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The Dames

WWE Survivor Series 2003 Diatribe

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The RAW Elimination match was **** better than Trips/Goldberg? Man, blind hatred, it really can be limiting.

I think I've proven enough times that I don't rate based on any biases that I have Banky. The match was just boring...and nowhere near the Raw elimination match.



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I'll ask again, did HBK really bust his ass that much last night?

It was practically 1996 again with Michaels in the ring last night. Any doubt that was in my mind as to whether or not Michaels could still go was erased. Sadly, this just gives me higher expectations for his matches.



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Maybe I would think that it's blind hatred, but after rooting for Michaels during the RAW tag match after hating just about anything he's done since 1998

See, I don't get that. He's had two **** matches since returning (on a show where one **** per year from a non-cripple is rare) and he came back for the sole reason that he LOVES the business. I've enjoyed almost all his work since coming back.

Perhaps it's because I've just felt that him coming back last year simply wasn't necessary. I know he loves the business and seeing him show ass for the first time in a long time last night was great and reminded me of why he used to be my favorite wrestler from 1992 until he turned face.


I find his match with HHH from Summerslam '02 to be insanely overrated, because while it was a great brawl, I think some cut it a lot of slack just because everyone was expecting a carwreck going in.


His WM match with Jericho was arguably the best on the card, but the finish tainted it for me quite a bit, since the stage was set for Shawn to put Jericho over cleanly then and there, not several months later with controversy, to boot.


Last night was the first night I actually got behind Shawn since his glory days and it hit me later on that him eliminating Jericho didn't bother me in the least. The only negative was that he put over Orton, but then again, I guess that's how it should have been (not Orton going over per say, but rather, Shawn fighting the odds until the last moment and then falling short). I'm not a fan of either Shawn or Austin's, but I was hooked on the match and found myself enticed in a match for the first time in forever. That's something I've missed and it was also a wakeup call that I haven't been looking at the product with a blind hatred, because a truly engaging match and angle will turn me back into the nine-year-old mark I was once upon a time, regardless of who the participants are.


Watching Shawn battle it out against the odds last night, it was the first time since his return that he didn't look like a shell of his former self. Until then, his match with Jericho was the closest he had gotten to breaking that spell, but his performance yesterday finally did that.

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I'll ask again, did HBK really bust his ass that much last night?

It was practically 1996 again with Michaels in the ring last night. Any doubt that was in my mind as to whether or not Michaels could still go was erased. Sadly, this just gives me higher expectations for his matches.



Yeah, that is one downside about it.


Did he pop a bunch of pills or something? I thought he couldn't do that anymore.

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We now go to the back, where Josh Matthews is with Brock Lesnar. He asks him how he feels about losing to Team Lesnar



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"Evolution is a mystery... all the change that no one sees..."

Evolution is a mystery.

Pulling chains that no one sees.

God makes a fool of history.

Yesterdays too long ago.

Don't agree with what I know.

Tommorow ????? a place to be

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"Evolution is a mystery... all the change that no one sees..."

Evolution is a mystery.

Pulling chains that no one sees.

God makes a fool of history.

I think it's "Clock makes a fool of history"


Although seriously I have HCTP which goes about that far, rather clearly, and I still can't really figure out what the hell he's saying.


He also ACTUALLY SAYS "Evilution."

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes


I was marking out for HBK last night.


That should answer your question

Now that's scary.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
"Evolution is a mystery... all the change that no one sees..."

Evolution is a mystery.

Pulling chains that no one sees.

God makes a fool of history.

I think it's "Clock makes a fool of history"


Although seriously I have HCTP which goes about that far, rather clearly, and I still can't really figure out what the hell he's saying.


He also ACTUALLY SAYS "Evilution."

I'd say clock makes more sense than God since Evolution is about the passing of time.



I just make up the words when I sing it and mumble what makes no sense.

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Guest Choken One

I still can't understand how Dames doesn't know who Cuban is...


Don't you live in America jr?

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I re-watched the show again, and agree with most of the ratings...


...anyway, on the subject of the Buried Alive Match...the shovel looked too fake, minor hitch. Taker obviously pulled something on the truck to set off the explosion, minor hitch.


The fact we're supposed to believe that Taker is actually under that dirt without dying a slow, agonising death while Goldberg and HHH is going on...(insert anti-Goldberg joke here)...that really bothered me. I mean seriously...surely if Taker was really under the dirt, he'd have suffocated about half way through the main event. Yet the commentators were like 'That damn Kane, burying his brother alive...Taker's buried alive under all that dirt...


...anyway, time for the main event.' That was really ridiculous.

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