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OAOAST IntenseZone - 11/11/03

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The pyro signals the start of another exciting episode of Intense Zone! We pan around the crowd as the fans stand on their feet and cheer. You won't find any tarped off areas of this arena because unlike that other fed we sell tickets!



Hello everyone and welcome to Intense Zone!! I'm your host Jim Ross and we are coming to you live with a great night of action! Tonight...


"Quiet" plays as Dan Black, surrounded by his Blackheart Security team, stalks out to the ring. The IZ fans scream their lungs out in BOOING the General Manager as he slides into ring and grabs a microphone.



Oh what the hell is the meaning of this??


Dan pauses, as his security team of Steve Scott, Hades, Jake Karma and Angel Steel stare down the fans. At last, Black raises the mic, having to shout above the crowd heat.



Ladies and Gentleman...there are many things I would do to make IntenseZone a better place. I will book any wrestler, in any type of match. I will put my own body and that of anyone else's on the line. But tonight, there is one thing I will not do.


I will not be allowing Stephen Joseph to walk out of here with a World Title shot.


And I know, I know, everyone will think that's because I hate Stephen, that for all the time I've spent in the OAOAST he's been my nemesis, that I want to destroy his career and steal his achivements...


Well- you're wrong. I happen to like SJ. Sure, I really do.



What a load of crap! Black is jealous of SJ and everything he's done! Plain and simple!



No, the reason I won't allow him to leave here with a shot at Calvin is simple- he doesn't deserve it.


Crowd BOOOOOOS even louder!



Yeah, yeah...I know you love him, you brainwashed idiots! But he's washed up. Retired until a week ago. Hell, I could beat him one arm behind my back. I booked the GAUNTLET tonight to prove that to you all, so that you can finally let go of your "hero" and embrace a new leader....a new man....a new hero.


I'm sure you don't need me to tell you who.



BAH GAWD, his ego is out of control!



So, Stephen, prepare for the Gauntlet...who will you face? It's not rocket science, boy...look around this ring...the potential...the power....the skill...the hunger...you used to have that hunger, Steve, and now look at you- a corporate drone!


Cut to close up of the snarling face of Jake Karma...panning to the masked man, Hades, muscualr arms crossed.



These men are your destiny. And if by some collosal miracle you survive...there will be more. There will be ME. Like there's always been, Stevie Jo. You. And. Me.



A bitter man, but a passionate man! So many issues between Dan Black and Stephen Joseph, and they may meet in this very ring here tonight!



Oh...one more thing....at DEADLY GAMES, as you all know, there will be a 3 team elimination match. Due to last weeks out of control brawl, it seems this match is going to have difficulty staying in control. I am therefore making it the first ever OAOAST SCRAMBLE MATCH~!



BAH GAWD! A scramble! Black has obviously been watching our friends at Ring of Honor! Let me remind you that a Scramble match means no tags are needed, a man may enter the ring when another leaves.



Oh, and you know what? One MORE thing.


Black pauses, looks around, and flexes his shoulders.



Tonight, I'm throwing out a personal challenge to anyone in that match. A singles match, against me. No security, just me. I feel like giving a little demonstration, just to remind you all who you're dealing with- the best wrestler never to be OAOAST Champion!



Pah! Black is insane! But an open challenge! Who will respond?


Black waits...there's nothing. A small smile spreads over Dan's cold face, and he makes to leave-


"How I Could Just Kill A Man" blasts out, and Y2JAILBAIT sprints down to the ring!


Blackheart Security bails on a curt hand gesture from Black, who stands his ground as Jailbait slides in. Y2J and Black start to exchange a flurry of blows in the middle of the ring!



Jailbait has been gunning for Black for weeks! Don't forget the months of history between these men, not least when Y2J tried to ruin Mystery Eskimo's career, and Black viciously assaulted Jailbait's girlfriend Clarissa- she's still in hospital recovering!


Jailbait gains the upper hand, and whips Dan to the ropes. Black returns and eats a high dropkick to the jaw! Dan rolls back to his feet but Y2J connects with another dropkick! Black staggers up to one knee, and Jailbait runs in looking for a SHINING WIZARD, but Black rolls aside and throws Jailbait on with his momentum, so that he slams HARD into the turnbuckle behind Dan!


Jailbait hangs on the ropes, and Black is up behind him, hooking in a waistlock. Dan pulls back, rolling Jailbait down to the mat and rolling through, bringing both men back to their feet, before hitting a stiff German suplex!



Black's version of Doug William's Chaos Theory! Roll thru German suplex, and there's a bridge!





















Black goes right back after Jailbait, hauling him up, a kick in the gut, BLACKOUT- no, Jailbait pushes him off and grabs his own waistlock! But Dan elbows back hard and breaks out, spinning behind Y2J and slapping on a full nelson!


Dan snaps back, slamming Jailbait back over with a RELEASE Dragon Suplex! Y2J lands right on the back of his neck and crumples on the mat!


The crowd draws in its breath!



BAH GAWD! That was SICK! Jailbait has got to be finished!


But Black doesn't cover, merely standing over Jailbait, grinning and kicking at his prone body. Dan eventually picks up his opponent, locks on a frontface lock and hoists him up in the vertical suplex position. Dan holds Jailbait up for a few seconds before suddenly dropping him forward down onto his back and head with a sit out power bomb!



MAH GAWD! Dan Black is bringing the brutal here tonight! Suplex to powerbomb, the Orange Crush!


Dan holds the legs for the cover!


























The crowd POPS!



Jailbait somehow survives! What fighting spirit!


Dan, looking a little pissed, leaves Jailbait lieing and steps out of the ring, climbing to the top rope! Black doesnt even pause before leaping off with a diving headbutt- but Jailbait rolls aside!


Black's head smacks off the canvas! Jailbait uses the ropes to pull himself up, and gestures for Dan to rise as well. Y2J stands with arms outstetched, as Black staggers up, turns, and walks straight into the JAILBREAK! (Twist of Fate).



That's it! Upset win! Black's ego trapped him!























The crowd breathes out in disappointment, as Jailbait quickly heads up top. As he is about to leap however, he slips slightly, still dizzy from the head drops he's taken. In that instant, Dan Black is up, and pops up to the top rope, grabbing Jailbait's arm and hauling him off and CRASHING down to the mat, into the Heart of Ice crossface!


In the middle of the ring, his body hurting, Jailbait's hand wavers...wavers....TAPS OUT!





The winner of the match in 3.37, DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN BLACK!


Dan keeps the hold locked in after the bell, wrenching back on Jailbait's head and neck! Our referee pulls at Dan's arm, but there's no release! At last Black lets go and stands, shouting an order at Angel Steel at ringside. The shapely brunette has a steel chair, and slides it into the ring. The official tries to snatch it, but Black shoves him hard to the mat!


Black grabs the chair, and - CRACK! Almost lacerates Jailbait's skull with it!











Jailbait is busted open, blood starting to gush down his face!


The crowd is united in BOOS, as Dan drops the chair...but picks up Jailbait...flipping his limp body onto his shoulder...before spinning Jailbait off and down with a SAMOAN DRIVAH, head landing onto the steel chair with a sickening crash!


Jailbait is out cold, bleeding profusely, as Black stands over him, and raises both arms in the air in a sick victory taunt.



MAH GAWD, Black demolished Jailbait! Dan just gave us all a reminder that beneath all his General Manager bullshit, he's a vicious, merciless wrestler who should be feared! We're getting some medical attention for Jailbait, I hope he's going to be ok, we'll take a break and be back with more action!



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Welcome back! This night is still young and already we've had an impromptu match! Now I understand that Dream Machines are backstage right now for some interview time!


(Backstage the Dream Machines are talking with some officials and stagehands when out of nowhere TNT attack! TNT grab both men and slam them head first into the wall as the people scream and scatter.)



How about a little preview of our match? (Burns drags Parka to a catering table.) Do you like food? Well here try some! (Burns slams Parka head first into the catering table, which sends sandwiches and drinks flying everywhere.)


(Bridges takes PK and spears him into a door that breaks open. Both men spill into a dressing room where the wrestlers back off and watch. Back in the hallway Burns picks Parka up, but Parka hits him in the head with a metal vegetable platter. Burns staggers back and Parka grabs him for a Body Slam through the table!)



PK! Where are you at??


(In the dressing room PK and Bridges fight back and forth as PK tosses him into the hallway. Both Parka and PK grab Bridges and whip him hard into a metal case. The case is violently shoved aside as Bridges crashes into it and hits the ground. PK and Parka high five each other, but Burns smashes a bottle of Snapple over PK’s head! Parka sees this and shoulder blocks Burns to the ground and begins punching away at his head. Suddenly Parka is pulled off of Burns by Bridges who then tosses Parka head first into a window of one of the backstage offices. Bridges then pins Parka while Burns makes a mock count.



One…Two…Three!!! Just like what will happen at Deadly Game!! See ya later!


(Burns and Bridges walk away as the camera pans out to show the carnage.)



Bah gawd I can’t believe what I just saw!!! Burns and Bridges don't even know what they're getting themselves into!!






KID #1




These new action figures have amazing punching powers!!!!


KID #2

Nobody punches like Zack Malibu!!!


(Kid #2 makes his Zack action figure punch Kid #1’s CWM figure who goes flying back.)



Now with extra life-like design!!!!


KID #3

Look at this! It looks just like Anglesault!


(Suddenly Anglesault appears.)



Dream on kid!!!



They look so real you’ll cry for your momma!!!!


KID #4

Mom!! Johnny’s making his Brock Ausstin figure no sell all my moves again!!!



Buy new OAOAST Action Figures today!!!


FINE PRINT: Figures available everywhere except for Wal-Mart which deemed them too violent. Accessories sold separately and some small parts may cause children to choke.

Edited by LaParkaYourCar

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The Shuffle vs. Plushward Al Logan


"Poundcake" plays as Pushward Al Logan runs out to the ring to not at all deafening silence and a few people who care enough to boo.


"From Bassett, California at 195 pounds, PUSHWARD AL LOOOOOOOOGAAAAANNNNNN"!!


The arena goes dark- and then a huge blinding flash of pyro, "The Horror" hits and THE SHUFFLE~! makes his way to the ring.


"From Lynnwood Washington, weighing in a two-hundred and fifty-five pounds, THE SHUFFLE"


Shuffle makes his way down the ramp, dancing, flirting, stopping to sign a couple autographs



"The crowd sure does love the Shuffle. He lost his first singles match last week to Blurricane, and you know he's out looking for some payback. 'Pushy Al' as Mario Logan seems to have changed his name to- is a member of the Dangerous Alliance with Alfdogg and G. Money- who Shuffle has been at odds with since they both joined OAOAST. Look for tempers to be heated tonight"


Both wrestlers stare each other down in the middle of the ring. Shuffle extends his hand for a shake, but Pushy Al slaps it away. Shuffle leaps at Al and starts throwing rights and lefts, the bell rings and the match starts.



"Shuffle not wasting any time getting down to business"


Shuffle batters Pushy Al into the rope, he grabs him and then send him across the ring with an Irish whip. On the rebound Logan goes for a closeline, but Shuffle ducks, and nails Al with a neckbreaker.


Shuffle pops up and play to the crowd a little bit- Al rises and they lock, a brief chain wrestling sequence until Shuffle takes Al down with a hip toss. He locks a head scissors on Al, but Al reverses to a head lock. Shuffle powers out of the headlock, stands up and blasts Al with a stiff chop. He whips Al into the corner, and comes charging, but Al gets a boot up and knocks him back.



"Shuffle got a little ahead of himself there, he's had the upper hand, but the tides may have turned"


Logan goes for a bulldog on Shuffle, but Shuffle pushes him away and then hits a spinning kick to the jaw. Logan crumples into a sitting position. Shuffle picks him up and hits an overhead release belly-to-belly suplex.



"The tides ARE NOT turning. Shuffle is taking Pushy Al to the woodshed!!"


Shuffle plays to the crowd some more, and waits for Logan to rise, as Al's up- he steps forward and hits the KICK ASS BLASTA~!. Logan's down and as he falls he throws an elbow into the ref, the ref is out.


Shuffle makes his way to the top rope. He's got his back to the ring, going for a Moonsault...



"Shuffle about to fly. The ref is down, but Shuffle doesn't care."


Shuffle again asks the crowd for some love, and takes the time to do a TOP ROPE B. DIDDY SHUFFLE~!, as he's dancing, Pushy Al gets up and nails a LOW BLOW~!, Shuffle's falls and is crotched on the turnbuckle. He's stuck on the top, in obvious pain.



"Cheap shot by Pushy Al, he took out the ref, and now he's turned on Shuffle."


Al steps out to the apron and climbs to the top rope, he grabs Shuffle and looks to be going for a powerbomb to the outside. As he picks up Shuffle, the bigger man's weight is too much for him and he drops him- Shuffle lands head first on the ring steps!!!



"Bah GAWD!!! Pushy Al Logan may have just killed the Shuffle. Medics are rushing to attend to Shuffle, and Al doesn't look like he cares a bit."


The medics look at Shuffle. Al stays in the ring, smiling and celebrating. The crowd is dead silent, horrified by what they've seen. Shuffle is out, and the medical staff is looking at his neck. A few minutes of nervous time pass, an Al is still in the ring- attempting to get the crowd to even notice him. As he's playing to the crowd- Shuffle starts to stir.



"Oh my god, Shuffle is up, Shuffle is up and he's pushing the medical staff away. He's climbing back up towards the ring"


The crowd pops HUGE for Shuffle, but Al doesn't realize it's not for him. He's looking out to the crowd and doesn't see Shuffle climbing the top rope. The medics are trying to stop Shuffle- you can see that they've already brought down a back board on which to take him out.



"Oh MY- the ref's still out- the bell hasn't rung- THIS MATCH IS STILL GOING, and Shuffle has half a mind to end it!!!"


Shuffle's up top- Al still doesn't notice him, and he leaps and hit's a flying cross body block. As he connects with Al he hooks the leg and locks in a pin. At the same moment the ref comes too- sees the pin- and 1.... 2..... 3..... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIANT, HUGE, MASSIVE cheer from the crowd.



"Shuffle did it, Shuffle did it- he may very well have a broken neck, he may have fractured his skull- but he fought off the doctors, and he just beat the reprehensible Pushy Al Logan!!!"


Al beats a hasty retreat to the back, as the crowd's cheers die down as they see Shuffle's out in the ring again. He looks to be unconscious, and the medics again attend to him.



"At a time like this, you can't even think about this man's wrestling career, just hope that he's able to live a normal life again- but if this was his last match in OAOAST, it sure was a great one."


After several anxious and silent minutes, the medics strap Shuffle onto a back board and wheel him out of the area on a stretcher. As he's leaving- the crowd breaks out into a somewhat dampened "Shuffle, Shuffle" chant.



"Well, I know what we've all just had to see is hard to take, but lets just hope the best for this young man. As they say- the show must go on."



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Welcome back to Intense Zone! So far...


CUE: Hate me now by nas and p-diddy.



My gawd, what the hell is this this isn't schedule, wait it can't be !! These two are supposed to be in the orient, why the hell are they here? Folks at home and in the arena I'm sorry for this interruption but these two men ran rampant over in Japan and I guess they're here to try and do the same, but not here, Intense zone won't stand for that crap!!!


(D-Nice and homeboy enter the ring , hit the corners pump a fist and the pyro shoots.

(D-nice asks for a mic and speaks to the people),



For all of you out there who don't know my name, I'm D-NICE and this monster over my shoulder is HPD and we're here to make an (IMPACT). I asked around and people told me that the iZ was the place to be so I'm here.


...And i'm not impressed. We came for gold and I don't care what it takes for me to achieve that and the HPB is here for a little insurance just to make sure that happens.


Look we're not a bad guys but if you cross us be prepared to apply for some disability. Dan Black, I want a iZ contract and don't give me this shit about the roster being full cause trust me we can help with that! For all you guys who are with us "Where's my dogs at", if your not then, get ready to be made famous.


(drop mic as music hits )



I knew it!!! That's the reason why they came out here but if I know Dan Black that damn iceheart he'll take to these guys like a duck to water. Speaking of a duck to water, it seems that Judas is being stalked by UGW's local scumbag...I mean lawyer...no I was right! Let's take a look at what happened earlier this week!


Earlier this week


(Blurricane is shown standing in front of the clones. Only eight remain out of the 12 who started the training.)



Over the last few weeks I’ve tested you mentally and physically. Some of you have made it this far and some of you have not. Those who have not will be given other jobs, but the rest of you will continue to see which four will be the best. Tonight we will be going out into the field to test your skills.


(Later that evening)


(We see the clones and Blurricane walking down the street when suddenly screaming is heard. All of them run to an alley where a man is trying to steal a woman’s purse. The clones attack and fight the man off before returning the purse. The clones then tie up the robber.)



Good job! I think that…what the hell??


(A police car comes screeching to a halt and an officer gets out.)



That was quick!



What the hell is the meaning of this?? Did you people beat up this man?



He was robbing this woman!



First off Halloween is over so what’s with the costumes?? Secondly you can’t take the law into your own hands! We got an anonymous call that a bunch of fruits in stupid costumes were walking the streets and causing trouble!



I can assure you officer that we’re not causing trouble.



I’m afraid I’m gonna have to write a citation for this!


(A limo pulls up and the window rolls down to reveal J. Arthur Edwards’ smiling face.)



What’s the matter Blurricane?? Did the cops rain on your superhero parade??


(Blurricane looks pissed as J. Arthur mocks him.)



You’re the one that made the anonymous call weren’t you??



And to think my boss called you and idiot! Where’s your friend Judas?



He’s at home and if you come near him again I’ll have you arrested!



Is there a problem here?



No problem officer, we’re just having a friendly dispute. Blurricane I’d watch your friend Judas. He’s thinking about my offer and you know it! With your big Elimination Chamber match coming up it isn’t good to have to watch your back from your own men. Have a nice day.


(The window rolls up as the limo drives away and Blurricane stares into the distance.)


(Later at home)


(Blurricane walks into a fancy looking room where Judas sits deep in thought.)



I ran into our lawyer friend again today.



What did he have to say?



He told me not to trust you and that you’re thinking of his offer.



The man is full of it, but as long as I’m here he won’t leave you alone. Maybe it would be better if I just left.



You don’t have to leave.



Yes I do!



Then at least let me help you find a place to live. Somewhere away from here so that Edwards can’t find you.



You’d do that for me??



I finally trust that you’ve made the decision to not betray me.


(Judas stands and shakes hands with Blurricane as we fade out.)



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[The scene shifts back to the halls of the arena, as the North American Champion, Puerto Rican Lightning, is standing by his locker room, basking in the glory that is...PRL.]


PRL (looking at his reflection in the belt):

The GREATEST North American champion ever. Yes, yes I am.


[PRL opens the door...and it bangs against something.






the bloodied, prone bodies of Colombian Heat and Thomas Rodriguez. The camera focuses in on PRL's shocked face, and then quickly pans over...




to a smiling "Shooter" Jay Darring.]







[PRL is speechless as Jay gets up and walks toward the champion.]




You know, you *really* have to hire better goons, because getting in here was sickeningly easy.



PRL (regaining his composure):

What are you doing here?




Wellll, you see, I heard about that little speech you gave, AFTER I left mind you, with Lauren's hair, and to say I was not amused would be a gross understatement.



PRL (smiling now):

You haven't seen gross until you saw what I did to her...I didn't know anyone could scream so loud.



JAY (moving closer to PRL):

Man, you keep talking, and you keep digging your grave even deeper. I suppose you've selectively forgotten the *last* time you were locked in the cage with me. (looks sideways at him) I see those facial scars haven't completely faded yet, and how about that catheter tube the hospital inserted in you? I bet that was a lot of fun....still twitch once in a while too?


COLOMBIAN HEAT (grabbing at Jay's ankle):




Shut up.



[Jay kicks Heat in the face with his other foot, and the "enforcer" is silent once more.]



The time is coming senor. You, me, five other people, inside a monstrosity that this company has never seen. I'm sure you're thinking about that OAOAST World Title, but what you should be thinking about is writing up a Last Will and Testament, because at Deadly Game, yeah, I'm coming for that title, but I'm also coming to bury you for good. The Cage of Death will seem like jolly good time compared to what I have in store for you on Pay Per View.


PRL (grinning nervously):

Ha ha ha, Shooter, you talk a good game, but you know I'm in your head - you look at me, and you hear the screaming...and the moaning...


[Jay grabs PRL by the throat and shoves him against the wall!]


JAY (angrily whispering):

And YOU look at ME, and see a man you've NEVER truly beaten, and who almost sent you back to Puerto Rico in a pine box. And the Harsh Reality is, you KNOW it will happen again.


[Jay releases the hold, and smiles again.]



You have two weeks left to live. Enjoy them, spend some quality time with your girlfriend. Speaking of the esteemed Ms. Lindsay, you might wanna check your shower.





[Jay leaves the locker room as PRL rushes to the shower area.....



to find Lindsay tied up, upside down and gagged, next to a handmade sign that says "LEAVE PENNIES HERE."



He'll pay...he'll pay...





Bah gawd Shooter Jay has made his mark on PRL and the Lightning Crew! Tempers are flaring as we move closer to Deadly Game! And as if things weren't crazy enough when we come back it will be time for our next match!!!



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Ted Weddy vs. ???? for the #5 Spot in the Intense 5 Rankings


"I Pledge Allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of TEDDY"




("What's My Name" by Snoop kicks into gear, and out struts the self-proclaimed President, Ted Weddy, accompanied by his loyal Odd Squad of Gary Busey and J-Train. The crowd waves along in time to the music as Ted enters the ring and takes the microphone from Gary Michael Cappetta.)





The crowd goes CRAZY!!



Not since Akeem the African Dream have I seen a guy as fat and weird as Ted Weddy with so much fan support.



Welllllll, boooys and girls, it seems like OAOAAOAOAOAOAST couldn't find someone to face me for the masturbation slot, SO I WIN BY FORFEIT! FORFEITS RULE!


All of a sudden, Gary Busey takes the microphone from Ted.



You see, I don't endorse that Ted.



Now whyyyy not?



The human body is a well-oiled machine, and mere imagery is not enough to properly innervate the muscles for action. You need to engage in deliberate practice in order to be the warrior you can be.






Yes Ted, and as a black belt, who has been in "Lethal Weapon," *I* will accept that slot.





The bell rings, and Ted and GARY BUSEY are trading forearms in the middle of the ring!



I don't believe this, Hollywood Star GARY BUSEY wants to be in the Intense 5!


Weddy blocks a punch from Busey, grabs his arm and irish whips him in. Busey bounces off the ropes and NAILS a basement dropkick to the knee! Ted goes down! He's crawling to knee as Busey hits the ropes again, and CONNECTS with a scissors kick to the back of the head! Ted bails!



Wow, Busey wasn't kidding when he said he had skill.

Ted is on the outside, holding his head- "REF,


DISQUALIFICATION!" The ref shakes his head in confusion and tells him to get back in the ring. The disgruntled Weddy gets in the ring- AND GETS CRACKED IN THE FACE WITH A SPINKICK!



What a shot by Busey! Cover him!

















Ted has gotta recover quickly, and use his bulk to his advantage here.


Busey shows no mercy to his friend, raining hard right hands down on Weddy. He picks him up by the head and whips Ted into the ropes again. Reversal by Weddy, Busey hits the ropes- Busey with a flying forearm!


NO! Ted ducks out of the way! Busey goes crashing to the mat! Ted points to his head...and adds in a little cabage patch, before grabbing the stunned Busey, tucking his head, between his legs, and SPIKING him with a big piledriver!


Ted sits on him for the cover....














Busey gets the shoulder up!



Rather arrogant cover by the man of a thousand jobs. He's gonna have to get serious if he wants to earn this spot.

Who's J Train rooting for in this match.


J Train is on the outside, hitting on a fat chick.



BEEAA! BEEAA! Hey sweet thang, I want to know your rolls!


Meanwhile, Ted picks up Gary in a gutwrench, and holds him over his shoulder!



A Canadian backbreaker, or as Ted prefers to call it, the American backbreaker.





WOW, what innovation by Ted!


Ted DOUBLE STOMPS Busey and covers!






















What fortitude by Gary Busey...although he did have to put up with Steven Seagal that one time, I'm not surprised.

"THAT'S IT!" Ted grabs Busey by the throat....



Looking for that High Times chokeslam....

He's got him up-























Gary Busey almost shocked the world!


Gary KIPS UP, and delivers a hard roundhouse kick to the chest of Ted. ANOTHER ONE! Gary charges- MAFIA KICK to the face staggers Ted! But Ted won't go down!




Gary charges again, this time he goes for a flying headscissors, trying to get the big man down, BUT TED CATCHES HIM! He's got him slung over his shoulder...




DAMN! It's over now, what a devastating move!

Ted's not done, he calmly heads to the top rope. No way


Busey is getting up, Ted's on top....























And this one is most definitely over- Ted adding insult and injury to injury with the Two Step.



Your winner of the match, and earning number 5 in the Intense 5- TED WEDDY!


Ted helps the downed Gary Busey back to his feet, and the two men hug to a round of applause. The dazed Busey takes the microphone from the announcer.



I'm proud of you Ted, you did exactly what I asked, you have the heart of a lion my friend.

Now let's go get some hookers.






I'm not gonna comment on that.


The three best friends dance the Funky Chicken to "What's my Name" as we go to commercial.



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Well fans...it's time for our main event. I hope Stephen is ready!


Stephen Joseph runs the gauntlet


CUE: “Aww Naw, Nappy Roots”


Aww Naw, Hell Naw

Y’all up n done it

Aww Naw, Hell Naw

Y’all up n done it

Y’all up n done it…

Y’all up n done it…


PYRO~! From the stage as Nappy kicks into high gear, ghetto southern drawl drenching the arena, heralding the entrance of Stephen Joseph.



By Gawd, Stephen is back but he’s got to go through hell tonight. Who knows how many men Stephen Joseph will have to face? But there he is, confident as he walks down the entrance ramp. What ring rust Stephen had is gone after the impromptu match against Alfdogg at World Without End, but Stephen left that a mess. Can he pull himself through tonight, reinstate himself fully, and earn a World Title shot?


Stephen Joseph pulls himself into the arena. His hair has been dyed into darker black, small highlights of red at the ends. His wrestling attire is his work attire, khaki pants and a white button up shirt with its sleeves rolled up. We see Stephen going over to shake our referee’s hand, looking at the tron to see who he faces first.


CUE: “Hummer, Smashing Pumpkins”


Faith lies in

The ways of sin

I chased the charms

But I don't want them anymore

And in their eyes I was alive

A fool's disguise…



I don’t like this. Is Dan Black Stephen’s first opponent? He’s out here with a microphone!


Dan Black

Cut the music...Stephen, oh Stephen, how I have been looking forward to this all week. But no, I’m going to stand up right here and watch. Yo Steve, come out here. Popick, your first opponent is BlackHeart Security’s own Steve Scott.


Steve Scott walks from the ramp down into the ring, nothing but business. As he lets himself in through the ropes, we hear a bell ring, and here we go. SS is undersized by about 30 pounds on SP, so he’s going to have to fly high to beat him here.


No circling around, Stephen charges SS pushing him into a turnbuckle and thrusting his shoulders into SS’s stomach, doubling over the cruiserweight. SJ clasps his right arm on SS’s left, whipping him into the far turnbuckle and running right after! Scott grabs the ropes as he nears and lifts up, letting Stephen run under and into the turnbuckle! Scott lands on his feet, and runs up Stephen’s back with a kicking moonsault, nailing Stephen in the head on the last step!


Scott pushes Stephen around and lifts him onto the top of the turnbuckle. Scott scales with him, positioning himself for a hurricanrana. He jumps off, but Stephen grabs the ropes with his left hand, stopping the moment. Scott is left dangling down, his legs wrapped under Stephen Joseph’s armpits. Seconds later, Stephen reaches down with both hands and grabs Scott’s neck, choking him! He then leaps, cradling Scott’s head in his legs, hands choking his neck, and nails Steve Scott down to the mat with w Synchronicity V3! Scott crumples and Stephen stays on top.











Stephen Joseph has soundly beaten Steve Scott. I wasn’t expecting him to find a groove so fast, but there we saw, the old Stephen Joseph is still there. What’s Dan going to do now?


Dan Black

Congratulations Stephen. Oh and Scott, that’s a week pay right there. Jake Karma, go down there and kick his ass, or its TWO WEEKS PAY that you’ll lose.


Stephen gets up and watches as the big Hoss of Blackheart Security comes down, towering well over Stephen Joseph.


Karma, having laid Stephen Joseph out with a powerbomb in the middle of the ring, walks over to the nearest turnbuckle and begins to climb up with his back turned



What’s Karma doing, a big man like that on a turnbuckle. Is he going to try a moonsault?


Karma plays to the crowd, and Stephen Joseph looks over. Stephen lunges from a lying position and grazes the top rope with his hands, but its enough to get the big man distracted. Karma’s trying to keep his balance on the top rope, but it doesn’t look good. Jake Karma waves his arms futilely to stay up, but he’s listing back in towards the ring. He begins to fall, but Stephen kicks Karma’s right leg, causing the mammoth to lose all balance and fall down upon the turnbuckle. Karma’s feet catch the second rope, and he stands there, arms perched on the turnbuckle, and Karma weezy from almost losing balance.


Stephen Joseph springboards on the 2nd rope near Karma, locking one arm under Karma’s armpit and the other around the neck. Popick jumps back and uses the height differential and Karma’s mass to pull Karma over, suplexing the big man from the second rope! Karma’s neck lands square on Stephen’s shoulder.





Stephen yelps out a painful cry and feels his shoulder after impact. He just crawls over on Karma, collapsing on top.













Stephen Joseph has now survived two members of Blackheart Security by himself! Are we going to see Hades next?


Dan Black

G-D Dammit Popick! Hades, tear him up one. Don’t disappoint me like those two have. You’re nowhere near done Popick! Nowhere!


Hades, the masked man of Blackheart Security, races forward and is in the ring in no time. Stephen hasn’t even had a chance to stand up yet, and Hades caps him off with a flying leg attack just like Jimmy Yang! Stephen’s head would’ve flown into the third row had it been even harder.


Our crowd boos as Hades stands over him, and those jeers to turn cheers as a monster JINGUS comes rumbling out of the crowd! Dan fumes on the ramp as JINGUS goes over the guardrail, Hades watching him like a hawk.



JINGUS! JINGUS has seen enough! Stephen Joseph won’t be killed tonight! TEDDY WEDDY! BY Gawd!


Teddy Weddy comes in from the other side of the ring and turns Hades around. FLIP, FLIP, and FLY from Teddy Weddy, and that’s completed with the Presidential Address, Ted kicking Hades in the junk. 3 Points there! Ted Wed rolls back out of the ring, and Stephen’s now draped an arm over Hades! Our referee turns around













Stephen’s defeated all of Blackheart Security, but with some help from an old friend an a new one. How to explain all of this! Dan Black is fuming!


Dan Black

Stephen! Stephen! You’re not done yet. Get them out of here! Your next opponent is ME Ste…


The Deadly Alliance (Alfdogg, Dangerous-A, G-Money, and Thunderkid) jump JINGUS from the crowd, and Alfdogg heads into the ring by climbing a turnbuckle! 5 STAR ALF SPLASH onto Stephen Joseph from ¾ across the ring! Dan Black’s now racing down and bringing out the rest of Blackheart Security!


Dan slides into the ring and shoves Alfdogg off Stephen Joseph, just so he can start punching Joseph in the face. 3 right hands in a row and Stephen’s been busted wide open! Meanwhile, Blackheart Security and Dangerous A, G-Money, and Thunderkid pound on Jingus, running him into the steel steps.


Our crowd pops as Teddy Weddy, Gary Busey, and J-Train are out, busting up the beating on JINGUS. Teddy Weddy pops a CoooooCK RooooooCKet on Dangerous A, Gary and Busey attack Blackheart Security!



It’s complete chaos. Everything’s broken down!


G-Money and Thunderkid take control, swinging Teddy Weddy into a turnbuckle. Blackheart Security throw Gary Busey and J-Train over the railing, and just as JINGUS gets up, they all pounce on JINGUS again!


And down from the ramp comes Jay Darring and Mad Cappa! They slide into the ring, Jay taking on Dan Black and Cappa Alfdogg, interrupting their little war of fists that had been going on! Alfdogg reverses a whip by Cappa as Dangerous A comes into the ring. SUPERKICK TO Mad Cappa from Dangerous A! Jay with a KT Driller on Dan Black, laying him out on the ring! D-A and Alfdogg rush Jay and push him through the ropes, following it up with tope suiciadas!


Blurricane and Shuffle come out from the back, and they enter the frucas on the ring floor, helping the faces to start coming back on Blackheart Security and the Deadly Alliance. Busey and J-Train are back in, paired off with G-Money and Hades. Blurricane and Shuffle fight Karma into a corner, and JINGUS BY GAWD is back on his feet!



Both Stephen and his opponent Dan Black are down on the mat! Wait, Dan is going for a cover!













The crowd cheers, but then boos as Calvin Szechenstein, appears on the stage, running down to join in on the 2-on-1 beatdown on Jay Darring. But Calvin turns on Alfdogg, throwing him into the crowd! Dangerous A runs over to attack Calvin, but Jay trips him up! Calvin with a basement dropkick to Jay!


Calvin, very proud, begins to back up from the ramp! He backs into D-Nice! Calvin turns around, cartwheel kick from D-Nice! Calvin's against the ring, both Dan Black and Stephen Joseph are up!


Dan Black runs, SHINING BLACK on Stephen Joseph. Dan turns around, and D-Nice who entered the ring just a second ago SPEARS~! Dan Black to the ground!


Jay Darring recovers and tries to make it into the ring, but the LIGHTNING CREW has made it down and they pull him out, tossing him into the crowd. It's PRL~!, PR NIGHTMARE on Jay! PR NIGHTMARE!


JINGUS with a DEVILBOMB on Karma! G-Money german suplexes Blurricane over the ring barricade!


Stephen Joseph is up in the ring, and Calvin clips his knee out from behind! Calvin pulls Dan almost over to Stephen, but Teddy Weddy is behind...HUMPHANDLE SLAM to Calvin! Teddy calls out for CoooCK ROCCCKEET!, and pulls Dan up...FIRE THUNDER DRIVER! G-Money from the turnbuckle, cross body on Teddy Weddy. D-NICE then nails G-Money with a stiff clothesline, knocking them both out of the ring. Stephen and Dan arte all alone! Stephen puts an arm on Dan Black





















BY GAWD, Stephen is reinstated! He gets a title shot!



As the bell rings, Jingus pulls Stephen from the ring, and he, Blurricane, Teddy Weddy, Shuffle, J Train, Gary Busey walk up the ramp, staring at Dan Black, the Deadly Alliance, Blackheart Security, and Calvin Szechenstein.



What an amazing night! Wait, Stephen is coming over here...well, JINGUS is coming over with Stephen!


Jingus places Stephen down, and rather uneasingly Stephen stands to chants of BPP! BPP! Tears flowing from his eyes, he takes a spare microphone from our announcing desk, and has something to say.


Stephen Joseph

Best laid plans Dan Black, I should know best, they often go awry. Thanks Dan, for getting me back to wrestling. You want to know your corporate team? Dan, at Deadly Games, you just made things very, very deadly. Myself, JINGUS, iZ's very own Jesse Ventura, and my newly signed talent of D-NICE will face you, will beat you. But, for something more important.


Thanks for the title shot Dan. As a matter of fact, I want it next week, right here on IntenseZone. But not for me. For someone who more deserves it. For someone who was HELDDOWN by a glass ceiling. For someone we took from you, and gave them a chance.


Calvin, next Tuesday night, YOUR opponent is none other than the PREESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Teddddy Wedddy!



BY GAWD, Teddy Weddy vs. Calvin Szechenstein, for the World Title, next Tuesday night! Good night everyone!


Our last shot shows Calvin Szechenstein glaring at Dan Black, then looking up at the ring entrance with all the faces congratulating Teddy Weddy. He is all smiles.

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Bah gawd this isn't over! We're gonna get an interview with Calvin Szechstein in the ring!!



We're in the ring with Calvin Szechstein, OAOAST World Champion, just moments after the stunning announcement that next week on IntenseZone, Calvin Szechstein will be going one on one with former HeldDown superstar Ted Weddy! Calvin, what are your thoughts on this announcement?



Quite honestly, man, I'm a bit amused. Ted Weddy couldn't go anywhere on heldDown because there were so many people that were better than he was. Hell, I can name five off the top of my head - me, Zack, Crystal, Ragdoll, Northstar. I'd go further, but that'd just be rubbing it in, and we all know a man of my stature would never do that.


Furthermore, Ted Weddy didn't even win his own title shot. He had to resort to a retiree doing his work for him, and while I give Stephen Joseph credit for doing such a 'noble' thing, I don't give Ted Weddy a lick of credit. And I won't until he can prove to me that he is a true competitor, instead of a leeching sapsucker. So, Ted, you've got a chance. A chance for you and your entire brand, to show that, oh my, you guys can pull through. Because I haven't seen you do that yet.


IntenseZone talks, time and time again, about how they don't get the same opportunities heldDown gets. Guess what, folks -- you have. My first title defence was against "Shooter" Jay Darring. I won. My next title defence was against JINGUS. I won that one, too. Two weeks from now I'll defend against your three best, and odds are I'll win that too. You can argue with my methods and you can argue with my morals, but you cannot argue with results. I am the best in the OAOAST, and not one of you has proved me wrong yet.


So good luck, Ted Weddy. God knows you'll need it.


Calvin drops the mic, looking around for Ted Weddy... who is behind him! HUMPHANDLE SLAM AGAIN TO CALVIN! The crowd explodes as Calvin rolls out of the ring, title belt clutched to his shoulder and a look of seething rage directed at Ted Weddy, who grins, basking in the crowd's adoration!



Strong words from the OAOAST Champion, but after what just happened to him, it makes you wonder... can Calvin back up his words one more time? Folks, tune in NEXT WEEK... CALVIN SZECHSTEIN, TED WEDDY. WHO WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS? GOODNIGHT!

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Mystery Eskimo

Stephen Joseph


Shooter Jay (DuskTillDawn)

B. Dids


Derrick Lucas

Chuck Woolery




All rights reserved

Edited by LaParkaYourCar

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