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The Raw Review 11/16 - 11/22

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1993 – no show


November 21, 1994

Tatanka def. Chris Kanyon

Adam Bomb def. Jason Arndt

I.R.S. def. Matt Hardy

Razor Ramon NC Diesel


November 20, 1995

The 1-2-3 Kid def. Hakushi

Savio Vega NC Skip

Shawn Michaels NC Owen Hart


November 18, 1996

Steve Austin def. Mankind by DQ

Faarooq def. Savio Vega

Doug Furnas & Phil LeFon def. Bob Holly & Leif Cassidy


November 17, 1997

Jerry Lawler def. Marc Mero by DQ

Savio Vega & Miguel Perez Jr. NC Jesse James & Billy Gunn

Mini Nova, Mini Taurus, & Max Mini NC Tarantula, El Torito, & Battalion

Scott Taylor def. Eric Shelley

Dude Love def. Rocky Maivia by DQ


November 16, 1998

The New Age Outlaws & X-Pac def. Kurrgan, Golga, & Giant Silva

Val Venis def. Mark Henry

Goldust & Steve Blackman def. Jeff Jarrett & The Blue Blazer

Ken Shamrock NC The Big Bossman; IC Title Match

Gangrel & Edge def. Animal & Droz by count out

Steve Austin def. The Rock by DQ; WWF Title Match


November 22, 1999

The Hollys def. Mankind & Al Snow

Kurt Angle def. Mark Henry

Chris Jericho def. The Godfather

Edge & Christian def. The Dudley Boyz

X-Pac def. Jeff Hardy

The Big Show def. Kane by count out

Too Cool def. Val Venis & The British Bulldog by DQ

Test def Road Dogg; Special Referee, Shane McMahon

The Rock & Sock Connection def. The Big Bossman & Prince Albert

Triple H def. The Acolytes by DQ in a handicap match


November 20, 2000

The Dudley Boyz def. Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather by DQ; Tag Title Match

William Regal def. Hardcore Holly in hardcore match

The Rock & Chris Jericho def. Rikishi & Kane

Road Dogg, K-Kwik, & Billy Gunn def. Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, & Perry Saturn

Ivory def. Molly Holly; Women’s Title Match

The Undertaker def. Edge & Christian in a handicap match

Steve Austin def. Chris Benoit


November 19, 2001

Trish Stratus def. Lita; Women’s Title Match

The Dudley Boyz def. Rob Van Dam in a Handicap Tables Match

The Rock def. Kurt Angle; World Title Match

Kane def. Chris Jericho by DQ

William Regal def. Tazz


November 18, 2002

The Dudley Boyz def. Three Minute Warning & Rico

Lance Storm & William Regal def. Jeff Hardy & Tommy Dreamer

Victoria def. Stacy Keibler; Women’s Title Match

Christopher Nowinksi def. Al Snow in a School of Hard Knocks Match

Rob Van Dam def. Booker T and Chris Jericho (pinned) in a No-DQ Triple Threat Match

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
"November 20, 1995

The 1-2-3 Kid def. Hakushi

Savio Vega NC Skip

Shawn Michaels NC Owen Hart"


We all remember what happened there.

Yup. 1-2-3 Kid got his job back from summerslam 95.

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"Recap" by John Petrie of the Michaels/Hart match...sorry only one I could find. Damn those worked concussions after getting your ass kicked by nine guys in Syracuse are a bitch.




No decision. Referee stopped match. Match ends after Shawn Michaels knocks Owen over the top rope, then collapses in the center of the ring. Referee checks on Michaels, who is lying motionless on the mat. Owen keeps his distance, looking concerned and confers with Jim Cornette. McMahon enters ring. After commercial break, we see Michaels still down in the ring as attendants and medical personnel arrive. McMahon is shown looking very concerned as Lawler stands at ringside. Show goes off the air with Michaels still out on the mat. No commentary of any type is made for the last five minutes of the show. A few shots are taken of fans at ringside nearly in tears. Match itself had been quite good up to the end.

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