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Guest nWoScorpion

Wwf supertape vol. 4

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Guest nWoScorpion

-Already another video add. This time 2nd annual Batle of the superstars. That tape really was crappy by the way.


-Mooney is ready to go to coliseum video head quarter but instead we get....


-WWF action figures! Hogan! Warrior! Duggan! Snuka! Piper! Rhodes! Savage! Dibiase! Hammer! Bossman! Honky! and more!

Tag Teams. Demolition! Rockers! Bushwhackers!


-Mooney finds the Coliseum Van, with expert navigator...if you didnt realize by paterns of this series, its Lord Alfred.

He yells at Mooney for bringing food into his van.


-Mr. Perfect promo with Bobby Heenan.


-WWF-Intercontinental Title Match:

Mr. Perfect © Vs. "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich:

Post Tornado title reign. This is from Wrestling Challenge. Tornado unloads but gets clotheslined to the floor before he gets his robe off. Tornado pulls Perfect to the floor and nails the Tornado punch off the bat. Tornado keeps knocking him off the apron for a while. Armbar by Von Erich. Heavy chop by Perfect, but he walks into a Tornado punch to the midsection, folloed by the Boston Crab. I miss this kinda stuff, when title matches werent every night. Claw is broken with an eye rake by The previously flawless one. Sleeper Hold off an irish whip by Mr. P. Tornado fights out but gets put on the mat again. Tornado irish whips Perfect to the corner but gets posted. Great camerawork! Perfect cant get the buckle off, but Tornado blocks it anyway. Spinning Tornado puts Perfect to the floor. another misses and Tornado hits the ring post instead. Perfect nails Tornado by whipping him into the iron post for 2. Perfect plex gets 2. Tornado gets the claw! He gos for the spinning Tornado, but Perfect pulls the referee in front of him. Tornado gets a 2 count, but the referee calls for the bell at 7:42. Tornado wins via DQ as he CONTINUES to lay out Perfect with the Spinning tornado. **. Another underwhelming Hennig Match.


-Koko B. Ware Vs. Tito Santana:

From MSG. What is up with this? Koko B. Ware on a coliseum video? Heenan jokes on Frankie going on his "$1,200" shoes. Handshake by both men. Koko is the most over Jobber ive ever seen, and Tito is up their also. Arm drag by Tito. Hiptoss by KBW. Go behind take over by Tito. Another handshake. Who no showed? Koko with  his own ho behind takeover. Series of armbar reversals by both men. Snapmare by Tito. Side headlock by Santana and a shoulderblock, hiptoss by koko, elbo misses and he runs into a arm drag by Tito. Slight Shove, now heavy ones. Heenan like sit. Koko plays heel from now on i guess. Heavy right and gos to work. Headbutt and clothesline. When was the last time you hear about winners and losers money for a match? Koko tosses Chico to the floor. Koko continues to beat on Santana. Heenan says they dont make enough rolaids to get you out of Tocula healthy. Series of roundhouse rights. Tito with a few forearms. Monkey flip blocked with a atomic drop and more right punches for 2. DREADED NERVE HOLD OF DOOM! Modified neck snap by the birdman. He continues kicking down tito. Koko is a cool heel, he shoulda ben under Heenan. Eye Rake!!! Slap!! Kokos got spunk! Series of jabs. Crowd is not liking this. Tito with his own jabs and Koko makes him eat buckle. Scoop slam by birdman. Top rope fist drop misses. Series of roundhouse rights by Santana. Couple of slams by Tito follows. Atomic Drop and Flying Jalupeño gets the three at 10:10. Surprisingly good match. **1/2.  


-More on Mooney and Hayes in the coliseum video van.


-From the ring to the Mic:

Gorilla monsoon, Roddy Piper, Mean Gene Okerlund.....NO!!! I didnt ever want to see this! and Randy Savage.


-Tugboat Vs. the Undertaker (w/ Brother Love)

He still has the tight Black gloves and Brother Love, which means its pre Royal Rumble. I guess he didnt need acting lessons cause hes scaying people shitless. Tugboat is merely food jobber here. Another Wrestling Challenge match. Lockup goes nowhere. Shoulderblock does nothing. Tugboats doesnt work. Undertaker with a choke in the ropes and knee to the gut.  LEap frog botched and UT drives his knee into tugboats face. Snapmare and elbow misses. Tugboat clothesline and headbutt. Tugboat elbow misses and Ut kicks him in the back some. Fake rake by Taker. Knee to the back of Tugboat. Sucsesion of headbutts follows. Both men exchange rights. Takers gray footwear have fallen down. Tugboat blocks the rope walk and throws Taker across the ring. Powerslam and tugboat collapses. Taker sits up. He continues to hammer him but eats boot. Charge misses. UT goes up, walks the ropes and drops an elbow for 3 at 5:44. DUD. UT squash builds him up more. This guy sop ruled then.


-Shawn Michaels (w/ MArty Jannetty) Vs. Demolition Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji):

Couldnt we get a tag team match? Hayes gets hard by a hot chick who likes the Rockers. No Smash here tonight. Guess he no showed otherwise it woulda been a tag. Crush hammers to start. Shawn gets caught with a monkey flip but Shawn gets a cresent kick and a few clotheslines followed by a shoulderblock. Crush tosses Shawn to the floor. Crush gorilla press reversed with a victory roll and drop toe hold followed by a headlock. Crush with a tilt-whirl Backbreaker turns the tide. Another Wrestling Challenge match. Modified Backbreaker by Crush for 2. Bearhug of doom! Stif fIrish Whip by the demo and body scissors. Backbreaker by Crush, he misses a top rope knee drop. Shawn works the knee and takes him out with a knee clip. body Press blocke,d but Marty lands a body press turnnig the tide and shawn gets the pina t 7:18. Pretty decent match. **. This was after a show where Demolition wona  amatch thanks to some extra help by a 3rd member.


-The Van breaks down and Hayes find the problem, only problem is he doesnt know how to fix it.


-Legion of Doom vs. Orient Express & Mr. Fuji:

This is the good Express. This is from an episode of Superstars. Hak complains about Fujis sault, so ref checks him, but fuji gives it to Kato. KAto fkes putting it in his belt and passs it back to Fuji as the ref checks him now. Long stall fest. KAto & Animal start. Stiff shove by RWA. Headlock reversed by Animal by tossing him around. Kay-to Mooney says. Chop no sold and Animal chases him. Powerslam by animal and a double HUGE Backdrop to Tanaka. Hawk and Tanaka in. Hawk shoulderblock and headlock. Hawk takes care of both TOE . Animal tosses KAto in with a gorilla press and Hawk clothesline shim back out over the top rope and Animal nails his own clothesline. Animal witha  hadlock and shoulderblock to Tanaka followed by a  clothesline. Fuji does the salt job already, ruining the end. Tanaka with a cresent kick to Animal. Fuji with a few thrusts and Kato in. Tanaka leap frog onto Animal, and he nails a double clothesine to both tanaka & Kato. Hawk in and he cleans house. Shouldertackle to Kato and clothesline to Tanaka, roundhous to Fuji. Animal clothesline to Kato and Doomsday Device ends it at 7:58. barely Decent. 1/2*. Nothing really impressive.


-Gourmete Cooking Tips with the bushwhackers. They sneezed snot wads in themashed potatoes!  Gene dressed as a whacker makes me laugh.


-Bossman Promo.


-Big Boss Man Vs. Earthquake (w/ Jimmy Hart):

This is from a toronto show. God i hate them two to rant. Stall Period. Lockup goes nowhere. WBF comment! bossman headlock. Quake goes for the haiir, but its too short. Bossman gets the boots to him and a slam by Quake. Bossman gives chase to Jimmy. Bossman gets 2 on a missd avalanche by Quake. Choke Hold by Big man. Bearhug and splash into the corner on Bossman. Stink Face!!!!!!! 10 years before Rikishi! Both men exchange rights. Atomic Drop by Quaker Oats. Choke in the ropes. <snoring>. enziguri by Bossman. Series of clotheslines and quake is tied in the ropes. Fatelbow by Quake gets the 3 at 10:03. Shitty -*. Duggan saves Bossman from a beating. Oh wait, its Tugboat. No wonder he got cheered.


-Big Boss Man Vs. Bobby "the Brain Heenan:

Oh boy. This is gonna be funny. Heenan has his watch on i think. He comes out with a Hulk Hogan doll. He trys apologizing to Bossman for his comments to his momma but it doesnt work. Bossman trys smothering him with the doll and Heenan hits him with the microphone. Bossman fights back and nails him a few time swith the nightstick before pinning him at 0:31. DUD. Haku attacks bossman but he gets beatdown and handcuffed to Heenan. Now Perfect come sout and saves them but gets whooped himself.


-Big Boss Man Vs. Barbarian:

This match is EVEN WORSE then bossman/Quake. Bossman pins Barbarian after reversing a rteversed sunset flip with a victory roll at 11:16. Dull match, and not even watchable. -***. 1 match to go i think. Haku & Barbarian lay the smack down on him after the match.


-WWF-Championship Match:

Ultimate Warrior © Vs. Sgt. Slaughter (w/ Gen. Adnan):

Pre-royal Rumble cause Warriors still champion. this is from superstars of Wrestling. USA chants break out. Eye rake by Slaughter and he hammers Warrior with botts and punches. Warrior eats buckle but comes back with a knee lift and punch sends Slaughter out and over. Slingshot back in and a huptoss followed a body slam and another hip toss. slaughter bump to the floor. double noggin knocker to both Adnan & Sarge. Knife Edges by Warrior. Warrior misses a charge and spills to the outside. He gets rammed into the time keepers table several times. Slaughter with some boots and punches to the chest. More punches by Slaughter. Back drop by Warrior turns the tide. Slaughter bump again and gets clotheslined to the buckle. double clothesline puts both men down. Neckbreaker by Slaughter gets 2. Backbreaker gets another 2. Elbows to the back and Camel Clutch by Sgt. Warriors feet are "in the ropes" and ref breaks it. Warrior no sells and gets the three clotheslines, shoulder tackle and big splash to retain the title at 9:26. Slaughter kicks out 1/10 second after 3. 1/4*. Very lacking match to end the tape.


-Thats supertape Vol. 4. Bad series of Bossman matches, but everything else is watchable.


thumbs in the middle.

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Guest nWoScorpion

No one wiseass. Remember, i know where you live. lol, just kidding.

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