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Rob E Dangerously

George Woodrow Carter

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Reading President Bush's address to the National Endowment for Democracy, one wonders: Have the neocons captured him totally? For, though he is being hailed as Reagan's true heir, Bush has begun to sound like a clone of Woodrow Wilson or Jimmy Carter.


Foreign policy is, in Walter Lippman's phrase, the "Shield of the Republic." Its purpose: protect our independence and freedom. "We do not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy," said John Quincy Adams.


Traditional conservatives believe in the Eisenhower formula of Peace through Strength and the Washington-Jefferson policy of nonintervention in the affairs and wars of nations that do not threaten us.


Wilsonians believe that unless the whole world is democratic, we are not secure. America's first crusade was Wilson's war "to make the world safe for democracy." It succeeded in making the world safe for the British Empire, which added a million square miles, and paved the path to power for Lenin, Stalin and Hitler. Wilsonism was a glorious failure, though his disciples will never concede it.


Bush has now embarked on a new Wilsonian crusade. Monarchs and dictators in the Arab and Islamic world are to give way to democracy in Syria, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Morocco?


Have the president and his War Cabinet thought this through? Or is this like the invasion of Iraq, where no one seems to have considered the consequences of smashing the Iraqi state?


Is the president aware of what happened when the kings, shahs and emperors fell the last time in Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Ethiopia and Iran? We got Nasser, Saddam, Khadafi, Mengistu and Khomeini.


Before Bush sets off destabilizing regimes, he might recall what Carter reaped after his human-rights hectoring helped topple Somoza and the Shah: Soviet-backed Sandinistas in Managua and the Islamic republic of the ayatollahs in Teheran.


If Hosni Mubarak falls in Egypt, we could get a populist regime that severs ties with Israel and declares solidarity with Hamas. If the Saudi house falls, we could get a regime that welcomes Osama home as a national hero and uses its oil weapon against us. If Gen. Musharraf falls in Pakistan, we could get an Islamist regime with atom bombs that would help restore the Taliban in Kabul.


A global crusade for democracy entails endless interventions in the affairs of foreign nations. Did 9-11 teach us nothing about blowback? The terrorists were over here because we were over there, dominating the Islamic world culturally, politically, militarily.


before we go OMG PAT BUCHANAN~!.. let's think this through..


yeah.. in most likelyhood, Saudi Arabia is in a tough spot. Considering the possibility that they would elect extremists.


this may be a bit drastic


And where in the Constitution is Bush empowered to conscript the wealth and soldiers of his country to conduct foreign crusades. With a $500 billion deficit, how are we going to pay for it? Where do we get the right to tell foreign nations how to arrange their societies and rule themselves? Just who do we think we are?


If the president wants to defend America, he would dissolve all the old Cold War alliances, bring U.S. troops home, defend our borders and fumigate the neocon nest at NED that meddles in the internal affairs of nations in ways that would cause us to go to war, if done to us.


but.. it's nice to see that Buchanan isn't out of work or anything.

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Guest Cerebus

Us neocons who have that meddled in the internal affairs of nations in ways that would cause us to go to war take offense to your post.

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