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Guest Downhome

The scorpion king: blockbuster or bomb?

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Guest Downhome

We all know that on April 19th, The Rocks first ever movie with HIM as the main star will be released, The Scorpion King. The success of this film could be what leades to Rocky either staying in the WWF full time, or eventually leaving the sport to go off to Hollywood, my question to you guys is this...


...do you want The Rock's movie, The Scorpion King, to become a blockbuster or bomb?


Do you want The Rock to stick around or do you wish for him to actually leave and not come back or be there on a limited schedule? As much as I want to hate to admit it, when Rocky isn't there, the WWF product does indeed feel like it's missing a certain "feel", I can't explain it, but The Rocky does add something that makes me more comfortable with the WWF TV. So, I guess that it does average, but not as well as many THINK it's going to do.

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Guest Kingpk

It should do well the first weekend, due to the mighty combination of the Hollywood Hype Machine and the Vince McMahon "I'd Run A Commercial for This Movie In Your Dreams If I Have To" system of promotion.


I swear, they could put out a movie of the Big Show at a buffet and it would make $60M+ in week 1.

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Guest Downhome
This is better suited in the TV - Movies - DVDs - VHS folder.

May I ask WHY? This isn't so much a discussion about the movie, but rather, what everyone WANTS the movie to do as it could very well determine Rocky's fate in the WWF and the world of Pro. Wrestling as a whole.


I want to know what people think about Rocky, and if they want him to stay or go, thus asking what they hope the movie does.


Please move this thread back, as it is WWF discussion.

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Guest El Satanico

I hope it dies a long and painful death. Because even though i would not miss him if never appeared on WWF tv i don't want him in more movies. I'm more of a movie fan then i am a fan of WWF so i'd rather see his dumb ass on WWF tv then stinking up my movie screen.

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Guest evenflowDDT
I hope it dies a long and painful death. Because even though i would not miss him if never appeared on WWF tv i don't want him in more movies. I'm more of a movie fan then i am a fan of WWF so i'd rather see his dumb ass on WWF tv then stinking up my movie screen.

Ahh, so true.  Given that The Mummy Returns was big-budget cheese at its best (or worst, depending on how you look at it), and its much-touted cameo from The Rock was little more than a final hilarious way to end the movie, I'm not expecting anything from the Scorpion King at all, maybe that it'll be even cheesier (I don't expect much from The Rock's acting, even though it's probably not that far from what he does now).  Although I am interested in the topic since I just saw The One on DVD and learned he was originally supposed to be Jet Li's character.  I think it would be great (in a weird, twisted way) if The Rock became a b-picture star like Roddy Piper, who at least had one good picture (They Live).  At least it's better than him as Hogan's fanboy/most electrifying bore in Sports Entertainment.


Speaking of Hogan, at the least The Rock knows that no matter what happens, his film can't be worse than Santa with Muscles.

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Guest Karnage

I think the movie will make some huge bank on the opening weekend, but then it will later be forgotten and the DVD will be in the cutout bin.


Kelly Hu is pretty hot though.

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Guest redbaron51

Scorpion King?


It'll be succesful, because of the idiots that follow the rock. They probably watch it 10 times, saying that this is Oscar worthy.

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Guest Shaved Bear

i want to see the rock stay in the wwf, he seems to have a positive backstage attitude, and he always cuts entertaining promos


so i hope it duds, and a studio dopesnt invest in him again

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I'm not sure how TSK is going to fare. At least it's not going up against the summer's big movies, what with an April release date.


Personally, the previews don't look all that good to me and I think it will have a sub par outing with the possibility of a big opening weekend. But then again what do I know.

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I hope it's the exact same as The Mummy Returns.



You hated Ghost World but liked The Mummy Returns? ???

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Guest chirs3
You hated Ghost World but liked The Mummy Returns?




Ghost World was supposed to be a comedy, but it wasn't funny.


The Mummy Returns was an epic-lite. A serious action movie that didn't take itself seriously. It was made purely to be fun, and on that level, it succeeded marvelously.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I hope the movie does extremely well. I think it's early to gauge the potential of this movie because all we have been able to see thus far is shots of the Rock runing and things exploding. We have not been treated to seeing him talk much, which could be a bad sign or mean nothing at all. While I can't stand the current incarnation of the Rock, that doesn't mean i harbor any resentment towards Dwayne Johnson. I wish him the best of luck.

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Guest ajc

I think it will open pretty strongly (for April, anyways).  Let's say $15-$20 million on opening weekend.  I think it'll fizzle pretty quickly though and be dead and buried by Spider-Man's second week of showings.  I'll call a domestic take of $35-$40 million.  Personally, I think I'll wait for the DVD, since this looks pretty awful.

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Ghost World was supposed to be a comedy, but it wasn't funny.


The Mummy Returns was an epic-lite. A serious action movie that didn't take itself seriously. It was made purely to be fun, and on that level, it succeeded marvelously.

Ghost World was very funny, and intelligent as well.


The Mummy Returns was just a big, dumb CGI fest that cashed in on the success of the original and reduced the villain to a wussy, supporting character. Everything looked fake (especially the CGI Scorpion King at end) and the two main characters all of a sudden having mystical ties to the past was idiotic. To use the word "epic" in any manner when talking about The Mummy Returns is an insult.

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Guest chirs3

That's why I used epic-lite. The - indicates more to the original word, so technically, I never used the word 'epic'. It's also why I said "A serious action movie that doesn't take itself seriously."


Of course it was stupid. It was never supposed to be smart. It was never supposed to be great. The only reason that movie exists is to provide people with two hours of mindless fun. It's a popcorn flick. You can't go into a popcorn flick expecting anything more than cheap thrills. I went in expecting cheap thrills, and enjoyed myself because of it.


I rented ghost world expecting "a comic gem", and an "uproarious laughfest". And it wasn't funny. Ghost World was not funny. Everyone and their grandmother says Thora and What'sHerFace going around insulting stupid people is funny. But they don't insult stupid people. They torture people who don't deserve it. Not funny. And it's not real intelligent either. The only thing I'll give Ghost World is it was, in many places, a sadly accurate portrayal of real life.

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Guest chirs3

Epic (noun): A series of events considered appropriate to an epic.


Epic (adjective): Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size.


Credit: Dictionary.com


Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size... Brendan Frasier saving the world from a horde of undead scythe-wielding dogs and the power of an evil mummy who keeps coming back to life JUST MIGHT fit under this category...


But as I said, it's an epic-lite. Not serious. Fun.

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Guest redbaron51
Epic (noun): A series of events considered appropriate to an epic.

What a pathetic definition, especially using the same word to define it.

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Guest chirs3

I thought so too, red, but that's what it says. It had other definitions as a noun, but they all referred to poems, and I don't think The Mummy Returns was a poem.

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Guest Choken One

I'm betting it does solid, as the other two sequels (if you wanna go by their time, this happened first) did big money but I won't expect the 70 million or 43 million Mummy and Mummy2 took in. However, 21-34 million is the right area and it will be old news by Spiderman's release. Overall? 100 million dollars total.

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The Mummy Returns doesn't even qualify as a "popcorn flick". A popcorn flick can be stupid, but fun. It wasn't fun, it was just stupid and had no energy or spirit. You can tell they just went through the motions of making a movie in order to cash in on the success of the original. The Mummy was a popcorn movie, dumb and fun. The Mummy Returns is just dumb.

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Guest El Satanico

Thank you C.H.U.D., thank you for reminding people that just because a movie is an obvious popcorn movie does not mean it's good popcorn. There are good popcorn movies and very bad popcorn movies just like there are good art movies and bad art movies. Mummy 2 was stale popcorn with a horrible taste and i enjoyed the first one for what it was but part two was just a flat out terrible movie.

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Guest chirs3

I didn't say any popcorn movie is a good popcorn movie.


I said it was a popcorn movie because I got the impression from C.H.U.D.'s arguments that he thought it was supposed to be a real action movie that just turned out stupid.


I think it was a good popcorn flick though...

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I think it was a good popcorn flick though...

Sorry, but you are mistaken.


Watch some more big budget, brainless, hollywood action fluff and you will see the difference between a good popcorn movie and a bad one.

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Guest dreamer420

I think it will do big business.  First off a lot of wrestling fans will be flocking to see it.  Also fans of the first two Mummy films will probably see it as well since they are tied together.  I'm betting it does over 30 millions in it's first weekend.

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Guest chirs3
Sorry, but you are mistaken.


Wow. I never thought someone's personal opinion could be wrong... thanks for pointing that out.

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