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The Mandarin

WWSMD- What would SmartMark do?- Volume 1

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I'll provide you with the scenario, you tell me how you'd do it. Simple as that.


At the next pay-per-view, you're going to be holding a match between your heel World Heavyweight Champion, and the number one contender, a popular "upper-midcarder" who's finally getting his shot at Heavyweight Gold. If you were doing it on the RAW side, picture Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam, or on the SmackDown side, Brock Lesnar vs. Eddie Guerrero. You have four brand-shows before your pay-per-view, and a limit of three segments per show. Your challenger, while ready for the big-time, looks slightly weak compared to your champion. How would YOU build up the challenger in time for the pay-per-view?


Possible ideas:

Champion gets fluke non-title and tag-team victories.

Challenger gets the upper-hand on the champion on all the build-up shows

Challenger gets buried, and promptly loses at the Pay-Per-View.


What would you, the SmartMark, do in this scenario?

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Show #1

-Challenger and Champion have a backstage confrontation but don't come to blows

-Challenger wins his match convincingly and cuts a promo on the match


Show #2

-Champion comes out and cuts a promo on the challenger. Challenger walks out and they have a deuling promo, tag match set up later.

-Tag match happens, ends as all 4 men begin brawling. Challenger manages to hit the champion's partner with his finisher but eats the champion's finisher.


Show #3

-Challenger cuts a promo for the match and the attack from last show

-Challenger wins his match but gets blindsided by the champion. Champion tries for his finisher but Challenger counters it and hits the champion with his own finisher


Show #4

-Another deuling promo to open the show

-Champion defends his Title, winning easily over somebody. Challenger comes out and the two men slug it out in the ring as the show fades out with neither man really getting an advantage(Think HBK/Jannetty's brawl upon Jannetty's entrance in the 94 Rumble)

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This is assuming the match hasn't yet been announced. I'll do Lesnar/Eddy. And yes, I am keeping this realistic.


Show #1

-Lesnar and Vince McMahon are backstage. Lesnar has his belt on his shoulder. Torrie opens the door and says that "Sable is hurt", so Vince and Brock run off, with Brock putting down his belt before they leave. Torrie goes with them. As the three run off, the camera pans around and we see Eddie Guerrero, puzzled, looking on. He pokes his head into the locker room and sees the belt lying there. He grabs it (along with a wad of cash from Brocks bag) and runs off.

-Vince and Brock tend to Sable who is lying on the ground in pain. Vince asks somebody who did this, and the guy says "Hardcore Holly" (makes sense because Brock and Holly are feuding; Brock is aligned with Sable). Vince tells Brock that next week, it will be Brock vs Holly in a hardcore match.

-Brock returns to his locker room and sees his belt missing at the end of the show.


Show 2:

-Eddie and Chavo are backstage. Eddie has the belt around his waist and says "What can I say, I lie, I cheat, I STEAL". Eddie leaves the room and walks right into Brock, who yells at Eddie and beats the shit out of him, screaming for his belt back. Brock takes back the belt and walks off, leaving Eddie hurt on the floor.

-Brock beats Holly in the hardcore match. 15 minutes long, Brock wins by F5-ing Holly through a table. Holly gets dragged out by a series of refs.

-After a commercial break, Brock grabs the mic and says that he can beat anyone-Taker, Angle, Holly, Cena, Big Show, anyone. He issues an open challenge to anyone, and Chavo Guerrero walks on the ramp. Brock laughs it off until out of nowhere, he gets blindsided by Eddie, who ran in through the crowd. Eddie pounds on him and hits the frog splash. Show ends with Eddie holding the mic and saying "I accept your challenge, holmes" and standing over Brock.


Show 3

-Vince and Brock are backstage. Vince is angry at Brock for issuing an open challenge-Brock shouldn't do things without Vince's permission. Brock walks off angry.

-In an interview segment, Vince says that Eddie can't just have a title shot, he has to earn it. There will be a four way match for the no.1 contendership tonight.

-Brock is on commentary for the match. Eddie faces Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, and Undertaker. Angle and Taker are eliminated after being counted out. Eddie goes for the frog splash on Benoit but Brock leaves commentary. Before Brock can do anything, Eddie jumps off the top rope with a plancha onto Brock. Eddie gets on the apron and Benoit tries to backdrop suplex him in, but Eddie lands on his feet and hits the rolling verticals. Brock climbs into the ring but Eddie backdrops him and dropkicks him out of the ring. Eddie wins with the frog splash.


Show 4

-Vince and Brock are arguing backstage; Vince is angry that Brock got embarassed last week. Brock blows up at Vince and pushes him down, saying that he doesn't need to be told what to do.

-In an interview segment, Vince says that since Brock thinks he can do it on his own, he will get a warm up match tonight-Brock vs Undertaker.

-Brock and Undertaker wrestle for 10 minutes until Vince runs out and hits Undertaker with a chair. Vince goes to shake Brock's hand but Brock gives him the F5. Brock then F5s Taker for the win. Brock celebrates and beats on Taker with the chair until Eddie runs out. Eddie and Brock brawl until Eddie gets the upper hand. Show closes with-you guessed it-frog splash on Brock.

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Guest ToddRoyal

Show #1:


#1 Contenders match between challenger and another upper mid-card face #2.


Fairly even match, challenger gets the advantage late, and finishes his opponent with a big move (but not his finisher) to get a clean win. Handshake between both guys after the match.


Following the match


Champion comes out to "congratulate" challenger and attacks him instead. Challenger gets an advantage breifly, but is exhausted from his match and is overcome. His opponent makes the save, and the faces run the champ off.


Show #2:


Challenger Vs. mid-card heel.


Competitive match, but challenger has the advantage for the majority of the bout. Challenger wins clean with his normal finisher.


Following the match


Challenger cuts a promo about how much the title means to him, and how long he has dreamed about being champion. Puts over the champion, but says that no one will stand in his way.


Champion vs. Upper mid-card face #2 from last week


Good, competitive match, but champion gets the advantage near the end, hitting his finish and pinning his opponent clean. He tries to hit it again, after the match, but is stopped by the challenger.


Show #3:


Opening promo


Champion comes out to start the show, saying he's tired of the challenger getting in his business. Says that plenty of people have tried to take his championship, and plenty of people have failed. Says he doesn't care about the challenger's "dreams' as he's crushed more dreams than he can count.


Tag Team Main Event


Challenger and Upper mid-card face #2 Vs. Champion and stablemate/friend/upper mid-card heel


Champion and challenger stay away from each other or most of the match, until Champion takes over on upper mid-card face #2 for the heat segment in the match. He makes the tag to the challenger, who works over the champ for a while. Match ends when Challenger pins champion's partner with the same move he won the contendership with. Champion leaves after the match, angry, but smiling and holding his title.


Show #4:


Opening Promo


Champion comes out and says he's had enough of the challenger. He says he's played along, signed for the title match, but the challenger is really starting to get on his nerves. Challenger comes out and says the title will be his after the PPV. Champion says he'll be lucky if he gets that far.


Main Event: Challenger Vs. Champion's partner.


Challenger gets the advantage near the end of the match, but is attacked by the champion. While his partner fights off the officials, champion beats on challenger. The challenger makes a comeback, but is put down when the champion gets a chair. The champ lays the challenger out, pounding on his neck and hitting a powerbomb onto the chair.




Champion Vs. Challenger


Challenger has the early advantage, but the champ gets the momentum back by attacking the injured neck. The challenger won't go down, and eventually gets back on offense. The challenger hits the same move he has been using to finish the past month, but the champ kicks out. The challenger's finish is blocked, and he hits a massive powerbomb...and the challenger kicks out. After a few more hope spots however, the champion hits his finish and gets the pin, escaping with his title.

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Guest InFlames

Show #1:


- Vince McMahon walks out to the ring and announces a four man Elimination No.1 Contenders match later in the night between Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, John Cena, and Kurt Angle.


- The four men are seen throughout the night cutting promos on how much the WWE Title means to them.


- Brock Lesnar is seen laughing with Vince McMahon, saying whoever wins the match may get a title shot, but they won't be able to defeat Brock.


- The match starts, and after about 10 minutes, Eddie Guerrero loses the match after being double teamed by Angle and Benoit. Guerrero is furious, but walks backstage. Angle and Benoit start to destroy Cena for a few minutes, but somehow Cena gains the force to double clothesline both men. Cena uses this advantage to throw Benoit out of the ring and start working on Angle, using all of his power moves. Benoit tries coming back in, but recieves a quick FU for his troubles. Angle gets up in a daze and recieves a FU as well. Cena pins Angle. Benoit and Cena are the only two men left. Both men fight for a good five minutes, allowing the match to run past twenty minutes. After many near falls, and each competitor using their finishers, Cena ends the match by locking in the Crippler Crossface on Benoit when Benoit tried to FU Cena.


- Brock Lesnar walks to the top of the entrance ramp as Cena gets up, tired as hell. Brock shouts out obscenties and discouraging words to Cena to end the show.


Show Two:


- Brock Lesnar comes out at the beginning of the show and brings up his and Cena's history from Backlash 2003. Cena comes out and tells him he has grown since then, and that he shouldn't think too highly of himself. Cena and Brock stare each other down as we go to a commercial break.


- Cena walks backstage and is confronted by Guerrero. Guerrero says it took two men to eliminate him last week, and that if Cena was a real man he would put up his No.1 Contendership later tonight and face him. Cena accepts.


- At the end of the night, the match starts with Guerrero getting quick offense. Cena battles back as the two go back and forth like this for a few minutes. Cena begins to gain an advantage, and after a few minutes, he sets Guerrero up for a F-5. Lesnar walks down out from backstage with a chair and stands at the top of the ramp as Cena forgets about Guerrero and starts shouting at Lesnar. Guerrero takes this oppurtunity to steal Cena's chain and hit him in the back of the head while the ref isn't looking. Lesnar laughs as the ref counts 1...2....CENA KICKS OUT. Guerrero, and Lesnar are shocked as Guerrero starts laying the boots on Cena. But Cena is now up on his knees and punching Guerrero in the gut. He gets up and Irish Whips Guerrero, Guerrero comes running from the ropes and Spinebustered. Cena lifts Guerrero up and delievers the FU for the win.


- After the match, Lesnar is quite pissed as he runs down with the chair. Lesnar swings at Cena, but Cena ducks and rolls under the ropes laughing. Lesnar is absolutely furious as the show ends.


Show #3:


- Lesnar, McMahon, and Guerrero are backstage as Lesnar and Guerrero are in a heated confrontation. McMahon settles everybody down by setting up a Lesnar/Guerrero vs. Cena/Benoit match later on.


- Benoit is walking backstage when he is attacked by a mystery person. (this will lead to a Benoit/??? match at the PPV)


- Cena is seen backstage asking McMahon for a new partner, but McMahon says it wouldn't be fair to allow Cena to have a new partner. But since he sort of feels sorry for Cena, he'll allow the match to be a No DQ match.


- The match starts up with Cena only getting momentary bursts of offense here and there. The match ends when Guerrero and Lesnar set Cena up for an F-5 through two chairs that are facing each other. Guerrero leaves the ring, as Lesnar continues to destroy Cena. But Cena fights back and hits Lesnar over the head with a chair. The show ends with a bloody Lesnar standing up on his own two feet looking more pissed as Cena laughs.


Show #4:


- Cena comes out and laughs how he might have lost the match last week, he got the better of Lesnar. Lesnar comes out and yells at Cena, completely losing his cool. This shows that Cena got under Lesnar's skin, and Lesnar promises to show Cena a beating he will never forget.


- John Cena vs. Big Show, the match is ended fairly quickly as Cena picks up the win in five minutes. No sign of Lesnar, which is strange.


- Cena walks backstage after the match and gets laid out by Lesnar. Who destroys Cena for five minutes, leaving him in a pool of his own blood.




- For the whole night, Lesnar gloats with McMahon on Cena not showing.


- At the end of the night, Lesnar comes out first because he thinks the match will end in a no showing. When Cena's music plays, Cena comes out with some bandages around his head and what not. Lesnar is shocked. The match lasts twenty-five minutes, and Cena wins clean.

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