asking how such a kid can win the JL's most prostigious prize in half a year, when most take twice that time to get there. What did he do that is so unique? Is he a good fighter? The answer is no. Is he that fast? I can match him speed to speed. So why is it that he has the title and I don't? You want the answer? The answer is power. Kid's got power. In other words, he's got power in high places. He's a member of X Force 9, a stable I cannot imagine to last this long. In that stable, most of its members have either been promoted to the WF or have left a mark on the JL. Let's look at Longdogger Pete, shall we? He's a former Champion, a Champion that I came so close to beating. LDP's success has left the Commissioner blind to the facts. The Commissioner is blind. He cannot see that Erek Taylor should be fighting with the likes of Cutthroat instead of standing tall at the top of the mountain. He cannot see that Ash Ketchum should be looking for money, instead of wasting time in the league with no way to go. Putting him against me? Mismatch. We have not had a dominant Champion for a long time. The last Dominant Champion there was, his name was the Hville Thugg. He was competitive, he was strong, he was feared. I hold all those qualities and more. I am not a slow big brute, I am agile, I am fast, I am deadly. I do not go around, holding a stick and make X-rated films for a hobby. I train, I fight, I destroy. It's amusing how Erek Taylor thinks this is all fun and games. We're not at the circus, kid. This is reality. If you step in a wolf's trap you *will* get killed. I know you're watching Taylor. You're probably wondering how I got into my locker room on Metal. Isn't it obvious? I've got the tools and you're providing me hardly a challenge. I've got a score to settle with you. You be careful. And isn't it funny how revenge can bring two strangers together and make them friends? I'm grateful that it's happened to me. So cameraman, focus out on her..." The camera zooms out a bit, now with the figure in the picture. The figure steps into the light, revealing to be a young and beautiful girl. Her brown hair moves around, like the gentle waves of the ocean. Her body is extravagant, as if she was a goddess. "(Stryke) Erek, I don't know if you remember this girl but I'll introduce her to you anyway. Her name is Karen. Ain't she a catch. She's told me all about you.... your habits..... your parties.... almost everything. She's also told me what you did to her and I must say it's a big no-no. After all, she's going to help me take you down. Take care Taylor. And watch your back." The cameras begin to fade, giving one last look to the world at the Beauty..... and the Beast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 “Dude, you’re getting a dell!” is the last thing heard before SJL Crimson takes over the airway once again after a short commercial break. The camera freezes on the commentary team after panning the outside parking lot. (Axis) “WELCOME BACK TO CRIMSON!” (Edwin) “We’ve got a match between two of England’s finest, The Dark Reaper and the returning Jack the Ripper.” The camera switches to the screen before the Suicide King can insult Edwin. The screen shows Jack the Ripper’s and the Dark Reaper’s last match together in which Jack the Ripper burns half of the Reaper’s face and inflicts an extreme amount of pain upon him. (Edwin) “These two have some serious issues to settle!” (Axis) “That they do.” The Suicide King is interrupted once again right before he fires off an insult by the eerie riffs of Marilyn Manson’s “Redeemer.” Pictures of London (particularly cemeteries) begin flashing across the screen in such an eerie way that it sets the setting perfectly for a 19th century serial killer. (Axis) “…And there is Jack the Ripper. He’s going to have quite the challenge in beating the giant that is known as the Dark Reaper.” (Edwin) “I’d suspect that the Dark Reaper is going to want some payback from the Ripper for what he did back in the IGNJL that took him out for months.” “You’ll taste my PAAAAAAAAAAAIN!” Jack makes his way down the ring with an undecipherable look. Jack shoots dirty looks at little kids and adults alike as he makes his way down to the ring. (Funyon) “INTRODUCING FIRST, WEIGHING IN AT 178 pounds, JAAAAACK THE RIIIIIIIIIIPPER!” The Ripper takes off his top hat and throws it to the crowd, spitting at the young man who caught it, he then flings his trench coat at on the commentary table like it’s his own personal coat hanger. (Axis) “1 minute in and he’s already acting like his old snobby self.” Jack seems to direct a symphony of boos and chants of “Jack the A-hole” that was only so common back when Jack the Ripper was in the “Others.” He hops into the ring and tests the ropes before taking a stutter step towards Funyon. The boos are interrupted and changed to cheers as loud thuds start coming from the speakers. A large man walking down a dark alley is shown on the screen as Puddle of Mudd’s “Control” hits and the Reaper wastes no time making his way down to the ring. “I’M BACK” The Dark Reaper makes his way down to cheers and a chant of “kick his a**.” He has a dark, grim look on his face and it looks like he wants to smash in someone’s face. (Funyon) “HIS OPPONENT, WEIGHING IN AT 300 POUNDS, THE DARK REEEEEEAPER!” The Reaper starts jogging down the ring and he jumps on the apron, quickly jumping back off dodging one of Jack’s punches. The Reaper takes a few steps to the left and he tries it again, but he once again finds himself jumping back off, dodging one of Jack’s punches. (Axis) “This is how Jack wrestles, he takes every single dirty advantage he can find. And he’ll need every advantage he can get to beat the Dark Reaper. The referee gets in Jack’s way so that the Reaper, but before the Reaper can make his way up the Ripper greets him with a stomp to the head and two fast punches, Jack then backs out of the Dark one’s way. “DING! DING! DING!” Both Jack the Ripper and the Reaper circle around each other waiting for the other one to break. Jack lunges at the Reaper thinking it’ll be better than the 7’05 monster lunging at him. Both lock up and the Ripper manages to get the Reaper in a headlock, but the Reaper rams Jack the Ripper right into the turnbuckle before administrating a neck breaker to the much smaller man. The Reaper goes for a pin. 1 . . . KICK OUT (Axis) “It’s way too early in the match for that.” The Reaper yanks Jack up like a broken toy and whips him into the opposite turnbuckle. WHAM! The Reaper then runs at Jack the Ripper meaning to sandwich him Jack between himself and the turnbuckle but the Ripper gets a boot up and then climbs up the turnbuckle immediately drop kicking the Reaper in the head from the 2nd rope. (King) “Now burn the rest of his face!” The Ripper then gets up, a sadistic look comes over his face as he steps toward the Reaper, he picks up his foot and jams it into the left side of the Reaper’s face (the injured part). Jack grinds his boot into the Reaper’s injured face and more than reopens the old scar. (Edwin) “Didn’t Jack the Ripper cause that injury by burning the Reaper’s face?” (Axis) “Yes, he did. That sadistic, cheap, low… Jack finishes up grinding his boot into the Reaper’s scar and then he finishes off by stomping on the face oozing with blood. The Ripper backs up and lets the Reaper roll around holding his face and moaning. (Edwin) “You have to hand it to him, he’s one of the only men in this federation who can make someone bleed so quickly into a match without a weapon.” (Axis) “He’s also one of the only men cheap enough to use these tactics.” Jack then unleashes himself, delivering punches and kicks of all kinds onto the Dark Reaper. Then he pulls the Reaper up and whips him into the rope. (Axis) “These two have some dark history, hopefully it will be settled tonight.” The Reaper bounces back and Jack delivers a kick to the stomach and then he pulls the Reaper’s head under his pelvis and pulls one arm up, then two, and then he pedigrees the Reaper. (Axis) “This could end here!” The Ripper wastes no time at all, he quickly up the turnbuckle, shoots the fans a dark look and goes for the Swanton bomb, but nobodies home, the Dark Reaper had rolled away. (Edwin) “Owww” Both Jack the Ripper and the Reaper lay on the mat for a moment trying to catch a breath. (Edwin) “The Reaper’s bleeding pretty badly, just look at all that blood from that reopened scar. Both Jack the Ripper and the Reaper make it to their feet at approximately the same time, but the Reaper a little before. The Reaper throws one of his stone hard punches that causes Jack to lose some ground. The Ripper fires back with a couple of his rapid thunder punches but the Reaper doesn’t budge. The Reaper retaliates with another stone hard punch and then a whip into the ropes. Jack bounces back only to receive a large boot to the face before the Reaper goes for a cover. 1 . . . 2 . . KICK OUT! The Reaper lifts his head up, shooting a dark menacing look at the referee before pulling Jack the Ripper up and throwing a few hard punches at him and then picking the Ripper up by the neck and tossing him onto the mat. (Edwin) “Goodnight Jack.” The Reaper goes for another pin. 1 . . . 2 . KICK OUT! The Reaper gets up, pulling Jack up with him and whips him back first into the turnbuckle. The Dark Reaper walks over and delivers a couple punches holding Jack the Ripper by his hair and then delivering 4 karate chops to his chest. The Reaper then grabs hold of Jacks arm and climbs up onto the turnbuckle. Jack throws several punches and he knocks the Reaper back onto the mat. Jack shoves him up against the turnbuckle before grabbing hold of the Reaper’s hair and bulldogging him. (Edwin) “There’s a nice bulldog!” The Ripper then rolls the Reaper over and climbs up the turnbuckle. Then he jumps off backwards and does the shooting star before going for a pin. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 “DING! DING! DING!” (Axis) “JACK THE RIPPER WINS! THE RIPPER WINS! THE RIPPER WINS!” Jack the Ripper makes his way to his feet as Marilyn Manson’s “Redeemer” hits and the fans erupt with a volcano of boos. Jack stands up on the turnbuckle and starts shouting at the crowd. The Reaper slowly gets up, and when Jack hops down and turns around and the Reaper lifts the Ripper up into a reverse Death Valley lock, but then he raises him higher and drops Jack’s back right onto his knee. The fans burst with cheers as Puddle of Mudd’s “Control” hits and the Reaper slides out the ring. (Axis) “That’s actually called the Jack Breaker. It’s the first time he’s done the move to the man it was created for.” (Edwin) “I think it did break him!” “I hate the way you make me feel…” And at that Crimson cuts back to the likes of Subway’s Jared and the Dell computer boy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 We return from the commercial break to a shot of one of the many exits of the Contenential Airlines Arena. With a soft 'squeak', the door opens. Stepping through, in street clothes, is... Axis: "That's Ced Ordonez!" Suicide King: "...Late. Don't you *fine* guys who show up like this, Edwin?" Edwin: "And WHO, exactly, got here three minutes before the opening match?" Suicide King: "Urr..." Axis: "We saw Ced take some serious head trauma on Metal, and the look on his face tells me that he isn't completely recovered, folks." Ced slings his duffel bag over his shoulder and goes to open his locker room door, until he sees somebody running at him in the corner of his eye. Startled, he tosses his bag aside prepares to battle. However, Ced drops his guard once he recognizes the man. Axis chimes in to identify him. Axis: “It's Z, Ced’s partner for tonight’s match!” Sicide King: "Outstanding, the peanut gallery. I was hoping I'd only have to see him once tonight." Z has a very goofy expression on his face as he presents Ced with another duffel bag. Actually, more like shoving it into Ced’s chest before Ced finally takes it into his arms. Ced looks perplexed as he glances at the bag and back at Z. Ced: “What’s this supposed to be?” Z: “Well, seeing as we’re going be tag team tonight, I thought it’d be hella cool if we showed some unity, so I made us some hella cool tights! Your tights are in that bag you’re holding!” Ced zips open the bag and takes a gander at his partner’s proposed outfit and suddenly the look of shock overcomes him. He closes the bag again and tries to regain his composure. Ced looks at Z and takes a deep breath before giving a response. Ced: “Uhhhh…well, I really, um, appreciate the gesture, but I really don’t feel like wearing this tonight.” Z: "Whadda' ya mean!? These look ten times better than your boring old tights!" Ced: Look, they're very nice but--" Z: "I even did all the stitching myself! I don't even have a sewing machine!" Ced: "But it's just that--" Z: "I even used glittery thread! I mean, I spent HOURS sewing the little SD Ced's onto the tights!" Ced: "Well--" Z: "That's okay if you dont wanna' wear them... -sniff- I'll just take them b- -sob- back home an... an.." (His bottom lip quivers.) Ced: "No, just don't--" Z: I... I... WHAAAAAAAAAANNNN! (He drops to his knees, sobbing uncontrolably.) Ced: "Hey, it's not so bad! I mean, we could--" Z: "WHAAAAAAAANNN!" (Ced winces, and sighs defeatedly.) Ced: “OK! OK! Calm down. If it’ll make you feel better I’ll wear this tonight. Cool?” Z jumps up from the floor, as Ced does a double take. Z hops up and down, completely ecstatic that Ced will wear his specially made tights. Z: “WOO HOO!!!" Ced: "Weren't you just..." Z: "Thankyouthankyouthankyou THANK YOU! See you tonight, Ced!” Z hoppity-skips away merrily as Ced opens the bag again to look at the tights and cringes. Ced, closes the bag up again, picks up his own bag and disappears behind his locker room door. Axis: “Man, what do you suppose those tights look like?” Edwin: “They’re made by Z, so I’m really afraid to ask. You don’t suppose they’re going to come out wearing pink sequined floral flocks, do you?” Suicide King: “C'mon, that's more your style. Besides even Z’s not that foolish…” Dead silence falls over the announcers as the camera focuses on the “Ced Ordonez” placard on the door before cutting to another commercial. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Funyon: "This match is a one-on-one battle, and it is for one fall!" Right after Funyon finishes, the Continental Airlines Arena goes dark. The banging of the drumsticks followed by the beat gets fans to their feet. The first series of beats sets the pyros going off from the left side. "They're trying to build a prison..." The second series of beats starts a pyro line from the right. "They're trying to build a prison..." The third series of beats...nothing. BOOM! A huge explosion in the middle of the entranceway rocks East Rutherford off of its foundation, and the fans go crazy as System of a Down's "Prison Song" begins. As Randy Turner emerges from the smoke of the explosion, the fans take their cheering up a notch. Turner recognizes this, and flexes his considerate muscle mass to the crowd, showing himself off. Turner has a huge grin on his a face, continuing to pose as Funyon continues what he does best. Funyon: "Introducing first, weighing in at 268 pounds, and hailing from Fort Worth, Texas, he is RRRRANDY TUR-NERRRR!" With that, Turner makes his way down to the ring, slapping a few hands of some very lucky fans in the front rows as he walks down the aisle way. As Turner approaches ringside, a sign is shown saying "TURNER RULZ", and the camera then cuts to another sign that read "TURNER FOR PREZ". Axis: "Well, it would seem that Randy Turner has already built quite the fanbase here in the SJL, in such a short time!" Edwin: "It'll happen when you get covered with nacho cheese and still manage to beat the tar out of your opponents!" King: "Too bad Frost is undefeated and going for the TV title while this two-bit Texan is wrestling a loser." Edwin: "What's so bad about Texans?" King: "Well, you know what they say...only two things come out of Texas." Edwin: "Beer and Mexicans?" King and Axis stare at Edwin in astonishment. Edwin: "What did I say?" King: "...Nevermind." Turner enters the ring, and gets up on the turnbuckle, flexing his muscles for the crowd. Some women are screaming in the crowd, at the build of Turner. However, the screams from the adoring fans are silenced by a sudden blackout. Some fans have already anticipated this entrance, and are already on their feet. KABOOM! A huge explosion fills the arena with light, and the fans, and "My Way" by Limp Bizkit kicks in. The fans immediately go nuts, as Cutthroat comes through the curtain. He poses for the crowd, making them, especially the ladies, go crazy. Cutthroat then turns his attention to Turner, who is staring a hole right through him from the middle of the ring. Cutthroat begins his walk to the ring. Axis: "For those of you wondering, this match came about following an interview with Cutthroat. The two had a confrontation backstage, and Cutthroat, determined to finally win a match in the SJL, challenged Randy Turner to a match!" King: "What a dilemma! Two crappy wrestlers in the ring, at the same time! Who can I root for?" Cutthroat jumps up onto the apron, and flips over the ropes. Turner just steps off to the side as Cutthroat goes to the second rope, and plays to the fans, who give him all the cheers he can handle. Cutthroat takes off his shirt, getting a reaction from the ladies, before throwing it on the turnbuckle. He then takes off his sunglasses and then just chucks them randomly into the crowd. We get a shot of the lucky fan who got it, a quite lovely looking young girl. Cutthroat then turns to face his opponent for the match, who has a stone look in his eyes, the kind of look that could kill. ::DING DING DING:: As the match begins, both competitors step away from the corners they were currently residing in, and immediately, it looks like a one-sided battle. The much larger Turner seems to loom over Cutthroat. However, Cutthroat, not to be intimidated, gets close to Turner and looks him straight in the eye. They begin a lengthy staredown. Edwin: "I think I saw Turner blink." Axis: "Come on, guys, we didn't come here to watch a staring contest, we came here to watch you guys fight!" King: "They can't hear you, you know." Edwin: "And yet, you still manage to hear the voices in your head that call you the best SWF wrestler ever. Amazing." Finally, Cutthroat ends the staredown, chucking a right hand, getting enough height to clock Turner in the right side of his face. Turner, almost caught by surprise by this offensive from Cutthroat, staggers backwards a step or two, and then comes back with a left hand of his own, sending Cutthroat reeling as well. Cutthroat, tired of this punching game, charges at Turner, prepared to strike. Cutthroat jumps to perform a sensational guillotine kick, but Turner dodges the kick, and as Cutthroat lands on his feet and turns around, he runs right into a huge clothesline from Turner, generating some "Ooh"s from the crowd, and sending Cutthroat straight down to the mat, his head bouncing up a few times before falling flat on the mat. After that vicious clothesline, Turner stands there and flexes his muscles for the crowd. Axis: "Ouch! What a clothesline from Turner! It seems that Turner has the early advantage in this battle!" After posing for the crowd, Turner turns his attention towards Cutthroat, who is starting to move around after that clothesline, yet not on his feet yet. Turner, taking his time, slowly brings Cutthroat to his feet. Turner then knees Cutthroat in the gut, bending Cutthroat over before Turner grabs Cutthroat in a front facelock. Turner then lifts up Cutthroat up in the air, and just holds him there. Edwin: "Wow! What an impressive showing of strength from Turner!" Axis: "The blood has got to be rushing to his head like mad! What do you say about this, King?" King: (sarcastically) "Oh, this is just the most exciting match ever! What a slobberknocker!" As King says that, Turner finally drops himself backwards, sending Cutthroat crashing to the mat with a stalling vertical suplex. Turner then gets right back to his feet, and picks up Cutthroat again. However, Cutthroat somehow senses what's going on, and turns the tables on Turner, crashing a knee into the collegiate champion's gut. Bending over, Cutthroat seizes the advantage, grabs Turner's head, and crashes it into the mat with a big facebuster, as the crowd explodes into cheers. Cutthroat is the one who poses for the crowd, and the crowd eats it all up, until they realize what Cutthroat doesn't: Turner is already back to his feet. Turner charges at Cutthroat, but Cutthroat turns just in time to dodge a clothesline from Turner. Turner runs into the turnbuckle, and on his way back, Cutthroat blasts Turner with a dropkick to the back of Turner's head, sending Turner down to the mat. Cutthroat then goes for the cover, as Anthony Michael Hall slides in to count the pinfall. Hall: ONE! TWO! Turner kicks out with authority at two, almost sending Cutthroat flying over the top rope. Axis: "That might have been a little too close for comfort for Turner. He might want to start putting in some offense of his own pretty soon." Cutthroat is already to his feet by the time Turner gets there, and Cutthroat takes advantage of this, running up to Turner, jumping, spinning, and connecting with a kick right to the face of Turner, sending Turner back down to the mat. Edwin: "Ooh! That one might leave a mark on Turner. What a devastating kick from Cutthroat!" Instead of going for the pin following that kick, Cutthroat slowly picks Turner up to his feet, and then puts Turner's head under Cutthroat's arm. Cutthroat then, with great quickness, quickly brings the big man down with a snap suplex that sends Turner whiplashing off the mat. Axis: "Amazing! Cutthroat managed to find enough strength to put down the big man with a nice snap suplex!" King: "The only thing amazing about this match is that people are still here to watch it. What else is on TV, anyways?" The crowd still going crazy, Cutthroat finally goes for the pin. Hall: ONE! TWO! THR- Turner somehow manages to kick out before he is majorly upset by Cutthroat. Axis: "Ooh! Cutthroat was so close to a huge upset over Turner! I don't know how Turner managed to kick out before that three count, but he must have dug down deep for that one!" Cutthroat, now starting to get frustrated over these close falls, goes over to Turner, and looks to be going for the kill as he drags Turner to his feet. However, Turner somehow manages to hit a big clothesline as he rises to his feet, sending Cutthroat down to the mat, and hard. Edwin: "Where did that come from? Turner has just turned the tables on Cutthroat, as this seesaw battle continues!" King: "I've seen battles over seesaws more exciting than this, MacPhisto." Now in some form of control, Turner picks up Cutthroat, and delivers a knee to Cutthroat's gut, bending him over. Turner then takes Cutthroat and puts him between his legs and hooks Cutthroat's arms. Axis: "Uh-oh..." Turner then falls backwards, tossing Cutthroat over his head, and sending Cutthroat crashing to the mat with a picture-perfect overhead double underhook suplex. Edwin: "What a great move by Turner!" Turner, seizing an opportunity, immediately scurries over to Cutthroat and covers him. Hall: ONE! TWO! Cutthroat will have none of this, however, as he gets his shoulder up before the count of three. Axis: "Very close pinfall there, folks." Before Cutthroat even has a chance to get to his feet, Turner grabs Cutthroat's left arm, and applies an armbar on the ground. Axis: "Cutthroat might be in trouble here, unless he can break this hold..." Cutthroat begins to inch to his right to try and get to the rope. The crowd starts to get behind Cutthroat, and they seem to get louder and louder as he gets closer and closer to the rope. However, the closer he gets, Turner just turns up the heat on the armbar. Cutthroat looks to be in too much pain, and seems to be ready to tap out. Edwin: "He's so close to the ropes! He can't give up now!" Cutthroat gets one last bit of energy, and somehow grabs the rope with his right arm, generating a big pop from the crowd as Anthony tells Turner to break the hold. Axis: "I don't know how he did it, but somehow, Cutthroat has broken the armbar hold and this match will continue!" Edwin: "I can't see that left arm of Cutthroat's lasting too much longer, though." Turner is on his feet after breaking the armbar, and he's none to happy with it. Cutthroat, still on the ground and trying to gather his thoughts as he holds his left arm, is quickly brought to his feet by Turner. However, he doesn't stay on his feet for long, as Turner quickly puts a boot into Cutthroat's stomach, locks a front facelock on, and then drops him head-first into the mat with a crushing DDT, bringing in some more "Ooh"s from the crowd as Cutthroat almost bounces off the mat with his head. Edwin: "Ooh! That has got to put some serious pressure on the head of Cutthroat! I don't know if he can hang on, Axis!" Axis: "Well, Turner surely has the size advantage over Cutthroat, so there isn't much Cutthroat can do along the lines of power moves." Edwin: "I don't know...I don't think size will matter in this match up. In fact, I don't think size ever matters in anything." King: "That's not what your girlfriend was saying last night." Edwin, with an angered look in his face, turns quickly to SK. Edwin: "You wouldn't dare..." King: "Of course not! Why would I even want to touch that flea-ridden disease pool? I sure wouldn't want to, that you can bet on..." Edwin: "Why you sonuva..." Axis has to restrain Edwin from going after the King of Hearts. King: "Ooh, I'm soo scared of MacPhisto. Please don't hurt me, Mr. Commish sir!" Meanwhile, going back to the action, Turner is looking to inflict more punishment on Cutthroat, as Cutthroat is brought to his feet again. Turner whips Cutthroat into the ropes, and as he comes back, Cutthroat is caught in what looks to be a bearhug. However, after about 3 seconds of hugging Cutthroat, Turner viciously falls backwards, tossing Cutthroat over his head and sending him crashing to the mat with a quite vicious overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Axis: "What a move from Turner! That has got to be it!" Turner goes over to Cutthroat, who seems to be out of it, and goes for the cover. Hall: ONE! TWO! THR- Cutthroat gets his shoulder up again! Axis: "Wow! Cutthroat just won't give up! He really wants to take this match against Turner!" Edwin: "Both men have got to be ravaged at this point, this match has gone on for a while now, and you just have to believe that they are a little tired." Turner is getting very frustrated at this point, and he turns the crowd and signals for the Victimizer. The crowd begins to go nuts as Turner brings Cutthroat to his feet for the kill, but Cutthroat elbows Turner in the gut, staggering Turner backwards in shock. Cutthroat takes this chance, and as Turner gets back to his senses, Cutthroat plants a huge kick right into the chest of Turner, sending Turner down to the mat, and hard. The Cutthroataholics go nuts as Cutthroat goes for the cover. Hall: ONE! TWO! THR- Turner kicks out, but just barely before the count of three. Edwin: "OH! Cutthroat was SO close!" Axis: "But there's no way that Turner will give up that easily. This man is a fighter." Back to the action, Cutthroat seems to have a slight advantage on Turner now, as he goes over to pick Turner up off the mat. Turner then gets a knee to his gut, and gets his head put in between Cutthroat's legs. Cutthroat hooks Turner's arms, and then, with seemingly all of the strength he has left, picks up Turner, and drives him down with a Tiger Driver, Turner's head spiking into the ground, seemingly almost to kill him. Cutthroat, instead of trying to turn it into a pin combo, bounces off the impact of the Tiger Driver and lands near Turner. Edwin: "How did he do that?" Axis: "Cutthroat dug down deep for that one, and he planted Turner right on his head with a vicious Tiger Driver! That has got to be it!" The fans are going apeshit at this point, as Cutthroat crawls over to Turner's body and goes for the cover, the crowd counts along with Anthony Michael Hall as he swings around to the mat to make the fall. Hall: ONE! TWO! THRE- The crowd erupts in a sea of "Oh!"s, as Turner somehow gets his shoulder up to break out of the pin. Cutthroat holds his face in his hands, and the frustration just seems to get bigger and bigger for both men. Cutthroat can't believe that this match is still going on! He then looks towards the turnbuckle, and walks towards it, most likely for a high-risk move. Axis: "What could Cutthroat be planning here?" Cutthroat scales the turnbuckles, ending up on the top. Edwin: "This could be the shooting star press...if he hits this, it might spell the end for Turner! I don't care how tough this man is, Cutthroat might have the match won right here!" After about 3 seconds, Cutthroat begins his flip through the shooting star press. As if a rug was pulled out from under his legs, Cutthroat continues his journey around, and his face is able to see the mat, he can't be liking the fact that Randy Turner isn't there. Randy rolls out of the way, avoiding the shooting star press, as Cutthroat plants his face right into the mat, starting another round of "Ooh!"s from the crowd. Turner, who could possibly go for a cover, is exhausted, and instead opts to try and regain some of his strength. Axis: "Both men are down, and it seems neither of them can really take an advantage at this point!" Edwin: "You can bet that Turner will be hoping for a second wind after dodging that shooting star press, even though it was very close." Anthony Michael begins to administer a 10 count as he sees that neither man plans on getting up anytime soon. Hall: ONE!...TWO!...THREE! Turner and Cutthroat both seem to be showing a little movement, but no effort to get to their feet quite yet... Hall: FOUR!...FIVE!...SIX! Turner is now on one knee, as Cutthroat also attempts to get to his feet... Hall: SEVEN!...EIGHT! At this point, Cutthroat is nearly on his feet, as Turner still attempts to get up there... Hall: NINE! Edwin: "Both men are on their feet!" The fans clap in recognition of the hell both men have put themselves through at this point, but Turner starts up the action quickly. Cutthroat, backed up against the corner where he missed the shooting star press, moves out of the way of Turner, and, for some reason, Anthony Michael Hall is RIGHT there, as he takes the blunt of a vicious clothesline from Turner. The crowd lets out its loudest round of "Ooh!"s as Hall crashes to the mat, and starts holding his head and neck in pain. Turner, in shock of what he just did, doesn't see Cutthroat sizing him up. Turner looks to Cutthroat, and all he sees is the heel of Cutthroat's boot. Axis: "SLICE KICK! CUTTHROAT GOT THE SLICE KICK!" The fans are almost rioting at this point in joy, as Cutthroat, exhausted, pins Turner, hooking his leg. Crowd: ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! Axis: "Oh man! Anthony Michael Hall is still out from Turner's clothesline!" Cutthroat notices this, and doesn't even get up from where he pinned Turner. He crawls over to Hall, and shakes him to get him to pay attention to the match. Hall begins to get to his senses, as Cutthroat then turns around and pins Turner again. Edwin: "This might be it..." Hall: ...ONE! ...TWO! ...THR-- Axis: "Turner kicked out! Turner kicked out!" Edwin: "Oh, Cutthroat was VERY close that time!" Cutthroat can't believe it. Turner kicked out, again! This time from the Slice Kick! Hall, who is pretty much back into the match, watches on as Cutthroat approaches Turner. Cutthroat, exhausted, slowly drags an equally exhausted Turner to his feet, and then signals for the Final Cutter! Edwin: "This could be it...!" With the Cutthroataholics going nuts, Cutthroat gets Turner in a front facelock, and then runs for the middle rope. He springboards off of it, but Turner somehow counters the momentum of the move, grabs Cutthroat, and hits a modified spinebuster, driving Cutthroat into the mat, and hard. Back at the announce table, Edwin and Axis are in shock. Axis: "...How did he counter that?" Edwin: "I'm just as puzzled as you are!" The fans are in shock as well, as Turner groggily walks over to Cutthroat and gets Cutthroat to his feet. Turner then gets his right arm across the neck of Cutthroat and hooks the left leg of Cutthroat. Axis: "This could be it...this could be..." Turner then falls back, tossing Cutthroat over his head as Cutthroat crashes into the mat, and the fans go absolutely nuts, some breaking out into chants of "HOLY SHIT!" Axis: "It is! The Victimizer!" Edwin: "That has got to be it for Cutthroat! This match has got to be over with!" Turner crawls, rather slowly, over to the body of Cutthroat, which doesn't seem to be doing much at all. Turner hooks the leg for a pin, as Hall slides down to make the pin. Hall: ONE! TWO! THREE! :: DING DING DING :: The fans act like Homer Simpson without TV and beer, and go crazy as Turner, in shock himself that he somehow managed to win that match, gets his hand raised by Anthony Michael Hall as Turner tries to gather himself on the ground, battered and taken to the limit by the gutsy Cutthroat. Funyon: "Here is your winner via pinfall, RRRRRANDY TUR-NERRRR!" The crowd continues to cheer, as they have just seen one hell of a match between these two. Axis: "What a match. Both men gave it their all, and in the end, Turner somehow managed to pull of a victory after the Victimizer." Edwin: "Major props go out to Cutthroat for one hell of a job well done. He really gave it to Turner, and I'm sure that's a match that Turner will have trouble forgetting. Axis: "What did you think of the match, King?" King: "...Huh?" Axis: "What did you think of the match?" King: "What match?" 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Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 We fade into the classic shot of the Fallen Angel, Shawn Brody, shown over the Smarks Tron. He stands backstage with Melissa at his side, her hand wrapped around his waist as he holds the mic to his lips. “Tom Flesher... my apprentice or protégé, if you will. I know you’re still wondering why I attacked you and I know you’re still thinking the match over in your head: Boilermaker, pin, low blow... and then it all goes fuzzy. Well Tom, I’m going to clear everything up for you.” “You see Tom, it’s not about that belt you carry around your waist or how cocky a son of bitch you are. If it were, you wouldn’t be carrying that belt at all. This is about something else. It’s about something a little more deep-rooted. This is about you and me, Tom.” “Ever since I saw you rolling around in dark matches, I saw potential. I saw the Superior One dazzle like a diamond in the rough. So you know what I did? After foreseeing my Clan brethren leave for bigger and better prizes in the WF, I thought to myself about how that would leave me all alone in the JL with no one to watch my back... and then I remembered you. After thinking it over, I scooped you up from curtain jerking and made a little investment, putting my name behind you backing you until you are where you stand today as the European champion.” “I’m not saying I put that belt around your waist but without me, you might still waiting for your TV debut as the higher-ups say, ‘It’s still not your time, Tom. You’ll just have to wait like the others.’ You see, I’ve done a lot for you. Well, more than you’d think at least. I was involved in your career before you even knew who I was. I took you under my wing and taught you the ropes. I did everything I could to insure your success, even when I had to go behind your back so you didn’t know.” “I’ve done everything for you, man, and then you can’t help me out in a match you KNOW I needed it in? Ced Ordonez was the ref? I mean, C’mon! You can’t stack the cards much higher against me! Hell, even I knew I was going to lose without a little back up. You know I’ve always had your back, man, not just as my ‘investment’ but as a friend and I trusted you with my back but no... you can’t even lend me a hand?” [Axis chimes in. “Oh c’mon on! Flesher was on a late flight.”] “I’VE DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU... and all I expected was for you to watch my back. Maybe now I see things clear. Yeah... maybe now I know when it comes down to it, I can’t count on old Tom Flesher to make the save. Maybe you were just to wrapped up in your Euro Title match with MVS that you forgot about Shawn Brody, the one man who had faith in you this whole time. You know what, Tom? You’ve lost my faith and right now you’ve lost my respect.” “This isn’t about my TV title or your Euro so you can breathe easy. This is about you and me. Do you still call yourself the Superior One, Tom? Well it looks like I’m going to have to out there tonight and burst your bubble. I’m going to show you who is the REAL Superior One!” “Oh and Tom, you won’t have to worry about carrying me tonight as you know I’m the one man in the League who can stand on his own, you’ll just have to worry about..... surviving.” With that the Fallen Angel heads down the hallway, Melissa following closely. [“Some strong words here by Brody. We’ll see how that comes to ahead later tonight!”] Fader... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 (The camera comes back from commercial, panning the arena as the fans go CRAZY at SJL Crimson.) Axis: I can?t believe I?m calling this next match. Edwin: What do you?OOOOOOOOHHHH. THAT match. King: No way is it time for that match. Axis: I?m afraid so. Ladies and gentlemen, this next match?well, it?s a shocker to all of us here at the announcing table, as well to most of these fans in the arena and at home. See, for the longest time, the World TV Title has meant that a wrestler is up and coming?ready to step into the spotlight. Ash Ketchum back in the old IGNML days, ?The Fallen Angel? Shawn Brody, who held the title for a month. And now, ladies and gentlemen, you can add?the Steak Sauce Covered Bastard to that list?because in one of the biggest upsets in recent memory, T-Bone defeated Kojack on Crimson to become to the new SJL World Television Champion. Tonight, he faces one of the brightest stars in the SJL. He is also one of the coldest. That man?is Frost. Edwin: Frost DOES have one thing going for him. He beat T-Bone in T-Bone?s return match?and he is undefeated. Frost just might have what it takes. King: I swear that if T-Bone wins?I?ll just die. I can?t take it. T-Bone is HORRIBLE! Axis: King, why don?t you just give a guy some respect? King: Axis, why don?t you just get a spoon so you can eat my ass? Edwin: Guys, why don?t we just go to Funyon, who has the ring intros! DING! DING! DING! Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the Smarks Junior League World Television Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Reykjavik, Iceland. He weighs 296 pounds?this?ISSSSSSSSS...FROSSSSSST! (Blue Oyster Cult?s ?Cities on Flame with Rock n? Roll? blares over the loudspeakers, and Frost strides out to the ring with boos coming from the fans. He raises his clenched fist at the top of the ramp and the crowd boos even louder.) Axis: Wow, Frost is just ice cold. Dean Malenko has nothing on Frost when it comes to coldness. Funyon: And his opponent?from Sonoma, California. He weighs 275 pounds. The Smarks Junior League World Television Championnnn?The Steak Sauce Covered Bastard?TEEEEEEEEEE-BOOOOOOOOOONE! (The arena goes dark, and the sounds of AC/DC?s ?Hell?s Bells? fills the arena, as the fans rise to their feet at the sound of the first bong. The SWFTron shows T-Bone?s ass-kicking he received at the hands of Red Storm Rising, but in the great irony that is E-Wrestling, T-Bone walks out and he has the World TV Title around his waist as the lights flash all over the arena, and the fans start cheering loudly. T-Bone starts strutting to the ringside area, and he climbs to the apron. He grabs his A-1 Sauce, takes a swig, and tosses it to the fans. He takes off his belt, and as he raises it to the sky, he spews out the A-1 Sauce and steps into the ring.) Axis: The NEW World Television Champion, T-Bone, is ready to fight off against Frost! DING! DING! DING! (T-Bone steps out of his corner, and Frost steps out of his. They walk to the center of the ring, and touch chests, staring into each other coldly.) Axis: This is an electric atmosphere. T-Bone! Frost! World TV Title! It?s ON TONIGHT on Crimson! Edwin: Damn, what a staredown. King: BORING! Let?s wrestle already! (Frost pushes T-Bone back, and T-Bone stumbles back to his corner. He looks at Frost with a look of determination and rushes the big man with a clothesline, but Frost ducks. T-Bone turns around to see Frost grab him around the neck, and then grab him between his legs. He lifts T-Bone up and holds him over his head. He yells out at the fans, and then pushes T-Bone over his shoulder and slams him on his back. T-Bone grabs his back and rolls on his stomach.) Axis: This just in?Frost is a monster! What a Gorilla Press! King: Hmmmmm?he just might have what it takes! (Frost picks T-Bone up by his hair and brings him over to the ropes. He throws a forearm that nails T-Bone square in the face. He then throws him to the opposite ropes. T-Bone bounces off and Frost catches him by grabbing around his waist and spinning him laterally, looking for the tilt-o-whirl slam. T-Bone spins out and lands on his feet. Frost throws a clothesline, but T-Bone ducks and grabs around Frost?s waist. He tries to lift him up, but Frost grabs the wrists and breaks out. He then spins around and hits T-Bone on the side of his face with his fist, knocking T-Bone backwards. He then bounces off the near ropes and runs at T-Bone, clotheslining him out of his boots.) Axis: T-Bone is showing off his agility, but Edwin, he can?t stay out of the way of Frost?s power! Edwin: You?re right, and it seems as if T-Bone needs something in his arsenal to take the big man down. Frost is overpowering in this match, so far! King: T-Bone might become just another?marinade. BWAHAHAHAHA! (Frost bounces off the ropes and jumps into the air with his legs extended, but T-Bone rolls out of the way, and Frost?s legs hit nothing but mat.) Axis: Nobody home for Frost! (Frost staggers to his feet and T-Bone throws a right hand. Frost staggers some more. T-Bone throws another, but still the big man won?t go down. T-Bone bounces off the near ropes and he throws a clothesline that knocks him backwards, but Frost stays on his feet. T-Bone bounces off the ropes again and flies towards Frost with a clothesline. It connects and Frost finally falls to the mat.) Edwin: Now that?s tenacity! King: No?tenacity would be me going to your Mom?s house every night?and then coming back the next morning for more...BWAHAHAHAHA! (T-Bone goes over to make the quick cover.) ONE! Two?no! (Frost presses T-Bone off and starts getting up.) Axis: That only got a one count! (T-Bone punches Frost and Frost fights back by punching T-Bone in the stomach, doubling T-Bone over. He gets up and punches T-Bone on his back. He then wraps his arms around T-Bone waist and lifts him up and over, onto his back.) Axis: Nice gutwrench. Frost seems to want to work the back. (T-Bone rolls over onto his stomach as Frost grabs onto T-Bone?s back. He raises a knee into the air and brings it down hard across T-Bone?s back. He holds on and raises a knee into the air again, and again he drops it onto T-Bone?s back. T-Bone holds his back as Frost picks him up again. This time, he takes him to the near ropes and throws another forearm before whipping T-Bone oppo. T-Bone reverses, however, picks him up, turns him 180 degrees and slams him into the mat hard, but T-Bone falls to the ground from the backlash of the move.) Axis: That spinebuster was in desperation. T-Bone needed something to slow Frost down. King: T-Bone CAN?T be weak already! He?s the CHAMP! BWAHAHAHAHA! (Both men lie on the mat. T-Bone struggles to get to his feet, but Frost gets there first. Frost looks for a double axehandle, but T-Bone gets in a shot to the ribs. Frost shakes it off and tries again, but T-Bone hits him in the ribs again. Before Frost tries a third, T-Bone gets to a knee and pops him in the mouth with a right hand.) Axis: The champ is back in business! (T-Bone finally stands up and throws a right hand?and another?and another?and another, until Frost is against the ropes. T-Bone runs to the opposite ropes and bounces off looking for a clothesline, but Frost back body drops him over. T-Bone holds on to the ropes and stands on the apron. Frost turns around and throws a right hand, but T-Bone ducks and gives Frost a shoulderblock through the ropes to the stomach. He grabs Frost?s neck, looking for an inside-out suplex.) King: What a dumbass. Frost is too big! (T-Bone lifts Frost up, but Frost grabs onto the rope and both wrestlers fall back to a vertical base. He reverses and takes T-Bone up vertically, bringing him over the top rope. With the blood rushing to T-Bone?s head, Frost drops T-Bone?s legs across the top rope with the slingshot, and, while still holding onto the suplex, brings T-Bone back up and over to finish off the suplex.) Axis: WHAT A MOVE! Frost nails the Slingshot Suplex! Shades of Van Hammer! Edwin: VAN HAMMER? King: Oy vey?gimme SOMEBODY TO WORK WITH! (Frost floats over into a pin.) ONE! TWO! THREE?NO! (T-Bone gets the shoulder up. Frost picks T-Bone up and punches T-Bone in the face, sending him to the corner. Frost unloads with three straight kicks to the stomach, and brings T-Bone out of the corner by his head. He grabs his head and puts him in the suplex position. He lifts him up and sits him on the turnbuckle. Frost climbs to the second rope and gets T-Bone in the suplex position. He steps up to the top rope as T-Bone follows.) Axis: This is a new one from Frost? (T-Bone punches him in the stomach, punches him in the head, and then pushes him off, as Frost splats to the mat and rolls completely over onto his stomach and then onto his back. T-Bone looks to the crowd, and then looks to Frost. He grabs onto the ropes to get his balance, and then stands up when he does.) Axis: Here it comes? Edwin: The most agile 275 pound man in the SJL! Is it time? King: For him to miss like he did against Kojack? I think so? (T-Bone leaps off the top rope and extends his body. He brings his arms and his legs into his body before extending them out again, and T-Bone hits Frost full force with the brunt of the splash.) Axis: FROG SPLASH! T-Bone hits it! (T-Bone rolls over onto his stomach, holding his ribs. T-Bone crawls back over towards Frost and drapes a single arm over his chest?) ONE! TWO! THREE? (Frost jolts a shoulder up as he rolls over onto his stomach. Both men struggle to their feet, but Frost is the first man up. He nails T-Bone in the head with a right hand that staggers T-Bone, but T-Bone comes right back with a right hand of his own. Frost throws another one, but T-Bone blocks it and he throws a right hand back that hits. He throws another and starts backing Frost into the corner with right hands. Frost is against the turnbuckles and T-Bone whips him to the opposite side. Frost reverses in mid-whip and sends T-Bone hard to the turnbuckle. Frost charges, but T-Bone moves out of the way and he hits the buckles hard. Frost turns his back to the buckle as T-Bone brings him back to the buckle with him. He grabs him in the Reverse DDT position and sits on the top. He jumps off and flips forward, dropping Frost?s chin into the stunner, sending him backwards, with his eyes rolling behind his head.) Axis: DIAMOND DUST! DIAMOND DUST! Edwin: T-Bone needs to keep that kind of offense up if he wants to stay alive. King: That better not end it? (T-Bone covers Frost and hooks the far leg.) ONE! TWO! THREE?NO! (Frost gets the shoulder up. T-Bone looks out to the crowd with a look of worry on his face.) King: T-Bone is done! He doesn?t know what to do anymore! (Frost starts getting up, so T-Bone hits him with a right hand. Frost shakes it off and keeps getting up, so T-Bone bounces off the ropes with a clothesline, but Frost grabs him around the neck with the goozle.) Axis: Oh, no? (Frost lifts T-Bone up by the goozle and holds him up for a few seconds before driving his back to the mat.) Edwin: What a chokeslam! King: I can smell a title change! (Frost goes over and drops to his knees, and covers T-Bone, hooking the near leg.) ONE! TWO! THREE? Axis: The ref stopped the count! (T-Bone has his leg on the bottom rope. The ref taps Frost on the shoulder and shows that indeed T-Bone?s foot is on the bottom rope. Frost gets mad and stands up. T-Bone staggers to his feet as Frost stands behind him, waiting for him to turn around so T-Bone can be finished off.) Axis: He?s poised! He wants to finish him off! (T-Bone finally gets to his feet and is wobbly he turns around as Frost goes under his arm to get him in the uranage position. He waits and looks to the fans and then lifts him up into the air. T-bone then grabs Frost?s extended arm and brings him down with the armbar takedown and holds it. He brings his legs back to lock the arm, and then reaches up to Frost?s face and locks in the Crossface.) Axis: WHAT A COUNTER! T-Bone took the Ice Shelf and turned it into the Crippler Crossface! THE CROSSFACE IS IN! (T-Bone wrenches back on Frost?s neck, yelling, ?TAP! TAP, YOU BASTARD!? He wrenches back further as Frost flails an arm towards the ropes. He drags his body towards the ropes as T-Bone keeps the hold. Frost makes a desperate grab that comes up short. He uses his upper body strength to pull himself closer to the ropes, and makes a final grab, and he barely grabs the bottom ropes. The ref starts the count.) ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! (T-Bone releases the hold so he can?t get disqualified. Frost tries to get to his feet, but T-Bone stomps him back down. T-Bone stomps him again, but Frost keeps getting up. He kicks again as both are to a vertical base. T-Bone whips Frost off the near ropes, but Frost reverses the whip. T-Bone comes at Frost with a cross-body block, but Frost catches him. He steps forward and then falls back, tossing T-Bone over his own body onto his back.) Axis: Fallaway Slam from Frost! Here comes the challenger! (Frost sits-up and then gets to his feet, looking down at T-Bone as he rolls around on the mat, and a smile crosses his face. He goes over towards T-Bone and picks him up by the hair. He holds T-Bone up by the hair, and pulls his fist back. He then strikes T-Bone in his chest over the heart?putting T-Bone down.) Axis: A TOUCH OF FROST! The Heart Punch! King: FINISH HIM! DO IT NOW! GET RID OF THIS STUPID STEAK SAUCE COVERED BASTARD! (Frost picks T-Bone up and brings him under his arm by his neck. He grabs on to T-Bone?s tights, lifts him up, and slams him head first into the mat, making a T-Bone Implant on the mat.) Axis: THE ICE PICK! The big moves from the challenger just keep coming! Edwin: The end may be near? (Frost rolls over and leans his back over T-Bone, grabbing both of his legs and hooking them in the pinning predicament.) ONE! TWO! THREE?NOOO! (T-Bone barely moves his shoulder up.) Axis: That was like 2 and 15/16! Edwin: Or like 2 and 99/100! King: More like cheap refereeing! DON?T YOU KNOW HOW TO COUNT TO THREE? YOU STUPID REF! (Frost is really perturbed, and he stands up, waiting for T-Bone to do the same. T-Bone gets to a knee, and then stands up, and turns around to a kick in the stomach from Frost. Frost gets T-Bone into the powerbomb/piledriver position, but T-Bone collapses down in front of Frost. Frost picks him up and puts him in position again, but again, T-Bone collapses and Frost goes to pick him up; however, this time, the ref leads him away from T-Bone. Frost pushes him aside and goes after T-Bone, but T-Bone gets a drop toe hold out of desperation, locks the leg, rolls over, and then grabs around Frost?s face.) Axis: OH MY GOD! T-BONE JUST LOCKED IN THE SSTF! THIS IS IT! King: GET OUT! GET OUT! Edwin: BWAHAHAHAHA! He can?t! He?s in the middle of the ring! (T-Bone wrenches back in the hold, as the ref goes down to check on Frost. T-Bone wrenches back. The ref asks if Frost wants to tap. Frost screams in pain?and quickly taps his hand on the mat three times as the ref calls for the bell.) DING! DING! DING! Axis: HE TAPPED! BY GOD HE TAPPED! T-Bone retains in one helluva match! King: DAMN YOUS T-BONE! (Edwin looks at King and holds a finger in the air.) Edwin: One more?for the good guys! Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, and STILL Smarks Junior League World Television Championnnnnn?The Steak Sauce Covered Bastard?TEEEEE-BOOOONE! Axis: Ladies and Gentlemen, still to come, a #1 contender?s match for the SJL World Title between Ash Ketchum and Stryke, and our Main Event, a non-title match between SJL World Champ Erek Taylor and Flexxx! IT?S ON TONIGHT! ON Crimson! Edwin: We?ll be back after these messages, and after King gets that bug out of his ass. King: Hey, if your mother is a bug, I?m glad I DO have a bug up my ass! Edwin: WHY YOU LITTLE? Axis: WE?WE?LL BE RIGHT BACK! (Crimson quickly fades to commercial.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 We zoom in on a shot of Tom Flesher in the locker room. He sits in his seat, watching the monitor intensely as he replays Shawn Brody's promo from earlier this evening. Z stands behind him, leaning on the back of his chair. He looks a little haggared, and his hair is still unbundled from his match earlier. Flesher: Z, did you just see that? Z: I think so, Tom, but I really don't think the tape quality's all that important. You should be more concerned with Brody being all mad at you. Flesher looks up, looking mildly irritated, then shudders as he looks back down at the monitor, at first despondent, and then, slowly, more and more enraged. Flesher: "So you made me, did you, Brody? You got me my spot on TV, you got me my tryout match? You got me up at 4:30 every morning to go running? [Flesher gradually gets louder, more intense.] You made me get into the weight room and build up my body so I could take the beatings while I learned the ropes? You taught me how to wrestle, how to work someone's body to the point where he can't move, and you taught me how to take him to the top rope and drop him on his head? Damn, you're willing to take credit for a lot. But Shawn, you're not willing to take credit for one thing. "You won't accept the fact that you lost your TV Title, and that I won my European Title from MVS cleanly. You didn't help me win it. *I* got me my title shot." Z: "Um... didn't we...." Flesher: [interrupting] "*I* got me that title shot, and *I* beat Mike Van Siclen cleanly in the middle of the ring. But one flight gets delayed, and that's it? You decide I'm evil? You decide that I'm not still the same Tom Flesher, the same superior being I've always been? You still think you're better than me, Brody? Flesher is obviously seething by this point. Flesher: "Well let me tell you something... to me, this match... THIS IS NOT A JOKE! I AM NOT A JOKE! You think I'm some kind of fake champion, MVS says I'm a Chris Jeric..." Flesher's eyes widen for a moment, and he looks horrified at what he was about to say. Pause. Z: "Tom, you didn't finish that sentence. You just sort of trailed off." Flesher: "NEVER MIND THAT! I'm too pissed off to talk to right now!" Z: "Right then! Here, let me try." Flesher: "What? Now, hold on just a damn minute!" Z: "Don't worry! I got it! Besides, you're to POed to talk right now, right?" Flesher: "That's not what I--" Z ignores Tom, and bows his head. He brings it up slowly, allowing his hair to fall over his eyes dramatically. Z: "... SHAWN... BRODY! Your brush with greatness... is over! You think you can tell Tom what to do? You think you can tell Tom how to wrestle? You think that you're BETTER? I've got two words for ya'! Su--" Z stops as Tom nosily clears his throat, giving Z a chilly look. Z: "Err... Sup'wit'you!? Anyway, you think that you can just take Tom alone? Ha! I laugh in your general direction! Like squire to his knight, like Bill Cosby to whoring bad foodstuffs, like Internet Explorer to it's never ending illegal errors, we are a TEAM! I shan't abandon the Superior One in his darkest hour! Why you'd think it was poetic! As a matter of fact, I have a peom written for this..." Z digs around in his pockets, obviously looking for something. He grumbles when he can't find anything, and pats himself down. He searches around in his jacket pockets as Flesher buries his face in his hands, muttering. Finally, Z produces a tattered piece of lined paper. Z: "Right then! -ahem- 'When in the darkest of the hour, on the horizon of matches not yet won. There appears a man of disposition sour, known as the Superior One. He fights a man of clannite evil, cloaked in deep black robes. When all is bleak, and Tom needs upheaval, there is a flashing of arena strobes. The crowd cheers with the mouth from their heads, because this man is know as... Z!'" Z crumples up the paper, tossing it behind him. Z: "See, Shawn, you may think you are better than Tom, but as a team we are... unbeatable! SALLY FORTH!" Z turns and points dramatically toward the door, as Flesher grumbles and shakes his head. Flesher: "Alright then... let's do it." Flesher gets up and walks determinedly down the hallway, Z following behind, with an exaggerated march. Fade. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 …And we’re back! The camera spends little time panning around the Continental Airlines Arena, as Funyon has already begun his usual entrance spiel. Funyon: “…following contest is a handicap match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, hailing from Harrison, Illinois, weighing in at 237lbs, ‘AMAZIIIIIN’ MIKE… VAN… SIIIICLEEEEN!” The lights go down as "Runaway" by Linkin Park kicks up. Suddenly, a blue spotlight shines down on the entrance ramp, where a very ripped, very intense Mike Van Siclen stands. The chorus starts as MVS stands cockily, bobbing his head slightly to the beat of the song. "Now I find myself in question... (You point the finger at me again...)" The spotlight drops. "Guilty by association.... (You point the finger at me again...)" WHAM! A huge blast of white pyro goes off on the stage, illuminating Mike. Dim lights come on and MVS walks to the ring until he slides under the ropes. He mounts a cornerpost, and holds it high in the air as the fans boo. Axis: “The crowd is very displeased at the actions of MVS on Metal and this New Jersey crowd is letting him know that. Ced took some serious blows to the head and I’m not even sure if he’ll be 100% tonight.” King: “Judging by partner, he’d be screwed even if he was 100%. You’d have to be, say, a former world champion to carry Z to victory. You know, take me as an example, Suicide King: Former SWF World Champion…” Edwin: “Ugh…shameless plug.” King: “Damn right! Former SWF World…” Edwin: (plugs his ears) “La la la…I can’t hear you…la la la…” Funyon: “His opponents: At a total combined weight of 420 pounds, Z and CED ORRRDOOONEEEZZ!” The camera flips around to show the entranceway, but no music comes on and nobody steps out of the black curtains. Axis: (anxious) “Hoo boy…somebody missed their cue…” Edwin: (slightly miffed) “I know you can hear me in that production truck…you just missed your cue, you big dumb faces!” Funyon: “Making their entrance, Z and CED ORRRDOOONEEEZZ!” Silence… Finally, a familiar guitar riff blares through the speakers and the voice of Z comes over the PA system of the Continental Airlines Arena. Z: “OH…YOU DIDN’T KNOOOW?” Axis: “What…” King: “The…” Edwin: “Um… grape juice?” The guitar riff hits again. Z: “YOUR ASS BETTER CALL SOMEBODYYYYYYYY!” Z steps out from behind the curtain, microphone in hand. He’s wearing baggy black pants embroidered on the sides with bones forming the letter Z, and a black shirt reading “Z Dogg” on the front. He pumps up the crowd before motioning back to curtain. The head of Ced Ordonez pops out with an obviously embarrassed expression on his face as Z tries to persuade his partner to come out. Ced fights it for awhile but finally gives in and reveals his specially designed tights. A few snickers are heard from the crowd as well as from a certain former world champion at the commentary table. King: (trying to conceal his laughter) “Hehe…I can’t… can’t believe…heheh… he’s… hehe… he’s WEARING THAT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Suicide King hides his head in an attempt to conceal his laughter as Ced has nowhere to hide his Z-tailored tights: glittery lime-green bicycle shorts. Z motions for Ced to turn around, but Ced adamantly refuses to comply. Z struggles with his partner until Ced finally turns around to reveal the design on his posterior as Z showcases it with a big grin: the words “Mr. Ced” in big pink letters and several super-deformed caricatures of Ced surrounding it. Ced desperately tries to turn around, but everybody in the arena has seen it. King: (barely containing himself) “HAHAHA…”Mr. Ced”…heh (snorts). More like “Mr. Ed” because…heheh…he looks LIKE A JACKASS! HAHAHAHA!” Suicide King slaps the table repeatedly as Axis and Edwin look completely dumbfounded at the situation. Edwin: “I can almost feel Ced’s pain…and King, by the way, Mr. Ed was a horse.” King: (giggling) “…whatevHAHAHAHA!” Ced tries to shrug off the odd stares but can’t knowing what the crowd is focused upon. Z is completely unaware of his partner’s discomfort as he rolls into the ring and completes his spiel. Z: “CUT THE MUSIC! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of ALL ages. The Smarks Junior League, is proud to bring to you, the CHEAP RIP-OFF CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOOORLD!! The ‘Z-Dogg’ Alex Zenon, the ‘Badd Ass’ Ced Ordonez, the Z… and Ced… CONNECTION!!” Z pauses to let the crowds cheers and laughter die down, and let’s them prepare to chant along with what they know comes next. Z: “And if you’re not down with that, we’ve got two words for ya!” Z thrusts the mic into Ced’s face and it picks up a deep sigh. Ced: (groans) “Why did I agree to this again? I mean…” Z grins at his partner and nudges him a bit and Ced lets out another sigh. Ced: (very quietly) “…suck it…” The crowd roars in approval, as Ced sighs and shakes his head. Z gives him a solid slap on the back, before tossing the mic to Funyon, and retreating to the apron. Official Blake Norton signals for the bell. **DING!DING!DING!** Axis: “Well, pre-match erm… excursions aside, it looks like this one is finally underway!” Edwin: “Now, hold on a second, Axis. Looks like MVS is asking Funyon for the mic…” MVS: “Now wait a minute there, Ced. It’s not like I want to berate your style or anything, ‘cause you’ve clearly fallen into the GAP and can’t get out.” (He snickers a little at his lame joke.) “But, seriously, do you think you’re Brett Michaels? The only thing more questionable then your fashion sense is your sexualit-YEAAARGH!” Ced’s eyebrow twitches and a vein pops out of his forehead as he delivers a devastating roundhouse kick to Van Siclen’s kneecap. Van Siclen drops the mic as Ced continues to release his anger upon poor MVS. Van Siclen backs into a corner and Ced continues the punishment and actually gets the bigger man to cower down a little bit. Ced suddenly backs away to the center of the ring only to rush right back into the corner with a hard spear into the turnbuckle. MVS slumps down clutching his chest as Ced yells, “And that’s for what you did on Metal!” Ced picks up MVS and suddenly his vision blurs and he steps awkwardly into the ropes. Sensing he’s in trouble, he places Van Siclen into a headlock and drags him to his corner. Z tags in and punches Van Siclen in the side of his chest before Ced releases his hold and exits to the apron. Axis: “I’m still suspicious that Ced hasn’t completely recovered from his head trauma on Metal… I’m not even sure he should be wrestling.” King: “You’re right, he shouldn’t be wrestling! For completely different reasons, of course. Starting with those… haha… tights.” (King forces himself not to laugh.) Edwin: ‘Erm… ‘Z-Dogg’ in the ring now, getting a couple good overhands on MVS. Ya’ know, as long as he doesn’t try to do anything ‘doggie style’, I think I could live with this.” King: “Urk.” MVS backs into the ring ropes, before Z tries to punch him again. Hastily, Van Siclen blocks it with his forearm, before returning fire… and having that blocked too! Z drops his hand from blocking Mike’s first shot, and slugs him soundly in the gut. MVS doubles over as air quickly escapes his lungs, but not missing a beat, Z locks him in a fron-facelock. Edwin: “Looks like Z’s setting MVS up for his Rube Goldberg Device!” King: “Rube Goldber— Wha?” Edwin: “The most devastating move know to mankind!” Indeed, Z hooks Mike’s tights, trying to heft him up for THE GENERIC VERTICAL SUPLEX of UNFATHOMABLY EVIL PROPORTIONS~! Z moans and groans with Van Siclen’s weight, despite the piddly 8-pound difference, and finally succeeds in lifting Van Siclen up… two feet off the ground. Z drops MVS back to his feet and huffs, before trying again! Z struggles and manages to get Mike THREE feet off the ground, before he kicks and loosens himself from Z’s grip. Sick of this game, MVS grabs ‘Z-Dogg’ and snaps him over with a razor sharp suplex! MVS gets several solid stomps to Z rising body, before grabbing his arm after a clumsy punch. Van Siclen takes the other arm and secures it under his left armpit, before taking Z’s right leg and falling backward with a Blockbuster Suplex! Axis: “First infall attempt of the match! One! Tw— No such luck!” Edwin: “Ok, let me get everything here straight. Van Siclen has issues with Shawn Brody because he took his TV title and his woman, right?” King: “You’re asking me?” Edwin: “And Shawn Brody is upset with Tom Flesher, because Tom Flesher didn’t help him when he lost his TV title to Kojack, right?” King: “Damned if I know. I’m a two-time, two-time, World champion! You think I follow this two-bit league?” Edwin(oblivious): “And Tom Flesher is friends with Z, who, incidentally, has tagged with Ced Ordonez before, right?” King: “You’re the commissioner of the JL, YOU figure it out!” Edwin: “And, of course, Ced got a Van Slaminator on Metal from Mike Van Siclen… right?” King: “Arrrrrrrgh!!” Edwin: “Sorry, am I bothering you?” Having long-since crawled to his feet, Z is backed to the ropes by Van Siclen, before he bounces him off for an Irish Whip attempt. Z rebound and ducks under a forearm, before skidding to his feet on the other side of MVS. MVS turns around… only to be the victim of a stiff left hand jab! Van Siclen stagger as Z delivers a second, then a third! The crowd lets out a good cheer as Z does a silly little dace, before rearing back and trying a massive right hand… that Van Siclen ducks! Z awkwardly turns around, becoming the recipient of ridiculous clothesline. Z obediently goes flipping, almost losing his boots in the process. Edwin: “Good Gawd, Z just go leveled by a Van Clotheslineinator! He gets to his feet… and a Van Punchinator! A Van Kinckinator!” Axis: “Do you have to do that?” Edwin: “Van Yesinator!” Z scrambles to his feet and MVS gets a quick scoop slam, MVS bounces off the ropes and drops a solid elbow to Z’s chest, before rising up and getting another. He floats over from his place on the mat for a lateral press. One! Two! Th-- No! Z gets his shoulder off the mat to prevent the pinfall, and Van Siclen curses his luck. He covers Z again, this time hooking the leg. One! Two! Three-- No! Axis: “Z with a forceful kickout. Van Siclen using a smart tactic here, trying multiple pinfalls. It can take a lot of energy to kick out.” King: “I REALLY hate to say it, but Z is pretty resilient. Granted, he’s not championship material, though. Which I happen to have been.” Frustrated, MVS pulls Z to his feet by his hair, before shooting him to the ropes. Z spins, pulling on Van Siclen’s arm for the quick reversal, before following him from behind. As Mike bounces into the ropes, Z crashes a knee into his back, driving the air from his lungs and doubling him over –neck first- on the second rope. Axis: “Van Siclen in a rather precarious position…” Z swiftly charges the ropes, rebounding and taking a hop as he comes up on MVS, jumping half-way through the ropes and driving his thigh into the back of Van Siclen’s neck! MVS slides off the ropes, coughing and holding his neck. Axis: “Z taking advantage of Mike with a Rocking Horse!” Edwin: “Is THAT what they call it? I thought it was the globernorfer or the rewengraddby or something like that.” King: “Ah, Edwin. Truly with all the technical knowledge of an SWF champion.” Edwin: “Well, at least I’ve held all my titles for more than three days.” Axis: “…I’m ignoring you. Anyway, looks like Z’s ready to make the tag.” Z marches to his corner, tagging in ‘Mr. Ced’. With both partners in the ring, they gang up on the still recovering Mike Van Siclen, tossing him to the ropes with a double Irish Whip. MVS returns to them, and Z takes him down with a drop toehold. MVS rolls onto his back, clutching his face in pain. Ced shoots himself off the ropes, before jellifying his legs in a wobbly… uh… strut. Finally he takes a little hop, and the crowd pops as he lands a knee drop on MVS already sore nose. Axis: “Ced with a shaky knee drop!” Edwin: “Dang, these guys really ARE the N.A.O… right down to knowing about five moves total.” Axis: “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Ced’s actually going for the pin!” King: “WHAT!?” Norton hits the mat, as the crowd begins to chant with his hand! One! King: “You can’t be serious!” TWO!! King: “Arrrgh! Kick out!” THREE—NO! MVS shoots his shoulder off the mat, breaking the pin! King: “Whew!” Edwin: “King, could I ask exactly why you’ve been cheering MVS?” King: “It’s either him or Ced and Z. Better the devil you know…” Not all too frustrated that that didn’t work, Ced picks up MVS before planting several solid kicks to his knee. Van Siclen staggers back to the ropes, and becomes the victim of a VICIOUS roundhouse kick to his kneecap. MVS yells, and drops to his ass, before hurriedly using the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Van Siclen attempts to hobble away from Ced, but before he can get far, Ordonez serves him a dropkick to the knee! MVS stumbles backward, feebly kicking at Ced, who strafes from left to right, taunting Van Siclen. King: “Come on! Now Ced’s just playing with him!” Axis: “How could you not condone this, after what happened to Ced on Metal? He had the Euro title robbed from him, and Mike Van Siclen helped! He gave Ced serious head trauma, and let his own lust for gold get to him! He knew that if Ced won, he wouldn’t get a re-match!” King: “You’re not the one wearing the disturbingly tight bicycle shorts, Axis. So what’s cutting off the blood from your brain? Open your eyes, MVS had his title stolen twice! He had his tag partner betray him! He had his girl stolen, and he was left for dead! You think I can just condone crap like this? ESPECIALLY coming from a ‘stand up’ guy like Ced?” Obviously not paying attention to the Suicide King’s angry commentary, Ced moves aside from one last weak kick from Van Siclen, and makes him eat another drop kick to his weakening knee. MVS lets out a yell of pain as his leg buckles, slouching him to the ground. Yelling some unidentifiable Philippine curse, Ced lets go one last dropkick to Mike’s other knee, presumably just to be a superdick. Face flat on the mat, Van Siclen writhes in pain. King: “See? There he goes again. I thought you Australians were supposed to be smart.” Axis(audibly agitated): “Pardon me?” King: “Yeah, you heard me! You just another lard-assed, half baked, retard from ‘The Land of The Laughing Jackasses’!” Axis(Rising out of his chair): “Let me tell you something, you overpaid, overrated, ignorant, smug, ASS. If I EVER so much as hear you BREATHE another comment like that, I will hit you so hard, you’ll have to drop your pants to say ‘hello’.” (He leans into the Suicide King’s face) “Do I make myself clear?” King(Ulp!: …Crystal. Still seething, Axis seats himself with a growl. Back in the match, Ced flips MVS onto his back, picking up his sore knee and jerking it in a wishbone. He snaps the leg again, as Van Siclen scrams in agony. Ced takes a single step back, and flips forward, snapping the knee yet again! MVS’s face scrunches up as he tries to block out the throbbing in his knee joint. Valiantly, Van Siclen tries to claw his way to his feet, but Ced has none of it. He kicks Mike square in the face, before pulling him up, and chucking him to the ‘buckle with a vengeance. Van Siclen almost doesn’t make it, crashing temple first into the second trunbuckle after stumbling along the way. Van Siclen pathetically tries to pull himself up the turnbuckle, begging off Ced as he stalks to him. Before he is even completely to his feet, Ced takes the injured leg, and delivers a few solid kicks to the joint. Mike leans on the ropes in an attempt to ignore his grieving knee, as Ced wraps the leg around the second rope. With a jerk, Ordonez yanks the leg, pulling it against the ropes! Norton, the official, immediately threatens to disqualify Ced if he continues, and starts a five count. “One!” King: “Yes! Finally!” “Two!” King: “Justice!” Edwin: “I hate to agree with you, but I’ve never seen Ced like this…” “Three!” Axis: “What’s that mean?” Edwin: “I’ve never seen him this angry before… He must have been humiliated. INSULTED by what happened on Metal.” “Four!” Axis: “Can you blame him?” King: “Yes. But I won’t blame the ref when he gets DQed. Here it comes!” “Fiv—“ Blake stops dead cold, as Ced drops the hold on Van Siclen’ leg. Ced turns ‘round and gives Norton ‘The Business’, presumably in a rather impolite manner. Ced turns back to face the slumped Mike Van Siclen, who is trying to catch his breath. Ced puts a stop to that, however, as he rears back and rips a swank knife edge chop across MVS’s chest! The crowd ‘Whoo’s!’ in approval as Ced follows that up with a second chop! A third! Each chop drives more air out of the already aching lungs of Van Siclen, and only furthers Ced’s cause as the decibels of the ‘Whoo’s!’ increase each time. Ced gives a forth and final chop, before turning and appealing to the crowd, satisfied. Axis: “A bit of Ric Flair appreciation in New Jersey tonight!” King: “Feh. They should try appreciating their own state first. Granted, it’s New Jersey, but that’s not *that* much of an excuse.” Axis(shaking his head): “You don’t learn, do you? Anyway, looks like Ced’s going upstairs, looking for a superplex…” King: “Sheeyeah right! Ced’s a tiny little mini-man and Van Siclen’s a ‘hoss. How’s he gonna--” Edwin(interrupting): “ ‘Hoss!? I thought you said that was just pillow talk!” King(flabbergasted): “What!? I never--! I didn’t--! (His face turns red) EDWIIIIIIN!!” Edwin: “Heh, heh, heh… MacPhisto: 1 King: 0.” With a bit of a struggle, Ced sits MVS on the top of the turbuckle, throwing a few shots to his head for good measure. Ced clambers up the ropes, tossing Van Siclen’s arm over his shoulder, and pulling him to his feet for a superplex… but he almost falls off when Van Siclen’s legs give out, dropping him back down. Ced shakes his head out, before trying to suplex MVS again. Doing the only thing he can, Van Siclen retains a firm grip on the ropes, as Ced struggles with pulling him over. Van Siclen looks up, staring Ced straight in the eyes…and headbutts him in the mouth! Ced topples off of the turnbuckle, crashing to the canvas head first! He rolls onto his stomach, clutching his head in obvious discomfort. Axis: “Looks like Ced’s visions of Suplexes just got shattered!” King: “To be replaced by visions of the house lights! Those sort of things bring tears to my eyes… Oh, wait, that’s just fragments of Ordonez’s skull! Hahahaha!” Axis(sneering): “So it’s alright when Van Siclen does it, huh? Hmph.” Taking a moment to catch his breath, Van Siclen pulls himself gingerly to a squatting position on the top rope. Sizing Ced up carefully, MVS takes off, with a short-range elbow drop off the turnbuckle, onto the back of Ordonez’s head! Ced shouts and squirms in pain, as Van Siclen lies on the mat, that last move having expended him. King: “If MVS can cover Ced, this one is for the history books!” Edwin: “That is, of course, if he can actually recover.” King: “I have 100% confidence in him.” Norton looks at the KO-ed wrestlers, having already reached ‘Four!’ while the commentators banter. At his shout of ‘Five’, still no-one has moved. King: “Erm… okay, 85% confidence.” “Six” Van Siclen begins to stir… “Seven!” King: “Uh… Uh… did I say 85? 95% confidence, yea!” Edwin: “Jeez, King, you’re more wishy-washy than Axis!” (Axis no-sells that comment! “Eight!” MVS takes Ced’s ‘Mr. Ced’ tights, succeeding in pulling him onto his back… “Nine!” With whatever’s left, Van Siclen rolls over, draping an arm over Ced. Blake Norton stops the ten count, sliding to the mat for the pinfall. One! King: “This is it! It’s over!” TWO! … … … THREE—NO!!! Axis: “He kicked out! I don’t know how, but Ced kicked out!” King: “What!?” Edwin: “Well, Anything Can Happen™ in the SJL!!” Axis: “Both these men are injured, and running on pure adrenaline. You have to wonder what they’re thinking right now, when they’ve pretty much expended themselves!” Slowly, Ced and Mike crawl to their feet at about the same time. They exchange a few worn punches, obviously being tired. Ced ducks a quick punch from Van Siclen, nabbing his arm as he spins in place. Ced tosses him to the ropes, taking him down with a beautiful arm drag! MVS pushes himself up on his good leg, only to have his arm taken again! Axis: “Ced’s getting a second wind at just the right time!” King: “What? No! Arrrrgh!” Edwin: “Ced locks ankles with Van Siclen, preparing for his devastating LEG SWEEPY THING~!” Axis: “Russian Leg Sweep, Edwin.” With a loud thump, Ced and Van Siclen collide with the canvas. Running on pure adrenaline, Ced pops up. He walks over to Van Siclen’s injured leg, picking it up as the crowd cheer in anticipation! He steps over it, preparing for the crocked figure 4 let lock know as the Cross Lightning! Acting on impulse, Van Siclen takes his free leg and rams it into Ced’s back as he winds himself around his leg! Ced goes into the ropes full force, rebounding and jumping over the lying Van Siclen. Scampering up as fast as his leg allows him, Van Siclen takes the arm of the rebounding Ced, winding it around him. He reaches behind him, grabbing Ordonez’s head and dropping him with the Stinger! Edwin: “Stinger on Ced’s injured head! Hmm… that rhymes.” King: “Now’s not the time to focus on the fruity aspects of your vocabulary, MacPhisto! Now’s the time to tell Van Siclen to GET THE COVER!! GET THE COVER!!” Even though Suicide King screams this repeatedly, Van Siclen seems not to notice, instead hobbling to his legs and opting to draw his fist across his throat. Axis: “Uh-oh. That means that Van Siclen is going for the Double Take!” King: “With his bad knee!? Arrrgh, pin him you moron!” Van Siclen kicks Ced square in the head, before taking a step back. Staggering forward, Van Siclen executes a pained jump with his good leg, bouncing off the second rope with a fluid lionsault… … … … Which Ced rolls out of the way of at the last second! Van Siclen crashes knee first into the mat as Ced rolls onto his chest! Mike screams in pain and clutches his knee, as Ced lies, unmoving. King: “Arrrrgh! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” Over in the corner, Z begins a rhythmic banging of the turnbuckle leading the crowd into a very, VERY loud ‘OR-DON-EZ! OR-DON-EZ!’ chant. Ced begins to stir, crawling had over hand to his corner… …Van Siclen grabs his foot! Z leans as far over the ropes as he can as Ced struggles with Van Siclen! Axis: “Ced desperately trying to make the hot tag!” King: “…to Z?” Axis: “Yes.” King: “Z!?” Axis: “Yes!” King: “They’re doomed.” Ced inches closer… and closer… but Van Siclen’s still got a hold on his foot, keeping him from making the tag. Z stands on the bottom rope, leaning as far as he can… Van Siclen tightens his grip on Ced’s boot… Suddenly, Ced kicks Van Siclen in the shoulder, loosening his grip, and dives a Z’s hand, connecting with a ‘smack!’ Edwin: “HOT TAG!! HOT TAG!!” King: “Arrrrrgh…” Z hops over the ropes, pounding MVS with some heavy punches! Z bounces himself off the ropes, killing MVS with a Western Lariat! MVS crumbles to the ground, as Z walks to the corner raising and dropping his hand in a ‘It’s Over’ fashion. Edwin: “Looks like Z’s got him ready for the Blizzard of Oz. And in Shawn Michaelian fashion, too.” King: “Why didn’t you just pin him, Mike? WHY?” Indeed, Z begins to stomp his foot as Van Siclen begins to rise… *STOMP!* MVS stirs on the canvas… *STOMP!* With the aid of the ropes, MVS comes to his feet… *STOMP!* Arisen, Van Siclen turns to see where the noise is coming from… *STOMP!* Z quickly finishes, leaping out of the corner, thrusting his leg! … … …And MVS CATCHES IT!! Axis: “He caught it! He caught the superkick!” With a sly grin, Van Siclen gives his opinion of Z with his finger, before spinning him around and hefting him up by the legs for the Van Slaminator!! MVS struggles with Z’s weight, trying to get him over his shoulder. Proving too much, his knee buckles, letting Z fall on top of him! Axis: “Mike couldn’t do it! It was too much!” Edwin: “And Z’s got the cover!” Norton hits the mat, as the crowd chants along! ONE! TWO!! THREE!!! King :….no…. Norton calls for the bell as “Epic” kicks up across the arena! Funyon: “The winners of this match… The CED… and Z… CONNECTION!!” Axis: “What a match! Don’t go away, Shaw Brody and Tom Flesher will settle things, NEXT!” King: “Why… didn’t… you just… pin him?” King bangs his head against the announcers table, as Z pulls the groggy Ced into the ring to celebrate. And we cut to commercial…. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 We fade back into a shot of Tom Flesher walking with Z down the hall, both men ready for action. They pass by a Men’s Room as Flesher looks down at his empty beer mug and then up at Z. “Wait a minute. We’ve got the time and I need a pit stop.” [“Flesher is going to take a leak before the match, Axis.”] [“I can see that, Edwin.”] The two head into the vacant restroom and Flesher places his mud on the sink before heading to the urinal. Flesher looks over his shoulder as Z, standing with his back to him, arms crossed. “Uhh... Z.” “What?” “Could you do that outside?” “I’m not lookin’!” “Yeah I know but you’re being weird. Just wait out side, okay?” “Sure.” Z says before heading out the door. Zip... “Ahh.” Cut back to Z in the hallway, twiddling his thumbs and whistling... “Do dee dum dee do...” Just then he turns around to spot the Fallen Angel stalking up behind him. “Hey! You’re gonna get it tonight!” “Is that so?” Brody grabs Z by his smiley face t-shirt... “Oh no... here comes the pain.” Brody sends him flying through the door of the Ladies’ Room as women come screaming out. Brody pursues Z and shuts the door behind him as they cut to Flesher, washing his hands at the sink and looking in the mirror. Cut back to Brody and Z with the Fallen Angel bashing Z’s face against the toilet seat repeatedly. He finally finishes by hauling Z’s body up and dipping his head into the bowl as Z screams, bubbles splashing the water around. [“A swirly!” Edwin cries! “Brody’s giving Z a swirly!!”] Brody lifts him up and drops hi on the floor as Z coughs, gasping for air. Brody pulls out a pair of cheap, orange plastic handcuffs and slaps them onto Z’s limp wrist before slapping the other cuff onto the bar that holds the stall together. Brody’s head perks up as he hears Flesher come out of the Men’s Room and call for Z so Brody cups his hand over Z’s mouth for silence. After a few seconds, Flesher can be heard leaving and Brody stands up with a smirk. “You bastardly fiend! You won’t get away with this.” “I just did.” Brody gives his hands a quick rinse and exits the room as the camera fades out on Z struggling with the cuff. [“I don’t like the look of this, Axis.”] [“They’re PLASTIC handcuffs, Edwin! Any idiot can get out of those... Wait a second... Oh no! Z’s in trouble!”] Fade.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 We return from commercial and pan the crowd, seeing such signs as "King of Farts," "Flesher Fears Melissa" and "Beerhug." The camera continues panning, picking up the "AXIS! AXIS!" chant and zooming in on the fans before finally swinging in to the announce table. Suicide King sits on one end of the table, Axis is in the middle, and Edwin sits on the other end with two stuffed pandas. One wears an angry expression and is labeled "Panda Axis." The other has a heart painted on the stomach and is labeled "Panda King." The camera zooms in even further to show only the pandas as Edwin puppets them. Panda King: I was World Champion, you know. Panda Axis: You guys are stupid. Panda King: Well I was World Champion. Panda Axis: Grumble grumble grumble! No wonder I can't get laid! Axis reaches over, snatches Panda Axis, and hits Edwin in the back of the head with it. Edwin: AUGH! What the...?! That was completely unprovoked!!! Axis: *sigh* We're back with SJL Crimson on this Saturday night. This past Wednesday, Metal saw a stunning change of heart from "The Fallen Angel" Shawn Brody as he donned the stripes and turned on his protege. Brody claims he's mad that Flesher cost him the TV Title by missing his flight and not being able to interfere in the TV Title match. Edwin: Or, maybe Brody's just jealous that Flesher won the European title in his fifth match. King: Oh, come on. You've seen the way Flesher mocked Brody, holding that belt in the air and acting all proud. Axis: So you're saying Flesher's a jerk for being happy to have won a title? King: Oh, of course! Everyone knows you don't celebrate for anything less than the World Championship which, by the way, I've won. Axis: He just missed his flight! King: Or so he'd have us believe. Listen, I know how wrestlers' minds work, Axis. Axis: Ugh. Let's go to Funyon. The eerie intro of Stabbing Westward's "Darkest Days" starts to emanate from the speakers. The slow jingle of bells and the beat of the drum command the fans' attention as they look to the entranceway. The lights dim and strobe against the curtains. As the music grows in volume, a figure in a black robe steps out from behind the curtains. As he enters followed by Melissa, the fans greet him with heated boos. He pauses, flashbulbs popping, and raises his Kendo stick high, looking out to the thousands on their feet booing and shouting insults and obscenities. Melissa slithers her hand around his waist with a bad-girl smile, posing for a second before they start down the ramp. Funyon: Being accompanied to the ring by the lovely Melissa, weighing in at 227 pounds... he is a member of the Clan... "The Fallen Angel" SHAAAAWN BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODY!!! Brody jumps onto the apron and steps over the second rope before heading to the corner as Melissa claps and cheers him from ringside. He hops up onto the turnbuckle, raising his Kendo stick once more before handing it down to Melissa, then hands her his robe. Axis: Shawn Brody looks bitter. The fans seem to hate him more than ever tonight, and while Melissa's eating it up, Brody just seems angry. King: They hate him? Why? Because Flesher double-crossed him? I'll never understand these jerks. Suddenly, the arena goes dark. Over the PA, the opening strains of the Doors' "Tell All The People" start to play. An X of pyro sprays out across the curtain, and as Jim Morrison sings the opening lines, Flesher walks through the curtain and poses for the crowd. Oddly, a few fans are cheering him tonight. He struts confidently to the ring with his European Championship belt slung over his shoulder. Once in the ring, he assumes a position in the center of the ring. Funyon: And his opponent... weighing in at 213 pounds... from Buffalo, New York... the European Champion.... "The Superior One" Tom Flesher!!!!!!! Once again, he gets a few cheers as he falls into a kneeling double-biceps pose, belt slung over his shoulder, with flashbulbs popping and a lot of noise from the crowd. Axis: It looks like the crowd's firmly on Flesher's side tonight. King: Sympathy. They know he's going to get his ass kicked tonight. Edwin: I'd say the belt says otherwise. Flesher kisses his belt and sets it softly in the corner before coming to the center. Axis: Conspicuous by his absence is Z. I don't think Flesher realizes what happened. King: He hates that little.... Edwin: Nah, I think Flesher likes Z a lot. I mean, who wouldn't? You just stand next to the guy and you start to look good! Flesher meets Brody in the center, with Matthew Kivell wearing the stripes tonight. Brody scowls at Flesher, looking very angry, and Flesher returns a look that seems like he's trying to look pumped up but is, in fact, not entirely sure what's going on. Kivell signals for the bell. DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As soon as he hears the bell, Brody rears back and cracks Flesher across the face as hard as he can. The *SMACK* echoes through the arena as the crowd sits in silence. Flesher grabs his cheek, stunned. Brody stares at Flesher, then winds up and slaps him just as hard across the other cheek. Brody continues staring as Flesher looks quizzically at his mentor. Finally, Brody balls his hand up into a fist and swings back, then throws a wild haymaker at Flesher. Flesher dodges the punch and nails Brody hard in the nose with a shotei. Axis: OUCH! Brody's stunned not only by the force of the blow but also by the fact that it's Flesher who threw it! King: Brody knew it coming in. He knows what he's in for, but he can carry the sloppy youngster to a hell of a match if he tries. Axis: Sloppy youngster? King: Didn't you see him throwing potatoes at Ced last week? Axis: King, those were PHYSICAL potatoes. King: I rest my case. Brody looks even angrier as he regains his composure, only to see Flesher standing, scowling and waiting with another shotei to the face. Brody is able to get his hands up and block the impact of it, but he seems to realize that Flesher's not just going to roll over for him. Flesher looks extremely serious as he continues throwing palms at Brody, who answers them with knife-edge chops (with each one punctuated by a WHOO!!!!! from the crowd). The two get very fired up, hitting each other hard as hell, with each crack and slap heard all through the arena. The fans get whipped into a frenzy as Brody connects with a hard punch to Flesher's temple. Flesher stumbles backwards as Brody shouts, "COME ON! COME ON! BRING IT ON, TOMMY BOY!" Axis: Look at the heated blows these two are exchanging! Who would have thought a week ago when they were posing in the ring after Flesher's European Title win that they'd be throwing such hard punches and shoteis tonight? King: I did. Edwin: Well then why didn't you say anything about it, smart guy? King: I like to keep my observations to myself sometimes so as to keep the audience in suspense. Flesher shakes off the cobwebs and steps back to the center where he locks up with Brody. He attempts to whip Brody to the ropes, but Brody reverses it and sends Flesher to the ropes instead. As Flesher bounces off the ropes, Brody drops down and executes a drop toehold. Flesher falls to the mat, but before Brody can follow through into the Mexican surfboard, Flesher kicks backward and hits him in the stomach just hard enough to take him off-balance. Brody steps forward as Flesher rolls over and gets to his feet. Flesher remains off-balanced, and Brody is able to step in and hit a snap suplex followed by a floatover pin for ONE KICKOUT by Flesher, who throws a hard palm blow as he gets up to buy himself some time to regain his senses. He connects with Brody's cheek, stunning him for a moment and giving Flesher just enough time to back into the ropes as the fans applaud. Flesher and Brody square off once again. Flesher attempts to whip Brody to the ropes, succeeding this time. As Brody charges toward Flesher, Tom drops down and executes a dropkick to Brody's knee. Brody hits the mat and Flesher jumps on him to take advantage of his predicament, locking on an ankle lock. Axis: I think Flesher's giving Brody more than he bargained for here! Edwin: Bargained.... you think Brody's bribing Flesher to throw the match? Axis: No, I... Edwin: And when Flesher throws the match, Brody's going to use it to get a European Title shot, and then they'll both no-show and go out for beer? Axis: What I'm saying is... Edwin: Axis, that doesn't make any sense. I mean, first of all, why would they go out for beer if they were both going to have to no-show to do it? They have five nights a week to go out drinking. Axis: Edwin, will you please... Edwin: Geez, Axis, you're just not very bright sometimes. Axis grumbles and mutters something about watching the damn match. Brody grimaces in pain from the ankle lock as Flesher cranks it. Brody inches toward the ropes, but Flesher continues to yank him back to center-ring every time he gets close. Finally, Brody makes one last valiant effort to get to the ropes, reaches out, and makes it! Kivell counts ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR... and at the four-count, Flesher pulls Brody's leg up and drops an elbow into the pit of his knee. Brody screams and slides out of the ring, where Melissa runs up and puts her arm around him. Flesher leans on the ropes and stares down at Brody. Axis: Brody's knee took quite a beating there. That may affect him for the rest of the match. King: Well, Axis, what you're forgetting is that Shawn Brody has one major advantage in this match. He's got the experience necessary to defeat Tom Flesher, and the smarts to know what to do and when to do it. Flesher looks down at Brody, rolls his eyes back into his head and makes a big, exaggerated. mocking imitation of the Slit Throat taunt that Brody uses so often. The crowd laughs and cheers as Brody looks angry, but Melissa holds him back from reentering the ring. Leaning on the Kendo stick, Melissa smooches Brody on the cheek. She waves just as mockingly at Flesher as the crowd pops for her. Flesher gives Melissa the finger and shouts at the top of his lungs, "You're a SLUT!" The crowd pops loudly and, as Flesher leads them, start to chant "YOU'RE A SLUT! YOU'RE A SLUT!" With that, Brody slides back into the ring and charges at Flesher, who slides out of the ring. Brody switches directions as fast as he can and goes over to talk to Kivell. The easily-distracted Kivell talks to Brody, who can be heard saying, "Well, can't you at least give him a warning? Using that word should be ground for a DQ!" Flesher stays on the outside to take a breather while Brody harasses the official and doesn't see Melissa coming up behind him. She taps him on the shoulder and, as he turns around, whacks him hard with the Kendo stick! Flesher collapses to the floor as Melissa nails him once more for good measure. Brody turns around, sees the damage is done, and sighs to Kivell, "Well, whatever." He then slides out of the ring, picks up Flesher's battered body, and slides it in. Axis: Did you see that? Melissa just hit Flesher as hard as she could with that Kendo stick! King: Right there in the Guidebook to Being a Heel, page 420, The Valet. "While formerly known for using their spike heels as weapons, valets are becoming more liberated with every passing..." Axis: Oh, shut up. Edwin: Oh no... blood.... Edwin coughs nauseously as he sees the open wound on Flesher's forehead. Blood is pouring out of it as Flesher lays on the canvas. Brody hops up to the apron and takes a moment to do the Slit Throat taunt before taking the top rope and nailing Flesher with a slingshot senton atomico! Flesher convulses as Brody hits him. Brody lays across Flesher's body as Kivell counts ONE TWO THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But wait! NO!!!!! Kivell waves off the three-count and points to Flesher's foot, which is draped across the bottom rope! Brody is visibly enraged as he gets to his feet and puts the boots to Flesher. Axis: Flesher's demonstrating a high degree of knowledge about his whereabouts in the ring. King: If he knew what he was doing he wouldn't have gotten into that position in the first place. Edwin: Yeah, Suicide Queen knows all about positions... specifically pandastyle.... Brody pulls Flesher to his feet and whips him to the ropes, but Flesher reverses it. Brody bounces and goes for a spinning heel kick, which Flesher ducks. Brody lands on his feet behind Flesher. Flesher attempts a superkick, which Brody ducks and counters with a roundhouse kick, knocking Flesher to the mat. Shawn jumps into the air and goes for a kneedrop, but Flesher rolls out of the way and Brody lands hard on his knee. Flesher crawls over to the corner and gets to his feet, then charges and nails his opponent in the back of the head with a running elbowdrop. Brody grabs his head and collapses back to the mat. Flesher follows it up with a diving headbutt to Brody's ribs, then drags him back to the center of the ring. He takes Brody's leg and drops another elbow on it, landing the steely point of the elbow in the soft pit of the knee. Brody attempts to power out, but Flesher bangs the knee down to the mat and steps over it, dropping into his Lotus Blossom STF. Axis: It doesn't look good for Brody here... Edwin: Flesher's really got that Lotus Blossom on tight! Brody's having trouble getting to the ropes! Flesher cinches it, but Brody inches toward the ropes. Flesher bellows, "ASK HIM!" Kivell complies, and Brody shouts "HELL NO!" Kivell stays in front of Brody as Brody inches toward the boundary, extending each time and just barely missing the ropes. Flesher tries to crank it harder, but Brody extends one last time and grabs the bottom rope. Remembering the last time Flesher had to break a hold, Kivell immediately slaps Flesher's hands apart and prevents him from dropping an elbow or a headbutt on Brody. Kivell backs Flesher into a corner while Brody gets to his feet. As Kivell gets out of the way, Brody charges in and nails the unexpecting Flesher with a running heel kick. Flesher crumbles to the ground, his wound reopening and starting to bleed fresh, red blood onto his brand-new Ego Buster t-shirt. Brody grabs Flesher by his hair and yanks him to his feet, then whips him hard into the opposite corner. Flesher hits hard and isn't expecting Brody's follow-up, a hard dropkick to the knee. As Flesher falls, Brody catches him in a drop toehold, and this time is able to follow it through and tie up a Mexican surfboard. Flesher attempts to roll through, but Brody locks it up tight. Flesher writhes, trying to reach for the ropes, but is unable to. Finally, Brody releases the hold and whips Flesher to the opposite corner once again. Axis: Why do you suppose Brody released that hold? He probably could have gotten the submission right there. King: He wants to inflict more punishment. Brody's got the edge on Flesher. He can do with Flesher what he will, and Tom won't be able to stop him. As Flesher hits the corner, Brody follows him in with a roundhouse kick. He turns around and flips Flesher forward with a snapmare, and follows it up with a hard kick to Flesher's back - the Spinal Tap. Brody once again pulls Flesher to his feet, this time attempting to lock up a chicken wing for the Angel Wing Suplex. Flesher feels it coming and elbows Brody's head, getting enough reaction time to spin out and execute a quick and dirty Russian leg sweep to buy himself some recovery time. The camera zooms in as Flesher drops a headbutt onto Brody's chest, smearing his blood all over Brody and just sort of landing on him. Matthew Kivell counts ONE TWO KICKOUT by Brody, who gets to his feet. Flesher follows and throws a light palm blow to Brody's chest as a preventive measure. He follows it up with a palm strike to Brody's jaw that sends Brody stumbling to the side. Flesher dives in and grabs a single-leg takedown, twisting Brody's leg into an ankle lock, and hangs on while he attempts to regain his senses. Brody struggles as Flesher continues working his leg, but by and large Brody is able to deal with the hold much better this time than he was earlier in the match, grabbing the ropes fairly quickly and forcing Tom to release. Flesher breaks the hold and backs into the center of the ring as Brody gets to his feet, slightly favoring his left leg. Edwin: Nice choice of strategy there by Tom Flesher. He needs to catch a breather when he can, and throwing on a submission hold is a great way to do that. King: Brody's got it all over Flesher at this point. He's got better stamina and he's got better ring presence. Edwin: Flesher's got a European Title that says he's able to pull off a win when he needs to. King: Yeah? Well I've got a World Title reign that says I know more about what goes on in the ring than you do, you panda-loving schmuck. Axis: Come on, guys, just watch what's going on in the ring. Brody gets to his feet, but Flesher immediately charges toward him and nails him with a running palm blow. Brody falls over the top rope and, unable to control his momentum, Flesher goes with him. The two land side-by-side, but Melissa starts to kick Flesher in the ribs. Brody gets to his feet and grabs Flesher, ramming him into the ringpost. All of a sudden, the fans start to look to the entrance and cheer... IT'S Z!!!! Z jogs toward the ring, a pair of plastic handcuffs dangling from his wrists, and proceeds to trip and fall flat on his face. Axis: It's Z! He got free! Edwin: Isn't doing him much good though, god love him. Brody grabs Flesher and holds his hands behind his back. He yells, "GRAB THE KENDO STICK!!" and Melissa turns obediently to get the weapon. Meanwhile, Z has gotten to his feet and is trying to make it to the ring, oblivious to what's happening. When he gets to the area, he sees Brody holding Flesher and Melissa winding up to nail Tom with the Kendo stick. Mustering all his courage, Z charges behind Brody to nail him with an elbow strike, and... Trips... Causing him to fall forward, going just far enough to grab Brody's ankle! He pulls Brody's leg out from under him, tripping Brody and bringing him down, pulling Flesher right out of the path of the Kendo stick! Melissa finishes the swing, striking the guardrail harmlessly as Flesher dodges and sees Z trying to get to his feet. Brody gets up and winds up to punch Flesher, but Flesher dodges the punch and spins Brody around to face Z, then gives him a two-handed shove right into....... Edwin: GALATEA SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GALATEA SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Axis: Edwin, Z probably doesn't even realize that Brody stumbled onto his boot. Edwin: GALATEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! King: Talk about your unethical treatment of the testicles. Brody falls flat on the floor, curled like a boiled shrimp and holding his groin. Flesher slides under the bottom rope and, failing to see anything better to do, Z grabs the injured Brody and shoves him back into the ring. Flesher drops a headbutt onto Brody's ribs and then takes a moment to showboat. Z, meanwhile, gets up and walks over to Melissa, tripping and accidentally tackling her on the outside. Flesher yanks Brody to his feet and hooks the curled-up Fallen Angel's leg and head, then follows through with a back-arching Lotus suplex. Flesher holds the grip tightly and rolls through, then lifts Brody into the air with the same lock. Flesher drops to the side, hammering Brody's head into the mat with a Lotus driver and releasing the cradle. He rolls on top of Brody and Kivell counts ONE TWO THR- NO!!!!!! Brody kicks out!!!!!!! Flesher looks up at Kivell, stunned and shocked that Brody kicked out, and drops a diving headbutt onto Brody. Kivell counts ONE TWO - KICKOUT by Brody! Flesher's face would be ghost-white if he didn't have blood streaming down his forehead. He yanks Brody to his feet and whips him to the corner, then charges in with a boot to Brody's face. Brody crumbles to the mat, but instead of nailing Brody with his usual series of Doc Marten kicks, Flesher pulls Brody to his feet, smacks him with a hard palm to the chin, and hoists him to the top rope. He seats Brody on top, then spins around to face the ring and grabs Brody's arms. Flesher pulls Brody forward, sending him head-over-heels to the mat and sending him crashing onto his back in an Iconoclasm. Tom then mounts the top rope, stares down at Brody, and jumps off, screaming with anger and desire as he falls to the mat. BRODY MOVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Axis: Oh my god! How did Brody manage to roll out of the way of that flying headbutt? King: Guts, Axis. Pure guts and a lot of testicular fortitude. Edwin: I'm giving your wife a look at my testicular fortitude! ZING! Flesher crashes to the mat head-first. His head bounces with a sickening thud, and he rolls to the side. Where he landed, he leaves a giant, sick-looking blood stain. Brody goes to the ropes and pulls himself to his feet, then dives onto Flesher with a jumping knee drop, further reaming open the gash on Flesher's forehead. Brody lays across Flesher's chest, neglecting to hook a leg, and Kivell counts ONE TWO THR- NO!!!!!!! Flesher gets his shoulder up! Brody pulls him to his feet and slaps him hard across the face, then holds him by his hair and yells, "WHAT? WHAT? IS THIS TOO MUCH FOR YOU, TOMMY?!?!?! DONTCHA WISH I'D NEVER GOT YOU WHERE YOU ARE TODAY?!" He shoves Flesher back to the canvas angrily and seems oblivious to the crowd's loud booing and chants of "FALLEN ASSHOLE *clap clap clapclapclap*." Axis: Look at the sadism from Shawn Brody. What a son of a bitch he is. He's convinced that he's the only thing responsible for Flesher's success. King: Flesher cost him the TV Title! Edwin: Flesher didn't screw Brody! Brody screwed.... Axis: DON'T say that! What, do you want us to get sued?! Brody yanks Flesher to his feet again and pulls Flesher up into a reverse fireman's carry, preparing for the Angel Wings. Flesher starts moving around and is able to keep Brody from executing the move by keeping him from getting a good grip, finally shaking and shimmying enough to slide down Brody's back and land on his feet behind him. Flesher hits Brody with a hard palm blow to the back of the head, stunning him, and then locks his hands around Brody's waist. Flesher lifts Brody and backs over to the ropes, finally arching his back and sending a loud kiai, a spirit shout, echoing through the arena. The crowd takes a collective gasp as they see Brody's eyes widen when Flesher throws him backwards over the top rope and releases him to crash to the floor in a heap. Brody screams at the top of his lungs as he falls, finally landing on his shoulders on the concrete. Flesher looks to the outside and falls to his knees. Axis: My... my god. It's just a formality from here. Edwin: Brody would have broken his neck if he had landed just a few degrees' higher angle. Matthew Kivell looks stunned, but knows enough to start counting. ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Tell All The People" starts to play over the PA as Tom Flesher kneels motionless by the ropes. Matthew Kivell brings him his European belt, and Flesher kisses it softly, cradling it in his lap. Funyon: Your winner as the result of a count-out... the European Champion..... THE SUPERIOR ONE TOM FLESHER!!!!!!! Z runs into the ring, tripping himself up in the ropes in the process. As Melissa runs over to check on Brody, Flesher gets to his feet, then leans over the top rope. He stares at Brody's lifeless body for a moment... then he yells down at him... "Never, ever, EVER FORGET that I beat you! NEVER!" Z untangles himself and walks over to help the seething Flesher calm down. Flesher slings the belt over his shoulder, and as Flesher and Z leave the ring together, we fade. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 The SmarksTron blazes to life, as the picture of one infamous man can be seen on the screen. His smirk stretches across his face like a vast river on a map. His strawberry-blond hair stretches down to his shoulders, wrapped neatly up in braids. He lets out a slight chuckle. “Hello…Scum…” Posiyn remarks to the crowd. The crowd begins to boo his appearance, as he chuckles once more, leaning back in his chair. “Well, well, well, so we meet again. The man once known as Matt Myers once again graces the SmarksTron of the Smarks Wrestling Federation…last time I was here, it was owned by IGN, and it seems that the league has gone under some changes…and so have I.” The fans begin to boo louder, as a camera zooms in on a simple ‘MYERS SUCKS’ sign that a fan is holding in one of the top levels of the arena. “But alas, no more am I Matt Myers. I am now the simple force that can take down any wrestler that dare cross my path. I am the one that everyone has disrespected, and is now back for vengeance and…blood.” He takes a deep breath in, looking away from the fans as his eyes drift off to a far corner of the room, and takes one more deep breath in. “And there’s one more thing I’m here for…I’m here for…” His brown eyes full of confidence and revenge then fade into a serious look. He frowns, the smile has been wiped off his face. “…The one. You don’t know who you are, but deep down, you know. You don’t know why I’m coming for you…but you will know. You are the one I have chosen to be the first sacrifice that of the…Pooosssssssiiiiiiyyyyynnnn…” His voice fades off into a deep hiss, as he says his name. A frown still lodged on his face, the SmarksTron fades to black. Then, “Crawling In The Dark” by Hoobastank blares over the arena, as the camera zooms to the announce team of Commissioner Edwin, The Suicide King, and Axis. Edwin and Axis’ faces have a disturbed look on them, but The Suicide King has a gigantic smile on his face. “Welcome back to SJL Crimson everbody…but…oh my lord…” Edwin trails off, as Axis finishes his sentence. “You said it, Edwin…words can’t describe what we just saw, Matt Myers has said that he is coming back to the SJL, and he’s already picked out a target, which he has called simply ‘The One’. This music playing is probably Matt My…or should I say, ‘Posiyn’s’ theme music,” Axis remarks. The Suicide King takes a huge, evil, laugh. “Ahh…such fools. Why are you two being so unhappy? Look on the bright side! Matt Myers has come back with a killer instinct, and he’s come back in a new form, a new attitude, and it looks like he’s already picked out a new target to go after. I’ll tell ya…he’s going to be a definite rising star! In fact…” King looks at Edwin and Axis, “I’ve heard that Matt Myers is going to be at Metal this week!” “So, Myers is returning on Metal, eh?” Edwin says, a smirk being forged on his face, “Well, this is huge news, my Australian and evil friends! Posiyn is going to have to get ready, because he’s definity going to be booked for Metal!” “Matt Myers is returning next Metal! He’s already got a target picked, which he has dubbed ‘The One!’ Who is this one? Why has Myers picked him?” Axis says, “All this might be answered next Metal, so don’t miss it, folks!” The SJL logo flashes across the screen, as Metal fades into a commercial for Sacred’s ‘EEEVVIIILLL’ dental floss, gaurenteeded to make you 40% more evil… Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 The rowdy fans in the Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey are pumped for the next match. The famous red lights of Crimson flash on and off in the Arena. The cameraman walks through the Arena floor passing many signs. One said "Fear the Pipe" the trademark weapon of Jacob Helmsley. Another one with a black bristle board poster says "The New Jersey Mafia" and arrows pointing in all directions. The camera switches to the three commentators. Axis the Aussie, Edwin the SJL Commissioner, and Suicide King, the commentator who hates all. "Welcome back to Crimson people," Axis says to the millions of viewers that are watching. "The noisy people here in East Rutherford are anxious for the next match." "It'll be a great match. Three men in the ring in no ordinary triple threat match. Its a Hardcore Elimination style," Edwin announces the stipulation of the next match. "Three wrestlers trying to get a name of themselves in the top card. Jacob Helmsley, Mafia and Xero all looking towards a victory tonight." "One thing I love about Hardcore matches. You go in, there are no rules, and you can pound the shit of your opponent. These guys will be hurting, blood all over the ring, the carnage, It's all great," King tells Edwin on why he loves Hardcore matches. "They don't call you "Suicide King" for nothing," Edwin says. "Nope, I am Suicide King." King gloats. "Meaning of Life" by Disturbed is played, as the fans stand up on there feet. Jacob Helmsley walks out with boos from the fans that you can here Disturbed in the faint background. Jacob walks down towards the entrance way, with a lot of confidence that he is going to win. "Ladies and Gentlemen. This match is a Triple Threat Hardcore Elimination match. Last person still in the match wins. First at a height of Six feet, Four inches, and weighing in at Two Hundred Twenty-Seven pounds. From Calgary Alberta Canada and famous for the lead pipe, Jacob HELMMMMMMSSSSLEY!!!!" Funyon yells out Jacob's name. Jacob climbs up the turnbuckle farthest away from the commentators table. The fans take pictures of Jacob standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms up in the air. The main lights dimmer down, but its not completely pitch black. "Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Back" by Prong is blasted throughout the Continental Airlines Arena. Many different array of colours from the rainbow flicker in the arena, as few main spotlights shine on the entrance way. Mafia appears from the back, and like Jacob Helmsley, Mafia is being booed too. Mafia walks down the entrance way as the spotlights follow him to the bottom of the ramp. He walks towards the steel stairs leading up to the ring. Step by step, Mafia walks up the stairs and enters the ring. "At a height of Six feet and weighing in at Two hundred Fifteen pounds. From Denver Colorado he is known as "The Hitman" MAFIIIIIIIAAAAA!!!" Funyon shouts. Mafia and Jacob stand in the ring, waiting for Xero to show up. The lights go completely dark, darker than night. The distorted guitar of Billy Corgan is heard through the Continental Airlines Arena. "Zero" by Smashing Pumpkins is being played, but Xero does not come out. "Where the fuck is Xero?" King wonders. "Probably doesn't want to get embarrassed." Edwin states. The lights still turned off as Zero is still being played. Next all you hear is a thud in the ring. "What was that?" Axis jumps wondering what was the noise. Another thud was heard in the ring. The lights are quickly turned back on as Xero is standing in the corner, twirling a Kendo stick in his right hand. Mafia and Jacob Helmsley are laying on the mat from the sneak attack by Xero. "HOLY SHIT!" Axis shouts out from Xero's attack. "Something I would have done, good job." King says The fans are screaming like crazy what Xero has done. Jacob gets up to his feet, and rushes towards Xero. Xero grabs the Kendo Stick with both hands and cracks the Kendo Stick over the head of Mr. Helmsley, and damaging the stick, forcing Xero to throw the stick out of the ring. Helmsley laying motionless on the mat, while Xero heads over towards Mafia. Xero grabs Mafia's head, but with desperation, Mafia throws a few right hand jabs in the stomach of Xero. Mafia gets up to his feet, clutches his fists and throws right hand punches at Xero's face knocking him back to the ropes. With Xero up against the ropes, Mafia runs back to adjacent ropes. Recoiling from the ropes at full speed and moving at Xero with tremendous pace, Mafia extends his arm outwards, and knocks Xero over the top rope. Xero falls on the mat outside of the ring, with most of his weight on his left shoulder. Mafia using his speed backs up to the ropes, as Xero grabbing a hold of the guard rails getting back up to his feet. With the agility that Mafia has, he is able to leap on to the top rope and flips forward, and comes crashing down on top of Xero with the Top Rope Senton. "Holy shit!" is being said by the near by fans on Mafia's suicide Top Rope Senton on Xero. "I can't believe that Mafia is really destroying his body already," Edwin states. "Mafia and Xero are completely out of it, neither one is moving an inch," Axis commentates the match. Helmsley gets out of the ring, and sees that both of his opponents are both hurt. Jacob walks towards Mafia who is leaning up against the ring. Jacob grabs Mafia's head and walks over towards the steel steps. With a lot of force, Jacob throws the battered Mafia into the steps, knocking the top part of the steps loose. Jacob grabs the top piece of the steps and raises it over his head. Jacob smashes the steps onto Mafia's chest. "Son of a...." shouts out Mafia who is screaming in pain. Jacob still has the steps in his hands, and raises the steps over his head again. As Helmsley is about to drop the stairs on Mafia, Xero nails Jacob in the back of his with the forearm. Jacob drops the stairs and walks closer towards the steel guard rails. Jacob is up against the rails, as Xero nails a quick uppercut that connects on Mr. Helmsley jaw, and sends him over the rails. Xero turns around and sees Mafia who is laying on the ground. Xero bends over to grab Mafia, but Mafia trips up Xero, and sends him crashing on the bottom piece of the stairs landing face first. "Xero's face is dented in from Mafia's Drop Toe Hold," Axis says. Mafia walks to the side of the ring, and pulls up the ring apron. Mafia looks under the apron and grabs a hold of an aluminum trash can. Holding onto the trash can, Mafia throws the waste basket into the ring. Mafia grabs a hold of a fire extinguisher. He sees Helmsley rushing at him. With a quick reaction, Mafia sprays Jacob with fire extinguisher. The sodium bicarbonate is sprayed on on Helmsley as he is covered in a thick white cloud. Jacob walks away not able to see anything as Mafia throws the Fire Extinguisher in the ring. Still searching for more stuff, Mafia pulls out a cookie sheet, an old Nintendo system that doesn't work, a cheese grader and throws all of those items in the ring one at a time. Mafia also pulls out a table from underneath. "Look at all of the junk Mafia pulled out," Edwin points out. "Its all legal folks, what he pulled out, can be used against him," Axis states. Jacob grabs a hold of Mafia's head from behind and guides him to the ring pole. Jacob throws Mafia into the ring pole, and nails the pole head on. Xero slowly gets up to his feet, as Jacob rolls Mafia inside the ring. Jacob moving back towards the table that is lying on the mat. Mr. Helmsley grabs the table, and turns it sideways so he could pull the legs out so the table is standing up. Jacob leaves the table outside of the ring, as he slides into the ring. Jacob grabs the cookie sheet and raises it over his head walking up towards Mafia. Mafia connects with a quick kick in the stomach of Jacob, forcing Jacob to drop the sheet. Mafia nails another quick kick into the stomach of Jake, as he is bend over. Mafia steps back a bit, and quickly sprints towards Jacob. Mafia jumps in the air, and gets his right leg on the back of Jacob's head, and drives him down towards the mat with the Fame Asser. "Mafia with the brutal Fame Asser on Jacob, he's down and out of it," Edwin implies. "Do you like vegetables Edwin, since basically this match is a squash. Mafia making the lateral press on Jacob Helmsley and lifts Helmsley right leg high up in the air. The ref gets ready to make the three count. One... Two... Th-no! Jacob lifts up his shoulder. Mafia quickly gets up on to his feet, and stomps Jacob in the ribs. Jacob with no choice has to roll out of the ring. Xero is now in the ring, and is standing right behind Mafia, who is leaning right over the ropes, talking smack to Mr. Helmsley. "Xero is stalking Mafia who had just nailed the wicked Fame Asser," Axis says. Mafia turns around only to receive a strong kick towards the ribs. Xero locks on a front face lock on Mafia, and drives Mafia face first with the DDT. Xero rolls Mafia on his back, making the pinfall attempt. One... Two... Thr-NO! Mafia lifts up the shoulder in time. Xero walks towards the old Nintendo Entertainment System that doesn't even work. Xero grabs the Nintendo from each side, as Mafia is up on his feet, stunned. Xero with the Nintendo in his hands, and runs wildly at Mafia. The Nintendo nails Mafia straight on the forehead, knocking him out unconscious. The Nintendo is dented inwards from Mafia's thick skull, as Xero makes another pinfall attempt. One... Two... Thre-no! Mafia was able to kick out in time. "Mafia has a few chips probably inside of his brain right now," Axis says. "I guess it will help him to do better later on in the match," Edwin says. "Or throw a punch," King implies that Mafia has had no offence in this match at all. Jacob Helmsley grabs a hold of his trusty lead pipe that was underneath the table. "We've seen Jacob doing lots of damage with this led pipe of his," Axis states. "This time he can use it as many times as he wants with all reason. No rules, anything goes," Edwin re-states the rules of the match. Jacob gently strokes the pipe before entering the ring. Jacob steps into the ring, as Xero goes straight after him. A big swing by Jacob with the pipe. Xero dodges the assault of the pipe from Jacob, and steps behind Mr. Helmsley, locking in the reverse waist lock on Mr. Helmsley. Xero tosses Jacob behind, and locks in the bridging German Suplex. The ref goes down counting the pinfall. One... Two... Thre-NO! Jacob is able to escape the bridge. The Calgary Native is out cold, the pipe out of his hands, and rolls outside of the ring. Mafia starts to get up on to his feet. Xero is up on his feet stomping on top of Jacob on his ribs. Mafia walks up towards Xero, and joins in on the mud hole stomping of Jacob Helmsley. "Xero and Mafia are showing no signs of stopping for Jacob, Some stop it!" Axis cries for the safety of Jacob Helmsley. "Hey Axis, there is no rules, why should they stop?" King retorts. Mafia and Jacob grab a hold of Jacob's body, and lift him back up to his feet. Both men grab Mr. Helmsley arms and with the strength of both men, whips the bruised Jacob into the ropes. Jacob springs back from the ropes, as Mafia and Xero lock arms, going for the double clothesline. Jacob sees the move early enough, and dodges his opponents. He recoils off the ropes again, and extends both arms as wide as he can. Xero and Mafia both turn around, as Jacob Helmsley leaps to knock both opponents down with the clothesline. Xero rolls out of the ring, while both Mafia and Jacob are in the ring together. Jacob grabs a hold of Mafia's hair, and lifts him back up to his feet. Jacob clutches his fist, and throws a thundering right hand punch towards the jaw of Mafia. Mafia jolts back a few steps, as Jacob throws another strong right hand punch, knocking Mafia back into the ropes. Jacob grasps Mafia's wrist, and throws him into the adjacent ropes. Mafia bouncing off the stingy ropes, back to Jacob. Mafia looks to go for a Cross Body Block, but Jacob catches Mafia in mid air. Jacob falls backwards, and throws Mafia behind hitting the powerful Fall-Away Slam. Jacob scoots on over, and makes the lateral press on Mafia. Jacob raises the leg slightly off the ground. One... Two... Thre-NO! Mafia is able to slide a shoulder off the mat. "Jacob is just punishing Mafia right now," Axis points out. "Mafia just doesn't have any momentum flowing at this moment," Edwin comments. Jacob grabs the cookie sheet that was lying up against the bottom turnbuckle. Jacob grabs the cookie sheet and places it in the middle of the ring. Jacob walks back towards Mafia and picks him up with ease, and scoop slams him right on top of the cookie sheet. Mafia screaming in pain as the corners of the sheet dig into his back, as Jacob goes up onto the turnbuckle. Climbing up on the turnbuckle, Jacob stands up on the top turnbuckle, as Xero sees from across the ring. Jacob leaps off the top rope, and drives his leg onto the chest of Mafia. "What an amazing Top Rope Leg Drop by Jacob Helmsley!" Edwin shouts out. "Look at Mafia just aching in pain," The fans chant "SJL" through out the whole Continental Airlines Arena, as Mafia barely even moving suffering a vicious leg drop from Helmsley. Jacob makes the cover on to Mafia, hopefully to put Mafia away for good. One... Two... Three-NO!!!! The last second possible before the ref could hit the mat, Mafia some how manages to escape. "AMAZING!!!" Yells Edwin "Some how Mafia does not want to give up yet, he is still finding a way to escape near falls, and this is pissing Jacob off," King says "Jacob needs to find a way to defeat Mafia once and for all," Axis commentates. Jacob not happy at all, starts to strangle Mafia with the blaint chokehold. The referee can't do anything since there are no rules. Xero slides in with a chair in hand, as Helmsley lets go of the hold. Mafia coughing for fresh air, as Helmsley goes after Xero. Xero bashes the steel chair over the skull of Helmsley. Jacob goes down, busted open on the forehead. "There's finally blood drawn, and Helmsley is now busted open," Edwin says. The blood trickles down Jacob face as Xero stands over top of Mafia with the chair in hand. Xero lifts the chair over the chest of Mafia, and drives the steel onto the sternum of Mafia. "Mafia is in a lot of pain," Axis states. "He probably wants to forget this night, take the next show off to nurse his injuries so he go in next week," Edwin says. "You gotta wrestle day in day out, you don't take shows off just because you broke a nail," King replies to Edwin silly comment. "But he might have internal injuries," Edwin whines. "Internal Injuries my ass. He just doesn't have the heart to wrestle for the next show," King shows no sign of sympathy for Mafia. Xero drops the steel chair on top of Mafia's chest. He walks on over towards the turnbuckles, and starts to climb up the turnbuckles. Xero reaches to the top of the turnbuckle, and faces towards Mafia who is still lying in the ring. Xero jumps off the top turnbuckle, and soars in the air like a bird. Xero comes crashing down on top of Mafia who has the chair still on top of him, with the Frog Splash. Mafia is in tremendous pain, Xero is holding his ribs from landing on the steel chair. Xero is slowly making the cover on Mafia. One... Two... Three... Mafia is the first to get eliminated. "Well it took a lot of energy from Xero just to get Mafia knocked out of the match," Edwin comments on the endurance of Mafia. Mafia lies in the ring barely moving. Jacob still has blood on his face, and some of it is on the ring mats. Xero is lying in pain, holding his ribs from the spectacular Frog Splash. Jacob stands up on to his feet, as he grabs a hold of the cheese grader. Standing right behind Xero, Jacob uses his left arm to apply a reverse chin lock on Xero. With his right hand, Jacob forces the cheese grader on Xero's forehead. The sharp circles on the grader dig into Xero's skin, and rips the skin right off, from Jacob rubbing the grader back and forth. Jacob swings the cheese cutter at Xero's skull knocking him out cold. Blood is gushing out of Xero's head. Jacob makes the cover on Xero. The ref goes and makes the pinfall count One... Two... Thre-NO! Xero is somehow able to raise the shoulder up. "Xero is already covered in blood, as Jacob goes out of the ring to look for more weapons," Axis says. "I thought Jacob would have won the match right there," Edwin states. "Both of these men enjoying this blood bath, finally Mafia gets out of the ring," Axis says. "Jacob probably wants to do more damage on to Xero," King predicts. Mafia heading up the entrance way, while Jacob is looking for more weapons. He looks out of the ring, and pulls out a Stop sign. Jacob throws the sign in the ring, and it almost nails Xero who's still lying in his own pile of blood. Jacob still searching for more items he could inflict more pain towards Xero. Jacob grabs a hold of a Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat, and slides into the ring. Xero gets up on to his feet, and has his back turned against Jacob Helmsley. Xero turns around, and sees a charging Helmsley swinging the baseball bat right into the ribs of Xero. Xero goes down like a train wreck, holding his ribs. "Did you hear that crack...of the bat by Helmsley!?" Axis shouts out. "It certainly was a hit...heard round the world," Edwin jokes. "..." King moans Xero lying in on the mat, as Jacob makes towards the turnbuckles. Mr. Helmsley climbs up the turnbuckles with the baseball bat in hand. Jacob standing tall up on the top turnbuckle with the Baseball bat. Jacob jumps off the turnbuckle, and drives the wooden baseball bat right into the ribs of Xero. The wooden bat snaps in half, as Jacob drops the bat onto the mat. "Owww..." Xero screams in pain. The Calgary Native makes the cover onto Xero. One... Two... Three-NO!!! Last ditch effort by Xero stops Jacob from winning the match. Jacob just can't believe that Xero managed to escape. Jacob grabs Xero by his head, and walks on over towards the turnbuckles. Jacob throws Xero into the turnbuckles, as he grabs on to the top rope, and starts to kick right towards Xero's damaged rib cage. Jacob stops the swift kicks towards Xero, as he lifts up Xero to the top turnbuckle. Xero sitting on the top turnbuckle with a daze. Jacob starts to climb up the turnbuckles. Jacob is on the second turnbuckle, as Xero kicks Jacob off the turnbuckles. Jacob lands on his feet, and rushes over towards Xero. Xero locks on a front face lock, and is going for the Tornado DDT. Xero spins off the ropes, and tries to hit the Tornado DDT, but Helmsley counters. Xero lands on his feet, still holding on to the Front Face Lock. Xero attempts another Tornado DDT, but Helmsley would not budge. Jacob falls backwards nailing a beautiful Northern Lights Suplex, and holds in with a bridge. The ref goes down for the pin fall count. One... Two... Three-NO!!!!! Xero manages to break the bridge. "What great counters by Jacob Helmsley!" Edwin shouts out. "Xero going for the Xero Gravity twice, but Jacob counters right into the Northern Lights Suplex," says Axis. Jacob a little pissed that Xero still doesn't give up. Jacob walks over towards the stop sign, and grabs a hold of it. Xero starts to get back up to his feet, but has his back turned against Jacob. Xero turns his head slightly to see Jacob coming towards Xero with the Stop sign. As Jacob approaches towards Xero, Xero sends out a swift Back Heel Kick that nails the stop sign which was held close towards Jacob's face. Jacob goes down like a sack of bricks, as you can see the size 13 foot of Xero implanted in the sign. The fans cheer for that unexpected kick by Xero. "Xero just dented the stop sign in," Edwin yells like a blubbering idiot. "I should dent you in," King threatens Edwin "..." Axis moans "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU, I HATE YOU TWO BITCHING AT EACH OTHER SHOW AFTER SHOW!!!" Axis snaps. Edwin and Suicide King look down in disgrace, as Axis is steaming red. Xero slides out of the ring, and heads towards the ring bell. Xero grabs a hold of the ring bell and enters back into the ring. Jacob gets up from his feet, but is still stunned from the lightning quick Back Heel Kick delivered by Xero. Xero stalks Jacob who is still standing up. Jacob turns around, and sees Xero charging with the ring bell in hand. Xero leaps forward... DING! Xero connects the ring bell on the skull of Jacob Helmsley. Xero throws the ring bell towards the corner of the ring. Xero makes the lateral cover, and grabs Jacob's leg and raises it slightly in the air. One... Two... Three-NO!!! Jacob manages to kick out at the last split second. "Holy cows, Jacob has still some energy left in him," cries Edwin. "Xero a little peeved that his planned did not work," Axis states. Xero grabs a hold of Jacob's right leg, and forces him to turn over. Xero applying the Single Leg Boston Crab on Jacob Helmsley, twisting the leg where its not suppose to. "If I was applied that submission move, I would tap instantly," Edwin says. "And that's why you never won the World Belt," King comments "Xero probably thinks, "If pinning doesn't work, then break his bones is a better way,". "Like Xero is gonna break Jacob's leg into three pieces. "Jacob holding on to the bottom rope, but this is a hardcore match, rope breaks do not work," Axis reminds for the viewers watching in front of their television sets. Jacob not giving up just yet, as Xero still has the submission hold lock in. "Give up you bastard," Xero yells towards Jacob. Xero growing impatiently that every second passes which Jacob does not want to tap out. Xero lets go of the submission hold, but still has Jacob leg. Xero raises his leg high into the air, and drives the leg back down towards the mat. Jacob screaming in pain after his sore knee nails the mat. Xero grabs a hold of Jacob by his hair, and raises him back up to his feet. Xero strikes with a knife edge chop across the chest of Jacob Helmsley. Jacob holds his chest, as the fans chant "WOOOOO!" Xero nails another knife edge chop across the chest of Helmsley, again the fans go "WOOOOOOOO!" Jacob, up against the ropes as Xero sends him across the ring with a violent Irish Whip. Jacob reverses the whip, which sends Xero into the ropes. Xero recoils with a lots of speed, as Jacob ducks early. Xero sees this mistake by Jacob, and locks in another front face lock. Xero springs up off his feet, and spins 180 degrees planting the Tornado DDT. "Xero nails Jacob with the Xero Gravity," Edwin points out. "It could be over," Axis implies. Xero makes the cover over top of Jacob Helmsley. The ref goes down for the count. One... Two... Three... Xero wins, but to bad the bell can't be rung since its in the ring. "Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of this match, XERO!!" Funyon shouts out. "Its great to see Xero finally win his first match back since he returned," Edwin states. "Its been that long since he won?" Axis questions. "Yep," King replies. Xero walks out of the ring filled with weapons, as he heads back to the entrance way. Xero walks up the ramp, with tremendous cheers by the fans. Jacob lays in the ring looking upwards towards the New Jersey Devil banners. "Zero" by Smashing Pumpkins is playing as Xero stands tall amongst his fans. When Xero turns around, Mafia rushes out and clocks Xero directly in the face with a pair of brass knucks. "What the hell is this for?" Axis demands. "Do something Edwin your the commissioner, keep your wrestlers from fighting each other." "Hey its entertainment Axis, chill." King says. Xero is knocked unconscious as Mafia has Xero by his head. Mafia walks back towards the SJLtron, as he throws Xero into the big S that supports the Tron. Xero is barely moving. "Mafia has snapped," Axis implies. "He's seeking revenge for what Xero did earlier. Eliminated him." King comments Mafia grabs a hold of Xero's head again and walks on over towards the edge of the stage. The fans are standing up on their feet, waiting what is going to happen next. "Don't tell me Mafia is actually going to do this," Edwin speaks. Mafia throws Xero right off the stage. Xero falls right on top of all the sound equipment and tables that were lying down there. "MY GAWD!!! MAFIA IS A SICK BASTARD!!!" Axis yells out. "HE KILLED XERO, XERO IS DEAD, HE'S NOT MOVING!!!" Axis yells The fans chant "Holy shit!" as Xero is getting attention by the medical personal. "Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Back" by Prong is being played, as the camera focuses on the sadistic look of Mafia for what he just done. The camera fades to black signaling for a commercial break. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 TV signals once again beam forth from the Continental Airlines Arena in New Jersey, as yet another wonderful episode of SJL Crimson returns to the air. The arena is sold out, and the camera scans around the mass of human flesh that occupy the stands, capturing the ravenous fans jumping and yelling like escaped schizophrenic mental patients in a desperate attempt to get their faces on TV. After a quick glance into the crowd the camera switches to one in front of the announce table, capturing the prominent visages of Axis, Edwin MacPhisto and the Suicide King preparing to call the upcoming match. Edwin: ?Greetings, citizens, it is I, the commissioner of chaos and calamity, the most powerful being in all the world of the universe, Edwin MacPhisto, bringing you another superbly suspenseful shindig of superfluous proportions, the red-tinted show of superiorness, SJL Crimson.? King: ?You?re a moron.? Edwin: ?Thank you for your insight King, I shall take it under no consideration.? Axis: ?Calm down the pair of you, we?ve got a match to call.? Edwin: ?Correct you are as always my Aussie assistant, we do indeed have a magnificent match on the horizon. Following on from a super show, booked by me, we?ve got a big #1 Contendership Match for the World Title between the excitingly extravagant X Force 9 member Ash Ketchum, and the sadistically sinister Showstopper, Stryke, again booked by me. And if this upcoming match isn?t enough to satisfy your appetite, we?ve still yet to see the main event, a non-title affair between Erek Taylor and Flexxx. And whoops, that?s booked by me too! I guess I?m just a super booker.? King: ?Bah, you?re a super-dork. All your shows are crap, I?d do a better job, I?m superior in every way.? Axis: ?Well anyways, we?ve g?? King: ?Excuse me?! Don?t interrupt me while I?m talking! Now I know you Aussies aren?t too bright, but you should learn to respect the true King of this place. Forget Edwin MacJerkface, this is my show, former SWF Heavyweight Champ the Suicide King?s show.? Axis: ?Well fine King, you do the announcing, lets see if you can back up your claims.? King: ?Of course I can, I?m the King! Now, we?ve got a pokemon lover, a member of X Force Whine, and the Showstopper, a true superstar of the JL. With the #1 Contendership to the World Title on the line, there?s no doubt in my mind that Stryke will come out on top, and then get after that smarmy pretty boy Erek Taylor.? Axis: ?Well I don?t know King, on both the last two shows Ash Ketchum has come out on top of Stryke, first in a 3-way, getting the pin on Stryke, and then last Metal in the tag match.? King: ?What? I recall no such results ever occurring.? Edwin: ?Well video tape doesn?t lie chump, and we?ve got the end of both matches lined up right here.? The tape plays, showing both Ash pinning Stryke and X Force 9 defeating the team of Stryke and Flexxx. Axis: ?There you go King, what do you have to say now?? King: ?Humpf, I guess I was bored to sleep by your commentary Convict Boy.? Edwin: ?Well anyway lads and lasses, they?ve fought twice, and for one of them the third times the charm, as one of them will walk away with a World Title shot, signed sealed and delivered.? The crowd is buzzing in expectation for the match as Funyon, looking rather sharp, climbs into the ring and brings the microphone to his mouth. Funyon: ?Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is set for one-fall, and is for the #1 Contendership to the JL World Title!? A large roar comes up from the crowd as the match is announced, but just as the spirits of the fans are rising they are instantly dampened as ?Break Stuff? by Limp Bizkit kicks up. The fans instantly turn, booing as if Hitler just made a run in with a steel chair, as 4 blue fireworks blast up from the stage, before 4 silver fireworks blast up from the same spots a second later. Finally, a huge blue flame of pyro blasts up from the middle of the entranceway, and when the sparks and smoke clears, Strkye is standing on top of the entranceway, his arms out in a crucifix position. He looks out into the fans, each one booing and screaming hatred as if they?d like to crucify him. Funyon: ?Entering first, weighing 207lbs from Sydney, Australia, STRYKE!!!? After standing there a moment to absorb the thunderous boos of the crowd, Stryke heads down the ramp and quickly slides into the ring, before making his way to the far ring corner and climbing up, raising his right arm to the fans, resulting in another wave of hatred for the Australian. As the fans boo their hearts out Stryke hops down into the ring and prepares for the match. Edwin: ?Stryke in the ring, and it sounds as if the fans aren?t too chuffed to see him out here.? King: ?They just don?t appreciate real talent. They?re stupid.? Axis: ?Well there?s no doubt Stryke?s talented in the ring, but his opponent is by no means a slouch either.? Edwin: ?Absolutely, the Poke Freak has been in both the ML and JL long time, and he?s learnt a trick or two over his time here.? Without much delay the lights go out and the beginning of U2?s "Elevation" begins to play, the crowd instantly exploding to their feet, everyone in the arena getting very pumped up for the Poke Freak as a waterfall of pyro flows over the SmarkTron and shoots up in front of the entrance, creating a very impressive visual. But as the first words begin, the pyro in front of the entrance stops and a spotlight shines down onto the stage, shining off Ash, who is in a Jericho-like pose. Ash spins around from his Jericho pose and walks halfway down the ramp. Stopping his walking, Ash brings his right arm up straight in the air quickly and makes his signature split-finger victory sign with his right hand, the fans going absolutely insane at the sight of it. At this point, five red pyro blasts shoot up from the stage in unison, right where the original pyro was, and Ash releases himself from his pose and heads down to ringside. As he makes his way Ash slaps hands with some of the fans at ringside, making some lucky individuals dreams come true. The very pro-X Force 9 crowd starts up a big ?Ash? chant as a video of clips from his best IGNWF, JL, and ML matches plays on the SmarksTron. Funyon: ?Now making his way to the ring, weighing 255lbs and hailing from Pallet Town in Tampa, Florida, a member of X FORCE 9, ASH KETCHUM!!!? Edwin: ?Wowzers, this crowd is certainly right behind Ash here, I can barely hear myself talk!? King: ?I can barely hear you talk either, but for me that?s a good thing. The less I hear of your prissy little voice the better.? Ash climbs up onto the apron and quickly gets into the ring, removing his hat and jacket. Ash climbs the turnbuckle closest to the crowd and takes off his shirt, whipping it into the first two or three rows of the crowd, giving a lucky fan a souvenir they?ll never forget. Ash then hops off the turnbuckle and immediately moves face to face with Stryke, the pair exchanging verbal pleasantries. Axis: ?There?s obviously some feeling between the two competitors here, so this is sure to be one hell of a contest.? Former IGNJL Wrestler and Official SJL referee Sexton Hardcastle asks for the two to separate, but Ash and Stryke ignore him like the tool he is. Sexton decides to just let both men have their way, and calls for the bell. DING DING DING! A huge cheer goes up as the bell is rung, signifying the start of the match. Ash and Stryke don?t seem to notice however, as they continue to focus directly on each other, blanking out everything else. They continue to exchange taunts and insults, before Stryke makes the first move, placing both his hands on Ash?s chest and shoving him hard, forcing him back. Ash stumbles back a few steps before stopping, the fans booing vehemently. Ash quickly walks back up to Stryke and repeats the action, this time shoving Stryke back, the fans nearly blowing the roof off with the volume of their cheers. Edwin: ?Well I don?t think it will be too long until the fireworks explode here, and then we?ll have a rip-snorter of a contest.? Ash and Stryke face off for just a second more, before they both charge in and meet in the center of the ring, exchanging stiff right hand blows as the crowd goes bananas. Punch after punch is let fly, until after a number of punches Ash gets on top, delivering punch after punch to the body of Stryke, each blow sending him jarring back, flailing back into the ring corner. Ash moves forward and captures Stryke in the corner, delivering shot after stinging shot into Stryke, each blow driving him further down. As Stryke gets halfway down the turnbuckle Ash starts to lay in the stomps to the chest of Stryke, each kick driving the air out of the Showstopper, the fans nearly wetting themselves in joy as Ash is completely dominating Stryke to start the contest. Edwin: ?Ash Ketchum is all over Stryke like a Panda in heat! I don?t think Stryke was prepared for this type of onslaught this early.? Axis: ?Stryke does look to have been a bit over-confident, and it?s costing him right now.? King: ?No, this isn?t supposed to happen! Stryke?s meant to be winning! Ash must be cheating.? The Continental Airlines Arena is now flooded with chants of ?Ketchum!, Ketchum!? as Ash continues to drive Stryke right down into the mat. He gets Stryke down on his back, and Ash?s relentless stomps continue, the crowd loving every bit of it. In the end it?s only the interference of referee Sexton Hardcastle that stops the Poke Freak, getting the X Force 9?er off as Stryke entangles himself in the lower rope. Ash storms over to the other side of the ring, and the audience continue to yell their lungs out in tremendous support for Ash Ketchum. Axis: ?The ropes the only thing saving Stryke there, and this could give him the chance to get back on an even keel and get back into the match.? With Ash finally away from him and the pressure temporarily off, Stryke pulls himself under the ropes and tumbles out onto the floor in the outside, landing in a tired heap. With red marks from the boot of Ash already present on Stryke?s chest he starts to crawl back up the ramp, clutching his chest slightly, trying to get his breath back. Edwin: ?Well what?s going on here King? Your little favourite seems to be running, or as it seems crawling, back up the ramp. Has he had enough already?? King: ?Of course not! It?s merely strategy, getting a rest on the outside, and getting away from the ring so that cheating Ash Ketchum can?t play dirty again.? Axis: ?Please, if anyone in this match is a cheater and a dirty fighter it?s Stryke.? Stryke pulls himself to his feet, bringing his attention back to the ring, a look of pain and some would say shock on his face at the start Ash got over him. Stryke puts his hands on his head to try and get his breath back, but sees the referee about halfway through his 10 count, and so has to head back towards the ring. Axis: ?Referee Hardcastle making the 10 count, so Stryke has to get back in there with a pumped up Ash Ketchum. But I think Stryke won?t be underestimating Ash this time.? The New Jersey fans continue to send boos in Stryke?s direction, some even throwing spent soft drink cans and bits of rubbish at the Australian. Stryke?s obviously in no mood for the crowd?s crap, and responds with a middle finger directed at the crowd, although that in turn provokes even more boos and projectiles. King: ?Look at this, no respect by the New Jersey crowd. They should recognize superiority when they see it, like Stryke, or even more so me. It?s no wonder everyone thinks New Jersey?s a shithole.? In saying that the Suicide King must have forgotten he?s surrounded by thousands of drunk, angry wrestling fans, and is suddenly bombarded with a tidal wave of garbage, food, drinks, chairs, small children, anything the fans can get their hands on. As the Suicide King is buried in a pile of trash, Axis and Edwin MacPhisto can barely contain their laughter, seeing their ?comrade? covered in garbage. Edwin: ?Clean up in Aisle 2, King?s had an accident.? As Edwin and Axis have a good laugh at their fellow commentators expense, Ash Ketchum catches the incident out of the corner of his eye and has a good chuckle himself. Seeing Ash distracted, Stryke suddenly bolts towards the ring, sliding in and looking to catch Ash by surprise. Stryke gets in and goes to clothesline Ash while he?s not looking, but Ash turns and sees him just in time, ducking the move. As Stryke goes by Ash catches his arm, hooking it back into a hammerlock, wrenching the arm back behind Stryke, putting great pressure on the upper arm muscles and the shoulder. Strain shows on the face of Stryke, but not for long as he manages to fight out of the hold, hitting a series of back elbows with his free arm. Stryke breaks free, and scoots around behind Ash, applying a back waistlock, and looking to deliver a German Suplex, lifting Ash up and falling back. But as Ash is lifted into the air he is able to shift his weight, the 50 pounds weight advantage he has over Stryke coming into play as Stryke has to drop him back to his feet, unable to execute the move. As Ash lands his arms get free, and as soon as his feet touch the ground he runs straight for the ring ropes, getting up a head of speed before coming right back at Stryke. Stryke is set though, and launches himself at Ash, going for a clothesline. Ash again ducks and stops on the spot as he ducks it, turning around and looking to catch Stryke unprepared with a clothesline of his own. Ash throws his arm forward, but Stryke rotates around to face Ash just in time to see the arm headed right for his head at a fast pace, and instinctively drops down in the nick of time, Ash?s attempt missing as well. Stryke flashes back up to a standing position, and as Ash has just passed him he grabs Ash?s head from behind, holding him in position for a neckbreaker. Boos fly forth from the crowd, but slowly and surely they transform into cheers for the pokemaniac as Ash reaches up and grabs Stryke by the head as well, and manages to turn himself and Stryke around, twisting around until they?re facing each other, each with the other man in a headlock. It is Ash who is able to take advantage of the situation first, lifting his knee into Stryke?s stomach, the knee strike causing the Showstopper to let go of Ash and double over in pain. Holding Stryke?s head in a headlock position with his right arm, Ash raises his left arm, signalling for the swinging neckbreaker and getting a large pop from the fans in attendance. Axis: ?A strong series of reversals and countermoves from both men, but it looks as if Ash is finally on top, going for his signature Swinging Neckbreaker.? Axis has spoken too soon however, as just before Ash goes to hit the move his eyes swell up and he drops to his knees in pain. Both referee Sexton Hardcastle and the crowd didn?t see what happened, but it doesn?t take long for the fans to realise Stryke hit a low blow, and they respond with typically savage booing. Sexton Harcastle doesn?t realise it though, because he sucks. Edwin: ?Jeepers creepers, that?ll rattle your bread basket. A low blow from Stryke, and that?s probably the only thing that would have saved him there.? King: ? * shaking the garbage off himself * Low blow? I didn?t see a low blow. Stryke did nothing illegal at all, Ash just had a heart attack or something.? Axis: ?Right, I?m sure Stryke did nothing at all.? King: ?Finally agreeing with me, eh Axis. Well it?s about time you saw the light.? Axis: ?Sigh, I guess you?re not familiar with sarcasm garbage boy.? With Ash in peril from the low blow, Stryke stands up and goes to take advantage, placing his leg over Ash?s head in position for a Fameasser, Stryke?s finisher the Recoil. King: ?Yes! Stryke?s set for the Recoil. Once he nails this it?ll all be over!? Edwin: ?King for once in his life is right. Ash has been a victim of this move over the last two shows and if it hits here this match will be over too.? As the crowd expresses their extreme hate through deafening boos, Stryke leaps up, going to jam Ash?s face into the mat. But as Stryke jumps up Ash manages to fight through the pain he?s feeling and he pushes up, getting into a standing position, pushing up under Stryke?s leg and lifting him right up into the air, sending Stryke tumbling backwards, much to the pleasure of the New Jersey crowd. But again Stryke?s agility comes into play, as he?s able to rotate over and land square on his feet, ready to go again. Stryke charges back in at Ash and launches a wild right hand punch, but Ash dodges to the side, getting in behind Stryke and locking in a Tazzmission! The fans go wild as Ash locks in the first half of his Lullaby of Jigglypuff finishing maneuver. Axis: ?Ash Ketchum?s got Stryke tied up with the Lullaby of Jigglypuff! Right out of Stryke?s finisher and into one of his own! Both men are going for it all early.? Ash motions to lift Stryke up into the Bubba bomb portion of the move, but Stryke manages to desperately flail his arms from their tied up position, not doing much damage except for one blow, managing to connect his forearm on the nose of Ash. It doesn?t do much damage, but it?s enough to stun Ash and cause him to loosen his hold on Stryke, allowing the Showstopper to wiggle his way free. Ash tries to recover and charges back at Stryke, but on this occasion Stryke?s ready, catching Ash on the run before lifting him up, holding him up before dropping down to one knee, Stryke sending Ash stomach first down on his raised knee in a Gutbuster. A small ?ooooo? bellows forth from the stands as Ash?s intestines are crushed, and Stryke looks to go for a win, making a pin attempt. ONE? TWO? THR? No, Ash still has plenty left in the tank, kicking out of the pin. King: ?A very nice Gutbuster from Stryke. It didn?t get the win, but that?s only a matter of time.? Axis: ?Well it?ll take more than a gutbuster to put Ash down for the three count.? Stryke gets back up, and picks Ash up with him. Stryke hots a pair of punches to the face of Ash, before whipping him into the ropes. Ash rebounds back, but right after he does Stryke runs forward, catching Ash around the waist before the Undercard King can react. Stryke then lifts Ash over, tossing him overhead in a picture perfect Overhead Release Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Ash crashes on his back, and Stryke quickly crawls over and makes another pin, referee Hardcastle making the count again. ONE? TWO? THR? No, Ash manages to thrust his right arm up, getting his shoulder off the mat again. Edwin: ?That sinister Stryke seems to be taking control of the match here, a pair of good moves giving him the momentum currently.? Stryke gives a quick accusing glance towards the ref, suggesting it should have been a 3 before getting back to his feet. Stryke pulls Ash up onto his feet again, and once more whips Ash. But this time Stryke holds onto Ash Ketchum, pulling him back in towards himself. Stryke catches Ash in position for a rock bottom, the Breakdown. Seeing Stryke going for one of his primary moves instigates a highly negative reaction from the fans. Stryke spends a moment too long jarring with the hostile crowd though, as it gives Ash enough time to regain his senses, nailing several hard back elbows to Stryke?s head, causing him to let go. With Stryke suddenly on the defensive Ash takes full advantage, moving in and placing Stryke in position for a rock bottom of his own, the Poke Rap. Ash swiftly lifts Stryke up before slamming him hard into the mat, the raucous crowd popping off their nutter as Ash hits the very move Stryke was just attempting. Ash wastes no time, hooking the far leg and going for a cover. ONE? TWO? THRE? NO, Strkye thrusts his legs out and gets Ash off his shoulders stopping the pin. King: ?Booo! He shouldn?t do that, it?s Stryke?s move!? Ash gets back on a standing base again, and seeing Stryke prone in the middle of the ring, decides to head to the top turnbuckle, bringing in dome high-risk excitement for the crowd. The crowd get to their feet as Ash reaches the top, and not wasting any time he launches himself off the top, flying towards Stryke with a big 5* Frog Splash, the Snorlax Splash. Many camera flashes are seen in the crowd as Ash flies through the air, but in the end all they catch is Ash connecting with nothing but mat, as at the last moment Stryke rolls out of the way, to the disappointment of the Jersey fans. Axis: ?Oooh, a crash landing for Ash, as the Snorlax Splash fails to hit it?s target.? With Ash landing hard on the mat, Stryke digs deep and pulls himself up. With Ash in perfect position, Stryke runs at the ropes, jumping on the middle rope and springing back at Ash with a lionsault, the Meteor. This crowd hope that Ash will roll out of the way too, but unfortunately that wish doesn?t come true, Stryke connecting dead in with his opponent. With the move knocking the air out of Ash?s chest, Stryke stays on top of Ash, instigating a pin and hoping for the win. ONE? TWO? THREE? NO! Ash still has some fight left in him and kicks out, much to Stryke?s distaste. King: ?Come on, that should have been 3. That nitwit Sexton?s just as bad a ref as he was a wrestler.? Edwin: ?Calm down King, Sexton may suck an awful lot, but it?s only fair we give the poor soul a go.? Stryke gets in the face of referee Hardcastle, also thinking it was a 3. But seeing as it wasn?t, Stryke quickly moves over to the ring corner and starts to climb the turnbuckle himself, looking for a high-risk move of his own. Axis: ?Now Strkye?s going up top as well, looking to showcase his suicidal nature.? Stryke moves up the turnbuckle, looking for the Star Cross? Or maybe the Lithium Heartattack? Or another move? We?ll never find out, as Stryke takes a bit too much time climbing, and conbined with the time spent jarring with the ref has allowed Ash to get back to his feet. With Stryke on the second rope Ash runs in and hits a strong standing hook kick, right into the back of Stryke, stopping him in his tracks. With Stryke suddenly in world of hurt Ash looks to add to that, pulling Stryke down and applying an arm wrench, before lifting Stryke up into an Angle Slam, the Pika Slam. Ash gets Stryke up on his shoulders, but just as Ash turns to drop him down Stryke manages to slip off his shoulders, landing back on his feet behind Ash. Stryke pushes Ash forward, sending him right at referee Hardcastle, but Ash manages to pull to a halt just in time. Ash turns, and quickly has to duck and cover and Stryke launches in with a superkick, the Heatseeker. Ash dodges, but Sexton Hardcastle isn?t so lucky, getting kicked right in the head. Edwin: ?Ref bump! Ref bump! Ref bump!? King: ?Bleh, that moron Hardcastle getting in the way again. It was his own damn fault he was hit.? Having ducked the move Ash stands back up, but his timing is bad as he walks right into a Stryke dropkick, putting him back onto the mat. Seeing the ref down, Stryke quickly makes a beeline for the area next to the announce table, sliding out and obtaining a steel chair before climbing back into the ring, accompanied by the boos of the crowd. Axis: ?Stryke?s got a steel chair now, and things might just be getting a little more dangerous now.? Stryke motions for Ash to get up, and the Poke Freak does just that, although unaware of the item Stryke possesses. Ash looks as though he?s injured, and Stryke moves in to capitalise. But it?s all a ruse, and when Stryke gets within range Ash quickly turns and launches a hard kick, connecting with the chair and drilling it into Stryke?s forehead! Edwin: ?Oh my! Ash was doing a mighty fine acting bit, and caught Stryke with the Flash kick, hitting the chair into Stryke?s face!? With Stryke down on the canvas, Ash pulls himself to his feet, the crowd still going nuts from the Flash Kick. Ash makes his way over to the turnbuckle, still moving gingerly from the rigours of the match. Ash gets to the ring corner and slowly climbs up, making his way to the top for a move that could potentially finish Stryke off and give Ash the win. Ash finally reaches the top rope and turns himself around, perched on top looking in at Stryke, who is slowly getting to his feet, dazed with blood dribbling down his forehead. King: ?No, this can?t be happening! Ash isn?t supposed to win! This is terrible!? Edwin: ?Well it seems that?s exactly what?s happening Kingy boy. Ash is on top for the Poke Ball, Go, and if it hits Stryke will lose.? Axis: ?Perhaps the only thing that is in Stryke?s favour is that JL referee Sexton Hardcastle is still down, but he?s starting to move after being hit with the Heatseeker from Stryke.? King: ?Gah, that was all accidental. Come on Stryke, fight back!? Ash is on top of the turnbuckle, and is set to finish Stryke off for good. As Stryke stumbles around to his feet Ash gets ready to jump off the top rope, the fans going completely bonkers. But suddenly a mixture of shock and boos comes up from a section of the crowd as the camera captures an individual sprinting from the crowd towards ringside, before jumping over the railing behind Ash Ketchum, an item in hand. As soon as the individual?s face becomes clear on the screen the entire building erupts into boos as they see that it?s Jacob Helmsley, lead pipe in hand. Edwin: ?Jimminy jillickers Radioactive Man, it?s Jacob Helmsley! I guess his Hardcore Elimination match with Mafia and Xero wasn?t enough for him!? King: ?Hip hip hooray, Jake?s here to save the day!? Ash notices the crowd all on their feet booing and looks behind him to see Jake standing with pipe in hand, but it?s far to late for him as Jake swings up with the lead pipe, the hard steel smacking into Ash?s spine and sending him falling off the top rope, the Poke Freak crumpling into a heap on the mat as the boos of the crowd literally shake the foundations of the arena. Axis: ?Oh, Jacob Helmsley has delivered a savage blow to the back of Ash Ketchum. And in addition to the injury he?s probably cost Ash the match in the process.? Edwin: ?This is quite an unsavoury situation, Jacob putting a black eye on this otherwise sensationally sublime match.? Stryke gets to his feet but is too weak to stand up, falling back to the mat. But he?s better off than Ash, who is in a broken heap in the ring corner at the hands of Jacob Helmsley. And with referee Sexton Hardcastle down too, there?s no one to stop the attack of Helmsley. And in a further bad turn for Ash Ketchum, he?s not done yet. Helmsley drops the pipe at ringside, sliding into the ring and moving directly to Ash. With the crowd booing so hard some of them are passing out from the sheer level of hatred they?re directing into the ring, Jacob lifts the motionless body of Ash Ketchum up off the mat, and picks the injured X Force 9 member up into his arms, holding him up for the reverse Michinoku Driver, The Drop from Above. Jacob Helmsley stalls, holding Ash in mid-air, before dropping down in one smooth motion, drilling Ash Ketchum right into the mat with the Drop from Above. King: ?The Drop From Above! That?s what that pesky Ash gets.? Axis: ?Well this is very unfair, Ash?s chance at the SJL World Title essentially flushed down the toilet by some Jacob Helmsley interference.? With his work done, Jacob rolls under the ropes and heads up the entrance, a satisfied smile endowed across his face. As Jake disappears through the entrance Stryke manages to pull himself to his feet, finally shaking the cobwebs away enough to regain his bearings. Seeing the motionless body of Ash Ketchum lying there, Stryke slowly moves over to where the steel chair still sits at the edge of the ring, picking it up before moving back towards Ash. Edwin: ?Oh come on now, this is too much. Ash is already beaten, Stryke should just pin him and put an end to this.? Stryke has the chair in hand and sets himself, aiming the chair right for Ash?s head. The fans boo as hard as they can but there?s nothing they can do as Stryke rears back before swinging the chair as hard and with as much venom as possible, smacking it directly into the head of Ash Ketchum, the sound of the metal connecting with Ash?s skull providing a sickening thud that echoes around the building. With that Stryke tosses the chair over the top rope and out of the ring, before going over to the semi-conscious Sexton Hardcastle and dragging him over to Ash, demanding he counts the pin. Stryke hops down and moves over Ash, before grabbing him and pulling Ash on top of himself? Everyone in the arena reacts with absolute bemusement as Stryke puts his opponent on top of himself. The dazed referee Hardcastle has missed everything and so doesn?t notice what?s going on and counts, albeit slowly, the fall. ONE? King: ?What the hell?s going on? TWO? Edwin: ?This has me stumped.? THREE!?! DING DING DING! Stryke pulls himself out from under Ash, a pleased smile on his face. The crowd doesn?t know how to react, and either does Funyon. Funyon: ?Um, the winner by pinfall, Ash Ketchum!?? Axis: ?What the hell happened here? Stryke had an easy opportunity for a World Title Shot, but gave it to Ash Ketchum? I can safely say I have no idea what?s going on here.? Stryke calls to Funyon to give him a microphone, and he obliges, tossing his one in. The entire crowd is silent, wanting to hear Stryke?s explanation for what?s just occurred. Stryke drops down to his knees right next to Ash, talking right at him. Stryke: ?Consider that a little gift Ash. You and your little buddy Erek can tear each other apart for the Title first, then I?ll have my go. Enjoy your Title shot.? With that a still tired Stryke drops the mic and climbs out of the ring, heading back up the ramp, his goal achieved. Axis: ?Well I guess Stryke wants to let X Force 9 take each other apart for the World Title first, before he goes after whoever comes out on top. The mind games continue.? King: ?I?m sure Stryke has a plan in mind, so I?ll say whatever he?s doing is genius.? Edwin: ?Well a very confusing end to what was a high impact match. I?m sure we?ll find out more later, but for now we?ve got a break filled with all sorts of commercial fun, followed by our big main event. Stay tuned!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Millions of viewers across the globe stay stuck to their television sets as the greatest show on Earth comes back live. Wait, that's the circus.... So it's the greatest show in East Rutherford then. The Continental Airlines Arena is packed, jam packed as this edition of SJL Crimson begins to near to a close. After eight, count them, EIGHT matches of pure action and extravagant, we have finally made it to the showcase of the night. The cameras come back from commercials, cutting to a shot of inside the Continental Airlines Arena. The visuals pan the stage, bringing a feed of the thousands of homemade signs that have been specially prepared for this night. Spectacular flashes of spotlights here and there make the moment even more enjoyable. "(Axis) Welcome back to Met-" "(King) Crimson!!" "(Axis) Welcome back to Crimson!! Great night, don't you think, King?" "(King) Especially good when you can lean over and see that some hot girls are standing right behind me. ...Well hello ladies...." "(Edwin) Ha, you noticed that they're so crestfallen that they have to stand behind you? They wanted to stand behind mwa!" "(King) They do not! I am The Suicide King and I still have that famous flash of the Gambling King in me!" "(Edwin) Yeah right..... The Gambling King died a long time ago. And you killed him!" "(Axis) There there..." "(King) What have you been smoking?" "(Axis) Up for the final match of the night, the SJL World Champion Erek Taylor takes on Flexxx, who's making a name for himself lately." "(Edwin) In the bad list, that is." "(Axis) Exactly." "(King) Bad list? This is the list where champions are made. Taylor's win was just a fluke. It's only a matter of time when the true champion, like Stryke and Flexxx, destroys that lil kid and takes the belt away from him." "(Edwin) Not as easy as you say, now is it? King?" "(King) Not easy? Oh come on. The kid is light as a feather. Just hold him up and slam him down!" "(Axis) Only if you can catch him." "(King) Er......." "(Axis) Let's go down to Funyon for introductions!" Funyon stands at the center of the ring, the trusty microphone by his side as the moaning voice of Zach de La Rocha airs ove the PA system. "Born as Ghosts" begins to play to the videos of Flexxx's infamous Golden Gun. Huge yellow streams of pyrotechnics shoot off into the air three times. The Lone Maverick steps out, twirling the lethal kendo stick round and round as the crowds unite to pour down a massive chorus of boos. Flexxx ignores the fans, strutting down the ramp while raising his right hand and splitting his fingers to portray the "Victory" symbol. "(Funyon) The following contest is scheduled for one fall.... Introducing first, from Rochester, New York, weighing in at 267 pounds, Fletcher Callaway, FLEEEEEXXXXXXXXX!!!!!" Once more, the crowds erupt in hatred for the once proud star, who turned his back for greatness. Flexxx circles the ring, his eyes wandering across the stage, searching for an answer. The crowds erupt in cheers, watching as the sudden lights turn pitch black. Spotlights begin to appear and begin to ponder the arena before all direct their beams to the top of the ramp. "Toxicity" begins to blare, its intoxicating beat sending a chain reaction of cheers from the fans. Smoke begins to fill the entrance way, shrouding the curtains in mystery. A missile-like projectile shoots down from the sky, exploding in a massive wave of pyrotechnics at the top of the ramp! The lights come on and only the shadow of Erek Taylor can be seen, blazing down the SJL ramp! "(Funyon) AND HIS OPPONENT!!! From Anaheim, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, he *IS* the SJL World Champion..... Erek...... TAAAAYYYLOOOORRRR!!!!!" Erek Taylor walks down the ramp, World Title strapped around his waist. The Champion flashes that famous smile, handing out high fives as he finally rolls into the ring. Flexxx glares at the Champ, who merely shrugs it off. The referee makes sure there's enough distance between the two competitors and as there are, signals the bell and the match to begin. ***Ding ding ding!!!*** Taylor and Flexxx begin circling the ring, eyes locked on each other. These two have met before, almost knowing all of each other's moves. The two combatants lock up in the middle, with Flexxx quickly overpowering the Champion and locking in the Hammerlock. Taylor presses against Flexxx's back and shoves the Lone Maverick to the ropes. Flexxx rebounds and immediately throws a hard right, but Erek Taylor ducks under and spins around, leaping into the air and delivering a dropkick that sends Flexxx staggering to the ropes. Taylor flips back up to his feet and leaps forward, lashing out and landing a hard chop across Flexxx's chest. "(Crowds) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!" Taylor squares up and delivers another hard chop. "(Crowds) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!" The Champion grabs Flexxx by the wrist, immediately hurling him to the ropes. Flexxx rebounds but anticipates Taylor's manuever, ducking under the Champion's clothesline and racing towards the other ropes. Flexxx rebounds for a second time and immediately leaps into the air, flooring Erek Taylor with a diving forearm of all proportions. "(Axis) Flexxx taking a page off Taylor's book with an imitation of the Diving Adelphia." "(King) Ha! Imitatin? Flexxx was the first to use that!" "(Edwin) Well, do you have any proof to that?" "(King) I will when I find it." Flexxx grabs Taylor by the hair, bringing the champion back up to his feet. With the stroke of a fist, Flexxx staggers Taylor back. Flexxx moves in and delivers another right, a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth punch that places Taylor leaning on the turnbuckle. Flexxx raises his elbow and drives it down hard, connecting it into Taylor's shoulder. Flexxx drills another elbow before grabbing Taylor by the wrist and whipping him to the opposite corner. Flexxx races in right away, arms stretched out but Taylor quickly races up the buckles, backflipping into the air and over Flexxx before mustering all the leg power and drilling a dropkick to the back of Flexxx's head! The dropkick sends Flexxx crashing into the buckles, causing many waves of cheers to erupt. "(Axis) Taylor running up the turnbuckle and backflipping to perform that dropkick in midair! Amazing acrobatics!" "(King) You call that amazing? I've done that move so many times!" "(Edwin) Again you speak nonsense when we have no idea what you are talking about." "(King) Oh shut up." Taylor rises to his feet and quickly rolls Flexxx over into a cradle. ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- OH and Flexxx kicks out. Taylor grabs Flexxx by the hair, bringing the Lone Maverick to his feet before decking him with a hard right. Erek Taylor moves in, delivering another punch before grabbing Flexxx by the wrist and whipping him to the ropes. On the rebound, Taylor throws a hard right but Flexxx ducks under and the momentum carries him to the opposite ropes. Erek Taylor stays in position, not moving a muscle as Flexxx rebounds a second time. Flexxx races in and throws a hard right but Taylor drops down to his back, surprising Flexxx and pushing the Lone Maverick into the air with a monkey toss!! Flexxx flies into the air but flies too far and crashes into the ropes and stumbles out to the mat below!! The crowds roar with approval as Erek Taylor rises to his feet and races to the ropes, gaining leverage before racing towards the side in which Flexxx lies. Taylor smoothly leaps up, his two feet landing on the top rope for a split second before his body leaps into the air, backflipping on to the body of Flexxx with an Asai Moonsault off the top rope!!! "(Axis) SLINGSHOT MOONSAULT!!! AMAZING!!!" "(Edwin) Ouchie!" Staggering to his feet, the Champion brings Flexxx up along with him before rolling the Lone Maverick into the ring. Taylor crawls inside and puts a hand over Flexxx's body, signaling the cover. ONE!!! TWO!!! THRE- OOOOH! Flexxx pops a shoulder up at the last second. Taylor rises to his feet, heading over to the turnbuckles before leaping up on the top rope. Pointing one finger to the sky, the crowds immediately rise to their feets, hands held together in anticipation of Synergy. But their hopes are crushed as Flexxx lunges towards the ropes, shaking it up and causing Taylor to lose his balance. Ultimately, the Champion falls on his crotch, sitting helplessly on the top rope. Flexxx slowly staggers to his feet, climbing up the buckles with the Champ. Hooking the arm under arm, Flexxx flips Taylor over, landing a superplex on the champion! "(Axis) SUPERPLEX!! Flexxx with the big time move this early in the matchup." "(King) NOOO!!! YOU DO THAT LATER YOU DIMWIT!!!!" "(Edwin) King, calm down!" "(King) I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!!! ARGH!!!!" Flexxx rolls over on his stomach, pushing himself back to his knees as he crawls over and applies the Sleeper Hold on the Champion. The referee instantaneously drops to his knees, getting in front of Taylor and asking for submission. Taylor stubbornly refuses, not wanting to give up just yet. Taylor begins gasping for air but still will not submit. Using all the strength he possesses, Taylor begins shooting unaimed elbows to the back, hoping that one of them lands on Flexxx. Fortunately, one of the elbows nail Flexxx square in the gut, causing the Lone Maverick to loosen the grip. It's just enough as Taylor slips under and breaks free. The Champion rises to his feet, holding his throat, gasping for air as Flexxx also rises to his feet. "(Axis) Sleeper Hold but Erek Taylor managed to get out of it somehow." "(Edwin) It's no secret." "(King) Well duh, you just get out of it." The two combatants lock up once more in the middle but Erek Taylor manages to duck under Flexxx's grasps and drive a knee into his gut. Flexxx doubles over in pain as Taylor races the other way, bouncing off the ropes and planting Flexxx to the mat with a bulldog. Proving that he can handle the big times, Flexxx slowly staggers back up, only to get shoved into the corner by Erek Taylor. The Champion moves in and delivers a hard chop across Flexxx's chest. SMACK! "(Crowds) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!" Taylor delivers yet another chop. SMACK! "(Crowds) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!" SMACK! "(Crowds) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!" Grabbing Flexxx by the wrist, Taylor hurls the Raging Porno Man to the opposite corner, hoping for an easy clothesline. But Flexxx puts the brakes on and spins around, countering the whip with a whip of his own! Taylor lands on the buckles hard before staggering forward, arching his back in pain. Flexxx swifly moves in and throws a hard right, and connects!! Landing the clothesline across Taylor's neck!! Taylor rolls out of the ring, holding his neck yet again in pain as Flexxx slowly follows in pursuit. "(Axis) And here they come, to the outside they fight." "(King) Man this is just how my mother used to treat me and my brother. Whenever we fought, she'd throw us outside and lock us out, telling us to fight it all out before coming back into the house." "(Edwin) You had a brother?" "(King) Um....." "(Edwin) I didn't think so." Grabbing Taylor by the hair, Flexxx drags the Champion back up to his feet before cannoning him straight into the barricade. Immediately, the front row fans reach out like vultures, trying to pat Taylor on the back. Flexxx denies them all, tossing Taylor into the apron but offers himself as the consolation prize. Flexxx pretends to be tossed into the barricade but all the fans pull their hands back, disgusted at the Lone Maverick. Some even chuckle a bit as Flexxx grabs Taylor by the hand and pulls him up. But Taylor holds on tight and drags Flexxx down, flipping himself back up in the process. Gaining the upper hand now, Taylor begins delivering continous kicks to the midsection of Flexxx. "(Axis) Um..... King, what was Flexxx trying to do?" "(King) Obviously he was being a good coworker and threw Taylor into the apron, away from the bloodsucking vermins that I call fans." "(Edwin) Then why was he asking them to pat him on the back?" "(King) Because he's just weird! Okay?!" "(Edwin) Okay." Taylor grabs Flexxx by the hair and drags him up to his feet. Taylor immediately shoots Flexxx into the steel stairs, knocking that piece of equipment out of position. Flexxx slowly staggers to his feet, dizzily walking forward as he tries to regain his balance. Taylor quickly leaps on the barricade and races along the thin rail before at the end, leaping into the air and driving a forearm across the back of Flexxx's head. Flexxx drops to his knees, panting heavily as Taylor grabs him by the head and brings him back up to his feet. Flexxx immediately fights out of it, shooting fists into the midsection of Erek Taylor. Being the stronger, Flexxx is successful and rolls Taylor into the ring before sliding in himself. "(Axis) Erek Taylor leaping off the barricade with a clothesline but Flexxx sucks it all up and now is taking charge." "(King) I would say something, but I know that the best is yet to come." "(Edwin) Yup yup. The Fame and Fury has yet to come." "(King) I'm talking about the Golden Gun!" "(Edwin) Oh? What is that? A cheap imitation off a Bond film?" "(King) I'll have you know it's a great manuever that can put even the giant of giants down to his knees." "(Edwin) Uhuh. I'm sure it can." Flexxx grabs Taylor's feet and immediately snaps on the Ankle Lock! You can almost hear the fans yawning as Flexxx tries to tear Taylor's ankle off. The Champion grimaces in pain as the referee urges him to give up but Taylor refuses. Taylor quickly rolls over on his back, prying his foot away from Flexxx's hands. Flexxx angrily moves forward but Taylor immediately sweeps his feet across the floor, tripping the Lone Maverick to the ground and saving him some time to recooperate. The Champion rises to his feet and moves over, placing Flexxx's feet into a "V" formation before crossing it up and spinning around, locking in the Sharpshooter! "(Axis) Sharpshooter! Sharpshooter! Will Taylor be going for the Execution?" Taylor does not go for the Sleeper, saving that for later. Continuing on with the Sharpshooter hold, Taylor is immediately crammed with cheers. Flexxx begins to crunch his teeth, slamming his fist into the mat to relieve pain. Flexxx even tries biting his lip, but that only adds more fuel to the fire. The referee urges Flexxx to submit but the Lone Maverick begins reaching for the ropes, as it is only a feet or two away. Stretching his arm out like never before, the Raging Porno Man shouts out in agony, the desire to get out of this match as a winner growing like never before. "(Axis) The screams are just disturbing. Very disturbing to watch." "(King) Indeed it is but Flexxx is doing anything he can to get out of that hold." "(Edwin) The hold that Taylor seems to be not letting go of." Flexxx reaches forward, the ropes so close...... "So close..... I've got to reach it. I can't let this High Flying Brat beat me. I'm the Flunkmasta, damnit! Pain too much...... Can't give up..... Must go on......" Flexxx, with one last burst, dives forward, circling his hand around the bottom rope. But the pain was gone before Flexxx had even laid hands on the ropes. Flexxx opens his weary eyes, watching Erek Taylor lean on the ropes, glaring at the Beauty and the Beast at the top of the ramp. Flexxx's eyes wander up the ramp, into the figures of Stryke and Karen. "(Axis) Now what the hell is he doing here?!" "(King) That's no way to treat a future Champion!" "(Edwin) I guess he just wants to watch. Stryke and Karen just want to watch." Stryke and Karen are met with thousands of chants, the most heard being the chant of "ASSHOLE! ASSHOLE!" Stryke ignores them all, staring into the ring, eyes filled with cold hatred. The referee breaks Taylor's trance, ordering him to continue the match and ignore the two at the top of the ramp. Erek Taylor walks back to Flexxx and grabs the Lone Maverick's legs once more. Taylor attempts to cross it up but Flexxx struggles, withering here and there, and finally breaks free of the grip, tripping Taylor down and applying the Ankle Lock once more on the Champion. "(Axis) ANKLE LOCK! Flexxx broke free and now reversed Taylor's hold into an Ankle Lock!" "(King) *YAWN*" Taylor desperately tries to break free, pushing himself up on one feet. Flexxx has no choice but to let it be as Taylor uses his free leg and brings it swiping across Flexxx's face, knocking the Lone Maverick to the ground. Taylor crawls over and covers Flexxx..... ONE!!! TWO!!! THRE- OOOH! Flexxx kicks out at the last second yet again!!! The crowds gasp as Flexxx begins rising to his feet. Taylor swiftly races to the ropes, bouncing off it and heading in with a bulldog in mind. But as the Champion draws nearer and nearer, Flexxx's plan becomes clearer and clearer. At the last second, Flexxx turns around and dodges the outstretched hands of Erek Taylor and spins around, shooting a boot up and flooring Erek Taylor with a high angle superkick! Taylor crumbles to the ground almost suddenly, bringing the hopes of many down with him. "(Axis) Flexxx with that devastating superkick!" "(King) More like a desperation devastating destroying superkick." "(Edwin) Um, come again?" Flexxx looks up the ramp, glaring at the sadist Stryke and then eyeing his beautiful escort, Karen. Flexxx gives a confused look but moves back to Taylor, grabbing the Champ by the hair and dragging him back up to his feet. Flexxx crunches his fist and swings it, bruising the Champion's face and staggering him to the turnbuckle. Flexxx corners Taylor at the buckles and begins an ongoing onslaught of hard rights and lefts, raining them down like tear drops fall from a little child. Flexxx grabs Taylor by the hand and whips him to the opposite corner but Taylor counters with a whip of his own. Flexxx hits the turnbuckle hard, staggering back while arching his back in pain. Erek Taylor quickly squares up and grabs Flexxx by the waist before hoisting the Lone Maverick into the air, planting him to the canvas with a diving spinebuster! Taylor crawls over, expecting a cover but Flexxx grabs Taylor by the neck and rolls the Champion with an unexpected Cradle! ONE!!! TWO!!! THRE- OOOOH!! Erek Taylor shoots both his legs up into the air, breaking up the count and escaping a fast one. Taylor pops back up on his feet and immediately goes back to attacking Flexxx, laying a flurry of kicks to the Lone Maverick as Stryke continues watching from the top of the ramp. "(Axis) Flexxx almost pulled a fast one but the Champion is taking control yet again." "(Edwin) Big mistake there, letting your guard down." "(King) One more reason that Erek Taylor should not be Champion." Taylor bounces off the ropes and drops an elbow into the gut of Flexxx before hooking the leg for yet another cover. ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- and Flexxx kicks out yet again. Taylor, getting more and more impatient, drags Flexxx back up to his feet and delivers a crushing right that staggers Flexxx back a bit. Gaining more and more momentum by the minute, Taylor races in and throws another right, landing it across Flexxx's chin, pummeling the Lone Maverick to the ropes. Erek Taylor squares up and races in, swinging an arm across and clotheslining Flexxx out of the ring. Taylor rolls out of the ring and takes the fight outside again. Flexxx battles back immediately, landing the smaller of the two with a thrust to the face. Taylor staggers back but Flexxx wastes no time, racing in and shoving the Champion straight into the steel pole!! "(Axis) OW!! Erek Taylor ramming into the steel pole head on!" "(King) You can see the ring shaking, proving how strong Flexxx really is." "(Edwin) Strong enough to withstand the fury of his armies?" "(King) Isn't that a line out of that movie?" "(Edwin) What movie?" "(Axis) Oh yeah, it's that movie with The Rock in it. The Scorpion King!" "(King) What a biter...." The impact spins Taylor out in front of the ramp, in plain sight of Stryke and Karen. Still, the Sadist does nothing to interfere, merely watching this matchup. Flexxx grabs Taylor by the hair and rolls him back into the ring before sliding in himself. The High Flying Prince pops back up and meets Flexxx with continous rights, none that seem to have any effect on the Lone Maverick. Flexxx sucks it all up and catches a punch into the air before delivering a hard right! Taylor wails back as Flexxx continues, connecting with another hard punch. Flexxx grabs Taylor by the wrist and whips him to the ropes. Taylor rebounds and immediately leaps into the air, swinging a forearm aimed at Flexxx's head. Flexxx wisely ducks under and spins around, delivering a kick that doubles Taylor over. Swiftly stepping up to the challenge, Flexxx circles his arm around Taylor's head before planting it to the ground with a DDT. "(Axis) Evenflow DDT!" "(King) Yes, the momentum has shifted once again. This time, for good." "(Edwin) Dude, you're creeping me out. You're like some guy out of Stephen King's books!" Flexxx rises to his feet and walks over to the buckles, climbing it with no difficulty whatsoever. Looking back down at the middle of the ring, Flexxx locks on to Taylor's body, which remains motionless to the minute. Making final preparations, Flexxx dives into the air, twisting into a Hangover before crashing into the body of Erek Taylor!! THE MONEY SHOT!!! The crowds gasp for horror as Flexxx hooks the leg of the Champion..... "It's mine..... This match..... is mine....." ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE! OOOOHHHH!!! Taylor shoots a shoulder up at the last possible moment, shocking everyone except Stryke, who remains still at the top of the ramp. Karen begins whispering words into her client's ears, getting no response except a nod. Flexxx begins slamming his fist into the mat, irate that the count didn't go his way. The Raging Porno Man gets right into the referee's face, demanding a faster and more professional count. The referee shoves right back, pointing out that he is fair, polite, but if you mess with him, your ass is dust. "(Axis) The Money Shot! But Erek Taylor kicks out and now Flexxx is arguing with the official." "(King) Yes, you must. After all, that was so close to a three." "(Edwin) So it wasn't a three?" "(King) Um..... what I say again?" Flexxx gives up with the argument and turns back to the Champion, watching him lay still. Flexxx grabs Taylor by the hair, dragging the High Flying Prince back up to his feet. A flash and Flexxx turns away, looking at the top of the ramp..... Stryke has disappeared. Or so he thinks. The Sadist circles the ring, watching the match from up close. Flexxx is even more confused, so confused that he is not concentrating. Erek Taylor capitalizes, breaking free of Flexxx's grip and delivering a kick that doubles him over. Grabbing Flexxx by the head and pulling it in, Taylor begins wrenching it until their backs are face to face. The fans roar in approval but Flexxx breaks free and shoves Taylor to the ropes, escaping another fate delivered by the Fame and Fury. Taylor rebounds and immediately leaps into the air, locking his feet around Flexxx's neck before drilling it to the ground with a headscissors takedown! "(Axis) Great Headscissors!!! Erek Taylor went for the Fame and Fury but was denied by Flexxx." "(Edwin) I wonder what Stryke is doing, staying at ringside and watching." "(King) Easy, he's looking for payback." Erek Taylor crawls over the body that is Flexxx and immediately slaps the mat, urging the referee to go for the cover. ONE!!! [stryke smoothly moves to Flexxx's feet, grabbing it and placing it on the bottom rope] TWO!!! WAIT!! The referee Eddy Long sees the foot and breaks up the pin. Erek Taylor looks to ringside, looking as Stryke mouths out the word "Pathetic". Taylor ignores the fact and quickly goes back to work, dragging Flexxx up to his feet and delivering another kick to double him over. But Flexxx catches the kick in the air and immediately twists under it, flooring Taylor with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Flexxx drags the High Flying Prince up to his feet and hurls him to the ropes. The momentum carrying Taylor in fast, Flexxx calculates his timing and floors Taylor with an arm drag before locking in the armbar. "(Axis) Flexxx with a combination that leads up to the armbar." "(Edwin) Wait, no, no armbar now." Erek Taylor rolls over on to his back, twisting out of the armbar before using a martial arts technique to flip Flexxx down on his back. Taylor races to the ropes while Flexxx slowly begins to rise and as Taylor comes racing back, the High Flying Prince leaps up on Flexxx's chest, pushing the Raging Porno Man down. Taylor applies a choke hold with his right hand while punching in a frenzy with his left. "(Axis) Flying Morale! Flexxx has got to do something quick or this one will be over." "(King) Don't worry, it'll be over alright. It just won't have Erek Taylor as the victor." "(Edwin) You bet against the Champion?" "(King) Yes, I bet against the so-called Champion." Eddy Long counts out the hold but Erek Taylor doesn't notice. The Champion instantaneously races to the ropes, flying over Flexxx with a senton splash. Taylor drags Flexxx up to his feet. Filled and pumped with adrenaline, Taylor grabs Flexxx by the wrist before whipping him to the ropes. Flexxx, in desperation, counters the whip into a set up for the Olympic Slam. Immediately, Flexxx hoists Taylor into the air, preparing to switch gears into the neckbreaker. But Taylor breaks free and slides down Flexxx's back. Before Flexxx can react, Taylor reaches over, grabbing Flexxx by the neck before pulling the Lone Maverick down with the sitout neckbreaker!! Fame and Fury!! "(Crowds) RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" "(Axis) Fame and Fury!!! Erek Taylor nailed the Fame and Fury!! This one's over!!!" "(King) NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Erek Taylor crawls over and pulls Flexxx's right leg up, signaling Eddy Long to drop down to the mat for the count. Stryke expresses disgust and looks to Karen, who disappears to the announcer's table. ONE!!! TWO!! THREE- OOOOOOOOOH!!!!!! Stryke reaches in and pulls Eddy Long out, stopping the count!! The crowds boo with intensity, with a purpose as Erek Taylor rises to his feet, eyes glaring at the Sadist known as Stryke. Eddy Long continues to scold Stryke, not putting up with anything this unprofessional. Stryke has had enough and crunches his fist, suddenly swinging it straight into the eyes of Eddy Long. The official drops like a bag of rocks, causing the crowds to gasp in horror. Stryke slides into the ring, calm, quiet, and up to something. Erek Taylor puts his hands on his hip, wondering why Stryke is down here. "(Axis) And Eddy Long! He's knocked out!! Stryke is a madman!!!" "(King) And I wonder why." "(Edwin) Why?" Stryke begins talking with Taylor, talking turning into swearing, swearing turning into shoving. Taylor prepares for a fight but Stryke calmly brushes the dust off his shoulders and turns away, revealing the true purpose of this plan. Karen is behind Taylor, holding a chair up high............ CLANG!!!! Taylor collapses to the mat, right next to Flexxx! Stryke turns around and grabs the chair away from Karen, immediately jabbing it into the body of Erek Taylor. The crowds continue to boo, but they can't stop what's happening inside the ring. Stryke presses the chair's handle against the neck of Erek Taylor, choking the Champion with all force indeed. Karen holds out a microphone and brings it up to her lips.... "(Karen) Just so sad how a guy this cute can get so dumb. You don't know me Erek, but I sure know you. You were just entering the league when I first met you. Don't remember me? Well of course not. You were too busy flirting with the thousands of other girls in New York. So how could you? This is your fault! You forced me to do this. You forced me into the arms of this man..... the next SJL World Champion..... STRYYKKKEEE!!!!" Karen tosses the microphone aside and watches as Stryke jabs the chair into the midsection of Erek Taylor again and again. Placing one hand on his shoulder, Karen calms Stryke down with her gentle touch. Stryke nods but his eyes are peeled away, watching a rising Flexxx. "(Axis) This is sickening. Who is this Karen?! What's her relationship with Stryke and Erek Taylor?!" "(King) It's obvious. Karen is Stryke's manager." "(Edwin) Then what's she talking about when she's mention Taylor's name?" "(King) How would I know?!?! I'm not psychic." Flexxx smiles, immediately motioning thanks to Stryke, who still has that calm look on his face. Flexxx drags Taylor to the middle of the ring and crawls down for the cover. The Sadist takes action immediately, raising the chair up high and slamming it down hard on the back of the Flunkmasta Flexxx!! Stryke throws the chair into the turnbuckle with anger before rolling out of the ring, followed closely by Karen. The Sadist never once looks back, proving his job has been completed. "(Axis) Oh come on!! Even for a guy like Flexxx, that chair shot was just not deserved." "(King) Doesn't matter. You look at Stryke funny, he'll kick your ass twice before you fall on it." "(Edwin) Well the guy sure showed that." "(King) Still, what is *your* relationship with Stryke?" "(Edwin) Um.... Um..... I'm not at liberty to say." Eddy Long slowly climbs back into the ring as Flexxx rolls off the body of Erek Taylor and the Champion puts one arm over Flexxx's chest. The referee sees this and faintly slaps the mat.... ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! **Ding ding ding!!!*** "(Funyon) The winner of this match..... Erek...... Taylor!!!!!!" "Toxicity" begins to play but there's no cheers, no boos, nothing. The sound of vengeance fills the air as Erek Taylor rises to his feet, weak but nevertheless walking. Taylor rolls out of the ring, heading up the ramp with only Karen's words in his head. The Champion holds his belt tightly, figuring out what he's going to do next, what he should do, who he should turn to. "(Axis) Erek Taylor came out of this match but he and Flexxx were both destroyed by Stryke." "(King) Boy's got it in him, I must say." "(Edwin) Uhuh." The SJL Copyright Logo pops up at the bottom portion of the screen, cutting to a final shot of Erek Taylor and the New Jersey arena before fading to black. Crimson has definetly been covered with the blood of vengeance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 7, 2002 Ze run down, bar promos... NEWBIE MATCH "TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson vs. Tod deKindes WINNER: TNT SINGLES MATCH FOR OLD-TIMES SAKE Jack the Ripper vs. The Dark Reaper WINNER: Jack the Ripper (Default) SINGLES MATCH Cutthroat vs. Randy Turner WINNER: Randy Turner TV TITLE MATCH T-Bone © vs. Frost WINNER: T-Bone (Word Limit DQ) HANDICAP MATCH Mike Van Siclen vs. Z & Ced Ordonez WINNER: Z & Ced Ordonez (Default) NON-TITLE GRUDGE MATCH Shawn Brody vs. "The Superior One" Tom Flesher WINNER: Tom Flesher HARDCORE ELIMINATION MATCH Jacob Helmsley vs. Xero vs. Mafia WINNER: Xero (Default) MATCH FOR THE #1 CONTENDERSHIP TO THE JL WORLD TITLE Stryke vs. Ash Ketchum WINNER: Ash Ketchum... Stryke jobs. Insane. MAIN EVENT NON-TITLE MATCH Erek Taylor vs. Flexxx WINNER: Erek Taylor (Default) Less competitive, but still fine nethertheless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites