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Guest saturnmark4life

How would you sell the stunner?

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Guest saturnmark4life

KICK WHAM Straight up, then straight into a standing Flair flop. God i can't wait for Flair getting stunnered.

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Guest Austin3164life

I would sell the Stunner exactly like Kurt Angle.  Kick, wham, I stand up all stiff for about a second and a half, then I would fall flat on my back motionless.  I think it's a perfect selling because it looks like Angle really got stunned.....

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Guest caboose

I'd sell the stunner like HBK from WM14, with a slightly higher recoil before the fall.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I'd sell it like Curt Hennig sold that Hardy's move, by flying all the way outside of the ring.

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Guest crandamaniac
I wouldn't, just for a laugh.

Then all the smarks would kill you on the net

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Guest CED Ordonez

I'll go with AustinHHH4life and say Angle's selling of the Stunner would be my choice of taking it, complete with the glossy eyed expression.


But if I wanted to look funny, I'd do the dramatic Rock flipping oversell into funky convulsions just like Vince did one of the first times he took the Stunner.

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Guest The Fett

I would sell it the way The Rock did in his Cage Match against Austin on the Raw after Wrestlemania. Drop to my knees and just slowly fall flat on my face.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Fall on my back and then spasm my arms and legs for a second before going still.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Fall on my back and then spasm my arms and legs for a second before going still.

Is that you, D-Von?

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Guest muswp1

Kurt Angle's sell is the best.  Flopping like a fish is a little to dramatic for a finishing sell, especially when the Rock does it.

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Guest commish13
God i can't wait for Flair getting stunnered.


erm, he's been stunned twice now(though by the time of your post only once, but it still happened), and that's not how it went.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Commish, your avatar makes Brock look like a white Beetlejuice....LOL.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Is that you, D-Von?

D-Von got the stunner? When? Must have been when Austin returned and was Stunerring up the mid-card. If so, I wasn't paying attention because I was too busy wanting to kill my television over so much damned Austin interferance.

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Guest jaCko

I'd take the stunner like HBK, and sell it like the Rock, with the McMahon convulsions, and then I would blade like HHH at the 2K Royal Rumble.


I think Angle takes the stunner the best. You'd think Hall would be able to properly sell a stunner after all that practice.

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Guest commish13

JotW, he was just commenting on how D'von just convulsing after a move.

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I would sell like the rock (Ha that looks so gay). i would probably sell like Michaels or angle.

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I would pull a back flip right after taking it so that I could be in the worse sell thread.


'I think Angle takes the stunner the best. You'd think Hall would be able to properly sell a stunner after all that practice.'


I love the way that Hall sells it! Especially the last one at Wrestlemania. I almost died when I saw it.

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One that comes to mind is the WWF Title rematch on Raw after KOTR 98, Austin stunned Kane and although Kane didn't exactly do the Rock flop, his chin looked like it really did hit Austin's shoulder pretty hard, and his head recoiled sharply, and finally he came to rest on his back, motionless.  Though not a huge, jaw-dropping sell, the fact that this was the Big Red Machine, nearly undefeated at that point, struck completely motionless was impressive.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Angle does it beautifully. Has Stephanie ever got stunned? I guess she must have. I'd love to see her try and sell it.

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

[Has Stephanie ever got stunned? I guess she must have. I'd love to see her try and sell it. ]


Yup.  I think the RAW before last years No Way Out, as a message to The Game.  Pretty awful sell though.  She dropped to her knees and just flipped to the side.  Not at all keeping the McMahon Stunner tradtion of the oversell.  Especially considering it was a Stunner several months in the waiting.


Other intrestings sells are some of the earlier ones, like Jake Roberts at KOR who hit the knees and I think fell face first (alot of early stunners had the opponent fall face first and Austin rolled them over for the pin)



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Guest caboose

i've got a video clip of the first ever stunner, it was on savio vega, he sells it quite strangely.

he takes the stunner stumbling backwards, so the momentum has him springing back violently ala benoit.

but when he lands it looks like he's gonna go into the rocky flip. instead he lands flat backed and just kicks out his legs after landing(sort of like a D-Von convulsion).

it looks stupid.

there wasn't the kick to the gut either.

i know austin didn't add that for while, but when did the kick to the gut appear?

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If I recall correctly, the KICK WHAM part of the stunner didn't come into regular practice until about the time he first started stunnering (stunning?) non-wrestlers in the fall of 97.  (Ross, Lawler, Slaughter, Monsoon(?), leading up to the first one on Vince).  This was when he was out for a few months after Owen 3:16 said "I just broke your neck" [the coolest WWF t-shirt ever] and he had to get the medical release to wrestle (which Vince brought him to sign and after he signed we got the first Vince McStunner moment).

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