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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Hey, I just remembered something

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    Jones, Lindsay.  "Man Decapitated While Fleeing Police."

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution  16 February 2003

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First, of course, the usual reaffirmation that I generally have no problems with stuff like this and even can laugh at some of them


But goddamn the maggot-brain one gave me the shivers (and paranoia of an itchy scalp)... first off, how do you let something like that infest you for so long? Now, maybe I could understand some third world person who may not have enough strength to fight off even insects (if they even know), but beyond that there's really no excuse... if you're brain is full of maggots you'd better have been dead for a good while.


And how do you take care of a problem like that anyway? When that happens to animals, we usually put them out of their misery.


As for the decap pic, I had a good laugh, but something's telling me it's fake too. The position of the body just doesn't seem to match at all with the position of the head (unless they moved the body pre-photos, naughty cops). For the position of the head, I'd think the body would be chest down behind the head with legs away from the head, not chest up in front of it with legs towards the head.

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