smh810 0 Report post Posted November 18, 2003 Hey guys I've lurked around the board for some time and I was intrigued by the fantasy booking so I'd thought I'd give it a shot. I'm gonna start from November 1992 after the Survivor Series (note: I am treating WCW as virtually non-existent) Important Storyline developments: Mr. Perfect has turned face and teamed with Randy Savage against Flair and Razor for Survivor Series. In December Heenan has vowed to recruit somebody to seek revenge on Mr. Perfect prompting speculation that Heenan would return full-time to managing. He announces on the first RAW in January that he won't but that he has brought in two men who will make their first appearance at the 1993 Royal Rumble. The Nasty Boys were screwed out of a shot to regain the Tag Team Titles by Jimmy Hart and have turned face. Also Natural Disasters have heat with the Headshrinkers for interfering in their match and costing them the Tag Titles Mart Jannetty comes back to seek revenge on Shawn Michaels for the Feb. Barber Shop incedent. Champs: WWF Champion- Bret Hart IC Champion- Shawn Michaels Tag Champs Money Inc. People Coming in: Steiners(f), Hollywood Blondes(h), Farrooq (minus the racist gimmick but is a heel), Yokozuna(h), Doink,(h) 2 Cold Scorpio (f) People leaving: Koko B.Ware, Repo Man January RR: 1. Steiners beat Beverly Brothers- 2. IC Match Shawn Michaels beats Marty Jannetty- Sherri leaves Shawn for Marty 3. WWF World Title Match Bret Hart beats Razor Ramon- Ric Flair tries to interfere in this match but is stopped by Mr. Perfect 4. Debut of Heenan's men Bobby Heenan before Luger is offically introduced challenges anyone in the back to come out and face these men in an impromptu match. Hacksaw Jim Duggan volunteers and Heenan introduces Duggan and the WWF to Lex Luger and Paul E. Dangerously Luger proceeds to squash Duggan in about 2 minutes and Dangerously cuts a promo warning Mr. Perfect in the future 5. Royal Rumble winner: Macho Man Randy Savage - Nasties and Money Inc eliminate each other and fight all the way to the backstage area, Perfect is eliminated by Ric Flair who is standing outside the ring after Perfect eliminates him late in the Rumble. Luger and Heyman watch and enjoy from the entrance ramp. Savage eliminates Yokozuna when he is clotheslined over the top rope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smh810 0 Report post Posted November 18, 2003 Storyline Developments: Late Jan-March 1993 Ric Flair challenges Perfect to a career match for WM9 which is one half of a double main event (the other match is Bret-Macho face vs.face for the belt) Luger and Dangerously says he should have the shot at Perfect in a March episode of Superstars and Flair tells them off. Luger is booked against Owen Hart In RAW in Feb. UT takes 3 banzai drops from Yokozuna and sits up setting up match at WM. British Bulldog returns from injury to feud with Razor Ramon match is set up at WM. Crush-Doink feud remains the same as it really happened. Nasties vs.Money Inc are finally booked in a blowoff match for the belts. WM 9 Steiners beat Hollywood Blondes- this match is great and steals the show for the undercard IC Title match Tatanka beats Shawn Michaels (via countout) Lex Luger beats Owen Hart- match is a squash Luger and Dangerously warn Mr. Perfect for later Razor Ramon beats British Bulldog Doink beats Crush- second Doink like the real match WWF Tag title match Nasty Boys beat Money Inc.- new champs Farooq beats 2 Cold Scorpio- tight grab Headshrinkers beat Natural Disasters- Disasters argue after the match break-up teasing begins Undertaker beats Yokozuna- DQ interence from Fuji who then is about to go up for the choke slam till Yoko throws salt into UT's eyes Yoko runs with the Undertaker (who is briefly stunned but quickly recovers) chasing after him WWF World Title Bret Hart beats the Macho Man- very good match with the face handshake afterwards Mr. Perfect beats Ric Flair- very good grueling match after the win Perfect is finally attacked by Lex Luger and Paul E. they beat on him for a while until Bret Hart makes the save Post WM aftermath: Paul E. warns of "plans" for Bret Hart and it is announced that at Mayday (which is a USA Network Clash of the Champions type event) Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect will face Luger and a "mystery opponent" in the main event. Yoko and Undertaker continue their feud, Jack Tunney rules that only one Doink is allowed in the WWF. Mayday 1. Tatanka beats Farrooq 2. Jerry Lawler beats Jim Duggan in the first KOTR qualifying match Lawler proclaims himself the real King of wrestling and this tournament shouldn't even happen Duggan leaves the company after the card 3. British Bulldog beats Razor Ramon 4. WWF IC Title Match Marty Jannetty beats Shawn Michaels 5. Undertaker beats Yokozuna- after the match Undertaker and Paul Bearer are hit with the urn and Yoko/Fuji take off with it 6. WWF Champion Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect vs. Lex Luger and ???- match starts out as a handicap back and forth match until Luger is about to be beaten and the mystery opponent turns out to be Vader! Vader squashes Hart with among other things a Vadersault. Paul E., Luger and Vader celebrate at the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smh810 0 Report post Posted November 19, 2003 (edited) May- June 1993 Storyline Developments: The week after Mayday Vader issues a challenge to Bret Hart at the KOTR. Hart accepts. Also finally the long-awaited match between Mr. Perfect and Lex Luger is signed. While the Undertaker is out of action Yoko starts to hear the UT theme after his matches which has him paranoid. Also the KOTR qualifying tournament starts while Jerry Lawler continuously cuts promos that he is the true "king of wrestling". Nasty Boys lose belts to the Headshrinkers (see below) Natural Disasters continue to have problems. Shoot development- Tag team Title match for KOTR is originally a re-match between Money Inc. and the Nasty Boys. However, Ted Dibiase has a bad back and can't wrestle at KOTR. At the same time, the Nasty Boys are in a contract dispute with the WWF as their contract is up and are asking for too much money. They are eventually let go by jobbing the titles to The Headshrinkers 3 days before KOTR. The tag title match is re-booked at KOTR as The Headsrinkers vs The Steiner Brothers. KOTR 1993 Quarterfinal matches Tatanka beats Doink Lawler beats Owen Hart- uses brass knuckles Bulldog beats Farrooq Razor Ramon beats Crush Tag Team Title Match Steiners beat Headshrinkers- new champs Semifinal Matches Jerry Lawler beats Tatanka (feet on the ropes) British Bulldog beats Razor WWF Intercontinental Title Match Shawn Michaels beats Marty Jannetty- debut of Diesel who interferes in the match Mr Perfect vs Lex Luger- DDQ very good match ends in total choas. both Luger and Perfect use chairs Heyman knocks down one referee intentionally another referee is knocked out by Luger via steel forearm "accidentally" they almost get into it in the backstage area but are seperated by the "suits." KOTR Final British Bulldog beats Jerry Lawler- however he is brutally attacked by Lawler after the match including using the spectre, the crown and multiple piledrivers. WWF World Title Match Bret Hart beats Vader- DQ after what happened earlier tonight as Paul E. tries to interfere while Bret puts Vader in the sharpshooter (he's on the apron) and the ref calls for the bell Vader falls outside of the ring in the meantime Bret pulls Paul E. in the ring and puts him in the sharpshooter Vader eventually comes to his managers aide but is once again beat down by Bret Bret Hart celebrates while Paul and Vader (especially Paul) limp away. New Wrestlers Coming In not already mentioned between June-Aug. 1993: The Patriot (f) Ludvig Borga (h) The Quebecers (h) Harlem Heat (f) Heavenly Bodies (h) The Lightning Kid (h) Storyline Developments: Due to the choas that ensued at the KOTR, Bret Hart and Vader are booked in a re-match at Summer Slam only this time the match is in a Steel Cage. The Mr. Perfect and Lex Luger feud is out of control as fights could break out any moment they are in the building therefore Jack Tunney has appointed a special referree for this match, the WWF is shocked when he appoints the recently retired Ric Flair. The British Bulldog- Jerry Lawler feud is also intensifying as on a July RAW Bulldog tries to attack Lawler in the announce booth they are seperated by the suits. A match is booked for Summer Slam. Undertaker continues to taunt Yokozuna in a late July RAW Fuji has enough and challenges UT to a casket match at SummerSlam, UT accepts the match over the PA system. In an upset, Owen Hart beats Razor Ramon for the No.1 contender spot for the IC title. Natural Disasters make up on Superstars. Heavenly Bodies come in proclaiming themselves to be the best Tag team in the World and challenge the Steiners. Doink tries to have "fun" with Razor Ramon but Razor doesn't like him. Summer Slam 1993 1. 2 Cold Scorpio beats The Lightning Kid- memorable high flying duel 2. WWF Tag Team Title Match Steiners beat Heavenly Bodies- after the match Hollywood Blondes cut a promo with Mean Gene saying how the Steiners are dodging them and that it is a disgrace that they aren't on the card for Summer Slam 3. Patriot beats Ted Dibiase- Dibiase's final match 4.The Quebecers beat Natural Disasters- Disasters break up after the match as Earthquake blames Typhoon for the loss and attacks him turning Earthquake heel 5. Razor Ramon beats Doink - this marks Razor's unofficial face turn as he has been getting increasing pops over the past few months 6. WWF Intercontinental Title Match Shawn Michaels beats Owen Hart 7. Undertaker beats Yokozuna in a casket match- after the match UT is attacked by Cactus Jack (the announcers don't know who he is at the time and think its a fan) who beats UT and runs away through the crowd. 8. Jerry Lawler beats British Bulldog- DQ Bulldog can't contain himself after he pins Lawler he continues to pound Lawler on the inside and outside of the ring and the referee reverses the decision 9.Ludvig Borga beats Marty Jannetty 10. Mr. Perfect beats Lex Luger (with Flair as referee)- Luger is close to pinning Perfect a few times but Perfect kicks out Luger complains and is eventually beaten. Perfect and Flair stare at each other as he leaves victorious WWF World Title Match 11. Bret Hart beats Vader- Hart cleanly escapes the cage Edited November 19, 2003 by smh810 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smh810 0 Report post Posted November 19, 2003 SS Aftermath and storyline development: Paul E. on Superstars demands that Ric Flair be at the September 13th RAW to give an explanation for not pinning Mr. Perfect. On that RAW, Ric Flair is there and Paul E. confronts him in the end, Flair attacks Heyman! Luger comes out to his rescue but Perfect then makes the save for Flair. Perfect and Flair stare at each other again but this time they shake hands and hug and the crowd goes nuts. The following week Flair is attacked by Vader and Perfect assists him to the backstage area. It is then announced that Ric Flair will come out of retirement to fight Vader at Octoberfest. Also announced is that Bret Hart will take on Lex Luger for the title British Bulldog is "fined" for his actions at SS while Lawler vows revenge. Cactus Jack attacks the Undertaker a second time on RAW and does the same hit and run routine through the crowd. Hollywood Blondes get their title shot against the Steiners at Octoberfest (another Clash of the Champions type event) Earthquake says he's proud not to carry around dead weight anymore. Ludvig Borga bitches about America. Shoot Development- Shawn Michaels is suspended for bad behavior and the Intercontinental title is vacated. A tournament is held on RAW with the finals at Octoberfest. Diesel does enter in the tournament Octoberfest 1. The Patriot beats Ludvig Borga 2. WWF Tag Team Title Match Hollywood Blondes beat Steiner Brothers- new champs 3. Earthquake beats Typhoon After the match Mean Gene interviews Flair who states he has a couple of surprises for Paul E. if he tries something funny 4. WWF Intercontinental Finals Razor Ramon beats Diesel 5. WWF World Title Match Bret Hart beats Lex Luger- Paul E. tries to interfere but Bret knocks him off the apron and turns around to put Lex in a sharpshooter 6. Ric Flair(w/Mr. Perfect) beats Vader - DQ Paul E. does attack Flair while he's attempting to put Vader in the figure four. Its 2 on 1 and Perfect runs halfway down the enterence ramp to signal to the back. Out come Arn Anderson and Barry Windham to make the save which signals the re-ermegence of The Four Horsemen (Flair, Perfect, Anderson, Windham) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smh810 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2003 Storyline Developments Oct.-Nov. 1993 A week after The Four Horsemen re-unite on RAW Arn and Barry Windham are cutting a promo with Mean Gene when suddenly the tag champs Hollywood Blondes show up to kiss the Horsemen's ass, later that night when Arn and Barry beat The Heavenly Bodies, the Hollywood Blondes show to supposedly congartulate them then Steve Austin pulls a sneak attack on them and hits them with the belts after they are beaten out comes Paul E. ton congratulate them and they officially join Paul E.'s dangerous alliance. The next week on Superstars Bret Hart is scheduled to have a title defense against Yokozuna to open the show but he is brutually attacked by The Dangerous Alliance and is Powerbombed and splahed on the floor by Vader. Hart does a strecher job. The main event at Survivor Series is now booked as The Four Horsemen will take on The Dangerous Alliance. Jerry Lawler makes the feud with the British Bulldog more personal as he attacks Owen Hart on RAW in October however Bulldog and Owen have a surprise for Lawler as Jim Neidhart returns to the WWF and attacks Lawler Bruce Hart is also willing and able as a match is booked between the Hart family against Lawler and his knights for the Survivor Series. The Cactus Jack-UT feud gets weirder as he is confronted by the Undertaker and all he says is "bang-bang" until people sneak up behind UT and he says look behind you and indeed people later revealed two weeks later as Hugh Morrus, Raven, along with Doink attack the Undertaker two weeks on RAW Cactus Jack challenges the Undertaker at Survivor Series Undertaker says he has a team of his own and he brings out Razor Ramon, and the LOD. This sets up their showdown for Survivor Series. Earthquake is now teamed with Yokozuna as The New Disasters Survivor Series shoot development: Jerry Lawler is charged with rape and is out of action indefinitely his spot in the Survivor Series is taken by Shawn Michaels. New Wrestlers Coming in: Steve Regal (h), Jeff Jarrett(h) (note: Jarrett's character is based on his 98-present persona) Wrestlers leaving: Typhoon Survivor Series Matches 1. 2 Cold Scorpio, Tatanka, Marty Jannetty, and the Patriot vs. The Lightning Kid, Farrooq, Ludvig Borga, Steve Regal- survivors: Ludvig Borga (final pin over Tatanka) 2. 8 Man Tag Team Survivor Series Quebecers, Headshrinkers, vs. Steiner Bros, Harlem Heat- survivors Harlem Heat (final pin Booker T on Jacques) 3. Misfits (Cactus Jack, Hugh Morrus, Raven, Doink) vs Takers Team (Undertaker, Razor Ramon, LOD) survivors- Undertaker ( final pin over Cactus Jack but Jack warns its not over) 4. Hart Family( Owen, Bruce, Jim "The Anvil", British Bulldog) vs. HBK(and the three knights)- survivors- Bruce, Anvil, Bulldog) (Note: Owen bitches and moans interrupting the Harts celebration and eventually leaves the ring on his own) 5. The Dangerous Alliance vs. The Four Horsemen survivors- Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair final pin: Perfect on Luger Dec 1993- Jan. 1994 storyline developments: In mid-December Bret Hart returns from injury to battle Vader for the WWF Title it is apparent that Hart is still hurt and Vader becomes the new WWF Champion. A week later on RAW Owen Hart questions if Bret ever really cared about his and Bulldog's problems with Jerry Lawler and he says that Bret was selfish and was too concered with Paul.E instead of worrying about his own family. Bret strongly denies this and appeals to Owen by recalling how it was always Owen's dream to tag with Bret and makes an offer for them them to be a tag team. Owen accepts and a Tag Title match is soon booked for the Royal Rumble with them and the Hollywood Blondes. Shawn Michaels starts walking around with a "bogus" IC title and says that Razor isn't the real champion. Nevertheless Michaels does enter in the Royal Rumble Manager updates- heels Paul E. Dangerously (Lex Luger, Vader, Hollywood Blondes) Jimmy Hart (returning from leave of absence) (Quebecers), Jim Cornette (Heavenly Bodies,) faces- Paul Bearer (undertaker) Royal Rumble 1994 1. Quebecers beat Harlem Heat- chairshot while Hart distracts the referee 2. Intercontinental Title Match Razor Ramon beats Cactus Jack- Misfits try to interfere but are singlehandedly manhandled by the Undertaker, Shawn and Diesel attack Razor after the match 3. WWF Tag Titles Match Hollywood Blondes beat Hart Bros.- Bret injures leg during the match and is pinned by Pillman Owen kicks Bret's leg out and berates him, then cuts promo with Mean Gene after the match 4. WWF World Title Match Vader beats Ric Flair 5 Royal Rumble winner- Mr. Perfect- eliminates Shawn Michaels to get the win. During the Rumble Cactus Jack eliminates the Undertaker and beats him with a chair all the way to the backstage area. Diesel eliminates 8 men in a row but is eliminated by Razor who gets revenge for attacking him earlier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smh810 0 Report post Posted November 27, 2003 Major Storyline Developments Feb-Mar 1994: Ric Flair vows to be in Mr. Perfect's corner as he fights Vader for the title at WM. At the Slammy Awards Hulk Hogan is the guest of honor and is given a lifetime achievement trophy for his contributions to the WWF. During Hogan's acceptance speech Paul E. interrupts and calls this ceremony a charade and trashes Hulk Hogan. As he continues to berate Hogan he approaches the stage with Lex Luger. Hogan then fights back and challenges Luger to a match at WM X. Luger and Paul E. are stunned but accept the challenge. Owen Hart continues to bitch about Bret and challenges him to a match at Wrestlemania. Bret repeatedly declines until Owen attacks him on RAW during Bret's match with Ludvig Borga he then accepets the match. Due to what happened at the Royal Rumble, a No DQ Falls Count Anywhere match is set up between Cactus Jack and the Undertaker at WM Horsemen Windham and Arn get their shot at the Hollywood Blondes for the Tag Titles Wrestlers coming in: Chris Benoit (h) Bob Holly (f) Smoking Gunns (f) Southern Justice (re-packaged Godwinns) (h) Jesse James (f) Shoot Developments: Jerry Lawler is cleared and returns to the WWF as an announcer WM X 1. Owen Hart beats Bret Hart - same as original) 2. 10 man tag match Marty Jannetty, 2 Cold Scorpio, Bob Holly, Smoking Gunns beat Lightning Kid, Jeff Jarrett, Ludvig Borga, Southern Justice 3. Undertaker beats Cactus Jack- tombstone on the aisle floor 4.Bulldog/Neidhart and Harlem Heat beat Quebecers and Headshrinkers 5. Raven beats Tatanka 6.WWF Tag Team Title Match Anderson/Windham beat Hollywood Blondes- new champs 7. Steve Regal beats The Patriot 8. IC Title Match Razor Ramon beats HBK in ladder match- same as original 9. Misfits (Doink and Hugh Morrus) beat LOD- LOD leaves company after the card 10. Special Grudge match Hulk Hogan beats Lex Luger 11. The Steiner Brothers beat the New Disasters 12. WWF World Title match Mr. Perfect beats Vader- after the match all the faces empty the locker room to congratulate Perfect Share this post Link to post Share on other sites